To begin this specific concept I would like to make it perfectly clear that
I know that ZOS has said that they have no plans to change Cadwell’s Silver and Gold. This doesn’t mean, however, we can’t dream of how it could change to better fit the game.
Cadwell’s silver and gold main quests should both involve players fighting in opposition of the other two factions instead of “experiencing the perspective of the enemy”.
- The Friend of my Enemy
- On the Level… With Your Friends
- Side Quests and Guilds
- Supporting the Cause
The Friend of my Enemy (inspired by
@NadiusMaximus' post
Each player, as they visit a different faction, should do so as a representative from their faction and as the Vestige. After completing their faction's quests, players are sent to the other factions to aid their people. This can be accompanied by a stretching of the main questline over all three factions so that the player goes to Coldharbour after they complete all three faction quest lines.
- Revised Faction/Quest Order
- Main Faction Quests
- Silver Quests
- Gold Quests
- Coldharbour
- Craglorn
There would have to be tweaks to some of the questlines of other factions while the player is going thorough opposing factions to fit their story. Overall the concept would be that the Vestige, while loyal to their faction, is working toward the greater good of Tamriel by stopping Molag Bal.
Coldharbour would then, for all intents and purposes, be a “Veteran Zone”.
On the Level… With Your Friends
In this new end-game, players are not moved to a new VR instance of the zones, they are playing alongside of all the other players who are experiencing levels 1-50 of that faction.
In these zones, there are two interdependent sets of leveling that occurs: The player’s Silver or Gold level and their regular level (I will be using my concept of changing Vet Ranks to regular levels for demonstration purposes, original thread
The Silver & Gold levels are used to help determine the XP that is awarded to the player, nothing more. Regular out-leveling rules apply. If a player’s Silver Level is more than 5 levels above a mob level, a player will not receive any XP for that kill UNLESS they are toggled for Battle Leveling as outlined in this thread
If a Level 53/Silver Level 9 player kills a mob that would reward a level 9 player with 110 XP they would receive 216 XP.
This number is achieved by using the total amount of XP required to achieve level 50 (2296964) to calculate the percentage that the 110 XP awards the player (0.0048%) and applies that percentage to 4.5 million. This evens out the experience for the player and would have the player reach level 61 by the end of Silver, 72 by the end of Gold, leaving levels 73-80 for Craglorn and other leveling.
A player’s power during Silver and Gold should be determined by their Scaled down level which would be 1 level above the level of the highest mob in the zone. Once a player’s Silver Level and Gold Level out-levels the Mobs of the zone, their level should follow the Scaled leveling practices mentioned above.
Once a player achieves Silver or Gold Level 50, players will no longer receive scaled XP for those zones. They can, if they desire, institute battle leveling and receive level appropriate XP. This would mean that after a player finished Cadwell’s Gold the ONLY viable leveling Zones would be Craglorn, Cyodiil, and whatever DLC is released.
(Thanks to
@Mastodonials for his comments on the thread Quests and Guilds
Even though you are in an enemy’s territory, it doesn’t mean you are heartless. If the citizens of Tamriel are in need, you will surely lend a hand. This means that all of the side quests in Silver and Gold should remain unchanged by this refocused main-quest. All the good people of these zones need to know is that you are a capable adventurer that can help them in their time of need. All side quests would have Leveled XP and Gold rewards
The result is that the only quests that would be different between someone going through those zones as 1-50 and those going through those zones as a VR player would be the main quest itself.
Since the Mages and Fighter’s Guild quest lines have already been completed, players should be able to continue their service to their Guilds by performing the repeatable Guild quests as outlined in my thread
Continued Viability of Fighters & Mages Guild: Concept and Discussion.
Supporting the Cause
For their support and effort in the enemy's faction, players should receive not only personal rewards, but rewards to help them in the faction war and rewards that help their faction's soldiers who are fighting the good fight in Cyrodiil.
Each main and side quest in Silver and Gold should reward players with:
- Experience Points: XP rewards should remain the same
- Gold/Items as applicable: Gold and Item rewards should remain the same
- Alliance Points: A small amount of Alliance Points for the player to spend in Cyrodiil
- AP Faction Buffs: There could be any number of buffs that could help the entire faction here. One idea would be to award a very very small percentage off of the cost of Siege Weapons.
- Example:Each quest completed gives a 0.01% discount on all Siege Weapons for 30 minutes. The discount is cumulative so that all players completing quests in Silver and Gold are working towards giving their faction Siege Weapon discounts. If 1000 people complete Silver/Gold quests in a faction in a 30 minute period, that would add up to 10% off of the cost of Siege Weapons.
What are some of your ideas for Faction Buffs?
Note: The Alliance rewards should NOT be earned through he repeatable Guild quests.
These changes would vastly improve Silver and Gold by making them vital to not only player progression, but to the faction war. The un-repeatable nature of the alliance-benefitting quests would encourage players to build and run alternate characters through Silver and Gold. Having separate main-story quests would encourage players to play through each alliance at least once to see the whole story.
These changes would enable Silver and Gold to be seen as part of the ESO narrative, not just something that needs to be grinded through to reach max level.
If VR ranks were changed to 30 regular levels (as outlined in my
Level 50-80: VR Replacement New-ish Concept thread) Silver and Gold would feel less like end game content and more like a natural progression of the game itself.
Would changes like these make the game better? Would it make it worse? Do you like Silver and Gold as is? Do you have a different change in mind that you would prefer?
What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
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HERE to discuss.
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