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Official Discussion Thread for "ESO – The Year Ahead"

  • Niaver
    Well... i'm really dissapointed. No justice system, no spellcrafting. Where is some information about arenas, new classes/skill lines?
    PC EU - Daggerfall Covenant - @Niaver
    Erazar (main) - Khajit DK tank

    Proud owner of Maelstrom Sharpened Bow
  • Preyfar
    I have to say I feel somewhat... underwhelmed. Then again, I don't know what I was expecting as it is.
  • AshTal
    Nice to see a future plans post - hopefully we will keep getting them with more details.

    I know we all have our priorities and they couldn't list everything people want to see but hopefully we will get more details on the elements that are being worked on.
  • jeskah
    Damn, the spellcrafting drop was expected, but still, im dissapointed somehow.
  • nimander99
    and will be working on much more in 2016, including a major change in how world zones treat player character levels.

    This was the most important part to me. I hope this means that returning to older zones will now be beneficial i.e player scaling up or down and giving the entire game a more 'open world' Scrolls feeling.

    Also thanks for the update on the plans for the year, you really answered pretty much all my questions ;)

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    ∽∽∽ 2 years of Elder Scrolls Online ∼∼∼
    "Give us money" = Box sales & monthly sub fees,
    "moar!" = £10 palomino horse,
    "MOAR!" = Switch to B2P, launch cash shop,
    "MOAR!!" = Charge for DLC that subs had already paid for,
    "MOAR!!!" = Experience scrolls and riding lessons,
    "MOARR!!!" = Vampire/werewolf bites,
    "MOAARRR!!!" = CS exclusive motifs,
    "MOOAARRR!!!" = Crown crates,
    "MOOOAAARRR!!!" = 'Chapter's' bought separately from ESO+,
    "MOOOOAAAARRRR!!!!" = ???

    Male, Dunmer, VR16, Templar, Aldmeri Dominion, Master Crafter & all Traits, CP450
  • Enodoc
    A shame about Justice PvP, but not a surprise I don't think. I'm hoping the PvE aspect of Enforcers (in which you are sent out to raid bandit dens) will still come to something further down the line though.
    The character information window will be updated to show your level, plus your Champion Rating, which is the total number of Champion Points you have accrued.
    I hope that's just for the player, and not something public-facing. One of the problems with VRs was the stigma created by "that guy's 13 VRs lower than me", and if the Champion Rating is on display the same thing will continue to happen. To other players, everyone should show Level 50 without their CPs. (It wouldn't be very informative to show them anyway, as you'd have no idea how many of them had been spent in which constellation.)

    Something that I found quite interesting though:
    [We] will be working on much more in 2016, including a major change in how world zones treat player character levels.
    Anyone have any ideas what that could mean? (Did you see that, @Gidorick?)
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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  • EQBallzz
    Divinius wrote: »
    We will not be adding in the previously discussed PvP component of the Justice System. We caveated this many times - as I said at the ESO QuakeCon presentation in 2014, it was always going to be very difficult making it fun, but not exploitable. When introducing new systems to the game, our number one goal is to make sure that we don't introduce new problems. Having players enforce justice on the criminal activity of other players has the potential to introduce imbalances and other issues that greatly outweigh any potential gameplay benefits. The game's central concept of "PvP in PvP areas and be safe in safe areas" needs to stay the way it is.

    Thank you, thank you, for finally officially killing that horrible idea. I love you. :smiley:

    In terms of the overall design direction of the game, it's very sad that they are canning the PvP part of the Justice System. All of the low hanging fruit complaints about the system that everyone gets so scared about (e.g. camping lowbies when they loot desks) are easily avoidable with smart design. Think about what such a system would represent: a constantly evolving and actually meaningful player experience, where your actions in the world matter. Making player actions matter in the shared space of an MMO world is an area where the game genre needs to innovate. With this system, as well as Spellcrafting and Housing, among others, ESO had a chance to start straddling the line between theme park and sandbox in a unique way, and also get an edge over upcoming MMOs that are building more sandboxy worlds and bringing the challenge back to MMO gaming.

    To me, it seems like spellcrafting and PvP justice system are the remnants of pre-B2P design direction that prioritized player-driven, dynamic (as opposed to grindy, easily parsable, and monetized) gameplay. As such, it sounds like finishing them would be more work than they would stand to generate in revenue because, in the game's current economic model, 'short-term' transactions are valued more than 'long-term' subscriptions. On one hand, if they implemented these two big, combat-focused systems into the base game it would not generate any significant new revenue like DLCs do. On the other hand, if they somehow monetized them, it would likely condemn the game to pay-to-win status. Seems like a lose-lose for ZOS with either direction, though at least that would mean they still seem to be still avoiding the P2W abyss.

    It was pretty much expected by many I think. Game goes B2P and then the focus shifts from quality and innovation to transactions and monetization. Content that was promised last year gets slowly released this year and in many cases in a diminished state. Exciting content that was supposed to be coming this year gets canned all-together. Lingering bugs, balance and performance issues go unfixed. Lacking MMO features remain missing. None of this is that surprising, really.

    On the sort of bright side at least they finally did another Road Ahead but too bad it consisted mostly of rehashed info and bad news.

    Don't worry though! I'm sure there will be new trinkets and doo-dads to purchase in the cash shop! Maybe more items to circumvent actual gameplay. Won't that be innovative?
    Edited by EQBallzz on 12 January 2016 18:50
  • Jaeysa
    Question because I must have missed it - what is spellcrafting?
    PC/NA: Primarily Daggerfall Covenant.

    Lennie: Breton Sorceror. 9-trait crafter on everything, purveyor of useless frippery.
  • daemonios
    davidtxr wrote: »
    More stuff to make the game lag even more ! The end is nigh

    Lag in PvP is server side. SCT and name players are client side. Can't see the connection...
  • MrPoolaty
    I was really hoping the thieves guild was going to tie in with the 2nd half of the justice system. As it it's kind of lame. You just continue to rob the town's with little to no consequences. You can literally stand right next to a guard and rob the desk next to them....

    @ZOS_RichLambert I would really and think the player base would love to know at least what was on the drawing board for the other part of the justice system. I think A LOT of people were waiting on this. So instead of just saying hey we axed it because WE didn't think we could make it work tell us why!

  • MissBizz
    Once upon a time, not-so-long-ago, Gina mentioned the possibility of tabbed guild banks in ESO Live. Is this currently planned under that "guild improvements" umbrella mentioned?
    Lone Wolf HelpFor the solo players who know, sometimes you just need a hand.PC | NA | AD-DC-EP | Discord
  • Enodoc
    Jaeysa wrote: »
    Question because I must have missed it - what is spellcrafting?
    @Jaeysa Spellcrafting was a system in development that would allow you to craft your own spells for use. The lead developer of the system left ZOS, and it has been on the backburner ever since. Details on how the system could have worked can be found here:
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
    Join us on Discord -
  • Tyr
    Enodoc wrote: »
    A shame about Justice PvP, but not a surprise I don't think. I'm hoping the PvE aspect of Enforcers (in which you are sent out to raid bandit dens) will still come to something further down the line though.
    The character information window will be updated to show your level, plus your Champion Rating, which is the total number of Champion Points you have accrued.
    I hope that's just for the player, and not something public-facing. One of the problems with VRs was the stigma created by "that guy's 13 VRs lower than me", and if the Champion Rating is on display the same thing will continue to happen. To other players, everyone should show Level 50 without their CPs. (It wouldn't be very informative to show them anyway, as you'd have no idea how many of them had been spent in which constellation.)

    Something that I found quite interesting though:
    [We] will be working on much more in 2016, including a major change in how world zones treat player character levels.
    Anyone have any ideas what that could mean? (Did you see that, @Gidorick?)

    Maybe making all world zones scale player to their level like Orsinium and DLC zones. That way they make it a truly "open world' game like the single player series.
  • nikolaj.lemcheb16_ESO
    @Jayne_Doe - Yep! (edited my original reply to remove any confusion)

    *snip* ignore me.
    Edited by nikolaj.lemcheb16_ESO on 12 January 2016 19:03
  • Slylok
    Disappointed that spell crafting is still on hold. I hope they can work on it more after VRs are taken out and that dust settles.
    Youtube ESO First Person Gameplay -

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  • master.harun_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Will buff trackers be added for console?
  • MarrazzMist
    Jaeysa wrote: »
    Question because I must have missed it - what is spellcrafting?

    It is a system where you can make your own spells. For example in TES IV Oblivion you choose components of spell (elemental damage type, distance, area of effect). The magica cost of the spell depends on the power of the spell.

    All in all, I like the info. Smart decisions. Spell grafting would be fun, but it would easily make playing different classes meaningless or un-unicue.

    Battles between outlaws and enforcers would be cool, but then where could you do your explorations and questing in peace, when the world is in flames all around you. Placing people into different shards wasn't good option earlier, doupt it would be now.

    I'm curious how Cadwell's silver and gold zones will be like after change. Now it is pretty linear, I'm all for breaking that with more open world feeling.
  • Pepper8Jack
    Sad to see the death of the justice system PvP concept, both me and my friends/guildies have been stoked ever since it was first talked about, but I do understand the problematic nature of the idea.

    That said I do agree that PvPers would like to at least hear a tease of what's in store for them this year.

    For now though, looks like I'll just keep leveling those alts....

    Also couldn't help but notice a lack of mention regarding race changes, curious if that idea ever officially got shot down or if it is still a possibility in the future
  • Gidorick
    Enodoc wrote: »
    A shame about Justice PvP, but not a surprise I don't think. I'm hoping the PvE aspect of Enforcers (in which you are sent out to raid bandit dens) will still come to something further down the line though.
    The character information window will be updated to show your level, plus your Champion Rating, which is the total number of Champion Points you have accrued.
    I hope that's just for the player, and not something public-facing. One of the problems with VRs was the stigma created by "that guy's 13 VRs lower than me", and if the Champion Rating is on display the same thing will continue to happen. To other players, everyone should show Level 50 without their CPs. (It wouldn't be very informative to show them anyway, as you'd have no idea how many of them had been spent in which constellation.)

    Something that I found quite interesting though:
    [We] will be working on much more in 2016, including a major change in how world zones treat player character levels.
    Anyone have any ideas what that could mean? (Did you see that, @Gidorick?)

    Woo! Thanks for pointing that out @Enodoc ! Hopefully it's a leveling down mechanic.

    Once upon a time I had a concept where each zone had its own set of levels and each player would level through that zone's levels and the xp earned would add to their overall level. If a player's overall level was under or over the zone's level range they could battle level up or down to be viable in that level. it was a really convoluted way to deal with leveling but it wasn't just "ok, now you're this level" it was a battle leveling WITH progression.

    Just having a scale down option would be great! I've been "cleaning up" some old zones and man... not getting XP or drops for mobs is a real drag. :neutral:

    Links to my concepts for those interested:
    Downward Scaling
    Cadwell's Redux (with scaling zone levels)
    Edited by Gidorick on 12 January 2016 19:16
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • Dominoid
  • nimander99
    Enodoc wrote: »
    Something that I found quite interesting though:
    [We] will be working on much more in 2016, including a major change in how world zones treat player character levels.
    Anyone have any ideas what that could mean? (Did you see that, @Gidorick?)

    I know I'm not Gid but I'm thinking it's exactly what you are thinking it is. A scaling to zone system that allows us to return to the old zones and get value out of them.

    *crosses fingers*

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    ∽∽∽ 2 years of Elder Scrolls Online ∼∼∼
    "Give us money" = Box sales & monthly sub fees,
    "moar!" = £10 palomino horse,
    "MOAR!" = Switch to B2P, launch cash shop,
    "MOAR!!" = Charge for DLC that subs had already paid for,
    "MOAR!!!" = Experience scrolls and riding lessons,
    "MOARR!!!" = Vampire/werewolf bites,
    "MOAARRR!!!" = CS exclusive motifs,
    "MOOAARRR!!!" = Crown crates,
    "MOOOAAARRR!!!" = 'Chapter's' bought separately from ESO+,
    "MOOOOAAAARRRR!!!!" = ???

    Male, Dunmer, VR16, Templar, Aldmeri Dominion, Master Crafter & all Traits, CP450
  • SorataArisugawa
    Divinius wrote: »
    We will not be adding in the previously discussed PvP component of the Justice System. We caveated this many times - as I said at the ESO QuakeCon presentation in 2014, it was always going to be very difficult making it fun, but not exploitable. When introducing new systems to the game, our number one goal is to make sure that we don't introduce new problems. Having players enforce justice on the criminal activity of other players has the potential to introduce imbalances and other issues that greatly outweigh any potential gameplay benefits. The game's central concept of "PvP in PvP areas and be safe in safe areas" needs to stay the way it is.

    Thank you, thank you, for finally officially killing that horrible idea. I love you. :smiley:

    To me, it seems like spellcrafting and PvP justice system are the remnants of pre-B2P design direction that prioritized player-driven, dynamic (as opposed to grindy, easily parsable, and monetized) gameplay. As such, it sounds like finishing them would be more work than they would stand to generate in revenue because, in the game's current economic model, 'short-term' transactions are valued more than 'long-term' subscriptions. On one hand, if they implemented these two big, combat-focused systems into the base game it would not generate any significant new revenue like DLCs do. On the other hand, if they somehow monetized them, it would likely condemn the game to pay-to-win status. Seems like a lose-lose for ZOS with either direction, though at least that would mean they still seem to be still avoiding the P2W abyss.

    Well I can't tell how disappointed I am with this decision. That is a very short-sighted approach.

    It is so sad. I hoped you guys from Zenimax are different, but you makeing the same mistakes as all the other companys with their F2P/B2P game.

    If doesn't evolve the coregame you will lose in the end.
    Spellcrafting and justice PVP was a great idea of doing so.

    So so sad :disappointed:
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • Faulgor
    nimander99 wrote: »
    Enodoc wrote: »
    Something that I found quite interesting though:
    [We] will be working on much more in 2016, including a major change in how world zones treat player character levels.
    Anyone have any ideas what that could mean? (Did you see that, @Gidorick?)

    I know I'm not Gid but I'm thinking it's exactly what you are thinking it is. A scaling to zone system that allows us to return to the old zones and get value out of them.

    *crosses fingers*

    If that were true I'd never leave Stonefalls again.
    Alandrol Sul: He's making another Numidium?!?
    Vivec: Worse, buddy. They're buying it.
  • Jayne_Doe
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Enodoc wrote: »
    A shame about Justice PvP, but not a surprise I don't think. I'm hoping the PvE aspect of Enforcers (in which you are sent out to raid bandit dens) will still come to something further down the line though.
    The character information window will be updated to show your level, plus your Champion Rating, which is the total number of Champion Points you have accrued.
    I hope that's just for the player, and not something public-facing. One of the problems with VRs was the stigma created by "that guy's 13 VRs lower than me", and if the Champion Rating is on display the same thing will continue to happen. To other players, everyone should show Level 50 without their CPs. (It wouldn't be very informative to show them anyway, as you'd have no idea how many of them had been spent in which constellation.)

    Something that I found quite interesting though:
    [We] will be working on much more in 2016, including a major change in how world zones treat player character levels.
    Anyone have any ideas what that could mean? (Did you see that, @Gidorick?)

    Woo! Thanks for pointing that out @Enodoc ! Hopefully it's a leveling down mechanic.

    Once upon a time I had a concept where each zone had its own set of levels and each player would level through that zone's levels and the xp earned would add to their overall level. If a player's overall level was under or over the zone's level range they could battle level up or down to be viable in that level. it was a really convoluted way to deal with leveling but it wasn't just "ok, now you're this level" it was a battle leveling WITH progression.

    Just having a scale down option would be great! I've been "cleaning up" some old zones and man... not getting XP or drops for mobs is a real drag. :neutral:

    Links to my concepts for those interested:
    Downward Scaling
    Cadwell's Redux (with scaling zone levels)

    I'm working on alts that are always outleveling the zones they're in. I'm a completionist, so I like to do all quests, world bosses, dungeons, skyshards, etc. before I leave the zone. That, and doing dailies gets me too far ahead of the zones.
  • TheBull

    What happened to all the new skill lines you said you'd be adding Matt? I'm tired of passives, and no 1 skill in the TG update is not going to do it. We need more meaningful character customization. Skill lines would bring just that.

    I've been one of the games biggest fans the last two year. You are losing me though.
    Edited by TheBull on 12 January 2016 19:22
  • altemriel
    awesome!! :)
  • Gidorick
    Faulgor wrote: »
    nimander99 wrote: »
    Enodoc wrote: »
    Something that I found quite interesting though:
    [We] will be working on much more in 2016, including a major change in how world zones treat player character levels.
    Anyone have any ideas what that could mean? (Did you see that, @Gidorick?)

    I know I'm not Gid but I'm thinking it's exactly what you are thinking it is. A scaling to zone system that allows us to return to the old zones and get value out of them.

    *crosses fingers*

    If that were true I'd never leave Stonefalls again.

    And I don't see why that would be a bad thing. Every couple months you'd travel to a new zone to complete quests there and then return "home".
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • OtarTheMad
    Doesn't look like ZOS will get to answer my question I posted on another page but I will just say this:

    Not releasing spellcrafting is, in my opinion, a huge mistake. It would have given the game an Elder Scrolls feel to it and bring some diversity it truly needs. I hope that even if they do not release spellcrafting they take those spells that were supposed to be in it and give them to future skill lines like: TG, DB, College of Winterhold (if put into the game) and more.
  • Tallowby
    Justice System News is really disheartening....

    With the initial release of the justice system I was pumped as many were that the game would get more dynamic instead it becomes more lack luster with the promise yanked from beneath our feet.

    As it stands now there are people running freely with bounties in the millions who even come here and complain that they can't turn in a quest because of such and your reply is "You can't? we will get right on a fix for that"

    Just remove the legal system and go back to how the game was at launch or grow a pair and implement some of what you have promised!

    I have played this since Beta and all I can say is this change is a potential pivot point for me.

    Very disappointed with the flip flop on the legal system
    Edited by Tallowby on 12 January 2016 19:32
    Tallowby's Crafter Aid ...... CONSOLE - How to run a DPS Test

    XBOX ONE NA - Guild The OTG (accepting applications)
    Arden Sul | Bosmer | Nightblade | CP160/531 | 9 Trait Master Crafter |
    Tallowby | Imperial | Templar | CP160/531 | 9 Trait Master Crafter | EVERY STYLE KNOWN!
    Freya Bolt | Altmer | Sorcerer | CP160/531 | Master Crafter |
    Wacko Smacko | Imperial | Dragon Knight | CP160/531 | Master Crafter |
  • ThePonzzz
    Sad to read no spellcrafting or better handling of VR removal. Quarterly DLC seems fine, but funneling big updates like Thieves' Guild and Dark Brotherhood into them seem to be where a lot of people are disappointed. Justice system being left in the current state also seem to be pretty poor.

    The Year Ahead announce reads more like something that was forced on posting rather than "we're excited to bring you..." Which trust me, I know that feeling on the staff side.
    Edited by ThePonzzz on 12 January 2016 19:46
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