lordrichter wrote: »
Housing is update 13...
This recap was only for Update 12. Housing is in Update 13, and Update 13 is the first update of 2017.By what the following statement says this was details from gamescon about the LAST update for 2016.
Why would they say last if there is another update after update 12?
"For the past few years, we've been working hard to improve and expand ESO by offering quarterly DLC game packs and game updates to our global community of more than seven million players. Now, we're excited to share some details from gamescom about our last game update of 2016, featuring One Tamriel."
Ok I see now it is slated for 1q17. I thought it was going to be implemented 4q16.
foossile-forum wrote: »i really hope the housing will be complete and interesting for the general gameplay.
I mean, no private zone, but a housing implemented in all Tamriel, with house, appartment, etc... found in every area.
And why not; chest for our equipment of course but with possibility (controled) of thieving, lock picking the main entrance, guard who can be hired, watch dog ?
There is so many good thing to do with the housing, no just for eyes ...
anitajoneb17_ESO wrote: »
Well... they can do *anything*, but not *everything*.
I'm confident housing will be great (just wary about potential "corwn-store-orientation"...).... but if you want a "perfect housin game"; go play Sims. This is Elder Scrolls. While housing will be a fantastic addition, the game shouldn't revolve around housing.
foossile-forum wrote: »
Of course not.
I agree with you, i just say that if the housing is like every mmo (except a few like Ultima Online), just a home that you can decorate, i think it's useless.