All stats are scaled up in update 6, so those buffs stay about the same relative to your new increased health pool.
MSchroeder wrote: »5. “What’s happening with Drinks?”
During the design phase of the Provisioner revamp, we discussed the possibility of allowing players to use both a food and a drink at the same time. However, we’ve decided at this time that we want there to be an interesting choice between food and drink – some situations call for food, while other situations call for drink. To this end, we’ve improved the regeneration(s) granted by drinks by a significant margin, but we’ve left food and drink unable to stack with one another.
We’ll be watching the usage of food and drink on PTS, and going forward on Live. If feedback and metrics show that drinks remain widely unused after the improvements, we will review our options (including but not limited to making them stack) and act accordingly.
Agreed. And here's the biggest problem with continuing to prevent food and drink from stacking: One is ALWAYS going to be preferable in 95% of all circumstances.Really here's the funny. To make drinks equal to food the regen would have to fall in around 75-100. That would be insane. Tanks would never die, healers would never run out of magic, Stam would last forever. Pts will be very interesting indeed.
ThatHappyCat wrote: »It seems to me that people who want food and drinks to stack are thinking only of themselves and how to buff their characters further. When you think about the game as a whole, making food and drinks stack adds absolutely nothing to the game. There's no interesting choice to be made, no further diversity in character builds, no further complexity added to Provisioning.
It's the same thinking that makes people cry when they lose their precious PvP buffs, but refuse to actually PvP for them. Give me all the buffs!
There is nothing unusual about this. Health is the primary stat is most games I have ever played. Staying alive is the MOST important attribute. That's why, currently, we receive 15 HP for every attribute point compared to 10 MG or 10 ST. Those later 2 categories are secondary and dependent upon your ability to live in any game.
The opinion I have is Drink has been and will continue to be very situational. It will never be used as often as food. There is a use for it, and I don't feel it needs to stack together with food, just yet.
I plan to play on PTS if low levels can to test out provisioning, it's one of my crafts.
So when it was previously stated that drinks and food could stack now they can't and unless they change drastically drinks will be useless. This was the one "change" that a number of people were looking forward to.
MercutioElessar wrote: »
Holy moly. Am I reading this right, we are getting food that will increase all stats by 2k+?
That would probably be the least of my concerns since in many cases it will make no difference. A person who has a green AD level 20 Health increase recipe, a green EP level 20 Health increase recipe and a green DC level 20 Health increase recipe will be no better off than someone who has just any one of those three. It is my understanding that all 3 alliance versions will be converted to a single universal green level 20 Health recipe.Tarukmockto wrote: »Are you friggin kidding me?!?! I thought there were only about 350, and I was closing in on that number. Now it looks like I'm still missing almost 100 recipes? Aw crap, I'll never get there before 1.6 goes live! LOL
MercutioElessar wrote: »
HeroOfEvbof wrote: »Any calculation leading to a number over 351 forgets that beef, shank, crystal berry, kaveh bean, mudcrab meat, mountain berry, honey comb, bervez fruit and jazbay grape cut across all factions and therefore there is no triplicates at lvl 40 or above.
HeroOfEvbof wrote: »There are 351 recipes.
Lvl 1: 9 foods, 9 drinks = 18
Lvl 5: ditto = 18
Lvl 10: 18 green, 18 blue = 36
lvl 15: ditto = 36
lvl 20 ditto = 36
lvl 25 ditto = 36
lvl 30 ditto = 36
lvl 35: 18 green, 18 blue, 18 purple = 54
lvl 40: 6 green, 6 blue, 6 purple = 18
lvl 45 ditto = 18
vr1 ditto = 18
vr5 : an extra drink = 27
Any calculation leading to a number over 351 forgets that beef, shank, crystal berry, kaveh bean, mudcrab meat, mountain berry, honey comb, bervez fruit and jazbay grape cut across all factions and therefore there is no triplicates at lvl 40 or above.
One recipe has not dropped since launch: green Saltrice Slurry
Two have not dropped since 1.2: Enriched Grilled Frog Legs and Consummate Breton Stew