Not to mention that it sounds like the only thing you're guaranteed from the boxes is a mix of consumables... So one out of every how many boxes will even have a mount/pet/costume even if it's not the one you actually want? Will the boxes be themed so that you know you're gambling for a mount vs a costume? (my guess is probably not)
nimander99 wrote: »This is a massive frustration point for me. I have been advocating for something like One Tamriel since about a month into playing this game. Now that its coming they decided to toss in Gambling Boxes that appear to contain cosmetics that will only be attainable through buying large quantities of Gambling Boxes. (see Neverwinter)
My overwhelming excitement for Update 12 turned to ashes in my mouth.
I've purchased every cosmetic offered in the Crown Store, every - single - one. Including a sub that has never lapsed and I have outright bought every DLC.
Apparently that's not generating enough revenue so... Introducing a tacky gambling system!
This game isn't just some stand alone MMO. This is an Elder Scrolls MMO! It should be a step above the petty gambling carp you see in F2P games...
Yeah. The way it sounds is if you have the collectable you'll get Gems in return for it, and you can then outright purchase your desired item with the gems instead of continuing to gamble. So the system sounds like it's designed to reward people who missed out on older items without majorly punishing people who have purchased everything up until this point.
In the event you receive a mount, pet, costume or personality that you already own, you'll be awarded special Crown Gems in its place. These Gems can be used to purchase other collectible items from the current Crown Crate season that you'd prefer to have instead.
Yeah. The way it sounds is if you have the collectable you'll get Gems in return for it, and you can then outright purchase your desired item with the gems instead of continuing to gamble. So the system sounds like it's designed to reward people who missed out on older items without majorly punishing people who have purchased everything up until this point.
wenchmore420b14_ESO wrote: »But there is already gambling in the game.
How many have bought/sold AP or Tel Var stone to people? You buy the Consumable Container, but still RNG to what is in it.
But apples and oranges.. I agree, as long as it is just discontinued crowns items and not our "reward items", ok then.
I won't be buying any. Even though,.......I really wish I had got the "Chef's Outfit"..lmao
Entitled much?
No DLC? That's kinda sad.
wenchmore420b14_ESO wrote: »But there is already gambling in the game.
How many have bought/sold AP or Tel Var stone to people? You buy the Consumable Container, but still RNG to what is in it.
But apples and oranges.. I agree, as long as it is just discontinued crowns items and not our "reward items", ok then.
I won't be buying any. Even though,.......I really wish I had got the "Chef's Outfit"..lmao
Thealteregoroman wrote: »
Hmmm.....If im in the USA and you are in Russia and we are at war....I can fly to Russia or take a boat there......I wont be stopped by guards unless I break the law.........
whiteshadow711jppreub18_ESO wrote: »
If you believe that is completely true then you do not live in the real world. You would be most likely not be allowed in the country and maybe put in jail, if you weren't (like if you had some strong connections there), you would be followed and monitored very, very closely as a potential spy.
Now on the game side,
If a Khajiit from say Daggerfall Covenant, who fights for DC (or EP warrior) tried to go back to Elsweyr, more than likely you would be labeled a Renrij (Landless Scum), thrown in jail and would be more than likely, summarily executed for crimes against the people and for defying the Mane.
Suffice to say, any Non Dominion Khajiit that was found fighting for the enemy could never go home (to Elsweyr) again and if they did they would be killed if found out.
The problem with your analogy is that... they are not going to be 'found fighting'... players will simply arrive as just another traveler, nobody will know anything about where they've been fighting or for whom. You act like nobody in ancient Tamriel traveled around and yet, playing Cadwell's Silver/Gold, we find all different races in all different zones... mostly traveling merchants, etc... but they are still there.
whiteshadow711jppreub18_ESO wrote: »
and if say a AD Khajiit warrior came back from the war in Cyrodiil to like Rawl'Kha and saw a enemy he recognized (DC or EP) he would call the guards and have them arrested and so forth, this would happen on the other side as well in EP/DC territories for opposing enemies.
(let me state personally that I am not against Tamriel One happening, it's just that it doesn't make sense if you took it seriously, especially with a war going on in Cyrodiil......)
Darkonflare15 wrote: »
You know that plenty players are buying goods and stuff from enemy players since this game started. You know a player can have plenty characters from different alliances. There is the such thing as being realistic but this is a game.
DMuehlhausen wrote: »One Tamriel still a terrible idea. Allowing people to just jump to any content is just not how MMOs/RPGs really work.
DMuehlhausen wrote: »One Tamriel still a terrible idea. Allowing people to just jump to any content is just not how MMOs/RPGs really work.
Also when you are trying to have warring factions one second you are group with a person next you're trying to destroy each other. I get Guilds, and Friends lists, but for just any random person out there is lame. How are the guards of cities going to react? Can Aldmeri just walk into Ebonheart, or will they have to raise their faction through quests or killing mobs like in Everquest. You can't say oh look at the huge war then just let people of other factions walk in and out of enemy cities....
MythicEmperor wrote: »No. Please no. Please, God no. Crown crates...... please.... I beg of you Zenimax, do NOT do this. Please. Look, I missed out on the Frost horse as many others did. That does not mean I want to make its uniqueness void! If you buy a limited edition mount from ages gone, that shows that you are an older player and it generally makes you a badass. When everyone from Stonefalls to Auridon is riding it, however, it is not unique. There are MANY things I wouldn't have bought if I had know this would be coming. There are many things I will not buy because of this. I was among those who got the zombie horse and the mind-shriven skin. I only see these two things VERY rarely, and my character is unique because of this. In a month from now, everyone will look like Electro, and the rarity and uniqueness will be gone. Do you know what this means? You can never again sell a mount for 4k crowns. The price is the selling point for many people, mind you! I personally didn't get it, but if it was something I was interested in this gate would make the mount even more rare. I don't want a frost horse if it means everyone gets one. I think many who have played since the release or at least the release of the crown store can agree. Rant over.
Instead of 'gambling crates,' perhaps limited edition times should be brought back to crown store for same crown store price for which they were orig available at certain times of year or for special events.
This is such an incredibly good patch coming, why would you spoil it with such a heinous, disgusting system as gambling boxes? Why are you having "seasons" of gambling-exclusive items? Why are you changing the way that your loyal customers can support the game? We don't want to gamble at a chance for cosmetic items, we want to buy them in the same manner we always have. Gambling boxes are a stain on this otherwise remarkable game!!
nimander99 wrote: »This is a massive frustration point for me. I have been advocating for something like One Tamriel since about a month into playing this game. Now that its coming they decided to toss in Gambling Boxes that appear to contain cosmetics that will only be attainable through buying large quantities of Gambling Boxes. (see Neverwinter)
My overwhelming excitement for Update 12 turned to ashes in my mouth.
I've purchased every cosmetic offered in the Crown Store, every - single - one. Including a sub that has never lapsed and I have outright bought every DLC.
Apparently that's not generating enough revenue so... Introducing a tacky gambling system!
This game isn't just some stand alone MMO. This is an Elder Scrolls MMO! It should be a step above the petty gambling carp you see in F2P games...
Instead of 'gambling crates,' perhaps limited edition times should be brought back to crown store for same crown store price for which they were orig available at certain times of year or for special events.
whiteshadow711jppreub18_ESO wrote: »
I know, its just kinda wonks the story a little bit..
And there are those like me in the game, that are steadfast AD Alliance supporters (just as there are EP and DC players like that as well) and I only have characters who are AD and nothing but AD.
MythicEmperor wrote: »
No, that isn't my problem. I don't want them returning at ALL. "Limited time" should mean "Limited time". Otherwise they are lying to the consumer, and the items lose their rarity and appeal.