jimbo96preub18_ESO wrote: »Well ZOS could surprise us with the justice system and provisioning revamp at the sametime. The 'stale' food can be used to thrown it criminals locked in the public stockades!
/em Halja throws a rotten tomato at <insert name>...Splat!
Can't say I'm shocked. ZoS' mo with this game is pretty much changing it to make whatever you've worked on have to restart and allows newer players to catch up or pass you on it. Doesn't seem to be of much use to "build" in this game as they come along and knock what you are building down and make you start over.
Nightreaver wrote: »1) Existing recipes replaced with ones from the new system.
2) Existing Provisioning items will be replaced with ones from the new system.
I_killed_Vivec wrote: »
Newbies won't have an advantage, but those two points are not exactly correct.
Recipes will be changed, you might get some directly replaced, others will be removed from the game. If you've learnt 10 and 9 are removed then you will only have one - probably not a problem but it means you've wasted learning nine others when you could have just sold those recipes.
Provisioning items will be replace where possible - where it's not possible items will "go stale". ZOS haven't told us if it's ingredients, food, or both that will go stale. ZOS have said that they will try to provide a means of recompensing those of us with stale items, but they haven't said how. It might be selling at vendors, however we all know that the value of items has nothing to do with the gold value ZOS apply.
Again, this doesn't provide an advantage to a newbie, but it does negate the effort that people have put into collecting materials... "The stack of tomatoes/oats you were saving? Gone stale, here's 100 gold."
MSchroeder wrote: »Your Provisoning ingredients may be going stale, but they won’t be useless. The ingredients that will no longer be used will be clearly marked as “Old”, and they will sell to vendors for gold. We’ve set this price to be exactly the same as the cost of buying a new ingredient. Additionally, Grocers will be selling ALL non-rare ingredients, so you can quickly get back on your feet, once you know what ingredients you need for the recipes you know. (Chefs will be selling all non-rare Food ingredients, and Brewers will be selling all non-rare Drink ingredients.) We'll be monitoring the price of player-sold Provisioning items, as well as feedback on this and other forums, to see if and when this pricing schema should change.
About half of all ingredients will still be used in the new system (though some may change name and/or icon); those that are still used won’t become “Old” and will still have a value of 0 gold. The rare ingredients, Oats and Tomatoes, will not be going stale, though they are among those that are changing names and icons, so they won’t be called Oats and Tomatoes anymore. They will still be required for Purple recipes, they will still be rare and difficult to acquire – your stockpiles of rare ingredients are safe and will retain their usefulness.
As for the final food items, those are also being preserved as much as possible. Rest assured that any stocks of food and drink you’ve already made will still be fresh, edible, and useful after the revamp.
Be sure to check the whole system out once it gets to the PTS! Once you've gotten a chance to try it out, we'd love to hear your feedback and concerns.
EDIT: Edited the price that old ingredients would sell at - they are, in fact, selling for the exact price it takes to buy a new ingredient. We apologize for the error.
@MSchroederMSchroeder wrote: »The rare ingredients, Oats and Tomatoes, will not be going stale, though they are among those that are changing names and icons, so they won’t be called Oats and Tomatoes anymore.
Nightreaver wrote: »Another of the ingredients listed in that purple VR10 recipe was Saltrice. Saltrice (if I'm not mistaken) is only found in EP zones so cannot be gathered by either AD or DC alliances.
Yes, I interpreted that as some sort of special vendor that will buy stale ingredients. Hopefully we won't have to wait too much longer to find out what it really means.
Nightreaver wrote: »Another of the ingredients listed in that purple VR10 recipe was Saltrice. Saltrice (if I'm not mistaken) is only found in EP zones so cannot be gathered by either AD or DC alliances. Is this being converted to a vendor sold item? Because if it remains a harvestable item that is only accessible to one faction then there will be some unhappy campers.
The new VR10 recipes and the food/drink that are created from them will be some of the most sought after items in the game. Having the new VR10 recipes include ingredients that can only be harvested by one faction would be a huge mistake and an even larger one if it is a trend in your new Provisioning revamp.
This would give EP a huge advantage. They will stockpile the mats and then sell them to the other alliances for exorbitant prices as we are already seeing with Saltrice. I suppose the icing on the cake would be if the VR10 Drink recipes require an ingredient only found in either AD or DC leaving the 3rd Alliance really (this space left intentionally blank).
Dagoth_Rac wrote: »
I was under the impression that alliance-specific ingredients were going away with the New Provisioning. I cannot find solid proof but I swear I read that somewhere.
Curragraigue wrote: »The guy in charge of the new provisioning system said there would be no alliance specific ingredients after the revamp in his ESO Live interview. All ingredients used in the new recipes will be available to all alliances.
I won't make any suggestions regarding a revamp currently based on speculation at this point, especially being so close to being released on PTS. But my intentions will be to do the opposite and hold onto as many different types of ingredients as possible and then see what is actually being used when it is released on PTS. Then determine if the unused ingredients will be better off sold to vendors, made into foods or sold off before 1.6 goes Live.grimsfield wrote: »Does this mean I should use up every single ingredient I've harvested before the patch?
MSchroeder wrote: »Your Provisoning ingredients may be going stale, but they won’t be useless. The ingredients that will no longer be used will be clearly marked as “Old”, and they will sell to vendors for gold. We’ve set this price to be exactly the same as the cost of buying a new ingredient. Additionally, Grocers will be selling ALL non-rare ingredients, so you can quickly get back on your feet, once you know what ingredients you need for the recipes you know. (Chefs will be selling all non-rare Food ingredients, and Brewers will be selling all non-rare Drink ingredients.) We'll be monitoring the price of player-sold Provisioning items, as well as feedback on this and other forums, to see if and when this pricing schema should change.
About half of all ingredients will still be used in the new system (though some may change name and/or icon); those that are still used won’t become “Old” and will still have a value of 0 gold. The rare ingredients, Oats and Tomatoes, will not be going stale, though they are among those that are changing names and icons, so they won’t be called Oats and Tomatoes anymore. They will still be required for Purple recipes, they will still be rare and difficult to acquire – your stockpiles of rare ingredients are safe and will retain their usefulness.
As for the final food items, those are also being preserved as much as possible. Rest assured that any stocks of food and drink you’ve already made will still be fresh, edible, and useful after the revamp.
Be sure to check the whole system out once it gets to the PTS! Once you've gotten a chance to try it out, we'd love to hear your feedback and concerns.
EDIT: Edited the price that old ingredients would sell at - they are, in fact, selling for the exact price it takes to buy a new ingredient. We apologize for the error.
Nightreaver wrote: »Another of the ingredients listed in that purple VR10 recipe was Saltrice. Saltrice (if I'm not mistaken) is only found in EP zones so cannot be gathered by either AD or DC alliances. Is this being converted to a vendor sold item? Because if it remains a harvestable item that is only accessible to one faction then there will be some unhappy campers.
grimsfield wrote: »Does this mean I should use up every single ingredient I've harvested before the patch?
Blast, now I'm left wondering if that's a colloquialism that is commonly used in Canada, or if I'm just used to it because my parents immigrated from England... Is it something I've been saying that has been confusing other Canadians?AlexDougherty wrote: »(I was going to write either or, but realised none-brits might get confused by that colloquialism).
Caius Drusus Imperial DK (DC) Bragg Ironhand Orc Temp (DC) Neesha Stalks-Shadows Argonian NB (EP) Falidir Altmer Sorcr (AD) J'zharka Khajiit NB (AD) |
Isabeau Runeseer Breton Sorc (DC) Fevassa Dunmer DK (EP) Manut Redguard Temp (AD) Tylera the Summoner Altmer Sorc (EP) Svari Snake-Blood Nord DK (AD) |
Ashlyn D'Elyse Breton NB (EP) Filindria Bosmer Temp (DC) Vigbjorn the Wanderer Nord Warden (EP) Hrokki Winterborn Breton Warden (DC) Basks-in-the-Sunshine Argonian Temp |
Blast, now I'm left wondering if that's a colloquialism that is commonly used in Canada, or if I'm just used to it because my parents immigrated from England... Is it something I've been saying that has been confusing other Canadians?
Blast, now I'm left wondering if that's a colloquialism that is commonly used in Canada, or if I'm just used to it because my parents immigrated from England... Is it something I've been saying that has been confusing other Canadians?
I_killed_Vivec wrote: »Again, this doesn't provide an advantage to a newbie, but it does negate the effort that people have put into collecting materials... "The stack of tomatoes/oats you were saving? Gone stale, here's 100 gold."
Stonesthrow wrote: »
Telling ya, as of the images on ESO Live, TOMATOES are still in the game and along those lines one would have to go with the logic train of the rarer Tier 3 Spices still in as well.
But look me up in game if you wanna sell off your Tomatoes, Oats or Pepper.
Ya, you'll have to sell them to a vendor for 1gp per stack. watch...
I assume it'd be 1 gold a piece. How else would you sell, let's say 66 pieces? We'd get 0,66 gold for them?^^
(Btw, I consider a "stack" 100 pieces.)