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[Feedback] Vampirism is harmful to the game's PvP.

  • TheBull
    Bunk wrote: »
    Baphomet wrote: »
    Infinite Draining Swarm is so effective and desireable that there has been a huge influx of players who are building solely around them


    Also, Zenimax should probably make sure Vampire abilities actually WORK properly before nerfing them. They're broken in the most literal sense.
    this right here. Every single skill is broken. The inf bat swarm is a broken luxury for only a few vamps. Most of us just take 50% more fire damage. Seriously, no buffs no nothing but more fire damage.

    Elusive Mist - does not make immune to movement impairing effects.
    Poison Mist - ticks 3 times instead of 8...
    Drain - Works sometimes, plus no way of telling if the person has been drained "recently"
    Bat Swarm - Works correctly for 90% of the vamps. No infinite swarm.
    EVERY single stage buff - leaves on death, but the debuffs stays. 75% less health regain anyone?

    I have a broken toon until they fix this ***.
    Edited by TheBull on 28 April 2014 05:09
  • Kageki
    Vamp and werewolf should both be tweaked I think they add dynamic's into the game but also take away from it there needs to be a good balance of ability and passives
  • Sangeet
    I experienced yesterday my first day in cyrodil after finally hitting lvl 50 /Rank 1, and i found: 3x encounters where 1 vampire was killing groups of 15-30 people, they were not target able, and the mages just blinked away after they preyed on us. I had expert hunter and fightersguild fear undead slotted, but non of it, counterd that "fly over you" , before you even realized what was happening, the whole group was dead. This is undead kingdom:

    WTS Vampirebite 30k , now its clear what it meant, i have to reroll sorc.
  • ruzlb16_ESO
    LadyChaos wrote: »
    Vamps seem to escape me more than others, I just use fire to make sure when I catch up they hurt quickly, but I don't see a problem with them as a plague on PvP.

    I don't use fighter skills but I have maxed the passives. When I see a vamp hit the flank and start ganking I go right for them because my spec favors vamp kills. I don't have any stuns so if a buddy doesn't get one on them before I kill them, it turns into a bit of cat and mouse, and they do get away quite a bit more than I get away, but I don't see that as a problem in itself as I chose Damage/speed > CC, so it's not my job to stop them, just to kill them if I get close enough. I don't see it as a 1v1 game.

    This, basically. I'm having a field day at the moment. I've aimed for antivamp skills, so I'm all fire and FG stuff; I hunt them either alone or in a small group of 3-4. We're butchering them, full stop. The problem is, on my server those 3-4 of us are the only ones who have specced to counter vamps. Everyone else is still trying to zerg them, despite the fact that the whole point of the vamp build is to get into the middle of an enemy zerg.

    The OP talks about how PvP is currently becoming a game of one-trick ponies. One trick ponies are not a winning strategy or build unless your opponent fails to adjust to counter the one trick they can do. You need maybe 6 skill points out of over the 300 available to turn yourself into a vamp killing character, and you need to spread out. That is all. But no-one wants to spend the 6 skill points that would make the vamp vulnerable (much more important for your clothy frost-staff mage to dump those points into blacksmithing ><), and no-one is spreading out because we assume being alone is likely to get you ganked (though this is starting to change as people realise that stealthing near the enemy is a good idea, and running around on horseback is not).

    I'm guessing that, in 3-4 weeks, vamps will be a laughing stock in PvP once everyone is dealing 10% more damage to them from every ability they have automatically, and every zerg can pop 10 silver bolts and a negate into any vamp dumb enough to broadcast their condition with mistform or batswarm. Vamps were lucky enough that everyone looked at the FG line, decided that it wasn't worth having skills aimed at only undead, daedra and werewolves (since that's only, what, 75% of all the mobs in the game), and so discovered that no-one had a counter available for zerg-killer batswarm groups. That is all, move along and find a different target for the nerf QQ.

    Oh, and as to the suggestion that my mage needs to have his 15% ulti cost reduction passive removed because the much larger stage 4 vamp cost reduction is 'fine'... Nah. I kinda need the cheaper Null field ulti to counter those vamps, who would still be able to get the cost down to ~40 ultimate with out it.
  • TheBull
    LadyChaos wrote: »

    This, basically. I'm having a field day at the moment. I've aimed for antivamp skills, so I'm all fire and FG stuff; I hunt them either alone or in a small group of 3-4. We're butchering them, full stop. The problem is, on my server those 3-4 of us are the only ones who have specced to counter vamps. Everyone else is still trying to zerg them, despite the fact that the whole point of the vamp build is to get into the middle of an enemy zerg.
    90% of the Vamps you are butchering are like me. No buffs, no inf swarm, only debuffs.

    Most don't even know, that's the bad thing. I played for about four days after Vamp like "man I'm sure dying a lot. I need to play better." not knowing that NONE of my passive worked.

    I have to relog every time I die. It's game breaking and needs to be hot-fixed.
    Edited by TheBull on 28 April 2014 15:46
  • Gaudrath
    I'm guessing that, in 3-4 weeks, vamps will be a laughing stock in PvP once everyone is dealing 10% more damage to them from every ability they have automatically, and every zerg can pop 10 silver bolts...

    That's the problem right there. Why should anyone require 10 silver bolts and a negate to be killed? What, 10 critical charges is not good enough? Or 10 lighting bolts? Or 10 arrows?

    No single player, except maybe the emperor, should be allowed to even come close to require ten people having to dedicate their builds specifically to counter them. Them, who are still just one player. That's not even an alpha class/build, that's just plain stupid-level overpowered. No matter how you turn it, it is. In a game designed to allow freedom of choice, no build can be allowed to tower so much above others.
  • Neferath
    LadyChaos wrote: »
    Vamps seem to escape me more than others, I just use fire to make sure when I catch up they hurt quickly, but I don't see a problem with them as a plague on PvP.

    I don't use fighter skills but I have maxed the passives. When I see a vamp hit the flank and start ganking I go right for them because my spec favors vamp kills. I don't have any stuns so if a buddy doesn't get one on them before I kill them, it turns into a bit of cat and mouse, and they do get away quite a bit more than I get away, but I don't see that as a problem in itself as I chose Damage/speed > CC, so it's not my job to stop them, just to kill them if I get close enough. I don't see it as a 1v1 game.

    This, basically. I'm having a field day at the moment. I've aimed for antivamp skills, so I'm all fire and FG stuff; I hunt them either alone or in a small group of 3-4. We're butchering them, full stop. The problem is, on my server those 3-4 of us are the only ones who have specced to counter vamps. Everyone else is still trying to zerg them, despite the fact that the whole point of the vamp build is to get into the middle of an enemy zerg.

    The OP talks about how PvP is currently becoming a game of one-trick ponies. One trick ponies are not a winning strategy or build unless your opponent fails to adjust to counter the one trick they can do. You need maybe 6 skill points out of over the 300 available to turn yourself into a vamp killing character, and you need to spread out. That is all. But no-one wants to spend the 6 skill points that would make the vamp vulnerable (much more important for your clothy frost-staff mage to dump those points into blacksmithing ><), and no-one is spreading out because we assume being alone is likely to get you ganked (though this is starting to change as people realise that stealthing near the enemy is a good idea, and running around on horseback is not).

    I'm guessing that, in 3-4 weeks, vamps will be a laughing stock in PvP once everyone is dealing 10% more damage to them from every ability they have automatically, and every zerg can pop 10 silver bolts and a negate into any vamp dumb enough to broadcast their condition with mistform or batswarm. Vamps were lucky enough that everyone looked at the FG line, decided that it wasn't worth having skills aimed at only undead, daedra and werewolves (since that's only, what, 75% of all the mobs in the game), and so discovered that no-one had a counter available for zerg-killer batswarm groups. That is all, move along and find a different target for the nerf QQ.

    Oh, and as to the suggestion that my mage needs to have his 15% ulti cost reduction passive removed because the much larger stage 4 vamp cost reduction is 'fine'... Nah. I kinda need the cheaper Null field ulti to counter those vamps, who would still be able to get the cost down to ~40 ultimate with out it.

    Both of you, are totally right.

    Would you people stop trying to zerg vamps in melee rather than just to spread out and keep your distance while using fire dmg and silverbolts they wouldn't be that a problem at all. Failing to see this and to adapt is - i'll use your own words for that one -"just plain stupid-level underpowered brainwork".
  • Kyubi_3002b16_ESO
    Just let this darn post sink to the abyss we don't need the dev looking here... well actualy we do please do fix stage four so that it actualy work. remove akaviri set from the game as well as seducer and remove the emperor 200% reduction passive and 5% ulti cost reduction
    One bow to darken the sun
    One bow to unite the clans
    One bow to conquer the world and in darkness drown it...

    - Prophecy of the tyranny of the sun
  • Gaudrath
    Neferath wrote: »
    Would you people stop trying to zerg vamps in melee rather than just to spread out and keep your distance while using fire dmg and silverbolts they wouldn't be that a problem at all. Failing to see this and to adapt is - i'll use your own words for that one -"just plain stupid-level underpowered brainwork".

    Feeling smart today, are we? You totally missed my entire point. This whole debate is about game balance. The basic premise of ESO is build diversity. That's why we have ONLY four classes to choose from. We get to mix and match to our heart's content and we get to be relatively on the same level no matter which build we choose.

    That's the basic premise. The major selling point of this game, actually. And the game is largely designed with that in mind. Including situations where certain builds have advantage over some other builds, but are at the same time vulnerable to something else and so on.

    Now tell me, where in that do you see justification that ONE build should be so powerful it would actually require EVERYONE else to adapt/adopt to it or fail?

    We're talking about situations where ONE player demands adaptation from 30 players, all using different builds. That ONE build towers above all other builds so much that it starts to dictate gameplay choices to everyone else - and that's not broken?

    Please. Try harder.
  • Neferath
    Well if 30 People decide to throw cotton balls at a glas window and wonder why the heck it doesn't break, perhaps ... and only perhaps of course, it's not the window that is overpowerd but these 30 people should think again about what they are actually doing there.

    Please. Try softer.
  • Gaudrath
    Neferath wrote: »
    Well if 30 People decide to throw cotton balls at a glas window and wonder why the heck it doesn't break, perhaps ... and only perhaps of course, it's not the window that is overpowerd but these 30 people should think again about what they are actually doing there.

    Please. Try softer.

    Cotton balls? Ah, so this is Fighters Guild vs Bloodsuckers Online? I thought my bow skills could be used to some effect, I guess I was wrong. That mage over there with a fistful of fire? A fool. That warrior with a big axe? An even bigger fool.

    We should all be good little soldiers and slot silver bolts. Because our swords, and arrows and spells...? Cotton balls.

    Of course, even if we do slot silver bolts, we have to make sure that there are at least ten of us for each vampire overlord, don't we? And spread out! Come on lads, us 20 braves with our trusty silver bolts can surely take down that vile monster!

    Of course, when his 20 pals show up, teeth agleam, bats at the ready... we can spread out even more! No?
    Edited by Gaudrath on 28 April 2014 16:52
  • ruzlb16_ESO
    Gaudrath wrote: »
    That's the problem right there. Why should anyone require 10 silver bolts and a negate to be killed? What, 10 critical charges is not good enough? Or 10 lighting bolts? Or 10 arrows?

    In PvP, I have 2.7k health. How many times do you have to hit me with your main nuke to kill me...? Probably more times than you actually have mana for, so you'd be using the lesser skills... most of which need 10-15 hits to kill me. And I'm not a vampire.

    Thing is, you don't need 10 silver bolts to kill a vamp. You can do it with 3-4 with luck, and even if you put nothing into stam each player can fire it 3 times. 10 is a certain kill just from the general damage, let alone if one crits. Notice how the rest of my post details either solo-hunting, or in a group of 3 or 4 players. We have vamp hunting skills as part of our normal builds. So the fact that we're successful either alone or in a small group pretty much means your 'problem' is non-existent.

    As for 'dedicating their built specifically to kill vamps'.... yes, skill points are so incredibly rare in this game, I have barely 150 of them at VR3. It's not like I can't fight normal players because I have 8 points (just over 5% of my total number) in the FG tree. It has hardly effected me at all - I have all my class skills, I have all my Light Armour skills, I have a few points smattered in resto and destro staves, and I have a few points scattered in 3 different crafts. You're suggesting that putting about as many skill points as a single area's worth of skyshards into one tree is 'dedicating your entire build to it', or 1 person out of 24 using an ultimate that isn't about pure DPS (and an ultimate which, you'd be amazed to discover, works on all the other classes, not just vamps). Silver Bolt does decent damage to non-deadites too. I'm not gimping myself against non-vamps in any way whatsoever by having an AOE dispel+silence and a stamina nuke that hits for over 200 on the bar.
  • Gaudrath
    Gaudrath wrote: »
    That's the problem right there. Why should anyone require 10 silver bolts and a negate to be killed? What, 10 critical charges is not good enough? Or 10 lighting bolts? Or 10 arrows?

    In PvP, I have 2.7k health. How many times do you have to hit me with your main nuke to kill me...? Probably more times than you actually have mana for, so you'd be using the lesser skills... most of which need 10-15 hits to kill me. And I'm not a vampire.

    Thing is, you don't need 10 silver bolts to kill a vamp. You can do it with 3-4 with luck, and even if you put nothing into stam each player can fire it 3 times. 10 is a certain kill just from the general damage, let alone if one crits. Notice how the rest of my post details either solo-hunting, or in a group of 3 or 4 players. We have vamp hunting skills as part of our normal builds. So the fact that we're successful either alone or in a small group pretty much means your 'problem' is non-existent.

    You assume that you will catch that player alone and be able to focus-fire him at will. You won't. He will be hiding in his zerg, and you will notice him only when there are bats flying around you. He'll be the one to charge right into your main group. By the time your zerg realizes what's going on, some of them will already be dead. Others will have to spread out, while at the same time, he will be just fine and still going at it, requiring attention and everyone to reposition.

    And then his buddies will finish you off because he scattered your lines, drew all the attention to himself and left you wide open for a nice little rush.

    And that's just one player. Now do the math and imagine what will happen if you run into a zerg with ten such players.
    Of course, all of this is just theoretical, ZOS already fixed the bug that presumably allowed vampires to do this. We just need to wait for the live patch.
  • Trenith
    I play a DK Vamp...

    Can someone tell me where this "Ultimate Reduction" skill is? I have looked everywhere for it, I have respec'd more times then I can count, I can't find it. I can get my ulti cost down to 34 thats it...

    As far as them "fixing" ultimate cost reduction, I think they intended ultimate reduction to stack seeing as the new set coming in craglorn 5 piece is 15% ultimate cost reduction.

    Can people tell me why people have the need to be bad and then cry on forums about something?

    If you see a mist form'd bat - it can be countered, work on figuring it out rather then being bad, dying then crying about it.

    If you see someone coming at your with a swarm of bats or you hear it, try moving away then long ranging them.

    Stop being bad and learn to play people...
  • Thechemicals
    Trenith wrote: »
    I play a DK Vamp...

    Can someone tell me where this "Ultimate Reduction" skill is? I have looked everywhere for it, I have respec'd more times then I can count, I can't find it. I can get my ulti cost down to 34 thats it...

    As far as them "fixing" ultimate cost reduction, I think they intended ultimate reduction to stack seeing as the new set coming in craglorn 5 piece is 15% ultimate cost reduction.

    Can people tell me why people have the need to be bad and then cry on forums about something?

    If you see a mist form'd bat - it can be countered, work on figuring it out rather then being bad, dying then crying about it.

    If you see someone coming at your with a swarm of bats or you hear it, try moving away then long ranging them.

    Stop being bad and learn to play people...

    The Dragon knight set reduces ultimate by 20% which makes the swarm of bats cost 225. Every time you activate drain essence you get 15 ultimate in 3 seconds+ certain classes have ultimate passives like templars prism which give further ultimate. The sorcerer has a passive that reduces cooldown further 15%. Maybe you should read up.
    Vr14 Templar since release- dual resto
    Vr14 Dk bow/2h

    Brayan Blackthunder
    Daggerfall Covenant

  • Arreyanne
    Hodorius wrote: »
    OP is right!
    I dislike vamps for two reasons:

    1. There are so much of them that i was "forced" to skill Silver Bolts.
    I am a Bowman and now I have to use a Handcrossbow. Thank you Team Edward.

    2. Due to the lag we get here in the EU you cannot shoot at vamps spamming Mist ( <= that´s the german word for "droppings" ) Form.
    I am chasing that guy and hitting that Silver Bolts key like an idiot while aiming exactly at Edward hoping to get him... but no!
    He simply recasts it and thanks to our incredible ping of 200-1000ms I cant shoot at him.

    If there were only a few Edwards I wouldnt bother that much but there is not one fight without Team Edward having a big presence.

    SO since I think there are too many DK's they should be nerfed? or becoming a DK should has so many drawbacks that no one would even consider playing the class?

    Just asking cause that sure sounds like what you're saying
  • xMovingTarget
    Wolfs are broken anyway. Atm it doesnt even make sense to transform. Dmg gets lower compared to human form, that + on armor isnt noticable, better Ultimates.
    WW is just bad atm.
  • Ragnar_Lodbrok
    Baphomet wrote: »
    And this is coming from someone who has been PvP'ing in Elder Scrolls for 5 months, for what it's worth.

    I am fine that vampirism and lycanthropy are in game, and I definately do not blame people for wanting to go down these skill lines and enjoy the flavor that comes with them, but I have to express my concern with the direction I've seen the PvP take over the last couple of weeks.

    As more and more people are becoming vampires, the battlefields of Tamriel has slowly turned from a dynamic, strategic and intense place to a haze of mist, litterally speaking.

    As a dragonknight, I do not have a lot of trouble fighting vampires, but what really hurts me is that all the beautiful, diverse and complex strategies of the battlefield are slowly, but surely, turning into a place of "one trick ponies", all utilizing roughly the same strageties and tactics in game. The vampire abilities are slowly taking this game's PvP towards the lowest common denominator, and I think they already have proven themselves to be very harmful for the PvP environment.

    I don't have anything against vampire players and I am not trying to get in an easy jab at them here, but I am geniunely concerned about the direction PvP has taken in this game because of the abilities which come with this skill line.

    If the vampire skills were tweaked, I am not sure how the affcted people should be compensated, or if it would be necessary, but objectively speaking, I do hope that the devs realize and appreciate the negative impact they have on PvP as a whole.

    I am sure that many will disagree with my views here, but I have seen what this game can be and I am seeing what this game is going towards.

    Good thing Zenimax is balancing for pve and not PvP. Btw vamps are getting buffed.
  • Bramir
    Why do you all assume that vamps have to be viable in pvp, when in reality all you should need is your the rest of us. Oh wait...some people need a crutch...err and advantage...err...I'm trying to find a term that isn't insulting...but I'm failing...

    Seriously, why do people with vamp characters think they are entitled to major advantages?

    Vampire abilities should be a tweak to a character, and not their entire existence, and they should not be particularly effective in pvp unless their drawbacks are also severe.
  • wolfe26ub17_ESO
    Wow 3 Pages of - 'He has nukes but i don't want to develop missiles to stop his nukes so you should nerf his Nukes'.......... 'Oh but my nukes are only little nukes'

    Next it will be 'Oh too many people are choosing the fight guild add on to compliment their base class, it should be nerfed'

    While were at it how bout we dumb down the game so you don't even have to think about it and mash button.... or would could change combat to flip a coin heads you win tails you loose.... problem solved
  • Zintair
    While were at it how bout we dumb down the game so you don't even have to think about it and mash button....

    I was under the impression this is how DKs play. Well at least all that is required to play :)
    Zintair aka Primetime - VR14 - Guild Leader and PvP Dept Leader
  • codyyoungnub18_ESO
    Zintair wrote: »
    While were at it how bout we dumb down the game so you don't even have to think about it and mash button....

    I was under the impression this is how DKs play. Well at least all that is required to play :)

    Why Templars so mad? It's the Paladin thing huh.

    What makes DK Vamps so powerful btw? I didn't realize DK's had a ult reduction do they? ? The pbaoe root being OP is just silly though imo.
  • Zintair
    Zintair wrote: »
    While were at it how bout we dumb down the game so you don't even have to think about it and mash button....

    I was under the impression this is how DKs play. Well at least all that is required to play :)

    Why Templars so mad? It's the Paladin thing huh.

    What makes DK Vamps so powerful btw? I didn't realize DK's had a ult reduction do they? ? The pbaoe root being OP is just silly though imo.

    How did you guess I was a Templar lol? Besides I was just teasing the DKs out there. They are a REALLY easy and well synergized class to play.

    The only issue is Ult Cost Reduction on gear sets and being able to generate ultimate while it is active. Give a DR on Soft CC for your Root and I think DK are perfectly fine.
    Zintair aka Primetime - VR14 - Guild Leader and PvP Dept Leader
  • Utherix
    I was just playing on Auriel's Bow. It was hilarious: it was basically Vampires vs. Vampire Hunters. I was with some EP Vampire Hunters and we just ran around slaying AD vampires. It seemed like every other player we came across was a Vampire.

    It was mostly a fair fight besides some vampires who use a shield + bat swarm spam + mist form. They were hard pressed to kill anyone but it takes forever to kill them b/c mist form makes them invulnerable. It reminds me of Holy Shield from WoW Paladins, but has no cooldown.
  • Catches_the_Sun
    Issan wrote: »
    Agree strongly with the OP.
    It is simply no fun having a battlefield consisting of mist and bats and everybody else firing silver bolts.

    Completely agree. We jokingly refer to Cyrodiil as "Twilight Online". You have 2 choices to be viable in Cyrodiil, and those are Vampire or counter-Vampire with Silver Bolts, and I think that is exactly the point the OP is trying to make. I hardly ever see a Werewolf.

    Catches-the-Sun - Argonian Templar - Master Smith, Provisioner, Chemist & Tailor
    Valaren Arobone - Dunmer Flamewalker - Master Woodworker, Provisioner, Assassin
    Kazahad - Khajiiti Arcane Archer - Master Thief
    V'orkten - Redguard Swordmaster
    Finnvardr the Frenzied - Werewolf Berzerker
  • Zewks
    They should introduce a battle ground where faction doesnt matter, its just Hunters vs Vamps. You have to be one or the other to queue up for it.
  • Anilahation
    Bat swarm does 200 damage a second omg it hurts so much <_<
  • lao
    Trenith wrote: »
    I play a DK Vamp...

    Can someone tell me where this "Ultimate Reduction" skill is? I have looked everywhere for it, I have respec'd more times then I can count, I can't find it. I can get my ulti cost down to 34 thats it...

    As far as them "fixing" ultimate cost reduction, I think they intended ultimate reduction to stack seeing as the new set coming in craglorn 5 piece is 15% ultimate cost reduction.

    Can people tell me why people have the need to be bad and then cry on forums about something?

    If you see a mist form'd bat - it can be countered, work on figuring it out rather then being bad, dying then crying about it.

    If you see someone coming at your with a swarm of bats or you hear it, try moving away then long ranging them.

    Stop being bad and learn to play people...

    newsflash son: not knowing how ur own abilitys work and calling everyone bad makes u look like an idiot ^^ pls explain how ur gonna "move away" from mist form when ur in combat and cant mount up. and even if u manage to somehow get out of combat long enough to mount up he´s still faster than u for a while and can easily shoot you off ur mount again.

    and yes i am a vamp and yes i want it nerfed cos its OP.
  • lao
    Zintair wrote: »
    While were at it how bout we dumb down the game so you don't even have to think about it and mash button....

    I was under the impression this is how DKs play. Well at least all that is required to play :)

    Why Templars so mad? It's the Paladin thing huh.

    What makes DK Vamps so powerful btw? I didn't realize DK's had a ult reduction do they? ? The pbaoe root being OP is just silly though imo.

    its just the combinations of things. bat swarm alone doesnt kill ppl that fast neither does talons. the combination of both however is pretty reasonable dps. then u add good mitigation from heavy armor and permablocking with a shield while having the ability to do very reasonable single target dps on top of the dmg of talons+bats with deadly bash just makes for a very good package overall. then DK´s also have a couple of passives that just compliment that package extremely nice. such as battle roar, iron skin, burning heart and the likes. oh yea and then there is that little detail that DK´s come with alot of fire dmg by default which is very good vs other vamps.
  • Trenith
    Trenith wrote: »
    I play a DK Vamp...

    Can someone tell me where this "Ultimate Reduction" skill is? I have looked everywhere for it, I have respec'd more times then I can count, I can't find it. I can get my ulti cost down to 34 thats it...

    As far as them "fixing" ultimate cost reduction, I think they intended ultimate reduction to stack seeing as the new set coming in craglorn 5 piece is 15% ultimate cost reduction.

    Can people tell me why people have the need to be bad and then cry on forums about something?

    If you see a mist form'd bat - it can be countered, work on figuring it out rather then being bad, dying then crying about it.

    If you see someone coming at your with a swarm of bats or you hear it, try moving away then long ranging them.

    Stop being bad and learn to play people...

    The Dragon knight set reduces ultimate by 20% which makes the swarm of bats cost 225. Every time you activate drain essence you get 15 ultimate in 3 seconds+ certain classes have ultimate passives like templars prism which give further ultimate. The sorcerer has a passive that reduces cooldown further 15%. Maybe you should read up.

    Okay lets clear this up, the DRAGONS set, not the dragon knight set reduces ultimate cost. Every class can use that set, just because it is heavy armor doesn't make it dragon knights. So perhaps sir, you should read up.

    lao wrote: »

    newsflash son: not knowing how ur own abilitys work and calling everyone bad makes u look like an idiot ^^ pls explain how ur gonna "move away" from mist form when ur in combat and cant mount up. and even if u manage to somehow get out of combat long enough to mount up he´s still faster than u for a while and can easily shoot you off ur mount again.

    and yes i am a vamp and yes i want it nerfed cos its OP.

    I know my abilities and not a single one of our abilities we have reduces ultimate cost unlike the sorc. passive that reduces by 15%. So trying to tell me that we have a skill that reduces cost when in fact we do not, makes you look like the idiot. It is a the Dragons Set, not the dragon knights set as I said above. That set is not locked to one specific class or role.

    Here you guys go the secret to countering vamps in mist form...

    Ready for it?


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