Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

@name showing - poll

  • WeerW3ir
    I thinked. ZOS. Please keep this but only show it when u press "shift" on someone to show the player menu.
  • DocFrost72
    Daraugh wrote: »
    Enodoc wrote: »
    Daraugh wrote: »
    Leogon wrote: »
    Enodoc wrote: »
    Anhedonie wrote: »
    You know, ZOS, people don't like forced stuff, but they really appreciate OPTIONS.
    I don't know of any example where you can control what someone else sees.
    I do, mounts.
    And pets, costumes, pet and mount names, helmets, whether or not you're online, offline, busy, away...
    Most of these things are part of the world, not part of the UI, and are therefore stored server-side (offline/busy/away are server markers anyway).

    Edit: Hold on, how are you seeing pet and mount names?

    You had asked which things a player has control over displaying to other players. Take an easy one, costumes. I could be wearing light armor, with a medium armor costume in pvp. How is that not hiding information for an advantage? What difference does it make if it's UI or part of the world? And why are people so eager to share and have other people share information with them that they clearly don't want to have on display?

    But unlike your costume example, I can toggle a legitimate setting in the game play options and see everyone's @name now, before this goes live.

    Wanting to be secure is perfectly understandable, but the people you'd need to worry about getting through your password, email verification etc are perfectly capable of activating a toggle, I'd assume. This "security threat" isn't new. Just cuts out a step, I guess.
  • Daraugh
    DocFrost72 wrote: »
    Daraugh wrote: »
    Enodoc wrote: »
    Daraugh wrote: »
    Leogon wrote: »
    Enodoc wrote: »
    Anhedonie wrote: »
    You know, ZOS, people don't like forced stuff, but they really appreciate OPTIONS.
    I don't know of any example where you can control what someone else sees.
    I do, mounts.
    And pets, costumes, pet and mount names, helmets, whether or not you're online, offline, busy, away...
    Most of these things are part of the world, not part of the UI, and are therefore stored server-side (offline/busy/away are server markers anyway).

    Edit: Hold on, how are you seeing pet and mount names?

    You had asked which things a player has control over displaying to other players. Take an easy one, costumes. I could be wearing light armor, with a medium armor costume in pvp. How is that not hiding information for an advantage? What difference does it make if it's UI or part of the world? And why are people so eager to share and have other people share information with them that they clearly don't want to have on display?

    But unlike your costume example, I can toggle a legitimate setting in the game play options and see everyone's @name now, before this goes live.

    Wanting to be secure is perfectly understandable, but the people you'd need to worry about getting through your password, email verification etc are perfectly capable of activating a toggle, I'd assume. This "security threat" isn't new. Just cuts out a step, I guess.

    And what precisely is the point of cutting out that step? I know it isn't secure, but there is also no reason to have a mass of information hanging over my head that isn't everybody's business.
    May all beings have happiness
    May they be free from suffering
    May they find the joy that has never known suffering
    May they be free from attachment and hatred
  • Merlight
    yes ofc
    im bored of ppl with weird symbols in their character names

    so i cant whisper or invite them without knowing their @name

    You mean letters? Sorry, but no matter how embarrassing that bug is, that's not a valid argument.
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    When an MMO is designed around a revenue model rather than around fun, it doesn’t have a long-term future.Richard A. Bartle
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  • Faunter
    Enodoc wrote: »
    Faunter wrote: »
    Elsterchen wrote: »
    Faunter wrote: »
    It has always been possible to find out anyone's account name if you're willing to look. [snip]

    [edited for macro]

    No, this statement is plain wrong. Ppl only had the possibility to see my account name if I allowed that person in my group or guild.

    I personally didn't like that too, but i still had the choice to not join groups or guilds with ppl i don't know. This choice is no longer available.

    I know alot of you think its fine to let everyone know who you are, where you live, what you eat, who you date etc etc etc. That is ok for me, if you wish to share this information so be it.

    Why do you feel offended or find it so hard to understand that i like to keep my privacy and share my information with ppl I choose only ? After all its a personal choice, isn't it?

    Why is it so hard to understand that I like to keep my characters seperated ? After all its a personal choice, isn't it?

    This doesn't mean you should not be allowed to share this information, it just means it should be a personal choice.

    The current design, is no personal choice anymore.

    Elsterchen I had originally posted an Add-On function you could write in your in-game chat with the /script command, and it would display anyone's account name if you moused over their character. It is possible to see anyone's account name at any time, and it always has been. A moderator edited the code out, because apparently it is considered a loop-hole macro and it's not supposed to work that way, but it currently does.
    @Faunter (@ZOS_CoriJ) Wasn't it essentially just the code that gets the target's account name? As in, the exact same thing that they're implementing in this update, using an API function that is specifically for that purpose? How is that considered a loop-hole macro?

    @Enodoc I am not allowed to re-post the line of code, but I'm pretty sure I am allowed to explain how it worked. Basically, it registered an event to wait for your reticle target to change, at which point it checked if the moused-over unit was a player. If it was, their display name (account) would be printed using the debug function. Nothing more.

    Apparently, this is considered a macro, because it is an automated process. However, many Add-Ons out there already automate various other things in the game, so I don't see what the problem is. I was also informed that it was using a feature of the game in a way that was not intended, so I don't want to exploit it. I'd rather wait for it to be officially implemented.
  • KallistaBlackheart
    the only thing i get out of these threads is that not many people get what privacy entails... your @ name being displayed is not a privacy issue. it is not tied directly to you with the exception of ZoS and you already agreed they could see a lot of information about you including your ip and financial credentials. @ names are fine. my only complaint is this steps on the immersion a bit. i prefer that others refer to me by my toon name when on said toon. as far as my direct immersion concerning the name plates, i will have them off so i do not have to see those ugly things floating around.
  • Aelthwyn
    It's k. just add hide option
    I’m finding it annoying on the test server. If someone has a long character name And a long username, which is pretty frequent, it just becomes Too Much. I don’t want extra clutter, it’s ugly. Please at least give us the option to hide this!

    Honestly, as more of a role-play person, I’d rather just see the character name and not have the slightly less ‘immersive’ username tacked on there reminding me there’s some person in pajamas sitting at a computer behind this character. I find the usernames to generally be MUCH less in tune with Tamriel than the character names (granted there are plenty of ‘non-lore’ character names too, but… usernames are a completely different thing). Personally I don’t feel a need to know what user is behind the characters (I mean, I already know what characters belong to my friends, I don’t need to know all the other random players) - but I grant that I’m not into PV and don’t think so much about a community of real life people here, I’m just concerned with the individual characters I’m interacting with. I think for people who actually do like to get into role playing and act and talk differently depending on which character they’re logged in with, having the username attached just seems awkward.

    Additionally, (possible instances of discrimination aside), people sometimes interact differently with you if you’re playing a male or female character based on their assumption of you being male or female. I think in some cases username may appear to imply a gender which may interfere with how you want a particular character to interact and be perceived by others. Add to that other things people might assume about you based on the username you choose - a username can definitely give certain impressions. I’d rather people not jump to conclusions based on username, and just respond to how someone is playing a given character at the time.

    I also have to agree with the person who said keeping track of players is a little creepy… and I don’t really see why you’d need to be able to see the username behind the character All the time at first glance.
  • NovaMarx
    Aelthwyn wrote: »
    I’m finding it annoying on the test server. If someone has a long character name And a long username, which is pretty frequent, it just becomes Too Much. I don’t want extra clutter, it’s ugly. Please at least give us the option to hide this!

    Honestly, as more of a role-play person, I’d rather just see the character name and not have the slightly less ‘immersive’ username tacked on there reminding me there’s some person in pajamas sitting at a computer behind this character. I find the usernames to generally be MUCH less in tune with Tamriel than the character names (granted there are plenty of ‘non-lore’ character names too, but… usernames are a completely different thing). Personally I don’t feel a need to know what user is behind the characters (I mean, I already know what characters belong to my friends, I don’t need to know all the other random players) - but I grant that I’m not into PV and don’t think so much about a community of real life people here, I’m just concerned with the individual characters I’m interacting with. I think for people who actually do like to get into role playing and act and talk differently depending on which character they’re logged in with, having the username attached just seems awkward.

    Additionally, (possible instances of discrimination aside), people sometimes interact differently with you if you’re playing a male or female character based on their assumption of you being male or female. I think in some cases username may appear to imply a gender which may interfere with how you want a particular character to interact and be perceived by others. Add to that other things people might assume about you based on the username you choose - a username can definitely give certain impressions. I’d rather people not jump to conclusions based on username, and just respond to how someone is playing a given character at the time.

    I also have to agree with the person who said keeping track of players is a little creepy… and I don’t really see why you’d need to be able to see the username behind the character All the time at first glance.

    SO much agree!
    I am an avid RPer, and I know our community is not looking forward to this. Several people play many different characters, and it would quite immersion breaking to have the user name displayed as well as the character name.

    Also, it's just plain ugly and cluttered. Put on top of that all the other things they want to display with DB (like CPs), it's gonna be an information overload, unless you can toggle some or all of it off.

    Why they thought we wanted a more cluttered game, I have no idea.....
    "Feet are for walking. Hands are for hitting. Or shaking. Or waving. Sometimes for clapping."
    - M'aiq the Liar
  • WeerW3ir
    Go on and vote. maybe they see it :P
  • Ghost-Shot
    I started on PC and now play mostly Xbox and PC PTS.....

    the @name doesn't bother me on console because its who we are.
    Now on PC...thats another story

    Overall the game-pad and PC default UI's need to be the same on all three platforms.
    Not having a mouse on console isn't the excuse IMO. Now the menus should differ in how thhey work obviously but they should look the same. Exactly the same.

    From a user friendly stand point and a development stand point the @names on console or showing actual character names make sense. But if I can be honest, playing on PC first, having the player name show and the system using account names for friends and stuff was confusing at times.

    I don't have a solution other than the suggestion to mesh the UI's and maybe that allows for some others to come up with solutions to the name topics.

    I'm fine with UI being the same as long as its not that awful UI they gave consoles, everything about the mouse and keyboard version is better.
  • kyle.wilson
    Sharee wrote: »
    You already can discover the @name in most cases, just rightclick character name in chat and select 'ignore'. The UI will respond with 'ignoring @name'. (you can unignore them afterwards)

    Or if they are on an opposing side, you can send them a tell. Then ignore them to find the @ name. I've done this when I see a name I may recognize. Some people use a naming scheme in their chars. And others copy that to seem more dangerous than they are.
  • jmgrant44ub17_ESO
    This is the same old story. ZOS is doing what they always do, make changes that don't make since to their customers and that no one is asking for. As always I'm sure this has more to do with the board room and less about improving the gaming experience.

    Here's the deal this change is going to stay no matter how many people complain and *** about it. I'm guessing this has something to do with their dream of having everybody on the same platform/server. Just think you will be able to play with your friends on Xbox or PS4 and I'm sure this will solve the lag and performance issues...right. As much as we the PC players think we are above everyone else and are more sophisticated face it we live in a console world.

    Immersion......Pffff Lore...Pffff
  • k9mouse
    Volkodav wrote: »
    WeerW3ir wrote: »
    Do we really need this? To show our @name under our name like a damn dogtag?

    Its basicly hurts our privacy. We just get more hating and insulting with it. (mostly in pvp). I know this was asked since the beggining but on console noone like it. Right now, there is too much information whenever I look at someone.
    If enough people are asking for it, then you can't say that "no one on Consoles likes it"...

    Obviously, people on Consoles have been asking for it as well as the PC community. This finally gives a reason to actually have a name for your different characters.

    So in that regard, how exactly is this "hurting your privacy"? Especially since it comes toggled "Off" by default settings?

    Heh all I gotta say is half your account info available to people in guilds you are a member of was bad.

    Half you account info to everyone else on top of that, is worse.

    It's there already. On any console, you don't even have to really be looking at someone to see their Gamer Tag/PSN ID. No one has any problems with that now, why will it be so much worse to see their character name after these changes go live?

    Will there be a magickal "screw with me, you can still see my Gamer Tag" command when you look at people now?

    Get a grip. It's not telling people how to break into another account. At most it's adding on a character name. All the other information is information you could already see.

    Most games don't use the account login for the gamer tag, they give you options that leave account details invisible. I don't know a thing about consoles, I only have and play on a pc.

    For a PC user the fact that 1/2 your account info was always available to anyone in your guilds was foolish, now with everyone having access to it, it's even more foolish.

    Account info should have been invisible in the first place, hidden behind a gamer tag or character names. They don't actually have to display the @name at all in game. Why ZOS continues to follow this line of thinking is questionable.
    Well, your @Name has never been private in this game. It's always been extremely easy to see someone's @Name in any number of ways.

    But there has never been a rash of account thefts in the two years ESO has been operating. Why now is there a sudden panic?

    This is just people not doing any kind of research, starting a panic over something that has always been there and never been an issue before.

    It's just people who do not want their info put out there.If someone wants to dig around to find it,that's one thing,though that shouldnt be allowed.However,it's another for it to just be thrown out there for all to see and you cannot turn it off.I would like the option to toggle my info off,personally. It's no one's business.
    Which is why it starts out being toggled to "Off", and you get to pick and choose what's on the nameplate should you choose to turn it "On".

    As far as "digging" for the info... There's a couple UI mods (on PC of course) that will do that, and if you do a general shout-out using /say, /yell, etc., when someone uses the command /ignore, the game makes a list of aaaaallllllllllll the people you've ignored. That list also gives you everyone's @Name.

    There's no digging. The @Names have always been publicly available. They start off turned to "Off", and you have to purposefully turn it "On" to see anything.

    Question: With this information being readily available for the last two years, when was the last time you heard about a frantic rash of stolen ID's and accounts in ESO?

    Answer: You haven't. Because it's never happened.

    Your information is no more protected or vulnerable than it has been over the last two years. So why
    is this a problem?

    I want my Min UI back!
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