Lone Wolf Help - new Xbox EU branch for solo players needing occasional help

Maintenance for the week of March 24:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 24, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• Playstation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
  • BlanketFort
    Hi! I read your guild post and immediately thought "this is exactly what I am looking for! The perfect mix of isolation and socialising, I'm going to celebrate this discovery with a fine glass of orange juice. " needless to say, I'd be delighted to receive an invite :)
    I'm also willing to help anyone who I can help.
    GT: Red Mango Chef
  • UnityChronicler
    Hi all, thanks so much for your interest and support! Sorry it's taken a while but all invitations have been sent. If you've commented here and not had one, give me a shout and I'll get on it. There were a couple that may not have gone through - Ember Thorn looks like it wasn't recognised, for instance - could you double check the tag for me?
  • Candurill
    This sounds interesting :D I'm not just new to the game but also new to MMORPG's in general...I don't know if I'd like a huge commited guild, but i've enjoyed soloplay up until now. I do have experience with rpg's (huge Elder Scrolls nut), just not with online rpgs...

    I'm currently playing an Argonian Nightblade (lvl 15 and Vampire) named Sham'a.
    My gamertag is Candurill. ^^
  • Sanctum
    Soul Shriven
    Hello, I was wondering if I would be able to join as my main character is a lvl 45 Breton Dragonknight (also a werewolf) but I am with the Daggerfall covenant.

    GT - xUniQ SanctumX

    Edited by Sanctum on 12 July 2016 14:04
    Da'len: Champion 62, Breton Werewolf DragonKnight, Daggerfall
    Talvas: Lvl 12, Nord Werewolf Dragonknight, Ebonheart
    Kenna: Lvl 5, Altmer, Templar, Aldmeri

    Gamertag: xUniQ SanctumX
  • JaradSoul
    Soul Shriven
    Been playing solo for couple of weeks now would love an invite GT: Jarad Soul

  • ajw89w
    Soul Shriven
    Definitely interested.

    GT: CrackaPhat

  • UnityChronicler
    Cheers guys, all invites sent.
  • teaguewh
    GT teaguewh
  • Shadow93Wolf
    Soul Shriven
    Hiya, sounds exactly what I'm looking for in a guild. Can I get an invite?

    GT: Razor5harpEdge
  • L2NotFail
    Soul Shriven
    GT: L2NotFail

    Sounds like my kind of guild!
  • UnityChronicler
    Invitations sent!
    @L2NotFail, it says account not found on yours. Can you double-check you got the right GT?
  • DynamicViper123
    Hey sounds like a decent guild!

    An invite would be appreciated
    Gt: DynamicViper123
  • geordietrip
    Soul Shriven
    Send me an invite plz

    Soul Shriven
    Hey looking for an invite. Currently level 43 as an Argonian Nightblade. Gamer tag is BoSnMaRk.
  • ligeglad
    Inv! Please!

    Gt: el campo gigant.
  • Y01Elmo
    Hey - sounds good can i get an envite please? Y01Elmo
  • kenjiblaster25
    GT kenjiblaster25

    Never Behind Guild - PvE & PvP & Trade & Trials & Friendship & Great laughs
    Guild Motto - leave no one behind, stay on the crown, kill the greens
    Ebonheart Pact
  • UnityChronicler
    All invitations sent!

    @geordietrip, it says account not found. Can you double-check the GT for me?
  • Namigi
    Soul Shriven
    Please invite me. Namigi
  • TenseGinger
    Soul Shriven
    This sounds perfect for me GT TenseGinger
  • UnityChronicler
    Thanks guys, invitations sent!
  • Ardelli
    Hi. Ive been playing for few weeks now and I searched forum back then and found this guild. Problem was that I didnt have forum account and I had trouble getting it. But now I have an account and would be great to join. Sounds like a perfect guild for me! GT: Ardelli
  • KingofAnnwn
    Can I get an invite please just incase there are any daggerfall players here. GT=YDdraigGymraeg thanks
    Edited by KingofAnnwn on 8 August 2016 20:43
    Xbox One (Very Rare)
    DC - Gwenhwyfar Gwraig - Redguard Vamp Stamplar
    DC - Kiarina Florcht - Redguard Stamden
    AD - Lilwen Haf - Altmer Mag Sorc
    EP - Tarmena Diloren - Dunmer Magblade
    DC - Eletti Ghellon - Redguard Stamblade
    DC - Arianwen Adahl - Breton Magcro
  • Fitchback
    Soul Shriven
    Hey There!

    I would like to get an invitation!

    GT: Fitchflank

    Thanks in advance!
  • SugarDaddyPaddy
    Soul Shriven
    Hi, Filthy casual here looking for some people to dungeon with.

    Can I have an invite please?

    GT: SugarDaddyPaddy
  • UnityChronicler
    All invitations sent! Thanks and welcome to the guild!
  • Catcherz
    Soul Shriven
    Hey, I'd like to join if there is still a spot. Wouldn't mind being in a guild that is just there to relax and have fun on the game.

    GT: Catch3rzz

    Thank you in advance.
  • adcjen
    Soul Shriven
    Could I get an invite pls?

    Been playing few weeks now and would love to be in a guild, should have got this game ages ago :smile:

    GT = adcjen

  • Divinefury21790
    Soul Shriven
    Hi could I have an invite, this guild sounds perfect as I love to help others but also like to play solo

    GT - Divinefury21790
  • Padelos
    Soul Shriven
    Hi. I am a returning player and i would like an invite . Love to help others and solo for relax :)
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