I am not a fan of this event

  • spartaxoxo
    • Colllect the pet parts (this one looks way better than a flaming basketball, btw.)
    • Assemble the pet.
    • Collect a second set of pet parts. (Be ahead for the next morph.)
    • Collect extra tickets up to 12 (Be ahead for any other parts you want to buy as soon as they land.)

    They're all carrot chases in some form or another, but I guess it does get people playing and refreshing some portions of the content.

    They're just a more involved version of any other daily, honestly.

    Why are people so focused on the tickets as if they're the only thing in the event?
    These zone events are great for collecting/gathering all the other stuff that exists in those zones. Sets, crafting materials, motifs...

    Even if I didn't buy anything with tickets, I'd still do the events (like I did for two years of Indriks that I ignored, with my tickets maxed out at 12 for much of that time).

    Yeah, I am loving all the Culanda lacquer that I am getting. Being able to replenish that so quickly when I was running low prior to the event has been worth the effort alone.
  • FlopsyPrince
    Elsonso wrote: »
    the worst part is the ridiculously slow respawn time on bosses, by the time they are up there are so many people waiting you can nearly get anything counted or so many people the system crashes. it takes forever to complete one character dailies because of the endless waiting for respawning.

    The respawn time for world bosses is, I think, 10 minutes. For the daily quest to get Event Tickets, you basically need to just be there and participating. You get credit for killing the boss even if you do not get loot. Not getting loot sucks, when it happens, but it is what it is. If you are just looking for quest completion, you can move on.

    What annoys me is the daily delve quest in Archon's Grove where everyone competes for the same flowers. I have been known to drop that one and try for a different quest.

    Kind of. You have to hit the boss. Really annoying when your Lightning Staff won't even fire even though you are aimed seemingly at the right place.
  • FlopsyPrince
    I still haven't unlocked the north Vvardenfel dailies. I did what I thought was the precursor, but they still don't show up. VERY ANNOYING!
    The quest is from a dunmer guy, juuust outside Ald-ruhn, he has some ancestor issues for you, then you complete the quest and remember to visit the north-west ashlander camp to activate the dailies.

    I did that. The dailies are still not showing up. Quite a bit of running around for that questline too.
  • spartaxoxo
    I still haven't unlocked the north Vvardenfel dailies. I did what I thought was the precursor, but they still don't show up. VERY ANNOYING!
    The quest is from a dunmer guy, juuust outside Ald-ruhn, he has some ancestor issues for you, then you complete the quest and remember to visit the north-west ashlander camp to activate the dailies.

    I did that. The dailies are still not showing up. Quite a bit of running around for that questline too.

    After that one you have to do Ashlander relations and visit all the Ashlander camps. You pick it up Urshilaku
    Edited by spartaxoxo on 24 January 2022 05:36
  • Merlin13KAGL
    Elsonso wrote: »
    • Colllect the pet parts (this one looks way better than a flaming basketball, btw.)
    • Assemble the pet.
    • Collect a second set of pet parts. (Be ahead for the next morph.)
    • Collect extra tickets up to 12 (Be ahead for any other parts you want to buy as soon as they land.)

    They're all carrot chases in some form or another, but I guess it does get people playing and refreshing some portions of the content.

    I actually don't mind this type of thing, as the quest designers can get super annoying, if they want.

    However, the flying dragon pet... saying it is "way better" is really underselling it.
    @Elsonso I suppose I'm in shock at the quality difference with this one. I also don't have words to express how underwhelming the prior one was. (About one step above the "Snowball Buddy," just barely.)

    My point being, this one is actually worth having. ;)
    • Colllect the pet parts (this one looks way better than a flaming basketball, btw.)
    • Assemble the pet.
    • Collect a second set of pet parts. (Be ahead for the next morph.)
    • Collect extra tickets up to 12 (Be ahead for any other parts you want to buy as soon as they land.)

    They're all carrot chases in some form or another, but I guess it does get people playing and refreshing some portions of the content.

    They're just a more involved version of any other daily, honestly.

    Why are people so focused on the tickets as if they're the only thing in the event?
    These zone events are great for collecting/gathering all the other stuff that exists in those zones. Sets, crafting materials, motifs...

    Even if I didn't buy anything with tickets, I'd still do the events (like I did for two years of Indriks that I ignored, with my tickets maxed out at 12 for much of that time).
    @Kiralyn2000 Because that's generally the part people miss out on if they can't log enough time and those are the time gated, capped currency that leads to them missing out on limited availabilty items.

    The bonus inventory avalanche is a nice addition, but the reply above isn't because the OP is missing out on a few extra mats or coffers. You can farm the other as much as you like without being limited per day. (except the first "glorious" coffer. depending on the event.)

    Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

    Earn it.

    IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
    I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
    Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
  • Celephantsylvius_Bornasfinmo
    I haven't participated in the event.
    The collections from the impressio are confusing even for an older player (too much, too many knick knacks to assemble together) and I just can't be bothered.
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