Official Discussion Thread for "Update 6 Guide: Provisioning"

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  • Stonesthrow

    I have 348 "learnable" recipes which is the most that are available to us in 1.5. Here is how the break down is supposed to be. There are supposed to be 57 recipes per food category and 60 per drink category but here is what is currently available if you are to hunt for them in this latest version:
    Grilled: 56
    Bread: 57
    Soup: 55

    Beer: 60
    Spirit: 60
    Wine: 60

    Saltrice Slurry (green) has never dropped
    Enriched Grilled Frog Legs (Blue) does not drop presently
    Consumate Breton Stew (Purple) does not drop presently

    the +1 making 349 obtainable recipes is Silph Gin, which is an additional recipe that is a misspelled duplicate.

    Another exception is a misnamed Crawdad recipe which has the ingredients of what the correct recipe would be. (Which I think is horker, Im doing this all from memory here)

    But 348 is pretty much what you get when you learn "All" recipes.

    Just wanted to give a shout... I've bought a fair number of your rarer recipes.

    Still need a couple more, get farming!

  • radiostar
    How about drinks like a Bloody Mary for health regen from the alcohol+magicka increase from the tomato? Any plans for drinks that could give cross-over buffs?
    "Billions upon Billions of Stars"
  • randolphbenoit
    The fish we fish for provisioning (non-trophy) are ones already in the game (just will be converted with update 1.6) or all new fish altogether?

    From the PTS testing white fish are provisioning fish once you gut them.
    Edited by randolphbenoit on 28 January 2015 13:57
    the NeXus Guild (NA-DC-Crafters) contact @randolphbenoit - Currently Allies to Fairy Tail of Tamriel (Social) and Brave Kore (DC PvP).

    Saltrice - (Salt tolerant rice) Saltrice, pronounced just like it looks is, in fact, a kind of rice that can grow in paddies of either fresh or brackish water.
  • snowsong
    Ideally, one food and one drink should stack. They did not say it would not, so that is something. They do listen to feedback.

    :D DAT^
    Edited by snowsong on 26 January 2015 22:00
    [Snowsong is using ROG G752VS on NA server.]
  • snowsong
    Good news that Provisioners will soon have more room in their inventories! :D Although people have some questions about the transition, so far it looks good. Thank you. By the way, many of us are very much enjoying the crafting certifications and crafting writs aspects that you have thus far added to the game! :D
    [Snowsong is using ROG G752VS on NA server.]
  • Nightreaver
    snowsong wrote: »
    Ideally, one food and one drink should stack. They did not say it would not, so that is something. They do listen to feedback.

    :D DAT^[/quote]

    Except that they DID say that food and drinks won't stack. In fact they said it in this very thread.

    5. “What’s happening with Drinks?”

    During the design phase of the Provisioner revamp, we discussed the possibility of allowing players to use both a food and a drink at the same time. However, we’ve decided at this time that we want there to be an interesting choice between food and drink – some situations call for food, while other situations call for drink. To this end, we’ve improved the regeneration(s) granted by drinks by a significant margin, but we’ve left food and drink unable to stack with one another.

    If they ever create a Legendary recipe it better contain bacon as one of the ingredients. I'm just sayin'.
  • AJTC5000
    Maybe they can add meal combos, where one food (say Health) and one drink (say Stamina regen) stack by combining the ingredients into one item. For example (I'll use current names), Roast Pig could stack with Beetle Shots to make "Roast Pig with Beetle Shots" . . . so imaginative, but you get the idea :smile:
    • PC/NA - @AJTC5000
      DC - Alena-Draco - Dunmer Magicka Templar

      PvE Achievements
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  • ZOS_JasonLeavey
    Thanks for all of your feedback, guys! Be sure to hop onto PTS (once live and installed, of course) to continue providing your feedback after experiencing the revamp firsthand.

    Here are some answers to some of the questions asked in this thread:

    "How will inspiration be affected when cooking under the new system for characters leveling provisioning? It’s currently one of the easiest (if not the easiest) professions to level. There’s only a slight hump getting it to 20 because of the scarcity of level 10 and 15 recipes (and their ingredients). It’s hard to imagine any changes making it easier to level a provisioner, so I anticipate a more difficult experience."

    We are slightly slowing the progression of provisioning. Our goal is for each tradeskill to feel different, and we understand that varying degrees of difficulty are expected in order to reflect different layers of player investment.

    "Will recipes continue to drop according to character level (i.e., roughly level 10 characters finding improvement 1 recipes, level 20 characters finding improvement 2 recipes, etc.), or will recipes drop according to the level of the zone, regardless of the level of the character (i.e., a level 50 character could find an improvement 1 recipe in Stonefalls, or a level 10 character could find an improvement 6 recipe in Coldharbour)?"

    Recipes are sourced by zone level, and don’t care who you are or where you came from. This means veteran zones will drop veteran recipes, but you cannot find a veteran recipe in Davon’s Watch, for example (unless you are in the silver or gold versions of Davon’s Watch).

    "Will there continue to be improvement levels as in the current system, skipping skill level 10 and requiring the first skill point at skill level 20? If so, how will the new system modify skill level 10 and 15 recipes and their drops to get the provisioner to skill level 20?"

    This has not been changed. There are recipes for 1, 5, 10, and 15 and this is the first general bracket of Provisioning.

    "Is there any chance of finding recipes that combine the effects of food and drink, allowing an increase in an ability and an increase in its regeneration as well? Sounds like a job for gold recipes to me, although for gold it would seem it would have to affect multiple abilities."

    No recipes currently do this, though it’s not out of the question for us to implement such a thing down the road. We have considered that approach for gold recipes, but they may work a bit differently than that. We are always listening to player feedback, so continue to let us know what you think!

    "Under the current system, oats and tomatoes are only obtainable through the hireling. Will there be any similar such ingredients under the new system? Your article mentions 2 rare additives which can be delivered via hireling and also found with difficulty, but doesn't specify that the ingredients mentioned are the only ones being introduced."

    We still have rare ingredients: one for cooking, one for brewing. They are exclusively sourced, at the moment, uncommonly from writ rewards and rarely from hirelings.

    "Will any ingredients under the new system be of higher than common or “white” quality?"

    Yes, a few. Currently, everything is common except for the rare ingredients. Rare ingredients will be purple quality, but nothing else is changing for the time being.

    "I noticed in the pictures attached to your article that Caramelized Goat Nibbles are “purple” quality, and Aunt Alessia’s Pork Chops are “blue” quality. Does this mean you are removing the distinctions of consummate, invigorating, enhanced, etc? If so, what will be the immediate way to know a recipe is of higher quality without seeing its color?"

    We’ve removed those descriptors. Every recipe now produces an unique food product, and we no longer have variations on the same recipe. The new items are more flavorful and distinct. Everything is contextual – if a dish is a meat and vegetable dish it will provide health and stamina, for example. These are usually pretty clear, and as a general guideline, the more grandiose a dish’s name is, the higher its quality.

    "With the implementation of the Champion System, what will the highest level recipes look like? Will there be Champion points to spend that increase the effectiveness of food and drink past a basic level 50 since there will be no veteran ranks?"

    Provisioning is not affected by the implementation of the Champion System. There are foods of various Veteran Ranks and plans to increase the effective quality of foods for a very long period of character development. The mechanisms of this in a post-Veteran Tamriel are in the works, but Provisioning’s place in it should be considered as stable as Alchemy’s or Blacksmithing’s.
    Jason Leavey
    Community Coordinator - The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited
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    Staff Post
  • Nightreaver
    I noticed that some of the VR5 recipes from Live were converted to VR10 recipes on PTS, is that intentional?
    Edited by Nightreaver on 28 January 2015 07:47
    If they ever create a Legendary recipe it better contain bacon as one of the ingredients. I'm just sayin'.
  • Greeniewolfub17_ESO
    I have to say I am absolutely disappointed that the names and descriptions of so many foods are lore breaking.
    beef Tacos replace sweetrolls? seriously?
    sweetrolls are a staple to the Elder scrolls universe.
    Whereby tacos are positively lore breaking.
    Also some of the descriptions are confusing. such as anything in the Ragout Category say they increase max health and stamina by x for and max stamina by y for one hour.
    So does that mean that you get an x+y boost to stamina?
    Me: "Okay lets run to Alessia. Mount up and follow me!"
    Me five seconds later: "Um yeah... totally forgot about that cliff..."
  • ForsakeMe
    I have provisioning but in testing out in PTS I found approximately 95% of containers I found are marked red in cities and barely nothing to loot outside of cities unless you go in dungeons or caves. I choose not to steal, I like playing a good char. So provisioning is going to be very hard to level unless I'm forced to steal. BTW I'm level 8 and my provisioning is level 11 or 12.

    Why are so many containers marked red. And do I really HAVE to run dungeons over and over to get some mats so I don't have to steal?

    I do admit that there is way too many provisioning mats in containers currently on live server.
  • CodexMMO
    Maybe it will spur the economy by forcing us to buy from those who do steal :(
  • Smaxx
    There are many containers in the wild that are abandoned and free to take. For example look at the broken down carts just outside Daggerfall.
  • Nightreaver
    1) There are many containers throughout the world that can easily be looted without fear of being caught. You may need to spend some time initially to find good locations but once you do it will be a simple process of returning to those locations if that is what you choose to do.

    2) There is really no need for a Provisioner to loot a container... ever. Currently on Live there are many Grocers spread out through the world that sell different ingredients. Some of which are only sold by a specific alliance. Much more time is spent making lists of what grocers in what alliance sell what ingredients.

    In 1.6 the Grocer in the starting zone for each alliance sells every ingredient needed with the exception of the one rare ingredient used for foods and the one rare ingredient used for drinks and those two ingredients won't be found in any container. Every other Grocer (regardless of what alliance or what level) will sell the same ingredients though I have found they tend to miss a couple.

    3) Every ingredient sold by grocers is only 10gp which is cheaper than ingredients currently sold by Grocers on Live and MUCH cheaper that ones sold by players. This makes it hardly worth the risk of getting caught stealing something.

    4) Want to make a high level food or drink but your Provisioner is low level? In 1.6 this will be MUCH easier to accomplish since again, everything you need other than the two rare ingredients can be bought cheaply from the grocer in your starting area.
    If they ever create a Legendary recipe it better contain bacon as one of the ingredients. I'm just sayin'.
  • newtinmpls

    Consumate Breton Stew (Purple) does not drop presently

    Sure it does, I just got it a couple of days ago.
    Tenesi Faryon of Telvanni - Dunmer Sorceress who deliberately sought sacrifice into Cold Harbor to rescue her beloved.
    Hisa Ni Caemaire - Altmer Sorceress, member of the Order Draconis and Adept of the House of Dibella.
    Broken Branch Toothmaul - goblin (for my goblin characters, I use either orsimer or bosmer templates) Templar, member of the Order Draconis and persistently unskilled pickpocket
    Mol gro Durga - Orsimer Socerer/Battlemage who died the first time when the Nibenay Valley chapterhouse of the Order Draconis was destroyed, then went back to Cold Harbor to rescue his second/partner who was still captive. He overestimated his resistance to the hopelessness of Oblivion, about to give up, and looked up to see the golden glow of atherius surrounding a beautiful young woman who extended her hand to him and said "I can help you". He carried Fianna Kingsley out of Cold Harbor on his shoulder. He carried Alvard Stower under one arm. He also irritated the Prophet who had intended the portal for only Mol and Lyris.
    Order Draconis - well c'mon there has to be some explanation for all those dragon tattoos.
    House of Dibella - If you have ever seen or read "Memoirs of a Geisha" that's just the beginning...
    Nibenay Valley Chapterhouse - Where now stands only desolate ground and a dolmen there once was a thriving community supporting one of the major chapterhouses of the Order Draconis
  • HeroOfEvbof
    newtinmpls wrote: »

    Sure it does, I just got it a couple of days ago.

    Lol - love to see a screenshot disproving all us hardcore recipe farmers.

    apud me omnia fiunt Mathematicè in Natura - Rene Descartes
  • SpAEkus
    Every ingredient sold by grocers is only 10gp

    And that lasted all of 5 days.

    Patch 1.6.1
    Grocers now sell provisioning ingredients for 150 gold per item.

  • HeroOfEvbof
    SpAEkus wrote: »

    And that lasted all of 5 days.

    Patch 1.6.1

    it gets worse - grocers only sell fruits and vegetables
    additives must be looted by either criminals or those who go into bandit delves
    meat can be hunted - game, small game and fish should be easy to get
    but poultry, red meat and white meat will usually incur a bounty (chickens, cows, pigs are almost always owned)
    drink ingredients (useless right now) must be stolen or from bandit delves
    thus, the kiosk price for these will skyrocket
    apud me omnia fiunt Mathematicè in Natura - Rene Descartes
  • Divinius
    SpAEkus wrote: »

    And that lasted all of 5 days.

    Patch 1.6.1
    Did they mention anywhere why they changed it from 10GP? Did they just typo it and mean to say 15GP?

    And either way, did they also adjust the amount that the "old" mats will sell to a vendor for to match this?
  • HeroOfEvbof
    Divinius wrote: »
    Did they mention anywhere why they changed it from 10GP? Did they just typo it and mean to say 15GP?

    And either way, did they also adjust the amount that the "old" mats will sell to a vendor for to match this?

    There has been no explanation for the sudden and far reaching jump in price.
    Reports from EU players that got copied Tue indicate "Old Whatever" is vendorable for 10g each and is thus worthless compared to the emerging pricing scheme.
    apud me omnia fiunt Mathematicè in Natura - Rene Descartes
  • Divinius
    Some of ZOS's decisions are so mind-boggling that I really wonder what they were thinking.

    I mean, even if you give them the benefit of the doubt, and assume that someone, somewhere had some reasoning behind why it was a good idea, it would be nice for them to at least tell us what that reasoning was, even if it's total nonsense.
  • PaulD
    They've already answered what would happen to existing ingredients multiple times in the forums. Common ingredients will go "stale" and gain value (so they can be vendored), while rare ingredients like tomatoes will be converted into different but equivalent ingredients of the new system.

    If pepper is a common ingredient, then I'm a two tailed Argonian. And I'm not.
  • PaulD
    Thanks for all of your feedback, guys! Be sure to hop onto PTS (once live and installed, of course) to continue providing your feedback after experiencing the revamp firsthand.

    "Under the current system, oats and tomatoes are only obtainable through the hireling. Will there be any similar such ingredients under the new system? Your article mentions 2 rare additives which can be delivered via hireling and also found with difficulty, but doesn't specify that the ingredients mentioned are the only ones being introduced."

    We still have rare ingredients: one for cooking, one for brewing. They are exclusively sourced, at the moment, uncommonly from writ rewards and rarely from hirelings.

    Writs - BIGGEST WASTE OF PLAYING TIME IMAGINABLE. Oh, yeah, I really WANT to craft worthless junk to be told I need to get a GROUP together to go to some deep in the middle of the hardest place my level can reach to find a handful of mostly worthless CRAP!

    Good grief, and now you are trying to FORCE me to waste my time? I mean really people, did you even SLIGHTLY consider any of this?
  • PaulD
    snowsong wrote: »
    Good news that Provisioners will soon have more room in their inventories! :D Although people have some questions about the transition, so far it looks good. Thank you. By the way, many of us are very much enjoying the crafting certifications and crafting writs aspects that you have thus far added to the game! :D

    WHY? What is the point of spending an hour of precious playing time running around and making meaningless items for no particular reason? Then you get a map, which will take you to some impossible place in Craglorn that will cost you about five soul gems to reach, and THEN you get a handful of common crap you could have picked up in half the time just looking around. WHY DO YOU PEOPLE DO THESE THINGS?
  • PaulD
    And YES, I tried it and I've got those garbage maps and they are sitting gathering dust!
  • Islyn
    3) Every ingredient sold by grocers is only 10gp which is cheaper than ingredients currently sold by Grocers on Live and MUCH cheaper that ones sold by players. This makes it hardly worth the risk of getting caught stealing something.

    No. 150g each. To make a stack of normal (blue) food with all passives unlocked if you buy ingredients, will be 11250g. Meanwhile - my pepper will be worth 10g.

    Oh yeah - this is WAYYYYYY better. (Not.)

    Edited by Islyn on 3 March 2015 02:40
  • vaFyreHeart
    Soul Shriven
    I'm looking forward to this update. I've essentially given up on provisioning because the number of ingredients is crushing my inventory and I never have the right recipe for crafting writs. (Though discovering I need to break into homes and steal from nightstands has increased my recipe inventory recently :/ )

    Perhaps with streamlined ingredients and more, easier-to-find recipes, I'll be able to pick it up again.
  • vaFyreHeart
    Soul Shriven
    There are many containers throughout the world that can easily be looted without fear of being caught.

    This is true for ingredients, not so true for recipes. My inventory is full to bursting with ingredients, but I can't do a single crafting writ for lack of recipes. I've given up on trying to find "safe" recipes and have taken to thieving for those only.
  • Divinius
    I'm looking forward to this update. I've essentially given up on provisioning because the number of ingredients is crushing my inventory and I never have the right recipe for crafting writs. (Though discovering I need to break into homes and steal from nightstands has increased my recipe inventory recently :/ )

    Perhaps with streamlined ingredients and more, easier-to-find recipes, I'll be able to pick it up again.
    Hate to break it to you, but this thread is from 6 months ago ago, and all the proposed changes have already happened. Provisioning used to be far worse than it is now.
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