PS4 Extremely Frustrating Bugs After Today's Patch

  • TequilaFire
    Anyone else having trouble turning in crafting dailies needing to logout and back in getting the turn in crates to work?
  • phileunderx2
    Even getting daily quests done is a series of jumping through the hoops doing the right things to get quest completion even though you have done all the required steps.
    Dust smote I had to kill the boss 3 times and log out and back on to my character for this quest to complete.
    Is there nothing on ps4 eso that isn't broken?
  • Yellow_Monolith
    Madhojo wrote: »
    This thread now has over 1k more views than bought Zos posts pinned to the top of the main forums. This issue isn't going away anytime soon and I know a lot of people that have now cancelled there ESO plus sub.

    I am as well. This is such a ridiculous issue to be having in the first place but to think that there will not even be the slightest fix until possibly June is ludicrous.

    I have never seen such bad handling of a game ever in the last 20 years.
  • AnonomissX
    I am copy/pasting from a thread ZOS closed. I will edit...a bit...


    Someone chided that complaints about the craft bag as "Quality of life hinderances" and not much to go on about. Well, as a console player and ESO plus member for the better part of 6 1/2 years I say:


    Really? It's a feature we PAY EXTRA EVERY MONTH for! We are SPECIFICALLY NOT, repeat NOT getting what we PAID for! Time for access to the craft bag paid for but you cannot get time back. Also, the work arounds take a great deal of time and perseverance to get through, time I would like to have used to play the game with my friends...but now I need to have alone time to concentrate on pulling all the mats I need to sell. Do you have any IDEA how much extra time and nervous energy it takes?

    It's tedious, nerve-wracking and a great deal of WORK...why pay extra anymore when what you pay the extra FOR fails to work as advertised and expected?

    I am seeing that I could play the game with no ESO plus:

    1) I am done decorating my main house for now, so as long as I don't remove anything I'm fine.

    2) I can pay in-game gold and max my bank on several alts. I sell in the traders as I farm on my main, so not a problem.

    3) I already maxed out the chests and coffers you can buy, so I can clean out all the furnishings now, put them in storage houses and use them for storing my mats.

    4) I already purchased the zones I care about, I already dyed all my costumes, I don't care about Transmute crystals and 10% boost to experience right now...I don't find those benefits a trade-off for the immediate and almost constant aggravation of the craft bag interface not working + selling to merchants, selling in my trading guilds...not to mention the roster know what?

    ZOS, you got my money when I bought the digital copy of the game, and when I bought expansions, err, chapters, extra crowns, etc. You ALSO got my money for ESO plus and I am NOT getting easy access to the craft bag. I am going to cancel my ESO plus membership right before it renews and play without it, and I WILL NOT renew until you fix the craft bag, the selling to merchants, the selling in guild traders, and the roster bug.

    ALL of the bugs as above. I paid for my Xbox live membership so I can still play...I can still pull items from the bag just won't be able to put stuff in. I will sell in the guild trader as I am a major officer and financial supporter of my guild, but this has become too much like work and not my fun escape anymore. I will continue to do it but I sure will NOT pay YOU for the privilege.

    And there are long term consequences. Oh yeah, I won't be buying crowns, crates, costumes, pets, houses, furnishings, etc. ONLY the necessary plus and chapters you force new skills and content - like Transmutation and jewelry crafting with Summerset. Not one extra. Not ever again.

    3 billing cycles of charging for EXTRA content that doesn't work has permanently broke my trust with this company...and has permanently broken their EXTRA access to my wallet.
    Ebonheart Pact, Nord Templar/healer on NA Xbox server. My main toon WAS a tall and foxy redhead - now she has been gamma-irradiated and has green skin and black hair. 3 other characters I only use for writs. Can't be bothered to create multiple toons - EXCEPT now my WW is getting spooled up for Cyrodiil - Blood For The Pact! IRL cranky sometimes redhead chick at large in Las Vegas, NV
  • Rkindaleft

    They are selling a broken product, frankly, it's ludicrous. Their communication frankly isn't up to an acceptable standard. Bugs go unfixed, because why exactly? You can use the emergency patch sony allows and you choose not to, for reasons. Patches even for PC have to be planned and "booked" in advance, or "delayed" to accomodate Stadia (which, by the way, is NOT facing these issues, and google killed Stadia's game development studio.)

    Personally I started playing this game on PC at launch and have played this game on console since the delayed console launch. I stuck with it every since the beginning, where it had very mixed reviews and you had to pay a relatively pricey subscription just to play. Solid MMOs on console (specifically PS4/5) are quite limited (there's maybe 5 or 6 "big ones.") but that's not the reason I stick with it. Because in my opinion, when the game works, it's one of the best ones out there. Unfortunately on console, throughout it's lifespan the game has times where it doesn't work. It's simply one bug after another. It feels like you don't actually do any testing. Every single patch (almost WITHOUT fail) where you attempt to fix something you break something else. Crashing on Twins in vMoL has been around for years, yet we still encounter this regularly. I wouldn't mind if these issues were being actively worked on, but to decide to leave bugs in the game for months, years, because of "reasons" isn't very acceptable. I believe the response you gave to these specific bugs was actually quite nonchalent and rude, but that's not my point.

    [Edited for Discussing Moderator Action]
    Edited by ZOS_Mika on 6 May 2021 13:32 PlayStation NA. I upload parses and trial POVs sometimes.

    Tic Tacs Tormentor | Immortal Beemer | Gryphon Fart | Codslayer | Yawnbringer | Drainsbreaker
  • Rkindaleft
    I accidentally quoted myself instead of editing, mb.
    Edited by Rkindaleft on 6 May 2021 04:11 PlayStation NA. I upload parses and trial POVs sometimes.

    Tic Tacs Tormentor | Immortal Beemer | Gryphon Fart | Codslayer | Yawnbringer | Drainsbreaker
  • Wolfpaw
    Hey ZOS CP crash on exiting is still a thing...since Greymoor.
  • Yellow_Monolith
    Another day another bug. Can't take items out of my mail now lol
  • blkjag
    Can’t charge weapons after adjusting cp tree.
  • Avoranti
    Hey make sure you post new bugs in the bug section so at least it was reported properly. Going to post one myself regarding p2p trading bugging out.
  • Indigogo
    After going from bank to guild store a couple of times, I could no longer scroll any menu.
    It got better, when i tried to leave and port to another zone, i was no longer able to walk in a straight line. My toon could only move in jerky motions like there were invisible walls, till i could only spin in a circle. Had to reboot.

    I guess the "workaround" of having to reboot the whole thing worked so I shouldn't complain?
  • ApostateHobo
    Jesus what even is going on with the game on console anymore. Definitely time to take an extended break since now even quests and apparently walking are broken. Fix the damn game already zos this is unacceptable.
  • Sylianwe
    Could the OP, or perhaps a moderator, edit the title of this thread or merge similar threads to include Xbox? I've noticed some still think this is a PS4 only issue, whilst it isn't, Xbox is equally being affected.

    Thank you.
    Edited by Sylianwe on 12 May 2021 21:03
    The mind is a walled garden, even death can not touch the flowers blooming there 🌹
  • ThreeXB
    All of these amazing bugs, I'm looking forward to the Q4 dlc bugs already....2 weeks before the undaunted event like the last 3 years lol
  • Aerius_Sygale
    tzmsce wrote: »
    So you are saying that for console players a part of the game (that is mandatory for many) is not working, making the game basically unplayable and you wont even have a Chance to fix it for more than 40(!) days (not even guaranteeing that its fixed after that because of your history with such fixes in previous updates). While these players paid their full subscription fee for these 40 days?
    I am not a console player, but I sincerely hope you will give all of them at least a refund for their sub during this time.

    They absolutely should, but it is too long a span of time. They won't. Sure as heck not all of it, anyway. If anything, maybe consoles will get extra nice things in the Daily Rewards for June. Woohoo... >.>
    PS4/PS5, NA | PSN: AeriusSygale | Alliance War Rank 50 (Grand Overlord Grade 2) | CP: 2560+
  • Ingenon
    My concern is how ZOS is releasing major new features and fixing multiple serious bugs at the same time. In my experience this is risky. I am concerned we console players will end up with some bugs getting fixed, some new features working, and some new bugs.
  • Odovacar
    Ingenon wrote: »
    My concern is how ZOS is releasing major new features and fixing multiple serious bugs at the same time. In my experience this is risky. I am concerned we console players will end up with some bugs getting fixed, some new features working, and some new bugs.

    I agree. With the release of these useless companions I feel its only going to make things 10x worst. In addition, we cannot be hotfixed easily like PC so whatever is in store for us will likely have to wait like we are currently.
  • Grymharth
    First of all, I would like to invite all players to add more information about the bugs found during their own playtime in this post:

    That said, I have been a member of the closed beta test group, since March 2013, on another platform, the PC.

    What's been going on the PSN platform for months is ridiculous and I've never had any problems like this during the beta testing.
    There are too many glitches and with each patch, the game seems to get worse and worse.
    I believe anyone who has purchased a subscription has the right to play and expects it to work. Not only them, but if I pay for a service, I expect to have it.
    Nothing has been resolved so far. I don't know if any fixes were foreseen during the last update, but nothing seems to have changed. Please note that in this way, the game became unplayable.
    In particular, as I already highlighted in another post, the game economy is completely distorted, and it is difficult to find items and materials from the market.
    Maybe a solution is to go back to the previous patch while waiting for the next one?
    Dear Zenimax developers, why are you doing this to customers? This game is no longer in beta testing.
    I kindly ask: what do you plan to do to fix this mess and when?
    A clear reply will be really appreciated.
    Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible
  • allhailskippy
    Grymharth wrote: »
    A clear reply will be really appreciated.

    Based on historical responses this will not be forthcoming.

    We didn't even get an actual apology for this yet.
    Hireling Wanted! - An Elder Scrolls Tale
  • Alphawolf01A
    I'm willing to bet that from a "legal" standpoint, an apology could be viewed as an admission of guilt and they would be viewed as "liable".

    1.responsible by law; legally answerable.
    "the supplier of goods or services can become liable for breach of contract in a variety of ways"

    Since we are paying for a service (ESO+ - craftbag) and unable to "reasonably" access this service amongst other bugs and glitches, compounded by the amount of time that these services are affected.

    So a real apology probably won't happen until after (if ever) the update in June and that's assuming that it even gets fixed properly without breaking something else.
  • Malpheus_Prime
    If that's the case, it must ring true that one endears themselves to their customers through legal posture talk.
  • fastc6
    What's to say that hasn't already been said? They take days to respond here to complaints about a major bug. That response is to say that fixing the bug isn't their priority and they'll put out a fix for it in a month and a half. Oh, they do offer a PITA work-around so I guess that makes it okay.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno, I've been playing ESO for over 4 years. This one issue, the bug itself and the poor response from ZOS, could be the thing that drives me away. The statement ZOS released just does not make me feel that ZOS is concerned about me as a customer.
  • Grymharth
    I just reported other issues in the bug report section. So far I have listed 48 glitches, of which at least 3 are very serious and which make the game "unplayable". Others are glitches that have never been solved, some even date back to the time of the beta. Wow.
    Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible
  • Smitch_59
    Sub cancelled.
    By Azura, by Azura, by Azura!
  • FangOfTheTwoMoons
    It's crazy how Fallout 76 is actually running better on console than ESO.

    This is an actual serious issue. The game is unplayable for a lot of people and the devs are letting it vegetate for over a month. Why isn't anyone in the gaming community in general talking about this?
  • Grymharth
    What really worries me is the lack of clear answers from developers and moderators.
    As gamers, and let's not forget that we are also customers and as such we should be respected, we are taking nasty damage from this last bad patch. And the previous ones were not better too.
    We lost a whole day of play, and the Zenimax team, to apologise, wrote that they had decided to extend the event by a few days to everyone, even to all other platforms that do not have the same problems as PSN users.
    The whole day of play was economic damage for the subscribers.
    The inability to use the market normally is also damage to the game economy and guilds.
    Glitches slow down the gameplay experience and instead of relaxing players get stressed.
    Zenimax team: How do you plan to solve this fiasco, or rather, are you going to do it or not? Have you planned something for the PS users or in general you prefer to ignore the facts?
    I believe the last one is the answer.
    Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible
  • Hotdog_23
    Glad to see this thread is still alive and active. Not that it will make a difference in us having to wait until June 8th for a potential fix. At least it will be kept front and center that console players are not happy with the current disregard and poor service from ZOS on this matter.

    Side note I love how they listed work around as if it’s something they did when in fact it was the community here that listed the work arounds and put them on the forums to help others. They didn’t even give people credit for it. Just took it as they’re own work as if they did it to help us.

    Stay safe and enjoy the journey 😊

    PS. ZOS stop the micromanagement of the green tree 🥺
  • Rikkadir
    It's crazy how Fallout 76 is actually running better on console than ESO.

    This is an actual serious issue. The game is unplayable for a lot of people and the devs are letting it vegetate for over a month. Why isn't anyone in the gaming community in general talking about this?

    I don't know whether to buy Atoms, or Silver for Destiny 2 Season 14, 11th May, 2021.
    At least they both run perfectly.
  • mobicera
    Rikkadir wrote: »
    It's crazy how Fallout 76 is actually running better on console than ESO.

    This is an actual serious issue. The game is unplayable for a lot of people and the devs are letting it vegetate for over a month. Why isn't anyone in the gaming community in general talking about this?

    I don't know whether to buy Atoms, or Silver for Destiny 2 Season 14, 11th May, 2021.
    At least they both run perfectly.

    Destiny 2.
    Working great and the new season is in a day 2.
  • Bobby_V_Rockit
    mobicera wrote: »
    Rikkadir wrote: »
    It's crazy how Fallout 76 is actually running better on console than ESO.

    This is an actual serious issue. The game is unplayable for a lot of people and the devs are letting it vegetate for over a month. Why isn't anyone in the gaming community in general talking about this?

    I don't know whether to buy Atoms, or Silver for Destiny 2 Season 14, 11th May, 2021.
    At least they both run perfectly.

    Destiny 2.
    Working great and the new season is in a day 2.

    Yeah, but Fallout is only two weeks into the new season. By playing honestly, I’m at scoreboard 52 out of 100 and we have till August to finish it. It’s only problem to me is the daily limits on currency and dungeon attenpts
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