Official Discussion Thread for "ESO Live's Next Episode: 9/25"

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This is the official discussion thread for the web article, "ESO Live's Next Episode: 9/25."


We're back with a brand new episode of our biweekly livestream on Twitch! Join us tomorrow at 4PM EDT where we'll discuss Imperial City hot topics with Creative Director Rich Lambert. Check out the article for the full show lineup.
Jason Leavey
Community Coordinator - The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited
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Staff Post
  • Legedric
    Why did you tell us you increased the drop rate of certain trophies when you clearly didn't?
    Deadroths, Harvesters and Ogrims don't seem to drop any trophies at all...

    See this for reference:
    Legedric the Flamedancer ► - Redguard Dragon Knight
    Legedric the Stormdancer ► - Altmer Sorcerer
    Legedric the Sundancer ► - Altmer Templar

    EU | DRUCKWELLE - Retter des Kaiserreiches
  • Tomato
    Can you un nerf GDB and Reflect?
    Edited by Tomato on 24 September 2015 20:02
  • lonewolf26
    Were all of the Cyrodiil pop caps increased significantly lately? Last night no one campaign on PC NA was over one bar. If not, where'd everyone go?
  • AshTal
    What have you learn't from Imperial city, what would you have changed, done differently, how will what you have learnt influence the next DLC and are you concerned that imperial city will become a ghost town once the hard core player base has grounded out the Mats for the Vet 16 gear?
  • SleepyTroll
    ZOS where the road ahead? where the seasonal gear? where the cp seasons? where's the no vet ranks? whereas the fixed loading screens? where's the 2nd half of the justice system? where The mixed rule set pvp campaigns(not score)? where is the transparency? where's the console text chat? where the PC controller support? What happened to spell crafting and why? Why do you just nerf classes and not work on the real problem? Do you think its ok to be able to solo the last boss in White Gold Tower? Why is there only 3 v16 jewelry sets? Are you trying to force us into builds? Will AP ever be viable again other then the tele stones? What are you guys doing? Do you guys even play the game?

    Please answer at least one of the above questions:)
    Edited by SleepyTroll on 25 September 2015 18:57
  • Fat_Cat45
    lonewolf26 wrote: »
    Were all of the Cyrodiil pop caps increased significantly lately? Last night no one campaign on PC NA was over one bar. If not, where'd everyone go?

    That is a UI error which seems to have been fixed

    1. Can we get Alchemy hirelings so that the few reagents which can not be obtained by writ containers or surveys (Emetic Russula, Imp Stool, White Cap, and a few others) do not have to be solely harvested in the open world.

    2. The enraging flesh atronachs in Veteran Prison is a gimmicky mechanic which favors gear/dps checks. Can they at least hit a max of 20k while enraged instead of almost 200k?
    Edited by Fat_Cat45 on 24 September 2015 23:54
  • Ichnaea
    Where are the rest of the V15 recipes? Currently the only available ones are:
    Garlic-and-Pepper Venison Steak
    Thrice-Baked Gorapple Pie
    Bravil's Best Beet Risotto
    Melon-Baked Parmesan Pork
    Braised Rabbit with Spring Vegetables
    Chevre-Radish Salad with Pumpkin Seeds
    Longfin Pasty with Melon Sauce

    Colovian Ginger Beer
    Heart's Day Rose Tea
    Fredas Night Infusion
    Bravil Bitter Barley Beer
    Flowing Bowl Green Port
    Cordial Teas:
    Honest Lassie Honey Tea
    Lusty Argonian Maid Matze
    If you look at there are still quite a few that are unobtainable. Thanks to @Sneak-Thief for their help in this matter.
    Legedric wrote: »
    Why did you tell us you increased the drop rate of certain trophies when you clearly didn't?
    Deadroths, Harvesters and Ogrims don't seem to drop any trophies at all..
    Spider Daedra don't have trophies either. It could be that they didn't want everything to have a chance at dropping a trophy. I think it would have been smarter to ensure everything in IC has a drop chance for a trophy, instead of fixing the actual rates.

    The treasure chests in IC that spawn a portal event are usually bugged. When it does bug, iit usually disrupts mobs that are close by from spawning. Also, it only rewards one person, which is probably intended but still stupid.
    Mishi - V16 Wood Elf Nightblade
    Zach Vane - V16 Imperial Nightblade
    Clara Bonny - V16 Breton Templar
    Sherman Bradley - V16 Imperial Templar
    One Knight Standard - V16 Imperial Dragonknight
    Unemployed Merlin - V16 High Elf Sorcerer
    Ice Hinged Mice Elf - V16 Dunmer Dragonknight
  • Ultizmo
    Soul Shriven
    When are the champion point catch up & seasons going to be implemented? The current imbalance discourages new players to join the game and make current non grinding players feel like they're just wasting time if they aren't grinding 24/7.

  • audrieltheelf
    So you killed zombie grinding with your "desecrated ground" addition and overnight, when you put the glass motif on the crown store, you apparently also killed the spider grinding in the Imperial City. So the "play the game the way you want" isn't actually true unless you're playing the way YOU want us to.
    Alaudria - v16 Altmer Sorc
    Teleia Opisthia - v16 Imperial Templar (Tank)
    Fionna Dark-Heart - v16 Imperial DK (Tank)
    Katniss Never Seen - v16 Bosmer NB
    Stilettos and a Lava Whip - v16 Dunmer DK
    Kerasi Moro - v16 Breton Templar
    Kyria Lathraia - v16 Imperial NB
  • Enodoc
    @ZOS_JasonLeavey Is episode 25 (11 Sept) up on YouTube yet? I can't find it.
    Edited by Enodoc on 25 September 2015 11:19
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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  • Bashev
    @ZOS_RichLambert Will you review some of the Dragonknights skills? The class used to be tanky and had a nice self heal. This is not the case anymore.
    Because I can!
  • JD2013
    Rich, what are your plans for the future of Elder Scrolls Online? Given that you did a bunch of work on Oblivion, you know what makes an Elder Scrolls game. Will we see a proper story expansion, for example as the Planemeld story is now basically over rather than just zones with no interconnecting stories?
    Sweetrolls for all!

    Christophe Mottierre - Breton Templar with his own whole darn estate! Templar Houses are so 2015. EU DC

    PC Beta Tester January 2014

    Elder of The Black
    Order of Sithis
    The Runners

    @TamrielTraverse - For Tamriel related Twitter shenanigans!

    Crafting bag OP! ZOS nerf pls!
  • ZOS_JasonLeavey
    @Enodoc, it will be up shortly! Apologies for the delay, but we're working on getting that up before today's show.
    Jason Leavey
    Community Coordinator - The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited
    Facebook | Twitter | Google+ | Tumblr | Instagram | YouTube
    Staff Post
  • Pappa
    This is the official discussion thread for the web article, "ESO Live's Next Episode: 9/25."


    We're back with a brand new episode of our biweekly livestream on Twitch! Join us tomorrow at 4PM EDT where we'll discuss Imperial City hot topics with Creative Director Rich Lambert. Check out the article for the full show lineup.

    I thought you guys said you were going to start posting your times in BST/CET as well ? there's players in Europe that watch too
    *Kiss the goat*
  • MeridianKnight
    Can we possibly see an increase to vampire rotation on console? Minor request, but still desired by some. At the moment we're getting WW spawn most of the week and bloodfiends maybe once, with some rotations spawning nothing. This may be due to people killing them though. However I've seen werewolves spawn 4 cycles in a row, then nothing spawn then werewolves again o.o Craziness and a bit of a time sync. I've seen guilds camp The Rift for 3 straight real world days for bloodfiends and not find any due to werewolves spawning almost every cycle.

    EDIT: I meant for PC, but I'm sure console wouldn't mind the increase as well lol
    Edited by MeridianKnight on 25 September 2015 18:45
  • Divinius
    The changes made in the recent update to the achievement-based "collectible" trophies seem to be causing universal displeasure for everyone that is still working on these already difficult achievements. There have been several threads on the forums regarding the topic. { thread1, thread2, thread3 }

    No one likes the changes and limitations, and they make the achievements virtually impossible to get in some cases. Has there been any consideration given to reverting these unwanted changes, or at least allowing the items to be bankable once again?
  • Preyfar
    Once you hit VR15/16 the loot system becomes dull and boring. There's really no variety to the endgame as the economy is focused on three sets: agility, endurance and willpower. Sets don't drop from monsters, bosses* or chests and grinding for loot just becomes tedious as it's solely for monster trophies and to deconstruct items.

    Will ZOS add set drops back to bosses, treasure chests or other encounters? It doesn't have to Tel Var or IC armor, but there's an entire array of armor choices out there that completely vanish at the end game. Some are available in Rewards for the Worthy, but they're still few and far between.

    * Minor exception for dungeons, but it only applies to jewelry.
  • CtrlAltDlt
    Ultizmo wrote: »
    When are the champion point catch up & seasons going to be implemented? The current imbalance discourages new players to join the game and make current non grinding players feel like they're just wasting time if they aren't grinding 24/7.

    PC NA - jeazzy

    stamblade outnumbered pvp vol 1.
    Stamblade outbumbered pvp vol 2. No cheese
  • MeridianKnight
    juan0316 wrote: »


    Champion point system...I'm a new player, but I haven't seen this mentioned. Is it supposed to be impacting me as a new player? Or is this an end game thing?
  • Mojmir
    Why are you against xp grinding but for telvar grinding?
    What happened to play your way?
    Are you going to add more classes in the next 6 months?
    Any future plans to make eso+ membership stand out?

  • ZOS_JasonLeavey
    @Enodoc, episode 25 is up on YouTube now!

    @Pappa, if you switch the language view of the article at the top to "English (INT'L)" it will show the time in BST. :smile:
    Jason Leavey
    Community Coordinator - The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited
    Facebook | Twitter | Google+ | Tumblr | Instagram | YouTube
    Staff Post
  • MeridianKnight
    Mojmir wrote: »
    Why are you against xp grinding but for telvar grinding?
    What happened to play your way?
    Are you going to add more classes in the next 6 months?
    Any future plans to make eso+ membership stand out?

    Also is there any plans for a new race - I've heard players toss around fox type race, or maybe dwemer/dwarves making an appearance from underground, the sky or a secret oblivion relm.

    And possibly more character slots added? :D Although someone mentioned this part being a technological limitation? o.0
  • Pappa
    @Enodoc, episode 25 is up on YouTube now!

    @Pappa, if you switch the language view of the article at the top to "English (INT'L)" it will show the time in BST. :smile:

    Thanks for replying

    All i see at the top of the page as language options are EN EN-GB DE FR I have tried both EN and EN-GB and none of them alter the time
    *Kiss the goat*
  • Enodoc
    Pappa wrote: »
    Thanks for replying
    All i see at the top of the page as language options are EN EN-GB DE FR I have tried both EN and EN-GB and none of them alter the time
    Thanks Jason!
    @Pappa The time in the thread post doesn't change, but the time on the main article does:
    Edited by Enodoc on 25 September 2015 21:48
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
    Join us on Discord -
  • Djeriko
    Was it intentional for the dye system to produce incorrect colors on Glass armor? Are we basically being told that even tho we earned those dyes, we can't have them on our awesome, expensive, shiny new armor? Yeah if you haven't already noticed, the colors on the dyes for Glass armor are all off.
    Edited by Djeriko on 25 September 2015 22:42
    "When in doubt, kill it with fire."
  • Iluvrien
    Why take questions from Twitch chat but ignore your AUA thread?
  • Pappa
    Enodoc wrote: »
    Thanks Jason!
    @Pappa The time in the thread post doesn't change, but the time on the main article does:

    Ah i see , thanks for clearing that up :)
    *Kiss the goat*
  • dudenamedchris
    Talons skill doesn't work please fix
  • BigM
    So is this going to be the NEW official thread now for ESO Live? Or are you still going to have us ask and get ignored in the ask us anything thread?
    “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.”
    ― Stephen Hawking
  • dudenamedchris
    ^soooo true
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