ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Don't worry, there are quite a few changes coming to Vampires as well!
No, Barbershop will not be in Dark Brotherhood but we are still working on it.
Who says you have to grind "forever and ever"? Get good and finish the dungeon.
If you cant do it as is then you do not deserve the VR 16 versions of that gear.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Don't worry, there are quite a few changes coming to Vampires as well!
No, Barbershop will not be in Dark Brotherhood but we are still working on it.
Emma_Eunjung wrote: »
Can't do it... or can't find anyone to do it with them? It's MUCH easier to find a group for something like Spindleclutch (when it's a daily) than ICP or WGT. Even n00bs know by now that these dungeons are a huge pain for PUGs to get through, so they don't even bother queuing for them. I've waited for hours in the LFG tool and NEVER gotten a group for WGT.
jamesharv2005ub17_ESO wrote: »
We have heard it before because its "ongoing". Which means it continues. So of course we have heard it before. We will also hear it again. Its not something you go "Hmm ok flipped a switch and lag is fixed forever! We can work on more $25 mounts or $50 banking assistants now!! Yes!!".
What do you mean? Out of all the things that have been announced, Clockwork City was announced last. In order, the announcements were:GindralesDemnevanni wrote: »Where is the clockwork city?!?! The first was announced in front of all those extensions.
how meny crowns will the dlc cost for non plus members ?
So, not only are we not going to get any new 4-man content, they're also gonna hit vWGT and vICP with the nerfhammer?(Unless by "rebalancing", they mean "buffing", but somehow I doubt that's what they meant.)
4-person content is such a huge part of this game. It's a MMO, so why in blazes is there so much focus on solo questing in each update? And while I do enjoy running trials, most people in this game have a hard time getting together 12-person groups for that. But the 4-person content? That's fun group content (remember, this is a MMO!) that you can easily clobber together. And we haven't had any updates to 4-person content since the introduction of vICP and vWGT.
So, no new 4-person content. No updates or scaling to vDSA. And now, it looks like we're likely to see nerfs to the only two pieces of challenging 4-person content in the game. Please, no.
willklippsteinb14_ESO wrote: »
Well when your loosing the Vet levels, wouldn't we loose the 16 Attribute points as well? have fun beating vICP and vWGT with less stats then you currently have, I mean a lot of ppl cant complete the dungeons as is, so why leave them scaled to vr16 and down scale everyone to be a lvl 50, but this is just my take on loosing the vr lvls, so we get less HP and less magicka/stamina, would love to watch you beat a vr16 vWGT as a lvl 50 ^^
verenkutoja wrote: »Maybe also although I do not really play a 'straight arrow' character personally, it might be nice to see some lawful/good aligned quest lines instead of the stuff that have been kind of like 'questionable/criminal' like Dark Brotherhood and Thieves Guild before that? Maybe something centered around a lawful or good organization that the people who do play good characters could enjoy?
BlueThingys wrote: »@ZOS_GinaBruno, When are you guys (if at all) planning on fixing the constant disconnects in Orsinium? I have to walk to turn in writs, i can't sprint, use my horse at all, open my menu, etc... If i do get lucky enough to turn in my writs, then i am faced with 10-15 disconnects until i can get out of Orsinium.
you will get them while leveling from 1 to 50. ZOS stated already, that you won't loose anything compared to now.
So Nothing about making the Banker and The Merchant actually worth the 5k Crowns. Zos Plz let the Merchant Repair, and let the banker access the Guild store and Guild bank. They not really merchants or bankers in their Current state. They are Apprentices, you know the people you hire that you really don't trust so you give them Limited Access to their stuff. Sorry not gonna spend 5k Crowns for a Apprentice.
Balance improvements to combat and gameplay abilities including stamina abilities
Evasion: Casting this ability and its morphs now requires that you wear 5 pieces of Medium Armor.