We’re happy to announce that
The Elder Scrolls Online now offers convenient new functionality with Steam. This means that starting today, our players on PC and Mac can now seamlessly launch and play
ESO directly from the Steam client and more.
Here’s a short list of everything new you can now do with
ESO from within the Steam client:
- Launch and play the game ( How To)
- Purchase an ESO Plus membership (How To)
- Purchase Crown Packs (How To)
- Link your Steam version of ESO to your Steam account (How To)
For more information on how to do each of these, please visit our
Support Center.
Please note that if you are a current ESO player on Steam, you will need to fully uninstall and reinstall the game in order for the new ESO/Steam client functionality to work. Here’s how. We are working on a fix so that in the future, this will not be necessary.
Now that
The Elder Scrolls Online offers more functionality with Steam, it opens up more opportunities for us to create cool stuff for our community here on Steam. We are interested in creating Steam achievements and more – keep an eye out for details!
Jessica FolsomAssociate Director of Community - ZeniMax Online StudiosFacebook |
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