Maintenance for the week of March 3:
· [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – March 6, 6:00AM EST (11:00 UTC) - 4:00PM EST (21:00 UTC)

Official Discussion Thread for “Your Guide to ESO Plus™ Premium Membership”

  • Sylvyr

    I'm OK with B2P premium sub model in general as long as it's not F2P which brings in all the junk. It really depends on how it is implemented. Trust is generally a key but well, let's just say, there ain't much of that left.

    Things I have a major problems with:
    - Rings of Mara and new XP boost with premium sub. Rings were SOLD with prerelease as the exclusive means of XP boost. Numerous players felt cheated when they discovered that they were basically one shot deals (like not being able to transfer them if your partner left the game, etc). I can't speak for everyone else that bought prerelease but I totally feel cheated now more than ever. Instead of fxing the benefit for prerelease purchasers to include transfers of the bonus, you now screw them over and include XP boost in the sub? For having been loyal and a beta tester and buying prerelease and sticking through this mess, F me? Right back at you.
    - Including items in the crown shop that compete with lootable or craftable items sucks. I see you skirting the edge of this with soul gems and potions, if it were armor or weapons or anything else you'd have a complete mutiny on your hands IMHO. But guess what, I craft and sell potions, and fill and sell soul gems. I don't mind competing against other players and crafters but now against you ZOS? After all the "adjustments" (including what many might consider deception and lies) that have taken place since the beginning, I DON'T TRUST YOU AT ALL. You will do whatever you "think" is right and even if you say you wont sell gear in the future, I don't buy it. The current items including gems and potions in them is enough to tell me you are willing to do this. Another F me? Well right back at you.

    I'm done telling my friends to come back to the game and that 1.6 and 1.7 will be awesome. I'm done telling people not to leave the game. And there's no way in hell I'm getting on the PTS to test 1.6 and work for nothing as you so adamantly encourage in ESO Live and everywhere else. At this point I hope it crashes and burns. I hope exploiters find bugs don't tell you about them and reach max CP in a week. Instead of thinking about loyal players, making a quality product, and doing things right, your track record for being greedy, rushing, and butchering the game are sticking out like a sore thumb. GLHF.
    Badge: Wall-of-Text GRANDMASTER

    PvP: Patch Vs. Player

    ZoSence (n.):
    1) What is reasonable or comprehensive using ZoS logic. "That makes ZoSense"
    2) Making zero sense. "That makes ZoSense"
  • Thayn
    .. Will there be a Premium Members only campaign? That's my only concern - I fear the type of community this could potentially bring in, and the queues will undoubtedly be longer.
  • Axamana
    Soul Shriven
    This is the official discussion thread for the web article “Your Guide to ESO Plus™ Premium Membership.”

    Find out more about the excellent in-game benefits that all ESO Plus members will enjoy in Tamriel Unlimited!

    How long did it take you to get the courage up to hit the enter button when posting this? Was your hand trembling? ;)
  • infoub17_ESO22
    Seems like a lot of folks don't get it. This game did not make enough money for Zenimax. It failed. Failed MMO's go to F2P, then they die out.

    It's the natural progression of a company that did not commit to the end game at the beginning of the game.

    The Zenimax team was the wrong choice. They are the x factor that failed. Bethesda chose unwisely and drank from the wrong chalice.
  • Zwomann
    Soul Shriven
    .. I just bought 2 more copies of this game so my older kids could play with me. I was hoping for a "family pack" sub... not letting every idiot in. I won't cancel, but not too thrilled about having to listen to all these idiots in the chat window. Maybe have a chat filter that only allows plus member chatter? Would STILL like to see a "family" sub package, please. LOVE the above post idea that after a year going to $5!
    Edited by Zwomann on 21 January 2015 18:39
  • a.grespinrb19_ESO
    yay im sooooooooooooooo happy they did this i totally agree with Zos for going down this path. Yeeeeeeessss

    Was someone drunk when they had this idea i mean why!!?!!?!?!?!?
    Edited by a.grespinrb19_ESO on 21 January 2015 18:41
    Been here since the beta
  • Elridge
    Kinda glad it's B2p instead of F2p, also glad that means I can play with my irl friends. However, I know what comes from games that go b2p/f2p from a sub model, it isn't pretty. It was nice having a generally mature crowed, scared that this will bring in alot of people from the "undesirable" and toxic side of gaming. Spamming zone chats with hateful messages, or getting angry at people simply asking for help, which no doubt still happens today, but on a smaller scale then it will be once this goes live.
    Account Name:@Elridge
    "Be kind and generous to the people of Tamriel. Protect the weak, heal the sick, and give to the needy." -Stendarr "Ten Commands of the Nine Divines"
  • Arki
    B2P, limited cash shop and DLCs for sale. Not what I had hoped for but not really doom and gloom either.

    Maybe a few friends will be back :)

    If it goes F2P or P2W i'll quit, but this actually doesn't sound so bad when you get into the details. Also Matt Firor put a few of my concerns to rest on twitch.

    Just be careful ZoS, it's a fine line!
  • RaunHunter
    Alright guys, chill! Think about it. Yes, I understand that this sounds bad and you all feel betrayed. That's how I felt too. I was so mad that I was about to cancel my subscription right away. I hate F2P/P2W that much.

    But... Here's the deal:

    It's not F2P. It's B2P. Meaning people will still have to buy the game to play it. Also, unless you have your subscription on, you don't get access to DLCs and you have to buy them separately. This means, there's not going to be a million accounts created by some goldseller who is going to spam the chat in high-level zones.

    The Crown Store sounds VERY bad at first but when you think about it, it's not. Everyone who has subscribed gets the same amount of Crowns. Albeit all at the same time if you choose the 6-month subscription or spread over the months if you choose the 3- or 1-month subscription. (I understand that this is an incentive that ZOS is giving to those who choose to pay for a long time in advance. But I personally do not like this because I can't afford the 3- or 6-month subscription and have to pay monthly.)

    So, because everyone gets the same amount of Crowns, it does not introduce any major imbalance. This is assuming that ZOS DOES NOT allow further purchase of Crowns using real money and that no exotic gear/consumables are available for purchase only with these Crowns. If that is not the case, ZOS is just screwing with its true supporters and we should stay far far away from them.

    What we really have here is the opportunity to have more players to play with. Yes, the maturity level of the community is going to be seriously deteriorated because of this move. But with the guild option, it is very easy to control whom you deal with and whom you don't. Those who pay the sub is not going to experience anything different. They still get the DLCs and everything. It's just that those who do not want to pay the sub also has a chance to play the game, with disadvantages. What we need to understand is that this model does not introduce advantages. It introduces disadvantages that subscribers needn't care about.

    With all that said, it is sad that ZOS is choosing to make this move. I wish this hadn't happened. But it did. And we have to come to terms with the fact that this is inevitable in all MMOs. But... I personally believe ZOS is handling this much better than those before it.

    From what I've read, most of us are hurt with the fact that ZOS chose to do this despite us defending them and claiming that they will never switch to the F2P or B2P model. We are hurt that the haters are having the laugh now. But, frankly, we needn't care about them because they do not care about the game and they are not going to be playing with us. Just let them be and look at this decision for what it truly is. It is not great. But it definitely is not bad either.

    Edit: Nevermind my defense against these... I'm not going to swear.

    "Purchase Crown Packs: PC/Mac players will be able to purchase crown packs from The Elder Scrolls Online store. Console players will be able to purchase crowns via the Xbox Live or PSN stores."

    means you can get unlimited Crowns if you are willing to pay. And coupled with this...

    "You can spend crowns in the in-game Crown Store to get unique mounts, special vanity pets, a variety of fun costumes for your character, and convenience items like health potions and soul gems."

    it means it's going P2W. This proves that all they wanted and will always want is our money.
    Thank you ZOS for screwing a true fan. I'm done with you guys, this game, and all your future games.
    Edited by RaunHunter on 21 January 2015 19:02
    Lesson #1: Red means dead.
  • wenchmore420b14_ESO
    I so want to get on and talk to my guildies about this, but it hurts too bad. I feel violated. I supported ESO against all the ney sayers. Now they were not only right, but will be in zone chat... "M'aiq says..This is sad day for all Tamriel."..:(
    Drakon Koryn~Oryndill, Rogue~Mage,- CP ~Doesn't matter any more
    NA / PC Beta Member since Nov 2013
    GM~Conclave-of-Shadows, EP Social Guild, ~Proud member of: The Wandering Merchants, Phoenix Rising, Imperial Trade Union & Celestials of Nirn
    Sister Guilds with: Coroner's Report, Children of Skyrim, Sunshine Daydream, Tamriel Fisheries, Knights Arcanum and more
    "Not All Who Wander are Lost"
    “When the people that can make the company more successful are sales and marketing people, they end up running the companies. The product people get driven out of the decision making forums, and the companies forget what it means to make great products.”

    _Steve Jobs (The Lost Interview)
  • WillhelmBlack
    When is the earliest I can opt for the 12 month sub for my dragon mount?
    PC EU
  • Romtim
    Both me and my friend canceled our subscriptions. Adios TESO. Was playing only thanks to sub-model.

    Too bad.
  • connor_worlineub17_ESO
    I don't get this company or any MMO developer that does stuff like this. I mean we've all seen countless MMO's rise and fall, we've all seen the reasons for their faliures too.... You'd THINK newer MMOs would take lessons from the fallen but NOPE!! MAKE THE SAME AVOIDABLE MISTAKE AT THE FIRST OPPUTUNITY!! ZOS might as well be Robert Baratheon hunting boar while drunk, it wont end well...
  • radiostar
    After hanging with FE from launch, I'm not shocked. I think ESO will fare better because the game has more potential. At least now we can all relax the speculating. Just keep the game fun.
    "Billions upon Billions of Stars"
  • Lauradana
    This does not sound as bad as everybody making it out to be. I am going to stay and see how this turn out. Instead of giving up like most people are doing.

    Looks like your going to be very lonely real soon, these guys lied right in our faces without even a thought, and the cheek of selling this as a "great" event when so many players are appaulled at this move is cheecky beyond belife. I just hope that Everquest Next will hurry up and hope that it really will be the sandbox game that they claim it to be, then this game is dead in the water and will go the way Warhammer did. Houses e.g. will now never happen and most of the other stuff that was in the works will go down the drain as the only thing these will will try to do is make as much money out of this dead horse as possible before the plug is pulled, I for one have absolutly no faith in this team anymore and I am an Imperial beta player as is my wife, we both had reoccuring 6 month subs which have now been cancelled as we both feel lied to and cheated.
  • Sylvyr
    RaunHunter wrote: »
    Alright guys, chill! Think about it. Yes, I understand that this sounds bad and you all feel betrayed. That's how I felt too. I was so mad that I was about to cancel my subscription right away. I hate F2P/P2W that much.

    But... Here's the deal:

    It's not F2P. It's B2P. Meaning people will still have to buy the game to play it. Also, unless you have your subscription on, you don't get access to DLCs and you have to buy them separately. This means, there's not going to be a million accounts created by some goldseller who is going to spam the chat in high-level zones.

    The Crown Store sounds VERY bad at first but when you think about it, it's not. Everyone who has subscribed gets the same amount of Crowns. Albeit all at the same time if you choose the 6-month subscription or spread over the months if you choose the 3- or 1-month subscription. (I understand that this is an incentive that ZOS is giving to those who choose to pay for a long time in advance. But I personally do not like this because I can't afford the 3- or 6-month subscription and have to pay monthly.)

    So, because everyone gets the same amount of Crowns, it does not introduce any major imbalance. This is assuming that ZOS DOES NOT allow further purchase of Crowns using real money and that no exotic gear/consumables are available for purchase only with these Crowns. If that is not the case, ZOS is just screwing with its true supporters and we should stay far far away from them.

    What we really have here is the opportunity to have more players to play with. Yes, the maturity level of the community is going to be seriously deteriorated because of this move. But with the guild option, it is very easy to control whom you deal with and whom you don't. Those who pay the sub is not going to experience anything different. They still get the DLCs and everything. It's just that those who do not want to pay the sub also has a chance to play the game, with disadvantages. What we need to understand is that this model does not introduce advantages. It introduces disadvantages that subscribers needn't care about.

    With all that said, it is sad that ZOS is choosing to make this move. I wish this hadn't happened. But it did. And we have to come to terms with the fact that this is inevitable in all MMOs. But... I personally believe ZOS is handling this much better than those before it.

    From what I've read, most of us are hurt with the fact that ZOS chose to do this despite us defending them and claiming that they will never switch to the F2P or B2P model. We are hurt that the haters are having the laugh now. But, frankly, we needn't care about them because they do not care about the game and they are not going to be playing with us. Just let them be and look at this decision for what it truly is. It is not great. But it definitely is not bad either.

    *waves hand* nothing to see here. No real concerns. Needn't care. *wave hand again just in case* and don't pay any attention to the track record.
    Badge: Wall-of-Text GRANDMASTER

    PvP: Patch Vs. Player

    ZoSence (n.):
    1) What is reasonable or comprehensive using ZoS logic. "That makes ZoSense"
    2) Making zero sense. "That makes ZoSense"
  • strfiter
    Soul Shriven
    To reiterate what others have said, my heart has dropped and my interest in this game has completely dissipated with this news. ZOS, I for one will not be resubscribing once my current 180 day subscription expires. You have ruined a wonderful universe you created for the interest of personal gain.

    I'm not angry, just very disappointed.
  • AllPlayAndNoWork
    What is funny, the signs were all there.... After all the Aussie Mole knew about it.......... Pesky media rumours, what the DK do they know anyhow ?!
  • REzRyder
    Really? REALLY?

    How do I feel about this? Betrayed is the short of it.

    I defended this game in beta, more at release, and even this passed weekend stood strong on the belief that this game is viable pay to play MMO, and you guys pull this stunt. Giving copy after copy of the game to my Twitch channel viewers so that folks could experience the joys of the game (this one probably won't change with this news), the tight-knit community full of really neat players to meet (this goes away as soon as the f2p'ers enter), and the security of knowing bots and trolls don't have accounts set up once the subscription kicked in (hope your bot management tools are way above par because the things that gave the game such poor early reviews are about to be back).

    You lose tons of credibility with your fiercely loyal base when you do this.

    Can you at least give us a subscriber-only option for who is allowed to communicated with us? Sub-only zones where we can avoid the things we hate most about free to play games (bots and trolls)?

    What can we, your first and loyal customer base, do to keep this from tearing OUR game experience apart? From making OUR contribution to the culture that has brought in so many friends meaningless?

    You stand poised to lay waste to the game experience we all have defended so staunchly from all the rumormongers and haters, and you're giving the game to them.

    You disappoint us all.

    Game on, Ride hard, Live free...

    Game on, Ride hard, Live free...
    Watch or come play live at
  • eseguin
    Soul Shriven
    I am so sad for this.

    On a more constructive note, after an eso supporter stops subscribing why would you take away his DLC up until that point? Your argument on the guide was that they "hadn't paid for it yet" but they had with their continued support through subscription.

    Personally I am going to TRY REALLY HARD to enjoy this game as the SPECTACULAR community slowly degrades but at some point I won't be able to justify the monthly cost and will want to switch to f2p. However you will steal the DLC i DID pay for through subscription which is how we all pay for content patches now, making me just quit instead.

    The entire development team needs to view these disappointed comments through the scope that a lot of us intended on sticking with ESO indefinitely based solely on content produced thus far and the communication with the community. I would gladly pay for it.

    However with f2p models there is often content i see as "Money grabbing material" where they repeat the same content update with aesthetic and stat structure over and over. We like the depth of the game, we like the introduction of champion and justice systems, we like the idea of spellcrafting and fighting within the capital in cyrodil to take control, we like the idea of making use of the arena in the capital for small group pvp. WE LIKE MEANINGFUL CONTENT WHICH IS RARE IN F2P SYSTEMS BECAUSE YOU ONLY RELEASE CONTENT FOR THE INSENTIVE OF A QUICK BUCK RATHER THAN HAVING THE SECURITY OF SUBS THAT MAKE YOU PUT ACTUAL THOUGHT INTO MAKING THE GAME DEEPER RATHER THAN ADDING MORE OF THE SAME OLD SAME OLD TO GRIND.
  • Alomar
    A buy to play option without a cash shop would of been the best outcome of this. The described system just sounds like another buy to play/pay to win cash shop game. Even though only a few items were listed on the cash shop, one already has the inkling of pay to win (potions), seeing at they are so essential.

    All you had to do was improve the game you had and put effort into it updates and improvements rather than into a buy to play system, guess that was too hard.

    As a pvper whose only been shafted by every update you guys have had so far I can't say I plan on sticking around.
    Edited by Alomar on 21 January 2015 19:11
    Haxus Council Member
    Former Havoc Commander
    Former DiE officer
    Alomar: 5 Stars - Beast: 3 stars - Kurudin: 5th NA emperor
    Awaiting New World, Camelot Unchained, and Crowfall
  • Miszou
    All you doom-criers need to watch this:

    Looks pretty awesome to me, and I'd imagine that some of the roleplayers would be all over the new costumes. But whatever... I'm sure it will suck balls because reasons. :|
  • synfulshy
    Soul Shriven
    This is so disappointing, I came to ESO to escape all the crap others games have pulled such a SWTOR and WOW. I loved it because it was unique in its own way and now I see this, now I can't even log onto the game anymore. Complete trash now, Ruined another MMO and I have lost respect for ZOS, Cancel my account and refund my money, Ill take my business elsewhere.
  • Jennifur_Vultee
    Miszou wrote: »
    Soris_ESO wrote: »
    How you gonna handle bots and gold sellers in f2p? Idiots

    Charge $60 for the game up front?

    You obviously were not here when the bots and gold sellers were taking over and getting totally out of control. The $60 purchase price didn't even slow them down.

    "Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters." – Albert Einstein

    Treat a customer fairly and they will remember you. Treat a customer poorly and they never forget.

    Imperial City: Zerg, gank or die.
  • menalaus25ub17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    I actually like this idea. A lot of MMOs are doing this. It's not a bad idea. It will give us loyal subscribers some nice perks, and bring in some new or previous players. I'm sure a bunch of the new players will end up subbing as well. I'm really disappointed in the current subscribers who heard this news and said they are already going to cancel their sub. Also, the people who have already declared the ruination of the game because of this. You guys haven't even experienced the change. For all we know this may work perfectly well and make the game better. I for one welcome their latest news. ESO has yet to disappoint me so I will hold fast with them as the rest of my fellow ESO adventurers should as well.
  • Robbmrp
    I've heard that sometimes there's a queue to enter PVP. I don't PVP right now so I haven't had to experience that yet but planned on doing so at some point.

    If these changes are going to bring in a million players to the game, are we going to have to queue up a week in advance to get into PVP? They better do something to account for the game lag that's going to occur with these changes. Otherwise people will drop their subs like crazy come March if they haven't already done so.
    NA Server - Kildair
  • Frenkthevile
    Oh well, it was fun. Bye.
  • wenchmore420b14_ESO
    Really? REALLY?

    How do I feel about this? Betrayed is the short of it.

    I defended this game in beta, more at release, and even this passed weekend stood strong on the belief that this game is viable pay to play MMO, and you guys pull this stunt. Giving copy after copy of the game to my Twitch channel viewers so that folks could experience the joys of the game (this one probably won't change with this news), the tight-knit community full of really neat players to meet (this goes away as soon as the f2p'ers enter), and the security of knowing bots and trolls don't have accounts set up once the subscription kicked in (hope your bot management tools are way above par because the things that gave the game such poor early reviews are about to be back).

    You lose tons of credibility with your fiercely loyal base when you do this.

    Can you at least give us a subscriber-only option for who is allowed to communicated with us? Sub-only zones where we can avoid the things we hate most about free to play games (bots and trolls)?

    What can we, your first and loyal customer base, do to keep this from tearing OUR game experience apart? From making OUR contribution to the culture that has brought in so many friends meaningless?

    You stand poised to lay waste to the game experience we all have defended so staunchly from all the rumormongers and haters, and you're giving the game to them.

    You disappoint us all.

    Game on, Ride hard, Live free...

    Well said! Huzzah!
    Drakon Koryn~Oryndill, Rogue~Mage,- CP ~Doesn't matter any more
    NA / PC Beta Member since Nov 2013
    GM~Conclave-of-Shadows, EP Social Guild, ~Proud member of: The Wandering Merchants, Phoenix Rising, Imperial Trade Union & Celestials of Nirn
    Sister Guilds with: Coroner's Report, Children of Skyrim, Sunshine Daydream, Tamriel Fisheries, Knights Arcanum and more
    "Not All Who Wander are Lost"
    “When the people that can make the company more successful are sales and marketing people, they end up running the companies. The product people get driven out of the decision making forums, and the companies forget what it means to make great products.”

    _Steve Jobs (The Lost Interview)
  • Miszou
    Miszou wrote: »
    Soris_ESO wrote: »
    How you gonna handle bots and gold sellers in f2p? Idiots

    Charge $60 for the game up front?

    You obviously were not here when the bots and gold sellers were taking over and getting totally out of control. The $60 purchase price didn't even slow them down.

    No, I wasn't. I bought the game for half-price in the Steam Thanksgiving sale.

    I know, I'm a filthy casual.
  • Elle111785
    Soul Shriven
    Just wanted to post to say a few things, I don't ever post on the forums but this topic just got to me.
    #1 I think its sad and pathetic some people are getting so upset over this. This is a company that has to make money to stay in business, they are doing just that. I can still see a fun time being had from this game regardless of whether it has a cash shop or a subscription only system.
    #2 People keep saying "I have defended ZOS from the beginning" "They have betrayed me" and other such things. Well I hate to tell you this, but you really don't matter. The company doesn't need you or your defense of them. Oh but you have been here since beta? Then by all means ZOS should take you word on the direction they should steer their entire business model. Laughable really. I can guarantee they are going to continue to make money, they are going to continue to release games, and guess what? You still wont matter then either.
    #3 If your that upset over a change in a video game, then you really need to re evaluate your quality of life. Something is clearly wrong with you mentally..

    So all in all good job Zenimax, I hope to see you continue to push forward however you see fit. You are the driving force and creative minds behind the ES series that I have been such a fan of over the years. You may lose a chunk of your player base initially, but they will be easily replaced. Looking forward to many more hours spent in the worlds you have created for us!
This discussion has been closed.