Lone Wolf Help - new Xbox EU branch for solo players needing occasional help

  • Padelos
    Soul Shriven
    GT : Padelos . Thanks
  • Tida2Yuna
    Would like to join.GT: tatum8aci
  • foodsy
    Fatty Foods. cheers
  • UnityChronicler
    Thanks all, and sorry it's been a while since my last invites session - the game spent most of last weekend updating! All invitations have now been sent.
  • vetlet
    Soul Shriven
    Are you still taking, pleaae? Some public dungeons boss I have a bone to. Pick with.

    GT vetlet
  • UnityChronicler
    Thanks @vetlet! Invitation on its way.
  • reclooser
    Soul Shriven
    If you're still recruiting I'd like to join.

    GT: drxthdstryr

  • LtSpong
    Sounds just right for me.

    I'd like to join if poss.

    GT : Lt Spong

  • UnityChronicler
    Cheers guys, invites incoming!
  • SheepInTheSun
    Soul Shriven
    I would really like to join!:)

    GT: sheepinthesun
  • qingshang
    Could you invite me pls. My gt is jinshenaze. Mainly like pve and trading but also do a little pvp too
  • marlinam74
    Soul Shriven
    Please invite me. Mostly solo, but sometimes like to do delves & pvp. GT: Empress Marlina

  • UnityChronicler
    Thanks all! Invitations sent.
  • bebynnag
    Edited by bebynnag on 10 July 2017 11:20
  • UnityChronicler
    Nope, nothing like that. It's a very informal guild, anyone can join, I don't ask for any level of commitment from members. Really it's designed as a roster of players who are like-minded in their approach to playing - those who prefer a single-player experience but occasionally need or want to group with others, for dungeons etc. More of a resource than a club.
  • bebynnag
    Edited by bebynnag on 10 July 2017 11:19
  • UnityChronicler
    Well I don't run them as such, but you can organise them yourself using the roster to find people.
  • bebynnag
    Edited by bebynnag on 10 July 2017 11:19
  • ArchedRaven
    Soul Shriven
    Only just started playing but would love an invite. GT: ArchedRaven
    Edited by ArchedRaven on 27 September 2016 08:31
  • Snootking
    Hey I'm new to the game and this sounds good to me. Please invite if thats cool :)

    Gt: Watsonatorr
    Breton Sorcerer
    XBONE EU: Watsonatorr
  • theenglander
    GT xUrBaNx WaRRioR
  • szgt
    Soul Shriven
    I'd like to join. GT: szgt
  • UnityChronicler
    Invitations sent!
  • whoa_dammitub17_ESO
    I have a champion 210 dps and a level 40 tank. Looking for guild that would have members interested in dungeon running SLOWER. I have only done a couple.....PUG go waaayyyy to fast, no communication, and half the time I have no idea whats going on I end up mindlessly running from one enemy to another hacking and slashing with no team work. If this guild has members interested in some slower dungeons I'd love to join :)
    GT is whoadammit
    Edited by whoa_dammitub17_ESO on 2 October 2016 17:19
    Die in battle and go to Valhalla
  • castleofbones
    Would love to join, sound right up my wossname...

    GT castleofbones
  • me1yoda
    Soul Shriven
    Hello both my wife and I would live to join. This guild is right up our ally. Out gamer tags are neonklingon and me1yoda.

  • DismayingCat
    Soul Shriven
    Hi, this is exactly the sort of guild I need, would love to join. :smiley:
    GT- DismayingCat
  • Livid_Carrion
    Soul Shriven
    Sounds like what I need now im back in eso an slightly addicted again... GT is: Livid Carrion
    I love my Senche Tiger, thanks Zenimax
  • BlanketFort
    Sounds good to me!

    GT: Mueckenstiche
  • Jorrdy13
    Soul Shriven
    I'd like to join as well if that's possible.

    GT: xxxhal0killerxx
    (Dont judge the name, got it when i was young.)
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