ZOS plans concerning BALL GROUPS?

  • IamDestiny
    If you die to a ballgroup you most likely deserve it. Next time you see a smallscale at a resource and you think: this could really use sieges or my 50k hp healer, think twice. The delusional arrogance of zerglings is unmatched and encouraged by zos as they make it easier to zerg people down. All these players could easily form a ballgroup and run all of you down just to make a point.

    How about before we kill ballgroups we nerf sieges, pure healers & tanks, gankblades,


    The people in red are those who zos has been catering this game to for years now. There will never be build diversity in this game anymore because zos wants to keep the gap between good and bad players as small as possible. There is no incentive to get better at the game. Slowly over time zos took away tools for smallscale and solo players to survive zergs and play the game.

    Do i like ballgroups? No. Are they a necessary evil? Yes.

  • Tsuriel
    Again with the cherry picking and fact denial. If you want to attract new players into the PvP sphere Ballgroups need to be eliminated from the equation. The only thing they bring is lag, skill issues and especially discouragement for the new/casual players to even set a foot into PvP altogether as said and repeated through these 12 pages til now.

    How about before we kill ballgroups we nerf sieges, pure healers & tanks, gankblades,

    I agree on healing needing nerf but sieges can easily be countered/avoided, same applies to gankblades especially if you keep them out of stealth (Their burst dmg rely on stealth, same apply to bombers) and tanks can be ignored since they serve no use beyond luring players to focus on them.

    Ballgroup today ruin what little is left of PvP, chase newer players away and force those remaining to either avoid prime times, usually by going afk or find other means to enjoy PvP beyond Cyrodiil.
  • xFocused
    Tsuriel wrote: »
    Again with the cherry picking and fact denial. If you want to attract new players into the PvP sphere Ballgroups need to be eliminated from the equation. The only thing they bring is lag, skill issues and especially discouragement for the new/casual players to even set a foot into PvP altogether as said and repeated through these 12 pages til now.

    How about before we kill ballgroups we nerf sieges, pure healers & tanks, gankblades,

    I agree on healing needing nerf but sieges can easily be countered/avoided, same applies to gankblades especially if you keep them out of stealth (Their burst dmg rely on stealth, same apply to bombers) and tanks can be ignored since they serve no use beyond luring players to focus on them.

    Ballgroup today ruin what little is left of PvP, chase newer players away and force those remaining to either avoid prime times, usually by going afk or find other means to enjoy PvP beyond Cyrodiil.

    "The only thing they bring is lag".

    Gonna have to disagree with you there. I've said this in other comments but how come when my BG fights another BG in a open field we don't seem to lag out or disconnect but when I'm fighting a 30-40 man zerg then I'm suddenly lagging out and getting disconnects? Not to mention just days ago the game was booting everyone from Cyrodiil just for standing at the gate, lol. I know people don't like BG's and that's fine but let's not pretend the servers are in some kind of less than atrocious shape, lol
  • Sporigudinai
    ESO servers are really bad now, i can´t remember playing a game where there were such a big problem for so long.

    Maybe the problem are not the servers but the people who are in control of it
  • Tsuriel
    xFocused wrote: »
    Tsuriel wrote: »
    Again with the cherry picking and fact denial. If you want to attract new players into the PvP sphere Ballgroups need to be eliminated from the equation. The only thing they bring is lag, skill issues and especially discouragement for the new/casual players to even set a foot into PvP altogether as said and repeated through these 12 pages til now.

    How about before we kill ballgroups we nerf sieges, pure healers & tanks, gankblades,

    I agree on healing needing nerf but sieges can easily be countered/avoided, same applies to gankblades especially if you keep them out of stealth (Their burst dmg rely on stealth, same apply to bombers) and tanks can be ignored since they serve no use beyond luring players to focus on them.

    Ballgroup today ruin what little is left of PvP, chase newer players away and force those remaining to either avoid prime times, usually by going afk or find other means to enjoy PvP beyond Cyrodiil.

    "The only thing they bring is lag".

    Gonna have to disagree with you there. I've said this in other comments but how come when my BG fights another BG in a open field we don't seem to lag out or disconnect but when I'm fighting a 30-40 man zerg then I'm suddenly lagging out and getting disconnects? Not to mention just days ago the game was booting everyone from Cyrodiil just for standing at the gate, lol. I know people don't like BG's and that's fine but let's not pretend the servers are in some kind of less than atrocious shape, lol

    I always get lag, skill and connection issues when Ballgroups are around, especially with the constant spamming of HoT spells. I've yet to experience the same level of issues during zerg fights and it's been said and proven multiple times throughout the thread that bgs also introduce lag and skill issues during larger fights but as said, one does not expect fact blind pro-bgs to even read what doesn't align with their agenda.
  • xFocused
    Tsuriel wrote: »
    xFocused wrote: »
    Tsuriel wrote: »
    Again with the cherry picking and fact denial. If you want to attract new players into the PvP sphere Ballgroups need to be eliminated from the equation. The only thing they bring is lag, skill issues and especially discouragement for the new/casual players to even set a foot into PvP altogether as said and repeated through these 12 pages til now.

    How about before we kill ballgroups we nerf sieges, pure healers & tanks, gankblades,

    I agree on healing needing nerf but sieges can easily be countered/avoided, same applies to gankblades especially if you keep them out of stealth (Their burst dmg rely on stealth, same apply to bombers) and tanks can be ignored since they serve no use beyond luring players to focus on them.

    Ballgroup today ruin what little is left of PvP, chase newer players away and force those remaining to either avoid prime times, usually by going afk or find other means to enjoy PvP beyond Cyrodiil.

    "The only thing they bring is lag".

    Gonna have to disagree with you there. I've said this in other comments but how come when my BG fights another BG in a open field we don't seem to lag out or disconnect but when I'm fighting a 30-40 man zerg then I'm suddenly lagging out and getting disconnects? Not to mention just days ago the game was booting everyone from Cyrodiil just for standing at the gate, lol. I know people don't like BG's and that's fine but let's not pretend the servers are in some kind of less than atrocious shape, lol

    I always get lag, skill and connection issues when Ballgroups are around, especially with the constant spamming of HoT spells. I've yet to experience the same level of issues during zerg fights and it's been said and proven multiple times throughout the thread that bgs also introduce lag and skill issues during larger fights but as said, one does not expect fact blind pro-bgs to even read what doesn't align with their agenda.

    And I'm simply asking how come I can be standing in a open field solo and experience lag, get hit with the stuck in combat bug or just disconnect entirely. You also seemed to ignore my point that just days ago players on all platforms were getting booted just for standing at keeps and home gates. My BG has fought several other BG's in open fields and keeps numerous times and we still don't experience the lag that we get just from fighting massive zergs...Even last night my 7 man group logged out after an hour because we were rubberbanding all over the place just by riding through a field...It's a server issue, it's always been a server issue
    cant wait till that new aoe know back skill is gonna spammed by ball groups yeeting everyone out of keeps and off siege looool
  • Desiato
    xFocused wrote: »
    And I'm simply asking how come I can be standing in a open field solo and experience lag, get hit with the stuck in combat bug or just disconnect entirely. You also seemed to ignore my point that just days ago players on all platforms were getting booted just for standing at keeps and home gates. My BG has fought several other BG's in open fields and keeps numerous times and we still don't experience the lag that we get just from fighting massive zergs...Even last night my 7 man group logged out after an hour because we were rubberbanding all over the place just by riding through a field...It's a server issue, it's always been a server issue

    Because on top of whatever issues have always plagued Cyrodiil -- which in terms of lag is server processing lag -- there appears to be a range of connectivity issues affecting some players. There are several threads in the General Discussions forum.

    They don't affect everyone. I've not been affected and neither have the players I play with, but it's clear a lot of players are experiencing network issues at some level.

    Traditional lag in Cyrodiil has long been identified as server processing lag. It was recognized by ZOS and players almost 10 years ago. Ball groups contribute disproportionately to server load because of the huge number of calculations resulting from the play style.

    Furthermore, a shortcoming in the design of Cyrodiil means that a calculation intensive fight in one part of the map will affect the entire server. So a tickening event that draws most of the players to one keep with lag the entire server.
    spending a year dead for tax reasons
  • Crown
    This could be their attempt at a response.
    Edited by Crown on 15 May 2024 23:10
    Crown | AD NB | First AD/NA Grand Overlord (2015/12/26)
    PvP Guides @ DarkElves.com
  • Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO
    Crown wrote: »
    This could be their attempt at a response.

    Unfortunately not lol the power groups will have next patch is going to be obscene. Scribing is such a broken system for group play with the way they have implemented the skills.
    Edited by Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO on 16 May 2024 22:23
    NA ~ Izanerys: Dracarys (Videos | Dracast Podcast)
    EU ~ Izanagi: Roleplay Circle (AOE Rats/ Zerg Squad / Banana Squad)
  • Crown
    Crown wrote: »
    This could be their attempt at a response.
    Unfortunately not lol
    I said "attempt"..
    the power groups will have next patch is going to be obscene. Scribing is such a broken system for group play with the way they have implemented the skills.

    Agreed, and already have a few builds documented for next patch. Waiting on release to ensure that things don't change before updating the public recommendations sheet..
    Crown | AD NB | First AD/NA Grand Overlord (2015/12/26)
    PvP Guides @ DarkElves.com
  • Lazarus_Rising
    I guess it had been said already but Cyrodiil was made for large group combat not for skirmishes.

    Can someone enlighten me why usually all the hardcore pvp player are not in IC where the performance is way better and you get your small skirmishes? Also you get way more ressources that way.

    Why is is that someone purposefully chooses bad performance?
    also known as Overlich.
  • Desiato
    I guess it had been said already but Cyrodiil was made for large group combat not for skirmishes.
    This is false. Cyrodiil was designed to facilitate a range of group sizes from solo to large scale.

    I don't see anyone advocating for the complete removal of large coordinated groups. Many of the players who would like to see change are former leaders and members of (in)famous large groups of the past.

    It's about balance, enjoyable combat and how ball groups fit into the big picture.

    I'm pretty sure most competitive ball group players from 2014-2017 are highly disappointed in the current ball group meta.
    spending a year dead for tax reasons
  • GooGa592
    Crown wrote: »
    This could be their attempt at a response.

    Except to get that "skill", you have to buy the latest chapter.

    Before ZOS expects people to buy new content they should fix the performance of todays content.

    If ZOS was trying to do something to balance Cyrodiil they'd address the heal stacking issue.

    Edited by GooGa592 on 26 May 2024 15:33
  • Tsuriel
    Desiato wrote: »
    I guess it had been said already but Cyrodiil was made for large group combat not for skirmishes.
    This is false. Cyrodiil was designed to facilitate a range of group sizes from solo to large scale.

    I don't see anyone advocating for the complete removal of large coordinated groups. Many of the players who would like to see change are former leaders and members of (in)famous large groups of the past.

    It's about balance, enjoyable combat and how ball groups fit into the big picture.

    I'm pretty sure most competitive ball group players from 2014-2017 are highly disappointed in the current ball group meta.

    That's obviously not true when resorting to the dumbed down ballgroup gameplay is an assured victory in Cyrodiil's current state.
    Edited by Tsuriel on 26 May 2024 18:14
  • Aethurial
    Soul Shriven
    Turn off player no clip, problem solved..
  • Four_Fingers
    Aethurial wrote: »
    Turn off player no clip, problem solved..
    So we can block you in the tower for farming? lol
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