Sneak_Thief wrote: »
I have 348 "learnable" recipes which is the most that are available to us in 1.5. Here is how the break down is supposed to be. There are supposed to be 57 recipes per food category and 60 per drink category but here is what is currently available if you are to hunt for them in this latest version:
Grilled: 56
Bread: 57
Soup: 55
Beer: 60
Spirit: 60
Wine: 60
Saltrice Slurry (green) has never dropped
Enriched Grilled Frog Legs (Blue) does not drop presently
Consumate Breton Stew (Purple) does not drop presently
the +1 making 349 obtainable recipes is Silph Gin, which is an additional recipe that is a misspelled duplicate.
Another exception is a misnamed Crawdad recipe which has the ingredients of what the correct recipe would be. (Which I think is horker, Im doing this all from memory here)
But 348 is pretty much what you get when you learn "All" recipes.
Ideally, one food and one drink should stack. They did not say it would not, so that is something. They do listen to feedback.lordrichter wrote: »
Ideally, one food and one drink should stack. They did not say it would not, so that is something. They do listen to feedback.
5. “What’s happening with Drinks?”
During the design phase of the Provisioner revamp, we discussed the possibility of allowing players to use both a food and a drink at the same time. However, we’ve decided at this time that we want there to be an interesting choice between food and drink – some situations call for food, while other situations call for drink. To this end, we’ve improved the regeneration(s) granted by drinks by a significant margin, but we’ve left food and drink unable to stack with one another.
Stonesthrow wrote: »
Consumate Breton Stew (Purple) does not drop presently
newtinmpls wrote: »
Sure it does, I just got it a couple of days ago.
Every ingredient sold by grocers is only 10gp
Grocers now sell provisioning ingredients for 150 gold per item.
Did they mention anywhere why they changed it from 10GP? Did they just typo it and mean to say 15GP?
Did they mention anywhere why they changed it from 10GP? Did they just typo it and mean to say 15GP?
And either way, did they also adjust the amount that the "old" mats will sell to a vendor for to match this?
ThatHappyCat wrote: »They've already answered what would happen to existing ingredients multiple times in the forums. Common ingredients will go "stale" and gain value (so they can be vendored), while rare ingredients like tomatoes will be converted into different but equivalent ingredients of the new system.
ZOS_JasonLeavey wrote: »Thanks for all of your feedback, guys! Be sure to hop onto PTS (once live and installed, of course) to continue providing your feedback after experiencing the revamp firsthand.
"Under the current system, oats and tomatoes are only obtainable through the hireling. Will there be any similar such ingredients under the new system? Your article mentions 2 rare additives which can be delivered via hireling and also found with difficulty, but doesn't specify that the ingredients mentioned are the only ones being introduced."
We still have rare ingredients: one for cooking, one for brewing. They are exclusively sourced, at the moment, uncommonly from writ rewards and rarely from hirelings.
Writs - BIGGEST WASTE OF PLAYING TIME IMAGINABLE. Oh, yeah, I really WANT to craft worthless junk to be told I need to get a GROUP together to go to some deep in the middle of the hardest place my level can reach to find a handful of mostly worthless CRAP!
Good grief, and now you are trying to FORCE me to waste my time? I mean really people, did you even SLIGHTLY consider any of this?
Good news that Provisioners will soon have more room in their inventories!Although people have some questions about the transition, so far it looks good. Thank you. By the way, many of us are very much enjoying the crafting certifications and crafting writs aspects that you have thus far added to the game!
Nightreaver wrote: »3) Every ingredient sold by grocers is only 10gp which is cheaper than ingredients currently sold by Grocers on Live and MUCH cheaper that ones sold by players. This makes it hardly worth the risk of getting caught stealing something.
There are many containers throughout the world that can easily be looted without fear of being caught.
Hate to break it to you, but this thread is from 6 months ago ago, and all the proposed changes have already happened. Provisioning used to be far worse than it is now.vaFyreHeart wrote: »I'm looking forward to this update. I've essentially given up on provisioning because the number of ingredients is crushing my inventory and I never have the right recipe for crafting writs. (Though discovering I need to break into homes and steal from nightstands has increased my recipe inventory recently)
Perhaps with streamlined ingredients and more, easier-to-find recipes, I'll be able to pick it up again.