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Lycanthropy and Vampirism (In progress) Update 2 -4/2/14-

  • Ravinsild
    I have one question that I really wish there was total clarity on: Do the moon cycles mean ANYTHING?

    Half the people in zone chat out in Reaper's march were saying it does and half were saying it doesn't. Nobody seems to REALLY know though, but it seemed last night after scores of players scouring what I would assume is the whole zone...nobody found anything. If they did, they didn't tell anyone.
  • Rajani Isa
    Thanks for the info. Will keep tagged.
  • mcatchlovb16_ESO
    Last time I looked in the Rift none of the players in the zone were being helpful either. They act like it's some big secret that no one can know. Idiots.
  • Kyubi_3002b16_ESO
    This game just started 1 week ago and its already full of ***... how wonderfull Khajiit think shes gunna go puke.
    One bow to darken the sun
    One bow to unite the clans
    One bow to conquer the world and in darkness drown it...

    - Prophecy of the tyranny of the sun
  • Lumifer
    Someone said they got Sanies Lupinus during a quest in Silvenar (Malabal Tor, AD).

    Not sure if that is possible but it's worth checking at least.
    AD EU PC
    Filthy Casual
  • unknowed
    Just got Vamprism at lvl 23, i was working on the quest when the server shut down.
  • Kyubi_3002b16_ESO
    i need to go to reaper march at lvl 20... im sick of waiting...
    One bow to darken the sun
    One bow to unite the clans
    One bow to conquer the world and in darkness drown it...

    - Prophecy of the tyranny of the sun
  • Gunsang
    Hello everyone. Just popping in to show I exist, and yes, gorging on the blood of my foes--blah blah (get it? :D). The infection lasts for awhile, though I have not risked extending the time out.

    It is unconfirmed the limit of time you have with the infection (or if there is even a limit), so I recommend timing your leveling first so you can complete the mission to become a full fledged vampire from the get-go. Levels first, then vampire hunting. As Waffles said (and thanks a ton for the help in searching for them), being 24 is probably the minimum (depending on your skill). I was 40ish.

    Does the moon cycle have anything to do with it? Not that I know of. That is something that will require LENGTHILY observation. I literally was about to give up as I spotted something eating behind a rock in the middle of player traffic--and of course, was soon trying to eat my face when I investigated. It almost felt like it was ment to happen.

    Do some research, put your thinking cap on, and give a lot of effort, and not even the groups of people trying to purposely slay these beasts will stop you. It's all about taking the initiative.

    Some will squander it over gold, others will create vampires for the fun of it. I prefer the later--with maybe adding some gear for the roleplay value. After all, I'd enjoy observing a vampiric minion running around.
    Too many people have opinions on things they know nothing about. And the more ignorant they are, the more opinions they have. - Thomas Hildern
  • TC3LL
    I can already see the monopolistic tendencies forming. The first people to turn have an awesome advantage on supernatural real-estate by charging astronomical amounts of gold to turn all the wannabes. Mwuhahaha, I think it would also take it to the next lvl if once you turned there is no way to be cured, increasing the weight of the decision.
    Also would be cool to have some type of buffs for the player that sires newborns and unlocks new traits according to how many people he/she has turned perhaps eventually leading to one becoming a Vampire Lord(the possibilities are endless). I haven't spoken to or seen anyone that has become a Vamp yet, I think it would be great for a person to take on vampire appearances like glowing eyes and more physical changes as the hunger got worse at the 4 different levels.
  • Ravinsild
    Luminen wrote: »
    Someone said they got Sanies Lupinus during a quest in Silvenar (Malabal Tor, AD).

    Not sure if that is possible but it's worth checking at least.

    Indeed, it is as I suspected. If M'aiq can be trusted he hinted at deep forests, which is not what I would call Reaper's March. That's more flatlands and brushland..think the Safari.

    I'll look into it tonight....Since I'll conveniently be in that zone anyway.
  • Novelin
    Firstly, I would like to say I appreciate all the information you have gathered and posted.

    Draconythe wrote: »

    P.S. Now that the thread is not a freaking mess anymore, I do not want to hear ANYMORE complaining. ONCE AGAIN keep in mind this is not a guide, I will not hold your hand and help you 100% but this is just information that has been confirmed and other info that is possible so it is subject to change at any time.

    It's hard to make such a statement when the post is in the section titled "Player Guides". I understand there isn't a more logical place to put it, with the layout of the forums. However, you can't get upset with people for finding a post under that category and expecting a guide.

    ESO and I are taking a break and seeing other people.
  • Aerieth
    Unlocked the Vampirism skill tree earlier today at level 22 (Daggerfall Covenant, Nord Nightblade) after three days of on-and-off reading around the web and running around my factions zones.

    Here's some information confirmed by me and my friend to clear some misleading information that's going around the web:

    Might contain spoilers!
    Disclaimer: This information might be true only for Daggerfall Covenant players.
    Here are some tips / information

    - Not all vampires in high level zones grant the buff (Vampirism). I encountered Vampire Sorcerers and some other Vampire enemies in the same zone, but they did nothing.

    - The group of mobs that granted the buff to me and my friend were named as "Bloodfiend" and they were at level 40.

    - Getting the infection without another vampire player is possible as soon as you can take a few hits from lvl 40 mobs.

    - Getting bit does not grant you the quest to gain the vampire skill tree. I got the quest within the same zone as the infection source.

    - Completing the quests to unlock the skill tree might be possible earlier than I did it, but it would be pretty hard, since you do have to kill ten (10) enemies that are level 42. I suggest being at least level 20 with good gear.
    Edited by Aerieth on 3 April 2014 20:42
    @Aerieth - PC EU Megaserver
    Ilatria Shadowcore - Lv 50 Nord Vampire Nightblade - Tank / Stam DPS - Daggerfall Covenant
    Maiine Shadowcore - Lv 50 Breton Vampire Nightblade - Magicka DPS - Daggerfall Covenant
    Aerieth Shadowcore - Lv 50 Imperial Vampire Nightblade - Healer - Daggerfall Covenant
    From patch notes long forgotten:
    "Fixed an issue if you had a summoned pet, it could potentially be grabbed by an invisible Molag-Bal and get stuck in a floating posture."
    "Dogs can no longer teleport while chasing cats (much to the disappointment of the dogs)."
  • Gunsang
    Be an adventurer. Investigate, research, and optionally work with companions. Hence what myself and Waffles did to nail down the spawn--even then, we were a bit off. We won't be revealing any locations or 100% facts, and I doubt others will willingly do so, rightfully so.

    It's something that is rewarded for hard work. Yes, we bragged a little on the spot that drew a few other people, but it was merely right place right time (and a lot of excitement to blame). Others soon ran into them on the same night among different locations.

    Don't worry. You'll find them if you keep an open mind and try hard enough. We wish you guys luck.

    Too many people have opinions on things they know nothing about. And the more ignorant they are, the more opinions they have. - Thomas Hildern
  • Pravus
    Ravinsild wrote: »
    I have one question that I really wish there was total clarity on: Do the moon cycles mean ANYTHING?

    Half the people in zone chat out in Reaper's march were saying it does and half were saying it doesn't. Nobody seems to REALLY know though, but it seemed last night after scores of players scouring what I would assume is the whole zone...nobody found anything. If they did, they didn't tell anyone.

    I know out in The Rift player's were saying the same, one was convinced that it does cause when you were first able to play people found werewolves and there was apparently a full moon and now that it was a new moon or at least a crecent moon people were saying it will be the bloodfiends that will spawn. Also people say that there are 2 nights that the creatures spawn and there are 2 nights when they don't. If that's true i'm sure its in a random order.
  • DragonMother
    I'll be compiling a list of locations with Draco as we work on hunting down the spawn points and time periods they show up. This thread has really evolved from a minorly structured guide to a complaint of people being excited about finding weres and vamps available for infection and play. @Draconythe if it's alright, would you like me to help build a better structured guide template to work with for this? You know I only want to help organize the data collected so far.
    Demi, Adult female, Guild leader, Roleplayer & TES enthusiast
    Status: Inactive until further notice.
    I trust my instincts, more than I trust other peoples opinions.
    Four years, and still present. Sanguine still lives.
  • Ravinsild
    Pravus wrote: »
    Ravinsild wrote: »
    I have one question that I really wish there was total clarity on: Do the moon cycles mean ANYTHING?

    Half the people in zone chat out in Reaper's march were saying it does and half were saying it doesn't. Nobody seems to REALLY know though, but it seemed last night after scores of players scouring what I would assume is the whole zone...nobody found anything. If they did, they didn't tell anyone.

    I know out in The Rift player's were saying the same, one was convinced that it does cause when you were first able to play people found werewolves and there was apparently a full moon and now that it was a new moon or at least a crecent moon people were saying it will be the bloodfiends that will spawn. Also people say that there are 2 nights that the creatures spawn and there are 2 nights when they don't. If that's true i'm sure its in a random order.

    I guess the night cycle I went hunting in was a "no spawn" night then.

    Oh well, I'll be investigating rumours and monster hunting until I find myself a worthy wolf.

  • jody.roaneub17_ESO
    I just want to confirm some rumors for everyone in daggerfall trying to go vamp.

    Blood fiend is the mob that can infect you. Bangkorai is the place where they spawn. The most popular spawn is right outside of Pellin GY(The spelling may be incorrect here). They do not spawn every night. You need to go there every in game night and check like i did for 3 days. I can guarantee you that they will spawn as I have been recently infected. Right before servers went down thank god.

    Good luck!
  • WraithAzraiel
    Anyone figure out if the Werewolf mob that infects you has a specific name or if it's just any old werewolf?
    Shendell De'Gull - V14 Vampire Nightblade

    Captain of the Black Howling

    "There's no such thing as overkill..."

    "No problem on the face of the Earth exists what can't be fixed with the proper application of enough duct tape and 550 cord."

  • macinley1ub17_ESO
    Anyone figure out if the Werewolf mob that infects you has a specific name or if it's just any old werewolf?

    In the video here (which was posted before early access so its possible that the name is wrong now) it shows the mob as a level 40 werewolf. It is kinda hard to see but if you go to the highest video quality setting you can make it out.

    Looks like the vampires are up in AD now. I was hanging out outside the dune wayshrine when i heard an npc calling to daedra and a few seconds later saw two bloodfiends sitting on a rock. People were lining up to get bit until some one thought it would be funny to go and kill em.

    It was raining at the time so i couldnt see the moon. Still not sure if that matters though.
    Edited by macinley1ub17_ESO on 3 April 2014 23:02
  • mcatchlovb16_ESO
    Ebonheart Pact Vampires:

    I found my Vampires in the northern spots (marked with red dots) just run straight to the south from the waypoint there, they were next to a house.

    The one near the Abandoned Camp was confirmed by one of my guild members, it spawns in front of the mini-rift thing i think

    The one further in the west was confirmed by someone else, its directly next to the waypoint

    I can now confirm these are correct !
  • Rajani Isa
    Novelin wrote: »
    Firstly, I would like to say I appreciate all the information you have gathered and posted.

    Draconythe wrote: »

    P.S. Now that the thread is not a freaking mess anymore, I do not want to hear ANYMORE complaining. ONCE AGAIN keep in mind this is not a guide, I will not hold your hand and help you 100% but this is just information that has been confirmed and other info that is possible so it is subject to change at any time.

    It's hard to make such a statement when the post is in the section titled "Player Guides". I understand there isn't a more logical place to put it, with the layout of the forums. However, you can't get upset with people for finding a post under that category and expecting a guide.

    I'd call it a guide-in-progress.
  • Reavan
    AD guys. I want to add in that i am posting this in rejection of the elitist attitude of the op and some others who are trying to appear smart to control the flow of information to your own liking.
    Nothing was going to prevent people finding this stuff yet you try to control it for your own agendas and self proclaimed efame.
    Get over your selfs.

    Do not click the link unless you want to know the locations for Dominion.
    Edited by Reavan on 4 April 2014 00:33
  • Ravinsild
    Bloody great. Ran into some vampires and got infected. I did the quest to see if I could still get cured, but talk about irony.

    Someone told me I would have to wait 2-3 days for werewolves?

    I'm in Alderai Dominion
  • Draconythe
    Wow, sorry all work and being a single parent limits my time for playing (only play at night CST) but to come back to all this information is great haha but the downside is now I will end up spending at least a hour going through it all in depth, reading all the Forum inbox messages I have and comparing notes/information with one another to see if anything coincides. Again thanks
  • Draconythe
    Novelin wrote: »
    Firstly, I would like to say I appreciate all the information you have gathered and posted.

    It's hard to make such a statement when the post is in the section titled "Player Guides". I understand there isn't a more logical place to put it, with the layout of the forums. However, you can't get upset with people for finding a post under that category and expecting a guide.

    Ya it is understandable haha but until they cease with this temporary forum and give us a real one I had no other location, since this is directed for player. If I posted it in the Players helping Players that is more of a general question/answer thread with questions being solved. Guides there is no endgame (solved) so I will be able to continue it without players thinking it ended. But maybe I should clarify it in the topic.
  • Draconythe
    I'll be compiling a list of locations with Draco as we work on hunting down the spawn points and time periods they show up. This thread has really evolved from a minorly structured guide to a complaint of people being excited about finding weres and vamps available for infection and play. @Draconythe if it's alright, would you like me to help build a better structured guide template to work with for this? You know I only want to help organize the data collected so far.

    Would be nice, I will be first to admit I am not great at organizing haha. My mind works faster than my body can react. So as I am writing I am already a few steps ahead so my paper is all jumbled which causes me to end up having to double back and fill in areas/get rid of areas.
  • macinley1ub17_ESO
    Was in Reaper's March again for tonights spawn and it was vampires again. Saw em pop out side the Dune Wayshrine. However shortly there after some one killed them, then proceeded to kill every other announced spawn.
  • CandyNJ
    What was the purpose of killing the spawns other than just being jerks?
  • Klauen
    A guy did that in front of me, just killed the vamp and left even when we were telling them not to do it. Just jerks or jerks pretending to control the "market" of the bites...
    I think the mobs should be stronger so at least they can't be killed by only 1 guy trolling.
    Edited by Klauen on 4 April 2014 09:16
    The Surgeon of Death
  • Draconythe
    Sorry guys ended up playing the game a little too long. Did not get around to updating the thread tonight but the good news it I went up 4-5 levels!!!!!
    No really I will try to get around updating it in next 24 hours.
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