Maintenance for the week of March 3:
· [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – March 6, 6:00AM EST (11:00 UTC) - 4:00PM EST (21:00 UTC)

Official Discussion Thread for “Your Guide to ESO Plus™ Premium Membership”

  • Miszou
    Freyar wrote: »
    ...maybe ESO should have shuttered instead? I'm getting tired of finding MMOs that are great shifting to abusive models.

    Well that's an amazingly selfish attitude. I'm quite enjoying it, and I plan on enjoying it even more when I can get some new costumes and whatnot.

    What a [snip] attitude these paying players have.

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Cursing & Profanity]
    Edited by ZOS_UlyssesW on 9 February 2015 15:49
  • Darkonflare15
    EQBallzz wrote: »
    When I first read this I have to say I felt a sinking feeling. This couldn't be happening. I can't say it was a complete surprise when you consider the console release but I absolutely detest anything F2P (Path of Exile being the only exception for me to date but that's not an MMO). After reading/watching more of the details of this change I'm a bit more positive on the change. While I can't stand F2P games I really don't mind B2P systems so long as they don't have any P2W elements or annoying cash shop advertising.

    This system as it's been stated doesn't seem to have any P2W elements but it's skating a very fine line right now. The potions in the cash shop are not a concern if they are only equal to vendor bought potions (as stated) which would keep crafted pots clearly high above any in the cash shop.

    The question is..will it stay that way? Is the game going to get that slow P2W creep as the weeks/months go on and they keep pushing that envelope further and further until there are boosters and other items in the cash shop that give a clear advantage? Will we see those awful casino loot boxes or chests in-game that can only be opened with store bought keys? Will we see flashing lights or annoying messages/sounds in the UI directing us to the cash shop? I'm willing to give this system a shot but the first time I see any of this type of garbage I'm gone for good and never coming back.

    In all honesty..I think B2P is probably the best model for the future of MMOs but only if it's done right. It nicely bridges the gap between F2P and P2P but depending on how it's implemented it could lean pretty far one way or the other. Let's hope it doesn't end up like Neverwinter (shudder).
    Quite interesting. I heard Neverwinter is coming to the consoles. Probally not going to get it but I found it interesting. Alright back on topic. I am happy that I can finally play the game on consoles. The one reason I got a xbox one was to to play this game. I have been playing on the pc every since April and I happy it finally coming out now. It is nice that I can transfer my character to my console game and still keep my character on my pc. That is why I am excited.
  • Vez
    Rexlupis wrote: »
    Vez wrote: »

    The potions in the cash shop are the same potions available on vendors. Tri-pots will not be in the Crown store: "If you want the best stuff in the game, you have to go to a player crafter" - Matt Firor

    You mean the potions everyone vendors because there is such a surplus there is no market for them what-so-ever? Why would they even bother to include those in the cash store and how long until these items sell so badly that they decide that "better" items are required to make revenue?
    Considering how disingenuous the devs have been with us so far, why should we believe a comment such as this?

    Yes, those are the potions that Matt Firor was referring to in the twitch stream. Your second question is posed in such a way that it runs afoul of at least a couple of logical fallacies, assumes something neither of us could know, and is essentially impossible for me to answer. As to your third question, it's just your opinion in the form of a question. I don't think they have ever been disingenuous. They've changed things because of how development has gone and they've made development decisions I don't necessarily agree with but I don't think they've ever been intentionally dishonest with us.
  • Freyar
    Miszou wrote: »
    Freyar wrote: »
    ...maybe ESO should have shuttered instead? I'm getting tired of finding MMOs that are great shifting to abusive models.

    Well that's an amazingly selfish attitude. I'm quite enjoying it, and I plan on enjoying it even more when I can get some new costumes and whatnot.

    What a ****** attitude these paying players have.

    When nobody else has been able to sort out the balance, why would Zenimax be able to?
    Edited by Freyar on 22 January 2015 00:43
  • hfwilliams1ub17_ESO
    Been playing since the betas and now you can add my disappoint to the others.
  • Lanithan
    Soul Shriven
    This has to be the biggest "Mistake" in MMO history guys. All of the faithful that have been so patient in waiting for this game to be all we wanted it to be and more and you guys flush it down the toilet like this? You guys should be ashamed of yourselves! Proof that console wins over PC and that you guys only care about money! This game should have remained PC only and if you don't like paying to play then "DON'T PLAY!" You owe everyone that has stuck by you guys through all of the negativity and bugs and paid to play anyway cause we love this game an apology for this! I played WOW for years and you know what? "PC ONLY AND PAY TO PLAY!" Its still doing pretty good don't you think? I came from DDO to play this game and the hook is "PAY TO WIN!" Not skill not how good or how much time you invest just how much can you spend this week. Do you know what comes with "FREE TO PLAY"? Time wasting players that degrade the community of the game making it so even if you do pay you are sure to have a terrible time. My comment may go un-noticed and maybe you don't care but if I am still playing in 6 months it will be a miracle. Oh and I also would like to say I have played Elder Scrolls since Morrowwind and I was enjoying ESO but it seems that the fight between console and PC will never be over and PC will come up short. Who knows I may just go back to WOW now more than ever just because they hold true to their format.
  • Karackaduum
    Soul Shriven
    I will give this a try, if it gets too bad then i'm out. To say that I am disappointed is an understatement. I've played this game since the beta, and I see how other f2p has worked out (SWTOR, RIFT, ArchAge,etc.). Still, I will give it a try, your world is a great place to play and socialize, this news shocks me. I'll give it a shot, that's it.
  • Ysne58
    so we pay the sub, dlc comes out, manage to keep playing for awhile, then something happens where we can't pay the sub any more. Why should we have to pay for that already released DLC a second time, since our sub already covered it?
  • Rexlupis
    Vez wrote: »

    Yes, those are the potions that Matt Firor was referring to in the twitch stream. Your second question is posed in such a way that it runs afoul of at least a couple of logical fallacies, assumes something neither of us could know, and is essentially impossible for me to answer. As to your third question, it's just your opinion in the form of a question. I don't think they have ever been disingenuous. They've changed things because of how development has gone and they've made development decisions I don't necessarily agree with but I don't think they've ever been intentionally dishonest with us.

    There is such a thing as a rhetorical question. It was meant to posit a serious concern with what is implied by choosing to include items that are already so abundant that they are not of any actual market value. Since the idea of the store is to generate revenue, the dissonance between the purpose and what they are implying they are implementing is just cause for concern.
    They have never been disingenuous? How many times have we heard "we're looking into it" or "we're improving this feature!" or "we are balancing these combat abilities!" to be given something that doesn't even come close to what was implied. They claimed stamina builds would be balanced for months: there is still a wide margin in terms of accessibility and pragmatic use in which caster builds are still far better; they've claimed they were going to balance the werewolf skill tree: they gave it some new skills and reduced the timer so that it is still far from viable; they claimed we would see new content every month...
    You claim my questions are "guilty of logical fallacies." Considering I wasn't building an argument; at best, positing some premises that could be construed into an unfinished argument (since, as you pointed out, there is no inductive data to make either claim provable as true or false) it follows that it does not fit a proper argumentative form. Thus, if you consider your responses "logical arguments", they are just as guilty of fallacious structure. (Red herring.)
  • Kesstryl
    I'm ok with b2p and f2p, I actually subbed another f2p game before this one because I really enjoyed it and liked the monthly allotment of cash shop currency for subbing. What I DON"T want is the cash shop selling advantages like better gear, potions, xp boosts, and anything that gives an advantage to money spenders. Keep it fluffy please. I've bought lots of fluff in games because I don't mind supporting a game I love and getting nice things for it, but I will never buy advantages. I'd rather work for those by actually playing the game. Please don't go the pay to win route. Please do give us player housing, nice costumes, pets, mounts, and anything pretty and shiny. Also please give content that lets people get some of these things in-game too so there is an incentive to keep playing. I don't want new content to be cash shop focus only. I'm willing to pay for shiny pretty things, but I'm not willing to support a game that only focuses on the cash shop and neglects the rest of the game itself.
    HEARTHLIGHT - A guild for housing enthusiasts! Contact @Kesstryl in-game to join.
  • JPgmer
    Soul Shriven
    So, if I pay for a plus membership and the servers are busy am I going to have to wait in que while non-subs are playing?

    Edited by JPgmer on 22 January 2015 02:10
  • Castiel_Boomer
    Does anyone else feel like a BETA-BETA tester right now?? Only WE have to pay THEM to test? Cause the ENTIRE game is about to change with update six, and with the eventual disbanding of veteran ranks, i'm feeling less like i invested my time well, grinding and perfecting my toons, and more like a kid who can't save his game, and dad just said it's bed time. Tomorrow you start all over again, only now the game has changed.....AGAIN. I just wish they would have fixed all the problems they had from day one, instead of constantly adding more stuff to please the 1%. And even that would be acceptable, IF they could do it without adding MORE bugs and glitches into the game upon doing so. *Disappointed to hear it's going f2p* :neutral_face: Just like SWTOR >.<
    "When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace" -Jimi Hendrix
  • kewl
    Member Since May 28, 2014
  • bbqwolf13b14_ESO1
    So this is the worst news I could hear. First, soon they are totally changing the feel of the game. Second, They tell us FTP with cash shop. SOOO this whole time i have been playing a beta that I have been paying for? They did lie to us, and there response is well we will give you 100 crowns for our cash shop per month but if you pay for the game every month you get 1500....really those that paid for any months should get 1500 per every one of those months. so we get 1000 crowns but should be getting 15000 for months paid (ten months total atm). that would make it a little fair.
    Edited by bbqwolf13b14_ESO1 on 22 January 2015 02:27
  • ArcVelarian

    Murphy's Law of PvP : If it can be abused and or exploited, it will be abused and or exploited.
  • Sporky
    Soul Shriven
    Seriously? You're going to completely ignore the wishes of your community? You realize that what makes a MMO successful is the COMMUNITY, right?

    Thank you for notifying us of our participation in the most jacked up console beta of all time.
  • glak
    10% faster XP gain means 10% faster champion point gain. Happy now?
  • Sporky
    Soul Shriven
    glak wrote: »
    10% faster XP gain means 10% faster champion point gain. Happy now?

    I, for one am absolutely not happy. I don't want an experience buff. I want to not be lied to. I want to know that I didn't stick with this game from closed beta just to find out I'M STILL IN THE FREAKING BETA AND PAYING FOR IT.
  • grj0321ub17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    I hope there is at least a Cyrodil campaign that is reserved for Membership players alone, not F2P people. We deserve it after all of the time and money put in. We should have at least a refuge we can all play as we have been with the existing community.
  • togmb16_ESO
    Player since BETA. Just unsubscribed. Feeling lied to. Never again. Nuff said!

    p.s. No customer survey while unsubscribing, really? ZOS, you have a strange relationship with your customers.
    Edited by togmb16_ESO on 22 January 2015 02:48
    Geistmaiden • Sorcerer (Heal/DD)
  • Siluen
    The way I see it, I am going to pay a sub, which I was willing to do anyway, and get more stuff for it than I did before. That's pretty cool. Plus a few of my friends will likely come back to the game due to not being tied to a sub, which I like! I also like that for my loyalty, I can pick my own rewards this way.

    Something which worries me is the price of DLCs, I do want to have access to all the content even if for some reason I cannot pay my sub, so I wonder if those with ESO-plus will easily be able to afford it all for their unsubbed time in the game ahead. I would also welcome an option to gift DLCs with your own crowns to non ESO-plus friends.

    A last note about what I feel could be improved on: The 100 crowns per month subscribed thusfar. I know it is better than nothing, but a total of about 1100 crowns is less than one month of ESO-plus subscription, I feel that is a little bit slim for those that have been loyal to the game for so long. I hope this is more of a placeholder number and Zenimax will listen to their community and up this to something we can all be a bit happier about. :)
  • GreyPilgrim

    and just when I thought the Champ system might bring me back to this game.

    seriously, I also love how they managed to avoid saying they were going f2p, as if somehow by not naming it they could avoid everyone realizing that's what's happening.

    I suppose I'll wait to see the gory details before cancelling, but I can't think of anything that will convince me that the whole games not going to just go painfully down the tubes.

    It's a crying shame that everyone now expects everything for free. So thank you to all the ****-for-brains out there begging for ZOS to provide them with free entertainment. Hope you all enjoy the game we paid to make while it circles the toilet on its way down.

    Edit: I want to add that I literally last night sat and watched the ESO live from December that discussed the Champ system and thought "Oh, cool, it sounds like they might actually have figured out how to fix many of the issues that led me to go on hiatus from playing." I came back tonight to look and see if there was a date announced anywhere for the Update 6 release, and, lo and behold, I find the worst news I could possibly imagine.

    And for those defending this, you're right, it won't be the end of the world come March. For the first couple months it will be almost the same game, just with cosmetic stuff you can buy. But if it took less than a year for the pay model to fail, I almost guarantee it will take less than a year for the B2P approach to fail So by March of 2016, this game is probably going to be just another pay-to-win fiasco, and I personally would rather not stay subbed and then slowly get more and more embittered watching a potentially good game turn into sleazy cash grabbing scheme. I was fine with paying for the game, even when I went on hiatus from playing it, because I had some trust in the pay-to-develop approach. But now? My sub is just holding them over till the next cash grab, and that's frankly galling.

    So, yeah, I'm pretty much gonna log out and go check how much time is on my sub, so I can decide when to say goodbye. If Champ goes live before my subs up, and if it works well and improves the pvp experience, I might stick around a bit just for the funz, but its impossible for me to imagine staying more than a couple months once it becomes 'unlimited'.
    Edited by GreyPilgrim on 22 January 2015 03:49
  • HippieTheGreat
    So are the 4-6 week for updates still the plan? or are we going to be on update 6 until after June?
    Edited by HippieTheGreat on 22 January 2015 03:13
  • andrew.zukowskiub17_ESO
    ZOS, I have been playing since open beta. You have promised a lot, you have yet to deliver. I had faith, you have let me down. You made a promise, I believed you. This falls into the category of abusive relationship, it is time for me to seek therapy in the form of another game.

    To the ZOS staff. Thank you for your efforts. Having seen this movie a time or two I suggest you seek other employment unless of course your greatest skill is making armor glow and shimmer. Since this road goes to; cash for crowns and crowns for fancier gear. Once the ideas on how to charge for the same thing over and over run out, much like the customer base ZOS will lie to you up until you are given a pink slip so that they can maintain their profit ratio.

    I don't threaten. I have cancelled my subscription. Contrary to you actuary's numbers you are unlikely to make up the loss on console sales especially with a reputation of disappointing your customers. You will devolve to a handful of over worked employees sucking out every last dollar from the new horse armor you can buy with crowns. You customer base will become a small hoard of ADD children who will leave you in a heartbeat for the next new thing.

    This is not the beginning of the end, it is the end of the product that you promised, that you never fully developed, that you kept saying will improve with the next patch which will only be delayed a few more weeks. The blood sweat and tears that you put into a good (potentially great) product can be summarized in one word...


    First and last post
  • zZzleepyhead
    This does not sound as bad as everybody making it out to be. I am going to stay and see how this turn out. Instead of giving up like most people are doing.

    Ya i've calmed down quite a bit from this morning and I'm looking forward to the change. We'll see what happens.
  • Zebular
    This is the official discussion thread for the web article “Your Guide to ESO Plus™ Premium Membership.”

    Find out more about the excellent in-game benefits that all ESO Plus members will enjoy in Tamriel Unlimited!

    While I didn't feel the game "should" go free to play, I do like the sound of all the Premium perks. I shall stay subscribed, indeed! I just hope the Crown Store doesn't turn into sales for anything that affects balance, like equipment. Please try and keep it to cosmetic, fluff, and other vanity things. Thanks!

    This confuses me:
    "Console players are automatically assigned to the megaserver in their respective home territory and are not able to switch."
    Will there be 6 servers then? PC NA & EU, XB1 NA & EU, and PS4 NA & EU? Or will there just be 2 servers where we all cross-play together in our respective regions?
    Edited by Zebular on 22 January 2015 04:09
    Mysté [ Breton Femaile • DC • Daedric Storm Sorcereress; Dest/Rest • Alchemist ]
    Old Zeb [ Imperial Male • DC • Dark Storm Sorcerer; Dest/Rest • Enchanter ]
    Rarymwr Rua'srrii-mrha'Ra [ Kahjiit Male • AD • Draconic Earthen Dragonknight; Dual/1HS • Blacksmith ]
    Zebular [ Dark Elf Male • EP • Shadow Assassin Nightblade; Bow/Rest • Woodworker ]
    Zebular Ilyturials [ Imperial Male • DC • Draconic Ardent Dragonknight; 1HS/2H • Provisioner ]
    Zyza [ Kahjiit Vampire Female • DC • Siphoning Assassin Nightblade; Dual/Bow • Clothier ]
  • Jennifur_Vultee
    So Zenimax developed all this content with our sub fees that's now going to be sold as DLC, used our sub fees to create these cash shop items and used us as beta testers for the consoles. :( And now our subs that we were told gave us access to all game content don't give us access to all game content, content we paid you to create, unless we want to fork over more cash for the new mounts, costumes ect.

    I'm very saddened by this B2P/F2P move Zenimax, my friends better have a compelling argument as to why I should keep paying you anything Zenimax and not cancel my sub immediately and uninstall ESO. Right now I'm feeling like you took my money, used it to create content and want me to buy said content even though per your previous statements you, Zenimax, said I've have access to it.
    "Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters." – Albert Einstein

    Treat a customer fairly and they will remember you. Treat a customer poorly and they never forget.

    Imperial City: Zerg, gank or die.
  • milan.verploegenb16_ESO
    This does not sound as bad as everybody making it out to be. I am going to stay and see how this turn out. Instead of giving up like most people are doing.

    Ya i've calmed down quite a bit from this morning and I'm looking forward to the change. We'll see what happens.

    Had some time to think about it aswell, and for now the changes seem OK.. I don't like them but they won't hurt my gameplay alot, plus I still have about 2 months left anyway to see how it will turn out. The issue for me however is mainly that by changing the payment model and adding DLC's, zenimax has not been honest. If it would have been stated that ESO would go f2p or p2w after a year, it would be fine... But just say so ^^ Don't promise one thing and then do another :-/ The next time I read something about for example a new motif or a new trial I simply won't believe it, and while that won't make me go rampage in zonechats, I don't think it will help or improve the community either!
    *Any league players? --> Riot did this Riot did that, servers rabble rabble do everything wrong rabble rabble etc etc... Can't have zeni turning into that :neutral_face: *
  • Nazon_Katts
    kewl wrote: »
    Member Since May 28, 2014

    Bye @kewl, cya in the next game. Could take me a while, tho...RukBvND.png
    Here's hoping there's going to be enough to spend all those crowns on. :s:p
    "You've probably figured that out by now. Let's hope so. Or we're in real trouble... and out come the intestines. And I skip rope with them!"
  • Terror
    Sorry to see such a wonderful MMO ruined, and now I get to go to work and feel like an ass, and let my family members know, Who I have been trying to convince to try ESO for months, not to bother. Been here since early BETA, finally had hope in an MMO that could actually succeed in a very well manor... Sub is being cancelled at the end of this post, it was fun, and a shame I won't be around to enjoy the great changes that were coming in 1.6....

    /Very heartbroken customer.
    Edited by Terror on 22 January 2015 04:43
This discussion has been closed.