Update 43 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

Official Discussion Thread for "Crown Store Showcase - August 2019"

  • MrGhosty
    I'm actually thankful for the skill line purchases as some of those pvp skills are very useful for pve stuff and with the faction locking, all of my toons are on the wrong faction for my guild. So in order to level up those skills I would either need to give up Pvping with my guildies and hope I can get into a good pug, or go without, this gives a third option.

    I do wish zos would give us multiple ways to acquire the stuff they're putting in crown crates. I wouldn't even mind if they had a slightly higher cost. There are many cool items in those crates but the cost of the crates themselves is far too expensive for what you get in them, particularly when you have awful luck. Zos would be getting quite a bit of money from me this month if they offered these items for direct sale, but as it stands I'm not prepared to gamble on the crown crates. I am a returning player and I want to support the game, but zos isn't giving me a chance to do so by locking cool stuff behind rng.

    additionally, could we please have the ability to decon the mounts and other collection items prior to them being applied to our account? I can't even make decent headway going the deconstruction route for crown gems because I am given higher value rewards that I won't ever use and can't break them down for the gems to go for the thing I do want. Perhaps even having them drop in runeboxes that have to be opened, much like some of the styles/pets/mementos that can be sold on the guild trader. If the item drops in a tradable package I can choose to decon for gems, sell for gold profit to then use gold to buy the item I do want (provided someone else puts it up for sale) or just keep what I got and go for completion.

    "It is a time of strife and unrest. Armies of revenants and dark spirits manifest in every corner of Tamriel. Winters grow colder and crops fail. Mystics are plagued by nightmares and portents of doom."
  • AlienSlof
    Nairinhe wrote: »
    Whoever invented this gem exclusive thing, should be forced to buy his IRL food for crown gems :|

    ^ This. ^

    This gems only stuff is just... ugh. And I still won't buy your silly crates.
    Bionic Crazy Cat Lady
  • Feric51
    Ardaghion wrote: »

    I know I'll probably buy the Psijic line for other characters, that's a bit of a pain. There isn't that much to it than running all over Tamriel and sealing breaches and then some minor story quests.

    I haven't seen this mentioned elsewhere but wouldn't buying a skill line in some cases cause you to lose out on a few things? The Thieves Guild line is normally leveled up by doing the stories. Many of the quests provide a skill point, I don't know if buying the skill line gives you credit for the skill points and story achievements. Also not sure if you automatically get the rewards, XP and gold each story provides.


    I wasn't on PTS, but I'm pretty sure it was discussed that buying the skill line simply maxes it and unlocks everything. You will still have to spend skill points on the skills/passives and you will still be able to do the quests to get the skill points. One nice thing about that is for skill lines like Dark Brotherhood and Thieves Guild, you should be able to run through the main quests that give skill points without doing a bunch of heists/sacraments just for inspiration. As it is, you have to run the dailies to level up the skill lines to get to the thresholds to get the next story quest. You should be able to avoid this now if you just purchase it.

    Also, I would assume you won't get any of the quest-related achievements without actually doing the quests.. just the achievements based on skill line level.

    Anyway, that's all hypothetical for the most part.
    Xbox NA

    Darkness Falls: The Crusade survivor (you young kids will never know the struggle of text-based games)

  • disintegr8
    Looks like the most complained about skill lines are the first to come up for sale - Mages, Undaunted, Alliance..

    I predict ZOS will make a fortune from these alone.
    Australian on PS4 NA server.
    Everyone's entitled to an opinion.
  • Maelstroa
    disintegr8 wrote: »
    Looks like the most complained about skill lines are the first to come up for sale - Mages, Undaunted, Alliance..

    I predict ZOS will make a fortune from these alone.

    No one likes the great Dirt Pile Chase that is Psijic Skill Line Quest..
  • VaranisArano
    Maelstroa wrote: »
    disintegr8 wrote: »
    Looks like the most complained about skill lines are the first to come up for sale - Mages, Undaunted, Alliance..

    I predict ZOS will make a fortune from these alone.

    No one likes the great Dirt Pile Chase that is Psijic Skill Line Quest..

    I far prefer the Grand Annual Psijic Order Scavenger Hunt to chasing down overdue library books or running endless circles around the Alikr dolmens killing daedra til I'm dizzy.
  • Elsonso
    Maelstroa wrote: »
    disintegr8 wrote: »
    Looks like the most complained about skill lines are the first to come up for sale - Mages, Undaunted, Alliance..

    I predict ZOS will make a fortune from these alone.

    No one likes the great Dirt Pile Chase that is Psijic Skill Line Quest..

    I far prefer the Grand Annual Psijic Order Scavenger Hunt to chasing down overdue library books or running endless circles around the Alikr dolmens killing daedra til I'm dizzy.

    I have to wonder whether the people running endless Dolmen circles are the same ones that don't want to take the time to do things like skill lines.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • KillsAllElves
    Who ever is designing these character costumes and armor needs to be fired or forced into coming up with better designs. Almost every armor and costume so far is aweful.

    Everyone is wearing garage doors on their hips or in a dress.

    Seriously get better gear designs, this is very lacking! Horrendous.
  • bearbelly
    Is this right @ZOS_SarahHecker ?

    "The Moon-Sugar Meadow home will be available in the Crown Store on all platforms starting on August 29. Furnished and unfurnished versions will be available."

    Just asking as furnished version was not available on PTS

    Oops, you are correct in that is a typo. We'll update the article accordingly. Thanks!

    Hi @ZOS_SarahHecker ,

    Is Wraithhome still being released with the Update23 patch?
    Edited by bearbelly on 2 August 2019 00:45
  • PocketNova
    I've been waiting for the Pedlar Pack Senche-Lion Cub as I got the pony and my 2 friend got the little cub I wanted.

    Seeing that they're crown gem exclusive breaks my heart. I refuse to buy crates.
    PC NA
    Master Angler
    Dressed as Wonder Woman
    Living in Hogwarts
  • Hotdog_23
    Gem exclusives really need to go away. I understand the need to give something a value on getting items you don't want or need form the crates but gem exclusives is really a wrong thing to promote.

    Be better than this ZOS.
  • Elsonso
    Hotdog_23 wrote: »
    Gem exclusives really need to go away. I understand the need to give something a value on getting items you don't want or need form the crates but gem exclusives is really a wrong thing to promote.

    Be better than this ZOS.

    They can't do that.

    They added the gem currency so that people who get nothing from the loot boxes can get gems. This keeps people buying loot boxes because "at least they can turn everything in for gems". Now they have people with gems and nothing to spend it on, so they put out gem only stuff. That gets people to buy the loot boxes just to get gems, in addition to the people who have gems piled up.

    They could sell stuff for both Crowns and Gems, whichever currency the player wanted to use, but that would not drive people to buy the loot boxes.

    Chant with me... Buy Crown Crates. Buy Crown Crates. Bye Crown Crates. :neutral:
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • CMDR_Un1k0rn
    I got lucky. Had enough Gems from ages ago to get the Guar pet from the Flame Crates.

    In-game username: Un1korn | Happy member of the PCNA UESP guild (Resident Daggerfall Covenant enjoyer) | Main & basically only character: Crucian Vulpin, Imperial Dragonknight of the Daggerfall Covenant, and Undaunted Bulwark (I tank) | Mountain bike enjoyer and vulpine appreciator | If you know me from PCEU: No | To ZOS: THANK YOU FOR LETTING ME BRING MY HORSE INTO BATTLE!
  • CaffeinatedMayhem
    @ZOS_SarahHecker Is there any word on when the Elsweyr furnishing pack will be released? Maybe with Moonsugar Meadow?
  • SirAxen
    So you really are going to go through with the p2w skill lines? :|
    SirAxen wrote: »
    Not happy about the purchasable skill lines ... Not one bit..!

    Its prob's just been done to get people out the LFG system. Cuz' nobody is going to be leveling undaunted now.
    I think its a really REALLY bad move, and will give this game a p2w reputation.

    You have to level them and do the content once before being able to purchase them. So, it's not p2w. If you could make a new account and come out of character creation and immediately buy them? You'd have a point. Having a choice on whether to spend your time or your money isn't a bad thing.

    It is still p2w for your new alts in under 50 BGs, stop defending these practices.

    There is a major difference in defending something and you just simply, flat out, being wrong bud. I'm not making a stance on anything, I'm laying out facts.
  • asalemi
    Jaimeh wrote: »
    Vlad9425 wrote: »
    Selling Skill Lines is a new low ZOS especially considering these will be able to be used in low level PVP against players who are not buying these. Terrible direction for this game.

    They even included legerdemain :lol: Everything's for sale... :neutral:

    You guys are toxic. The game has been out 5+ years. It’s a great addition for people like me that work and don’t wanna grind alts . If u did it once you earned that right. If u don’t like it grind it out. Geez always complain complain complain

  • Elsonso
    asalemi wrote: »
    Jaimeh wrote: »
    Vlad9425 wrote: »
    Selling Skill Lines is a new low ZOS especially considering these will be able to be used in low level PVP against players who are not buying these. Terrible direction for this game.

    They even included legerdemain :lol: Everything's for sale... :neutral:

    You guys are toxic. The game has been out 5+ years. It’s a great addition for people like me that work and don’t wanna grind alts . If u did it once you earned that right. If u don’t like it grind it out. Geez always complain complain complain

    I am against these sort of sales, but it is something that I have to accept if I want to keep playing. I think you should play the game to get these skill lines the same as I did. Plain and simple. No hate. No toxic. No elitism. Play game, get reward. Don't play game, don't get reward.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • SpiderKnight
    SirAxen wrote: »
    So you really are going to go through with the p2w skill lines? :|
    SirAxen wrote: »
    Not happy about the purchasable skill lines ... Not one bit..!

    Its prob's just been done to get people out the LFG system. Cuz' nobody is going to be leveling undaunted now.
    I think its a really REALLY bad move, and will give this game a p2w reputation.

    You have to level them and do the content once before being able to purchase them. So, it's not p2w. If you could make a new account and come out of character creation and immediately buy them? You'd have a point. Having a choice on whether to spend your time or your money isn't a bad thing.

    It is still p2w for your new alts in under 50 BGs, stop defending these practices.

    There is a major difference in defending something and you just simply, flat out, being wrong bud. I'm not making a stance on anything, I'm laying out facts.

    Pay to get undaunted, mages guild, etc on a new alt, take alt into under 50 bgs, kick people's ass at level 10 because you have enormous stats, dawnbreaker, other op skills against new players. Nobody wants to BG anymore because now you have lots of groups flocking to BGs with all skill lines unlocked to overpower all the new players and people who don't/can't spend money.

    So this isn't p2w? Just remember in years time when everything else is p2w and more people leave that you helped bring this game to the trash levels of Tera, Neverwinter, and the like.
    Edited by SpiderKnight on 2 August 2019 19:22
  • Ardaghion
    SirAxen wrote: »
    So you really are going to go through with the p2w skill lines? :|
    SirAxen wrote: »
    Not happy about the purchasable skill lines ... Not one bit..!

    Its prob's just been done to get people out the LFG system. Cuz' nobody is going to be leveling undaunted now.
    I think its a really REALLY bad move, and will give this game a p2w reputation.

    You have to level them and do the content once before being able to purchase them. So, it's not p2w. If you could make a new account and come out of character creation and immediately buy them? You'd have a point. Having a choice on whether to spend your time or your money isn't a bad thing.

    It is still p2w for your new alts in under 50 BGs, stop defending these practices.

    There is a major difference in defending something and you just simply, flat out, being wrong bud. I'm not making a stance on anything, I'm laying out facts.

    Pay to get undaunted, mages guild, etc on a new alt, take alt into under 50 bgs, kick people's ass at level 10 because you have enormous stats, dawnbreaker, other op skills against new players. Nobody wants to BG anymore because now you have lots of groups flocking to BGs with all skill lines unlocked to overpower all the new players and people who don't/can't spend money.

    So this isn't p2w? Just remember in years time when everything else is p2w and more people leave that you helped bring this game to the trash levels of Tera, Neverwinter, and the like.

    Won't people still need to put XP and skill points into each unlocked skill line? Won't that take a bit of time and if, as I suspect, a huge amount of crowns? I'm guessing each skill line will be 2,500 crowns each, more crowns if you want to buy skyshards for the SP, and a bit of grinding to get the XP, not to mention at least some class skills, armor, and weapons? Seems a pretty expensive way to go into BG just to kick other player's butts. I have my doubts players will want to waste that much money for such a small king of the hill moment.
  • SirAxen
    SirAxen wrote: »
    So you really are going to go through with the p2w skill lines? :|
    SirAxen wrote: »
    Not happy about the purchasable skill lines ... Not one bit..!

    Its prob's just been done to get people out the LFG system. Cuz' nobody is going to be leveling undaunted now.
    I think its a really REALLY bad move, and will give this game a p2w reputation.

    You have to level them and do the content once before being able to purchase them. So, it's not p2w. If you could make a new account and come out of character creation and immediately buy them? You'd have a point. Having a choice on whether to spend your time or your money isn't a bad thing.

    It is still p2w for your new alts in under 50 BGs, stop defending these practices.

    There is a major difference in defending something and you just simply, flat out, being wrong bud. I'm not making a stance on anything, I'm laying out facts.

    Pay to get undaunted, mages guild, etc on a new alt, take alt into under 50 bgs, kick people's ass at level 10 because you have enormous stats, dawnbreaker, other op skills against new players. Nobody wants to BG anymore because now you have lots of groups flocking to BGs with all skill lines unlocked to overpower all the new players and people who don't/can't spend money.

    So this isn't p2w? Just remember in years time when everything else is p2w and more people leave that you helped bring this game to the trash levels of Tera, Neverwinter, and the like.

    I love how you are acting like, I specifically, am your opposition here. Grow up. All this does is this: Gives you a choice on whether to spend your time or your money. It's for alt. characters dude. You still have to do the content to access the skill lines. Meaning, if you want the skill lines then you have to go do the content. Therefore, it is not p2w. Everyone has access to the skill lines.

    I have been playing ESO since 2014. If I'd rather dish out a little money (I'm an adult, I can do that) to not have to grind through mages guild for the 20th time that's QoL not p2w.
    Edited by SirAxen on 2 August 2019 21:42
  • furiouslog
    Maelstroa wrote: »
    disintegr8 wrote: »
    Looks like the most complained about skill lines are the first to come up for sale - Mages, Undaunted, Alliance..

    I predict ZOS will make a fortune from these alone.

    No one likes the great Dirt Pile Chase that is Psijic Skill Line Quest..

    I far prefer the Grand Annual Psijic Order Scavenger Hunt to chasing down overdue library books or running endless circles around the Alikr dolmens killing daedra til I'm dizzy.

    I have to wonder whether the people running endless Dolmen circles are the same ones that don't want to take the time to do things like skill lines.

    Speaking as a fan of Allk'r Desert, the answer is yes.

    I work and raise two kids. The crown store options enable me to build new toons and still keep up with friends and guildies who have more discretionary time than I do. Furthermore, I enjoy doing the skill line quests the first time around. I take my time, experience the story, and all of that. My enjoyment of those experiences is reduced the second and third times around. I'm able to choose the way I want to learn playing that character instead of being forced to go through it all again by paying a fee that, if appropriately priced to be cheaper than the opportunity cost of invested time, is a good choice to have and make.

    An analogy: some books get read once, others get read again and again. Suppose you wanted to re-read a book you love, but you had to work your way through loads of other already-read books in the library before you were allowed to even touch it? You would probably not bother, and your enjoyment of that experience would be unattainable.

    Also, I actually liked the Psijic quests. Not mechanically, but the augur commentary was great.
    Edited by furiouslog on 3 August 2019 00:10
  • Ingenon
    I see that: "Single Event Tickets will be available in the Crown Store on all platforms during the Orsinium Celebration Event from August 8 to August 19 at 10am EDT."

    Is there a way to earn them in-game?

    I expect that there is, and that is is something like, you can earn two event tickets per account by doing any two of the following daily quests in Orsinium.

    Would be nice if that were written out in this article which is the first announcement by ZOS of the Orsinium Celebration Event. Or if this article said something like "Further Details for the Orsinium Celebration Event will be posted on xx/xx/xxxx".

  • CaffeinatedMayhem
    jim_1 wrote: »
    I see that: "Single Event Tickets will be available in the Crown Store on all platforms during the Orsinium Celebration Event from August 8 to August 19 at 10am EDT."

    Is there a way to earn them in-game?

    I expect that there is, and that is is something like, you can earn two event tickets per account by doing any two of the following daily quests in Orsinium.

    Would be nice if that were written out in this article which is the first announcement by ZOS of the Orsinium Celebration Event. Or if this article said something like "Further Details for the Orsinium Celebration Event will be posted on xx/xx/xxxx".

    If you read closely, you'll notice that the Orsinium Celebration event ALSO starts on Aug 8. HINT HINT
    If you're new, I apologize, but yes, you can always earn tickets in-game.
  • Marginis
    I feel like the sole reason things are being sold exclusively for gems now instead of crowns (or even put in the crown crates themselves) is purely because players don't realize how much money crown gems are worth. Not only is the cost of gems inconsistent, it's also on average quite high. I can take a lot of unfair stuff (see how much I've spent on this game already...) but if it's just going to get worse and worse over time I can't continue to support the game I love. Like, hey, the gem exclusive horse is cool, I'd like to get it, it fits my guild colors, but hell if I'm going to pay the equivalent of $100-$200 on it ON SALE.
    @Marginis on PC, Senpai Fluffy on Xbox, Founder of Magicka. Also known as Kha'jiri, The Night Mother, Ma'iq, Jane Shepard, Damia, Kintyra, Zoor Do Kest, You, and a few others.
  • Fischblut
    I was waiting for it whole year... Thank you for returning Flame Atronach season! :)<3
    Now I can play my atronach blues:


    And look at this cute family picture :smiley:


    I've also made showcase videos for almost all mounts. As usually, you can hear all sounds and see all movement of the mounts, which should help you decide if they are worth it.

    I got Shadow Atronach Senche mount during previous return of this season last year, but I couldn't capture videos during that time:


    Cold Flame Atronach Wolf mount:


    Night Frost Atronach Steed mount:


    Flame Atronach Senche mount:


    Flame Atronach Camel mount:


    Flame Atronach Guar mount:


    Flame Atronach Horse mount:

    Edited by Fischblut on 8 August 2019 09:58
  • ZOS_SarahHecker
    Due to a UI issue with the Meridian Motif, we have temporarily removed it from the Crown Store and from in-game drops. The motif will return at a later date.
    Staff Post
  • Marginis
    Due to a UI issue with the Meridian Motif, we have temporarily removed it from the Crown Store and from in-game drops. The motif will return at a later date.

    Does this mean that those of us who already have it cannot use it as well? Or are we getting a refund and would have to repurchase it at a later date?
    @Marginis on PC, Senpai Fluffy on Xbox, Founder of Magicka. Also known as Kha'jiri, The Night Mother, Ma'iq, Jane Shepard, Damia, Kintyra, Zoor Do Kest, You, and a few others.
  • ZOS_SarahHecker
    Marginis wrote: »
    Due to a UI issue with the Meridian Motif, we have temporarily removed it from the Crown Store and from in-game drops. The motif will return at a later date.

    Does this mean that those of us who already have it cannot use it as well? Or are we getting a refund and would have to repurchase it at a later date?

    If you already bought it, you can still use it. It's just removed from the Crown Store for now.
    Staff Post
  • Marginis
    Marginis wrote: »
    Due to a UI issue with the Meridian Motif, we have temporarily removed it from the Crown Store and from in-game drops. The motif will return at a later date.

    Does this mean that those of us who already have it cannot use it as well? Or are we getting a refund and would have to repurchase it at a later date?

    If you already bought it, you can still use it. It's just removed from the Crown Store for now.

    Thanks for the quick response!
    @Marginis on PC, Senpai Fluffy on Xbox, Founder of Magicka. Also known as Kha'jiri, The Night Mother, Ma'iq, Jane Shepard, Damia, Kintyra, Zoor Do Kest, You, and a few others.
  • Tanis-Stormbinder
    A refund of 1k Crowns would be nice.
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