Official Discussion Thread for "Dark Brotherhood: First Look"

  • Smaxx
    Gargath wrote: »
    When playing Skyrim, one poison was used for 2 attacks, with much greater number of single attacks needed to kill enemy. It seems rather hard to use similar poison mechanics in ESO, without active pause to physically apply poison on weapon.

    Considering ESO's quick slot controls I could imagine them making it similar to what Dark Age of Camelot had:

    You could apply potions to weapons, which would be applied on the first successful hit only. The potion is gone and you'd have to reapply it.

    But doing so was pretty easy, since you could hotkey potion flasks just like any other item.

    First activation poisoned your main hand weapon, second activation poisoned your off-hand weapon (if any).

    As far as I remember you couldn't reapply potions during battles, but you could equip an extra weapon similar to ESO's second skill bar.

    While this sounds annoying and ineffective at first, such things make it a lot easier for them to implement stronger/more significant poitons. For example, DAoC had potions that would cut some casters' maximum health in half for several seconds.
  • MidnightBlue
    Instead of nerfing dungeons maybe they should add a feature in the game where players can tutor new or not so good players for a fee when grouped up.
    Edited by MidnightBlue on 21 April 2016 10:23
  • Metemsycosis
    Poison pots might be like soul gems used to power ze enchantments, except shorter term, and still affected by pot cool down. one vial equals a very limited x uses and cant be reapplied before cool down? The more dangerous the poison the fewer uses or something like that. (Uo)

    I wanna paralysis poison, for every arrow in the ole quiver

    And i wanna cause mass hysteria with a poison.

    Augment debuffs on opponent (you were snared 50 now its 59)

    And rid of the enemy's magicka and or stamina with a poison

    use a poison to cause blindness

    Or induce immediate and intense hallucination (think walter benjamin's imperial city vienna meets lewis carroll and that is def very db)



    I vote for character name changes too
    Terethea Magdalena, Breton Nightblade
    A Dark-Adapted Eye, Imperial Necromancer

    sanguinare vampiris
  • Blacksheepart
    Poison pots might be like soul gems used to power ze enchantments, except shorter term, and still affected by pot cool down. one vial equals a very limited x uses and cant be reapplied before cool down? The more dangerous the poison the fewer uses or something like that. (Uo)

    I wanna paralysis poison, for every arrow in the ole quiver

    And i wanna cause mass hysteria with a poison.

    Augment debuffs on opponent (you were snared 50 now its 59)

    And rid of the enemy's magicka and or stamina with a poison

    use a poison to cause blindness

    Or induce immediate and intense hallucination (think walter benjamin's imperial city vienna meets lewis carroll and that is def very db)



    I vote for character name changes too

    You're a bombard spammer aren't you....>.>

    I also think you should have to make or purchase your arrows like every other Elder Scrolls game, this would limit the arrow spam in PVP.
    Edited by Blacksheepart on 21 April 2016 11:26
    ★🕱 || Eelelia || 🕱★
    Tertiary Meat

  • Blacksheepart

    Well sorry but thats the breaks. There is plenty of PVP content dont like the big fights go to IC. People are not going to purchase a DLC which lets others kill them if they try to do anything. They learned a lesson lots of other studios learned years ago with IC. You wont be ganking newbs in DB zone.

    Why not implement a system where you can toggle a PVP 'flag' (of your flag is down you can't be attacked by players)as in join PVP open world or not and keep the open war in Cyrodiil; I bet this would help the lag issues quite a bit and not only that it would allow you to play and quest with friends from other factions when your flag is off.

    However I am so very excited for DB it was always my favorite in the Elder Scroll series. <3
    Edited by Blacksheepart on 21 April 2016 11:31
    ★🕱 || Eelelia || 🕱★
    Tertiary Meat

  • EsoRecon
    @ZOS_GinaBruno Will race change/barber shop be coming in the DB update?
    Xbox One [ NA ]
    Gamertag - Zyzz II Legacy
    Stam Sorc & Stam NB PvP
    (I'm Just Here To 1vX)
  • aubrey.baconb16_ESO
    Runs wrote: »
    Mostly looks good. I am super excited for poison. The character names on Xbox and PS4, I am hoping also is coming to Gamepad Mode on PC(Really sucks seeing @names in the group frame, but character name when someone chats in group currently).

    I am however bummed about the crafting bags though. Yes, I want them. Would rather have an option to purchase instead of renting. Or maybe just sell the 300 additional bank space in crown store or flat out in game for those of us that do not wish to rent forever. That is essentially what the crafting bags are, 300 slots(more if multiple double stacks). That's the kind of paid player advantage where some may feel justified leaving over.

    And before I get called out on the number 300... here is where it comes from, if anything I may be missing some items here too...

    50 provisioning
    9 weapon trait
    9 armor trait
    26 style
    3 style fragments(Glass, Orc, Dwemer)
    32 potency runes
    20 essence runes
    5 aspect runes
    20 BS Raw and Ignots
    4 BS Improvement tempers
    20 WW Rough and Sanded
    4 WW Improvement tempers
    20 BS Raw and Ignots
    4 BS Improvement tempers
    40 Clothing plants/hide and refined versions
    4 Clothing Improvement tannins
    18 Alchemy Reagents
    9 Alchemy Solvents

    297 if 1 stack of each...

    My understanding is that the craft bags are unlimited space but I have no reference to that comment.

    Who has only one stack of each?

    If the space isn't unlimited then it needs to be 999 minimum.
  • Destruent

    My understanding is that the craft bags are unlimited space but I have no reference to that comment.

    Who has only one stack of each?

    If the space isn't unlimited then it needs to be 999 minimum.

    I heard somewhere the crafting mats are stacking indefinetely. But i can't confirm it.
  • TheHsN
    ZOS_Finn wrote: »
    Hey Folks,

    Regarding White Gold Tower, Imperial City Prison and Veteran City of Ash: We have adjusted their balance down a bit. We hear the feedback and appreciate the passion for this content but, we were not happy with the difficulty to complete these and wanted to ease that burden. Those three dungeons are still not a walk in the park but they shouldn't be quite the roadblock they are now.

    RE Sanctum Ophidia: Loot has indeed been updated with the creation of Normal and Veteran modes. We have made some tweaks all around in the Trial but largely the mechanics stay relatively the same, just more difficult. We anticipate strategies will need to be adjusted to complete the Veteran mode of the Trial.

    i really dont understad why u are trying to sell old stuff...and people supposed to like it...I want new dungeons...playing with math with old stuff not my interest...
    Magicka SORC - PvE/PvP
    Stamina NB - PvE/PvP
    Magicka NB - PvE/PvP
    Magicka Templar - PvE
    Stamina Templar - PvP
    Magicka DK - PvE
    Stamina DK - PvE
  • Elsonso
    dethbl00ms wrote: »

    Could it perhaps be a mount? ;)

    It's a t-shirt. "My character went to the Gold Coast, and all I got was this t-shirt." :smile: It will be written in Ayleid.

    EsoRecon wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno Will race change/barber shop be coming in the DB update?

    My feeling is that they would have said so, if it was coming. It is a big enough feature to warrant a mention in a first look article.
    TheHsN wrote: »
    i really dont understad why u are trying to sell old stuff...and people supposed to like it...I want new dungeons...playing with math with old stuff not my interest...

    Just keep in mind that this update has them visiting all of the Veteran content to remove the Veteran Ranks from the game. While they do not say this, it is a fair bet that all of the dungeons, delves, and trials that are currently scaled for Veteran Ranks are being redone. My guess is that this is a lot of work for the Dungeon Team, and that is why new 4 man dungeons are off the table for this update.

    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    I assume they are going to make fighters guild not as deadly to vampire players but what changes are they doing to vampires?
    *Please add the fangs to them they need them*
    Don't worry, there are quite a few changes coming to Vampires as well!

    EsoRecon wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno Will race change/barber shop be coming in the DB update?
    No, Barbershop will not be in Dark Brotherhood but we are still working on it.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • nikolaj.lemcheb16_ESO
    Don't worry, there are quite a few changes coming to Vampires as well!

    No, Barbershop will not be in Dark Brotherhood but we are still working on it.

    Real fangs and a real bite animation instead of the stupid blood river and we don't worry about any other changes you make. :smiley:
  • zerosingularity
    No, Barbershop will not be in Dark Brotherhood but we are still working on it.

    I hope this doesn't mean we have to wait until the DLC after DB before we get it, since this is a needed feature that will be very popular.

    On another note, what is the time-table for the introduction of housing for non-Templars?

    Kaineth - Stamina Nightblade (Weakest Player Ever!)
    Elena Stormwood - Magicka Sorcerer (vMA no Death 12/21/15 Score 401148)
    Sheila Feyrondas - Magicka Dragonknight Tank (Frost staves are gonna be fun!)

    *Disclaimer* I fail at emotional communication, so assume what I say is NOT meant to be offensive.
  • ginoboehm
    @ZOS_GinaBruno i would love to have an answer because i wanted to craft new gear today. Is my vr16 gear obsolete with DB? I mean can i craft a more powerful for example Julianos with Dark Brotherhood?
  • Lord_Eomer
    Base Game Patch:

    1. Veteran System Removal
    2. Additional Character Slots
    3. Crafting Bags

    wow...epic changes, great game playing since last year and loving it :smile:
  • Ajaxandriel
    Additional Character Slots seems awsome ! But I'm a bit afraid thinking of what would be its price at Crown Store.

    An additional ESOTU account (bought at an online shop) costs 15€. 8 character slots within.
    This makes 1,87€ by slot this way.
    Given that 1€ in the Store is between 107 and 157 Crowns (depending on the chosen pack), I hope that the final Crown amount for each new Character slot will not exceed 100, or 200 :sweat:
    It would not be fine to still have to spread on multiple accounts while paying for an ESO Plus and mounts and so on...
    TESO:Triskelion - forum RP, guilde francophone
    Ajaxandriel - haut-elfe gardien 50 ;
    Altarya - haute-elfe templière 50 ;
    Angelith - elfe des bois gardienne 50 ;
    Antarius Scorpio - impérial chevalier-dragon 50 ;
    Artémidore de Corbeaulieu - bréton lame noire 50 ;
    Azothos Sadras - elfe noir sorcier 50 ;
    Celestras - haut-elfe sorcier 50 ;
    Diluviatar - elfe des mers sorcier 50 ;
    Dorguldun gro-Arash - orque sorcier 50 ;
    Hjarnar - nordique sorcier 50 ;
    Jendaya al-Gilane - rougegarde chevalier-dragon 50 ;
    Sabbathnazar Ullikummi - elfe noir chevalier-dragon 50 ;
    Selvaryn Virotès - elfe noire lame noire 50 ;
    Tahajmi - khajiit sorcière 50 ;
    Telernil - haut-elfe templier 50 ;
    Zadzadak - gobelin nécromancien 50 ;
    Zandoga - rougegarde chevalier-dragon 50
  • Elsonso
    Additional Character Slots seems awsome ! But I'm a bit afraid thinking of what would be its price at Crown Store.

    An additional ESOTU account (bought at an online shop) costs 15€. 8 character slots within.
    This makes 1,87€ by slot this way.
    Given that 1€ in the Store is between 107 and 157 Crowns (depending on the chosen pack), I hope that the final Crown amount for each new Character slot will not exceed 100, or 200 :sweat:
    It would not be fine to still have to spread on multiple accounts while paying for an ESO Plus and mounts and so on...

    How I expect they will read what you said: ESO costs US$60 and that means that each character slot, if that is why you are buying the game, is US$7.50 each. This means that I think we can expect character slots to be between 500 and 1000 Crowns each. I think it will be 1000 Crowns each, for the convenience that the second account does not have.
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Enodoc
    DaveMoeDee wrote: »
    That surprised me. Pretty sweet. Makes sense with DB. I wonder if DB skill line will include skills for improving poison making/usage.
    I would hope Poison Making would have its own skill line and you wouldn't be forced to join the Dark Brotherhood to improve it.
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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  • Kwivur
    ZOS_Finn wrote: »
    Hey Folks,

    Regarding White Gold Tower, Imperial City Prison and Veteran City of Ash: We have adjusted their balance down a bit. We hear the feedback and appreciate the passion for this content but, we were not happy with the difficulty to complete these and wanted to ease that burden. Those three dungeons are still not a walk in the park but they shouldn't be quite the roadblock they are now.

    I'm reporting this for not making any sense!! How many times are you going to nerf these dungeons? Who cares about the Altmer DK who, for some reason, needs 30k stam to accommodate his ice staff? The people who can't get through the content need to "Learn to Play" and not be catered to for their inability to build their toon. Also, Zos is not happy with the difficulty? I'm beginning to think you guys don't even know how to play your own game and to support these accusations; Watch Kyle play on the last ESO Live!!! He's your QA? It took him almost a full minute to kill a wasp!! Stop nerfing and stop listening to your QA..
    Edited by Kwivur on 21 April 2016 16:49
  • EsoRecon
    ginoboehm wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno i would love to have an answer because i wanted to craft new gear today. Is my vr16 gear obsolete with DB? I mean can i craft a more powerful for example Julianos with Dark Brotherhood?

    no duh
    Xbox One [ NA ]
    Gamertag - Zyzz II Legacy
    Stam Sorc & Stam NB PvP
    (I'm Just Here To 1vX)
  • Avidspark
    DaveMoeDee wrote: »

    Are you saying it would be better to not have poison crafting, even though plants already have negative traits?

    Noop, I'm saying, jewelry crafting would be better to have than poison crafting :D
    'Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.'
    T. Pratchett, 1948-2015 RIP, you are missed
  • Emma_Overload
    Magdalina wrote: »

    @ZOS_Finn, I realize my(and others') words change nothing are aware these dungeons are currently 2 mannable and (CoA, IC ones have mechanics preventing that from happening) even soloable? Yes, this is definitely not something most players do but it does go a long way to show just how NOT hard they are imo. You've already nerfed Ibomez and Planar. Please please please reconsider this. Like the ONLY reason for IC dungeon vet mode is the challenge. For those who don't like it there's normal mode. They can get very same sets there even but in v15(iirc. If I am wrong please correct me, I think I've only ran nonvet once so I might remember wrong). And they can buy the damn helmet off Cyro vendor now. What is the reason for yet another nerf? Just to make sure the remaining few of us who like challenging small group content don't stick around too long and bother you with our complaints and weird demand for new dungeons more than once a year(how dare we...)?

    You're really stretching with this argument. NOBODY wants to grind forever and ever just to get VR15 versions of Spell Power Cure or Scathing Mage or whatever.
  • Qeram

    Text chat will be added to the console ?
  • ButtersEP

    You're really stretching with this argument. NOBODY wants to grind forever and ever just to get VR15 versions of Spell Power Cure or Scathing Mage or whatever.

    If you cant do it as is then you do not deserve the VR 16 versions of that gear.

  • Kwivur

    You're really stretching with this argument. NOBODY wants to grind forever and ever just to get VR15 versions of Spell Power Cure or Scathing Mage or whatever.

    Who says you have to grind "forever and ever"? Get good and finish the dungeon.
  • Ajaxandriel
    How I expect they will read what you said: ESO costs US$60 and that means that each character slot, if that is why you are buying the game, is US$7.50 each. This means that I think we can expect character slots to be between 500 and 1000 Crowns each. I think it will be 1000 Crowns each, for the convenience that the second account does not have.
    You're right if they take into account how much we paid for the game in 2014, this increases the price of each individual slot... But hey we are in 2016 and i just found today that new ESO game is at 10€ on some site.
    If it were even 400, 500 crowns it'd be expensive - but okay. Compromise convenience/price.
    Yet 1000 crowns per slot is way too much - if it comes that high I'll definetely go for a new ESO account x)
    TESO:Triskelion - forum RP, guilde francophone
    Ajaxandriel - haut-elfe gardien 50 ;
    Altarya - haute-elfe templière 50 ;
    Angelith - elfe des bois gardienne 50 ;
    Antarius Scorpio - impérial chevalier-dragon 50 ;
    Artémidore de Corbeaulieu - bréton lame noire 50 ;
    Azothos Sadras - elfe noir sorcier 50 ;
    Celestras - haut-elfe sorcier 50 ;
    Diluviatar - elfe des mers sorcier 50 ;
    Dorguldun gro-Arash - orque sorcier 50 ;
    Hjarnar - nordique sorcier 50 ;
    Jendaya al-Gilane - rougegarde chevalier-dragon 50 ;
    Sabbathnazar Ullikummi - elfe noir chevalier-dragon 50 ;
    Selvaryn Virotès - elfe noire lame noire 50 ;
    Tahajmi - khajiit sorcière 50 ;
    Telernil - haut-elfe templier 50 ;
    Zadzadak - gobelin nécromancien 50 ;
    Zandoga - rougegarde chevalier-dragon 50
  • Septimus_Magna
    Poison-Making: could be interesting but will probably lead to easier burst kills.

    Improvements and adjustments to Item Traits: hopefully this will make now useless traits viable.

    Ongoing Cyrodiil performance improvements: we've heard this before..

    Sanctum Ophidia Trial scaling: great for end-game pve players.

    Balance improvements to combat and gameplay abilities including the Fighters Guild skill line, Vampires and stamina abilities: curious to see how this will turn out.

    New District capture system for Imperial City: hopefully this will improve pvp in IC because that would be great.
    PC - EU (AD)
    Septimus Mezar - Altmer Sorcerer
    Septimus Rulanir - Orsimer Templar
    Septimus Desmoru - Khajiit Necromancer
    Septimus Iroh - Dunmer Dragon Knight
    Septimus Thragar - Dunmer Nightblade
    Septimus Jah'zar - Khajiit Nightblade
    Septimus Nerox - Redguard Warden
    Septimus Ozurk - Orsimer Sorcerer
  • Enodoc
    Qeram wrote: »
    Text chat will be added to the console ?
    @Qeram Text chat for console was only recently announced. It's very unlikely that it will be ready for this update.
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
    Join us on Discord -
  • srfrogg23
    Don't worry, there are quite a few changes coming to Vampires as well!

    No, Barbershop will not be in Dark Brotherhood but we are still working on it.

    Please don't let the fangs look like Halloween decorations....
    Please don't let the fangs look like Halloween decorations....
    Please don't let the fangs look like Halloween decorations....
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    Poison-Making: could be interesting but will probably lead to easier burst kills.

    Improvements and adjustments to Item Traits: hopefully this will make now useless traits viable.

    Ongoing Cyrodiil performance improvements: we've heard this before..

    Sanctum Ophidia Trial scaling: great for end-game pve players.

    Balance improvements to combat and gameplay abilities including the Fighters Guild skill line, Vampires and stamina abilities: curious to see how this will turn out.

    New District capture system for Imperial City: hopefully this will improve pvp in IC because that would be great.

    We have heard it before because its "ongoing". Which means it continues. So of course we have heard it before. We will also hear it again. Its not something you go "Hmm ok flipped a switch and lag is fixed forever! We can work on more $25 mounts or $50 banking assistants now!! Yes!!".
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