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PVP Mass Exodus: Give them a reason to return

My friends list is now suddenly half inactive with people last being logged into the game 4+ days ago. They’ve all gone to a new game and if that game successfully keeps their attention, there is little to no chance half my friends are coming back to play ESO.

ZOS... you need to give people a reason to play your game. There have been no announcements and no indication through years of content releases that brand new PVP content is going to be released. Without anything new to play, discover, or learn, then people have absolutely no incentive to come back to your game.

Are you going to release some new PVP content soon? If not, say goodbye forever to a large chunk to your long time player base.
Edited by Skoomah on 3 October 2021 11:11
  • Lady_Galadhiel
    Wait and see how long the people last in the new game,it just came out and it's the initial hype and being something new what keeps people playing it for now.
    I agree that PvP need some love,all about it, Cyrodiil, Battlegrounds and IC, making tests such as DM only bgs when releasing sets like DC isn't the greatest of ideas either.
    Total ESO playtime: 8325 hours
    ESO plus status: Cancelled
    ESO currently uninstalled.
  • _adhyffbjjjf12
    Skoomah wrote: »
    My friends list is now suddenly half inactive with people last being logged into the game 4+ days ago. They’ve all gone to a new game and if that game successfully keeps their attention, there is little to no chance half my friends are coming back to play ESO.

    ZOS... you need to give people a reason to play your game. There have been no announcements and no indication through years of content releases that brand new PVP content is going to be released. Without anything new to play, discover, or learn, then people have absolutely no incentive to come back to your game.

    Are you going to release some new PVP content soon? If not, say goodbye forever to a large chunk to your long time player base.

    rofl if you are referring to new world, its a new shiny game that is ultra shallow. There's nothing really to worry about there. Do however bring back my objective based BG ESO, that's why i've not been playing for the last week, i.e DM, DM,DM, DM, DM,Dm,Dm,Dm,Dm,Dm,Dm,.Dm for the rest of time does not appeal for obvious reasons.
  • AuraStorm43
    They aren’t adding anything until they figure out performance, heck they’ve removed sets for 3 months to try and fix the problems
  • _adhyffbjjjf12
    They aren’t adding anything until they figure out performance, heck they’ve removed sets for 3 months to try and fix the problems

    that's not why they temp removed objective based BG.
  • AuraStorm43
    They aren’t adding anything until they figure out performance, heck they’ve removed sets for 3 months to try and fix the problems

    that's not why they temp removed objective based BG.

    Mostly talking open world cyrodil, i honestly can’t defend that decision at all and don’t really understand that change
    Edited by AuraStorm43 on 3 October 2021 11:37
  • carly
    New World is geared towards PVP players, it's a different game to ESO so no surprise PVP players are trying it out. That being said, I'm PVE and I am also trying out NW. I'm not leaving ESO but I wanted a second game to play to add some diversity to my gaming experience and I'm quite enjoying it. I don't think one game can be 'all' to everyone, most that try end up failing.

    It's too early yet to see how New World will fare - as others have said 'it's new' so too early to panic but even if people do end up not coming back - that is expected given ESO's age.

  • SkaraMinoc
    I've hit a wall in ESO PvP where I'm having trouble finding a reason to play. There's no carrot to chase. Battlegrounds have always been my go-to but after 400+ deathmatch the excitement is wearing off.

    I need achievements with good rewards and a proper ranking system for me to get invested.
    PC NA
  • VaranisArano
    The only thing that's going to get me back to playing PVP 9+ hours a week like I used to is to fix Cyrodiil's performance.

    And unfortunately, that's the one thing ZOS apparently can't fix, so I don't expect I'll have a reason to return to my PVP heyday any time soon.
    Not coming back till they fix the servers.
  • BalticBlues
    Two things happened lately:
    1. ZOS killed skilled PvP with the new PvP Proc sets.
    2. New World came out.

    About New World, I am not worried much, it looks shallow to me.
    However, I wonder how ZOS wants to repair the mess it created with the latest PvP Proc sets.

  • Xandreia_
    I won't be back in pvp until dark convergence is gone and the lag is fixed.... so never...
    Two things happened lately:
    1. ZOS killed skilled PvP with the new PvP Proc sets.
    2. New World came out.

    About New World, I am not worried much, it looks shallow to me.
    However, I wonder how ZOS wants to repair the mess it created with the latest PvP Proc sets.

    I don’t think it was proc sets. It’s the lag, it’s skillz not firing off and disconnects.
  • BalticBlues
    I don’t think it was proc sets. It’s the lag, it’s skillz not firing off and disconnects.
    We always had the lag, not much has changed here.
    But lately, PvP is going down the drain:
    1st, PvP people got fed up about GETTING BOMBED left and right.
    2nd, PvP people got fed up not knowing if GEAR BONUSES are WORKING OR NOT.
    3rd and final nail, PvP people are fed up about GETTING DARK CONVERGED left and right.

    Dark Convergence, Hrothgar, Plaguebreaker etc. have become a PLAGUE in PVP.
    PvP got so bad with it, some of the very best ESO players said "RIP PVP".

    "The Ultimate Desaster when it comes to balancing"
    starting at 6:00, about Hrothgar at 7:10, result at 8:40:
    "Sets like Hrothgar have no counter [...] all skill is eliminated from the game"

    The new PvP Proc sets are worse than the Ball Groups they should prevent.
    ZOS decided to fight the pest with cholera.
    But now we have to handle both, the pest AND the cholera.
    Moreover, Ball Groups got even worse using the cholera themselves...

    I really wonder how ZOS wants to clean up this PvP Proc Plague recently created.

    Edited by BalticBlues on 3 October 2021 14:01
  • AuraStorm43
    Plaguebreak is just [Snip] design, i can tell ya most organized groups just stopped purging

    It went as far as “ball groups purge right?” in the design process, lol

    Personally i think there’s gotta be a point where that damage is capped, i’ve taken nearly 30k DC procs and i’ve seen 45k plaguebreak procs

    [Edited for bashing]
    Edited by ZOS_Volpe on 5 October 2021 15:44
    I don’t think it was proc sets. It’s the lag, it’s skillz not firing off and disconnects.
    We always had the lag, not much has changed here.
    But lately, PvP is going down the drain:
    1st, PvP people got fed up about GETTING BOMBED left and right.
    2nd, PvP people got fed up not knowing if GEAR BONUSES are WORKING OR NOT.
    3rd and final nail, PvP people are fed up about GETTING DARK CONVERGED left and right.

    Dark Convergence, Hrothgar, Plaguebreaker etc. have become a PLAGUE in PVP.
    PvP got so bad with it, some of the very best ESO players said "RIP PVP".

    "The Ultimate Desaster when it comes to balancing"
    starting at 6:00, about Hrothgar at 7:10, result at 8:40:
    "Sets like Hrothgar have no counter [...] all skill is eliminated from the game"

    The new PvP Proc sets are worse than the Ball Groups they should prevent.
    ZOS decided to fight the pest with cholera.
    But now we have to handle both, the pest AND the cholera.
    Moreover, Ball Groups got even worse using the cholera themselves...

    I really wonder how ZOS wants to clean up this PvP Proc Plague recently created.

    [snip] I have played since beta on PC NA. This guy is making a plug to go play New World lol. Is lag a problem in eso? yes. We’re ball groups a massive problem? Yes. Are specific sets too op? Yes. That doesn’t mean the game is dying. A lot of us are waiting in the shadows for them to fix/adjust. If they don’t then we won’t be back. But to say it’s dying??? Pffft. He wants to go to new world. So let him. [snip]

    [edited for rude/insulting comments]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on 1 November 2021 18:19
  • TequilaFire
    They should never have listened to the solo types that think there should be a no skill way to delete groups.
  • Celephantsylvius_Bornasfinmo
    I don’t think it was proc sets. It’s the lag, it’s skillz not firing off and disconnects.
    We always had the lag, not much has changed here.
    But lately, PvP is going down the drain:
    1st, PvP people got fed up about GETTING BOMBED left and right.
    2nd, PvP people got fed up not knowing if GEAR BONUSES are WORKING OR NOT.
    3rd and final nail, PvP people are fed up about GETTING DARK CONVERGED left and right.

    Dark Convergence, Hrothgar, Plaguebreaker etc. have become a PLAGUE in PVP.
    PvP got so bad with it, some of the very best ESO players said "RIP PVP".

    "The Ultimate Desaster when it comes to balancing"
    starting at 6:00, about Hrothgar at 7:10, result at 8:40:
    "Sets like Hrothgar have no counter [...] all skill is eliminated from the game"

    The new PvP Proc sets are worse than the Ball Groups they should prevent.
    ZOS decided to fight the pest with cholera.
    But now we have to handle both, the pest AND the cholera.
    Moreover, Ball Groups got even worse using the cholera themselves...

    I really wonder how ZOS wants to clean up this PvP Proc Plague recently created.

    [snip] I have played since beta on PC NA. This guy is making a plug to go play New World lol. Is lag a problem in eso? yes. We’re ball groups a massive problem? Yes. Are specific sets too op? Yes. That doesn’t mean the game is dying. A lot of us are waiting in the shadows for them to fix/adjust. If they don’t then we won’t be back. But to say it’s dying??? Pffft. He wants to go to new world. So let him. [snip]

    I don't find it particularly whiney. I think there are a lot of truths within that video/exposé.
    It is true that there haven't been substantial updates to Cyrodill over the years. We received the Volundrung (axed) and a few changes to how bridges work with some slight terrain changes, but that's it!

    Performance has been getting worse, the testing period during the year of performance was atrocious and was one of the first waves of guild disbands/non motivation and the introduction of the new proc sets has once again made people frustrated.

    It's only natural that these doubts and evidently existing problems come out when something new is proposed elsewhere.
    It could also be judged as a call out to our producer to finally watch and listen to their communities reactions to stale content, right?

    I don't care for comments about this is trash this isn't...end of the day other things exist, some aspects are better and some aren' with it and have more constructive comments, please :)

    [edited to remove quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on 1 November 2021 18:20
  • coop500
    New World is trash, once the new-ness wears off they'll be back. ESO has way too much content and different ways to play to be fully replaced by New World.
    Wishing for Lilmothiit race still! Or maybe Lilmothiit companion?
  • Tandor
    Skoomah wrote: »
    My friends list is now suddenly half inactive with people last being logged into the game 4+ days ago. They’ve all gone to a new game and if that game successfully keeps their attention, there is little to no chance half my friends are coming back to play ESO.

    ZOS... you need to give people a reason to play your game. There have been no announcements and no indication through years of content releases that brand new PVP content is going to be released. Without anything new to play, discover, or learn, then people have absolutely no incentive to come back to your game.

    Are you going to release some new PVP content soon? If not, say goodbye forever to a large chunk to your long time player base.

    I wouldn't worry about that other game, nor would I be worried about ZOS adding more PvP content to this one - why would they, and why would PvPers even want more content let alone be happy with it if they got it? What PvPers want is performance improvements in Cyrodiil, no more no less than that. Whether they get it or not who knows, but either way there's a good chance most of them will be back within a couple of months anyway.
  • Reverb
    Skoomah wrote: »
    My friends list is now suddenly half inactive with people last being logged into the game 4+ days ago. They’ve all gone to a new game and if that game successfully keeps their attention, there is little to no chance half my friends are coming back to play ESO.

    ZOS... you need to give people a reason to play your game. There have been no announcements and no indication through years of content releases that brand new PVP content is going to be released. Without anything new to play, discover, or learn, then people have absolutely no incentive to come back to your game.

    Are you going to release some new PVP content soon? If not, say goodbye forever to a large chunk to your long time player base.

    I imagine the huge guild drama the day before the release of a new pvp game probably didn’t help…

    But I’ve been so enjoying the game that shall not be named that I can’t imagine coming back to ESO for pvp. I logged in on Tuesday morning for trader bids and last night to restock my store and pull raffle entries into the spreadsheet. It felt like an old shoe that doesn’t fit anymore. I’d rather play eso than any other game, I just need Zeni to give me a reason to want to. Maybe I’ll give things a shot in six months when BG and Cyro are less imbalanced by dark convergence and 2 more major balance patches make all my builds obsolete again.
    Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. ~Friedrich Nietzsche
  • Elo106
    Not a surprise we dont get any pvp updates, they say they will make a pvp announcement on stream, at the end of stream we get a Treb emote, thats it. If PvP content updates are an emote or 2 and thats all we get for months/years, people will look for a game that offers more.

    Such a shame cause the combat is so good, you cant find anything close in any other game. If only we could get some sort of pvp content.

    If ranked arenas, BGs etc is too much to ask for give us atleast group vs group duels so we can organize content ourselves, but even thats too much to ask for, all we get is an emote.

    Really makes it look like they wanted to get rid of PvPers on purpose, but on the other hand we get a lot of set/skill balances with PvP in mind.

    So why dont we get any new PvP content?
  • NagualV
    The new game that is out will not attract most people who play pve in this game in my opinion.....

    It will attract a lot of veteran eso pvp players, however. Not all, of course, but it will pull people away, including myself. And I was someone who had posted on these forums that I would not make the switch to the new game because I love the Elder scrolls universe. Well....I was wrong about that.

    What to do to bring people back? I can only speak for myself, so for me, I would say endgame pvp is stale at this point. I dont really have anything additional to add to the things others have already said. At least for now, I'm done.
  • Jazraena
    Two things happened lately:
    1. ZOS killed skilled PvP with the new PvP Proc sets.
    2. New World came out.

    About New World, I am not worried much, it looks shallow to me.
    However, I wonder how ZOS wants to repair the mess it created with the latest PvP Proc sets.

    I dare say if sets like Dark Convergence 'killed skilled PvP' that particular fraction of the player base may not be as skilled as advertised.
  • Celephantsylvius_Bornasfinmo
    Jazraena wrote: »
    Two things happened lately:
    1. ZOS killed skilled PvP with the new PvP Proc sets.
    2. New World came out.

    About New World, I am not worried much, it looks shallow to me.
    However, I wonder how ZOS wants to repair the mess it created with the latest PvP Proc sets.

    I dare say if sets like Dark Convergence 'killed skilled PvP' that particular fraction of the player base may not be as skilled as advertised.

    Nah it's not that. Read up above before stopping on one comment.
    The proc sets are just another nail in the coffin in my opinion as they obviously knew it would be abusive for many.
    It's a big world with many different types.
  • LarsS
    There is a server withou procsets. 😁
    GM for The Daggerfall Authority EU PC
  • AuraStorm43
    LarsS wrote: »
    There is a server withou procsets. 😁
    Exactly, if proc sets are supposedly the big boogeyman causing all the problems, go play in ravenwatch
  • Jazraena
    Youyouz06 wrote: »
    Jazraena wrote: »
    Two things happened lately:
    1. ZOS killed skilled PvP with the new PvP Proc sets.
    2. New World came out.

    About New World, I am not worried much, it looks shallow to me.
    However, I wonder how ZOS wants to repair the mess it created with the latest PvP Proc sets.

    I dare say if sets like Dark Convergence 'killed skilled PvP' that particular fraction of the player base may not be as skilled as advertised.

    Nah it's not that. Read up above before stopping on one comment.
    The proc sets are just another nail in the coffin in my opinion as they obviously knew it would be abusive for many.
    It's a big world with many different types.

    I have read above. I have, however, responded to that specific claim, in that specific comment.

  • Celephantsylvius_Bornasfinmo
    Jazraena wrote: »
    Youyouz06 wrote: »
    Jazraena wrote: »
    Two things happened lately:
    1. ZOS killed skilled PvP with the new PvP Proc sets.
    2. New World came out.

    About New World, I am not worried much, it looks shallow to me.
    However, I wonder how ZOS wants to repair the mess it created with the latest PvP Proc sets.

    I dare say if sets like Dark Convergence 'killed skilled PvP' that particular fraction of the player base may not be as skilled as advertised.

    Nah it's not that. Read up above before stopping on one comment.
    The proc sets are just another nail in the coffin in my opinion as they obviously knew it would be abusive for many.
    It's a big world with many different types.

    I have read above. I have, however, responded to that specific claim, in that specific comment.

    No problem, matey.
    I just don't want people to think it's only 'these proc sets' that have made Cyrodiil an issue :)
  • Jazraena
    Hey, I agree. PvP has it's share of issues. I'm just not in agreement that DC is even a minor one, let alone the demon people make it out to be on the forum.
  • Vevvev
    The only thing that's going to get me back to playing PVP 9+ hours a week like I used to is to fix Cyrodiil's performance.

    And unfortunately, that's the one thing ZOS apparently can't fix, so I don't expect I'll have a reason to return to my PVP heyday any time soon.

    Same here. They fix that and I'll be happy to jump in and battle once more in Cyrodiil for hours on end.
    PC NA - Ceyanna Ashton - Breton Vampire MagDK
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