Biggest issue is that BWB isn't welcoming for new players any longer.. and when new players try the PvP and go WTF is this.. we all loose out, since it will kill the future population.
We need new players to have a chance and have fun!
Be it BWB or something else, there has to be a place where somebody with levelling random drops (greens) and 0 CP has a fighting chance and doesn't constantly get rolled by 501 CP gold set piece crafted, gold enchant crafted wannabees.
Fact that they are going to disable CP in BWB is already a good start, but it's not enough imho.
cschwingeb14_ESO wrote: »Loss of CP in BWB will help even the playing field, but not nearly enough to make it noob friendly. There are too many other ways to "twink"
BB is not broken. It is now the way it should have been from the beginning.
BB is not broken. It is now the way it should have been from the beginning.
You just need to realize that everyone is now V15, and LEARN how the scaling works. As someone mentioned, you NEED to have level accurate gear. So surprise surprise - you can no longer run around naked and kill people. That was the most stupid thing ever.
NOW, my lvl. 38 Sorc WILL be hitting you with 10k frags, and one-shot combo you with Curse, Frag, Wrath. Why ? Because i am better geared than you.
For the OP;
Every 2 levels (20/22/24/26) you need to craft all new Purple gear. I even make Gold weapons sometimes. The bonus from Set Items will decrease drastically as your level difference grows. Enchantments do however not change for some reason. At least not at the same rate.
josh.lackey_ESO wrote: »BB is not broken. It is now the way it should have been from the beginning.
It's broken. Vet should've been changed to work like the old BwB did. Normalized stats where gear doesn't matter. Skill vs skill rather than who has the most CP or who can twink their gear the hardest.BB is not broken. It is now the way it should have been from the beginning.
You just need to realize that everyone is now V15, and LEARN how the scaling works. As someone mentioned, you NEED to have level accurate gear. So surprise surprise - you can no longer run around naked and kill people. That was the most stupid thing ever.
NOW, my lvl. 38 Sorc WILL be hitting you with 10k frags, and one-shot combo you with Curse, Frag, Wrath. Why ? Because i am better geared than you.
For the OP;
Every 2 levels (20/22/24/26) you need to craft all new Purple gear. I even make Gold weapons sometimes. The bonus from Set Items will decrease drastically as your level difference grows. Enchantments do however not change for some reason. At least not at the same rate.
I'd rather everyone have normalized stats like before, no CP. Then it comes down to your build and your skill. I'd rather win because I'm better than you, not because I crafted better gear than you. It's just a silly to have a "scaling" system when the end result is still people with significantly different power levels. BwB took a step backwards into twinkdom and min-maxing, and away from just having to be good at the game.
Valen_Byte wrote: »I agree with everything you said. Bwb was perfect before CP and scaling. Removal of CP is a start, but not enough.
BwB is more fun now by at least an order of magnitude (in my opinion) and I loved BwB before the change. If you are struggling you might want to look into your build or how you are executing it.
Once they remove CP from BwB things will be a lot more even across the board.
Crafting the right gear sets is important but the idea of needing purple gear made every 2 levels to stay relevant is absolutely unfounded.
Blue gear is plenty viable. I've been making blue gear every 6 levels and I've never faced someone 1v1 who I thought I had no chance of beating (aside from an Emperor but that's how it should be)... even when my gear was 5 levels behind me.
The normalized stats were fine while they lasted but they gimped build diversity so much that every fight was completely predictable after playing for a while. Not to mention how absurd it was that armor meant nothing except for the 5pc set bonuses, some traits, and a very limited amount of <5pc set bonuses.
BwB is more fun now by at least an order of magnitude (in my opinion) and I loved BwB before the change. If you are struggling you might want to look into your build or how you are executing it.
TDLR: I am hitting for about 2,500 with my major attacks/finishers, but I am getting hit by 11K wrecking blows, etc. BB is meant to be an equalized/normalized pvp area, so why is there such a huge difference in power?
Its like there are two types of players in BB- one type is totally OP can tank a whole group of weak (normal) toons' focus fire and 100-0 players in one rotation. The other pokes away with 250 damage light attacks and 1,000 damage abilities and melts instantly when an OP toon hits them. I can understand this happening in the Vet campaigns where gear and levels are meant to provide a difference, but why is this happening in BB? It's mind boggling.
josh.lackey_ESO wrote: »BB is not broken. It is now the way it should have been from the beginning.
It's broken. Vet should've been changed to work like the old BwB did. Normalized stats where gear doesn't matter. Skill vs skill rather than who has the most CP or who can twink their gear the hardest.BB is not broken. It is now the way it should have been from the beginning.
You just need to realize that everyone is now V15, and LEARN how the scaling works. As someone mentioned, you NEED to have level accurate gear. So surprise surprise - you can no longer run around naked and kill people. That was the most stupid thing ever.
NOW, my lvl. 38 Sorc WILL be hitting you with 10k frags, and one-shot combo you with Curse, Frag, Wrath. Why ? Because i am better geared than you.
For the OP;
Every 2 levels (20/22/24/26) you need to craft all new Purple gear. I even make Gold weapons sometimes. The bonus from Set Items will decrease drastically as your level difference grows. Enchantments do however not change for some reason. At least not at the same rate.
I'd rather everyone have normalized stats like before, no CP. Then it comes down to your build and your skill. I'd rather win because I'm better than you, not because I crafted better gear than you. It's just a silly to have a "scaling" system when the end result is still people with significantly different power levels. BwB took a step backwards into twinkdom and min-maxing, and away from just having to be good at the game.
josh.lackey_ESO wrote: »BwB is more fun now by at least an order of magnitude (in my opinion) and I loved BwB before the change. If you are struggling you might want to look into your build or how you are executing it.
I don't understand this. If you like the current BwB, why haven't you been playing in vet all along? BwB used to be an option for a different kind of gameplay that a lot of us liked. Now it's just a mini-vet. It's like ZOS took something unique and cherished, doo-doo'd all over it, and now it's the same crap as vet. Yet people are saying they love it now? I don't get it at all. If you like the current BwB, you never should have been in BwB to start with! You should've been in vet!
I disagree on all points. Normalized stats ADDED build diversity -- you could actually dodge as magicka or use spells as stamina. You could actually do WAY more interesting stuff than you can now. Hybrid builds were actually viable. The way armor worked before was not stupid -- you used it for the passives instead of the stats. It was so much more balanced when everyone was on the same playing field. Being able to run around naked not get rekt was a testament to how balanced and skill-based BwB used to be, and if you can't see that, you don't understand what it means to be balanced. Now it's just a twink-fest to see who can cheese the hardest. I liked that I could have a Master Weapon campaign reward, a true badge of honor, and I could actually use for more than a day or two without out-leveling it.
Purple gear (especially weapons) at your level DOES matter, check your tooltips. When they remove CP, things will get WORSE because it will then be EXCLUSIVELY about gear. The next "meta" for BwB, which has already begun, will be which classes have synergistic dropped sets available, and at what levels. People will make MORE generic builds so they can reuse the same gear they had before. I know some people who already have Willpower/Agility sets for every 5 levels!
I am a 9-trait crafter, and I feel like I spend more time making non-vet gear than I actually get to spend in non-vet PvP these days. And let me tell you, if you don't craft or have a crafter that loves you, then you are gonna get doo-doo'd on pretty hard in BwB right now. It will only get worse after CP removal. I hate to say it, but CP is actually helping to offset the imbalance right now. And I am not talking about actual newbies who don't have CP -- they don't know how to play anyway and are guaranteed to get rekt no matter what. BwB is not really for them, and it hasn't been for a long time. It's been for refugees from Lagzura and the zergball joke vet PvP is.
The catchup mechanic, CP cap, and new battle level have invalidated the old argument that CP is bad for BwB. Right now CP is the only thing making it at all balanced. You think the one skill spam is bad now, just wait until gear is the only factor that matters. It will only get worse.
it is rather simple you have some highly equiped twinks slotting gold equip on every slot equal to their lvl and you have newbees running around in greengear 5-10 lvl below their char lvl...
I personally don't go up to gold, but I do know some people who are rich enough and do (millionaires through the similarly unfair guild trading system and IC farming).
I purple out all my stuff, because elegant lining is cheap and purple armor is strong. I'd gladly disable my champ points ( I have 219, not impressive in vet I know but anything more than 0 is too much in non-vet) and go down to greens or whites but the problem there is that then I'll just get relentlessly *** by all the other twinks, and there are A LOT of twinks in non-vet. You'll know then because about half the players you fight will be pushovers that you mow down like it's nothing, and the other half will either be challenging or they'll *** you up because they've got even more champ points/better enchants and jewelry.
Even in the duelling meet ups (all duellers are total twinks, because frankly, only the twinks do well enough in the duels to like them), there are obvious imbalances in champ points and gear.
Your options in non-vet as a vet player who doesn't want to play in lagzura's are basically be a part of the problem, or get roflstomped by others who are.
Even the non-lag part of BwB has been slowly disappearing since that group of vet *** high-end twinks from DC formed Vox Mortem and started using Vet tactics in BwB to roflstomp the competition. Yesterday I was running with an AD group that started using the same tactics because they had no other way of countering the zergball than with their own zergball. It worked too, rolled down the DC ball group as easy as can be.
EP hasn't started doing it yet but I assume Loveden and the noquars won't soon have a choice but to start, since things aren't exactly looking good for them.
Waffennacht wrote: »I am better than you cause I put the time and effort to create my gear.
It's stupid as insert expletive here. It's an MMO, of course there will be gear.
Unless you are lvl 50 and only face other level 50s that have all skills unlocked and maxed.
Does that mean my 2H wrecking blow can be paired with my ward to have both maximized? Or a NB that can cloak like a mag but hit with ambush as if stamina?
The combinations of moves NOT determined by stats is the most ridiculously Over Powered idea ever.
PhatGrimReaper wrote: »Invest in level appropriate Willpower/Agility & Purple gear
....... you're welcome
Yeah, what they suggested is just overboard. I'd recommend blue gear and purple weapons at the very least though.PhatGrimReaper wrote: »Invest in level appropriate Willpower/Agility & Purple gear
....... you're welcome
It is absurd you're telling me to buy Purple gear while I'm leveling to play in the below lvl 50 campaign. I'd hazard to guess most people will just quit.
Do you even know what this thread is about? Refer to post 23 and most other posts in this thread.
Yeah, what they suggested is just overboard. I'd recommend blue gear and purple weapons at the very least though.PhatGrimReaper wrote: »Invest in level appropriate Willpower/Agility & Purple gear
....... you're welcome
It is absurd you're telling me to buy Purple gear while I'm leveling to play in the below lvl 50 campaign. I'd hazard to guess most people will just quit.
Do you even know what this thread is about? Refer to post 23 and most other posts in this thread.
You can also get away with crafting armour every 4-6 levels (6 being the absolute maximum!), but I'd upgrade my weapons every 2 levels. The DPS difference is just too noticeable to leave it to chance.
No, I didn't ask that at all. The post was about taking 25K damage in about 2 seconds from an enemy player. It has to do with the gear-gap and CP-gap new players are experience facing alts of VR players--and when the new players try out PVP for the first time, they just get ROFLstomped. While the alt twinks get their jollies smashing newbies, it's bad for the overall game.