Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of October 7:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – October 7
• Xbox: EU megaserver for maintenance – October 9, 2:00 UTC (October 8, 10:00PM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)

ESO Live - Ask Us Anything!

  • Erlex
    Was the absolute first thing that Rich Lambert said when he took over the office, "Mr. Gorbachev, Tear Down This Wall" while pointing at the stupid API Nerf from beta? I like to think it was.
    World First Hel Ra / AA clear
    Officer of Entropy Rising
    Defender of the Chalamo
    Beta tester since March 2013
    I stream everything twitch.tv/erlexx
  • P3ZZL3
    Time lines Zos...please, for the love of god, give us some time lines.

    You've had content "in the making" for 12 mths now. People are getting frustrated. We all know you drastically missed the last implementation plans (to the point they were never implemented) but can you give us an indication. Put as many legal disclaimers as you like in front of it, but something at this point is far better than nothing.

    Oh, and @ZOS_GinaBruno please can you use the term "Kerfufalated" to describe something that doesn't work right now and will be fixed "soon(TM)" :)
    CP561 Redguard | Jabsy Templar | Stamina Build
    CP561 Breton | Jesus Beam Templar | Magicka Build Forever!
    CP561 Naked Nord | Tanky DK | Stamigicka Build

    ✭✭✭ Check ESO Server Status Live!: http://eso.webhub.eu/ ✭✭✭
  • ryudesigns
    Soul Shriven
    I have one simple question.

    Do you have any plans on better controls for the guild bank. Here are the two problems I see and experience with it as a guild leader.

    1. When a player deposits lets say Iron Ore. Then another person or even the same person deposits Iron Ore later, it is not stacking the Iron Ore. I am facing 20 separate stacks of Ore in a day sometimes, not to mention all the other stack-able items deposited. TESO support told me to remove the stacks and they would stack in my player bag. They do not. There has to be an algorithm issue and here is why. In the field items auto stack in the player bag. When depositing to the player bank items auto stack in the player bank. When withdrawing from the player bank items auto stack in the player bag. Its when the destination is the guild bank or when the source of the withdrawal is the guild bank that the auto stack code fails.

    2. Can we get more control on guild bank withdrawals. You and I both want to gather people in guilds to experience the game with. But I have had two people go into the guild bank and wipe out every Green, Blue and Purple item. I as a guild leader cannot put a daily limit on withdrawals per guild rank to stop such actions because there is none. At the moment with the current design, I can either let members free access with unlimited withdrawals or shut them off completely. I cant run a guild effectively the way it is now. I like to trust everyone to act like adults but lets face it, there are a lot of people in these games that never grew up and don't care.

    Thank you for your time and hope to see these features added soon.
  • KkaosReinz
    Has there been any update on frost/ice skill line coming? sooner, later, ever?
    Kkaos Reinz
    Pack Leader of
    The House of Reinz
  • Solace of Shadows
    I apologize for my ignorance but are the people from differing factions able to interact with each other in Craglorn or only with their own faction?

    If it is only with their own faction will we be able to have "neutral" zones in which to play with cross faction players in the future, including or not Craglorn?

    While thinking on this I believe this is one of the reasons Cyrodiil has separate campaigns. So as not to overcrowd the area and over tax the servers. Will cross faction players ever be able to play PVE collaboration in the future?
    Solace In Shadows is my name in the realm of Tamriel. If you disagree with my words or disparage my sentiments, then face me on the battlefield and you can kiss my axe.
  • FrostGolem
    will their be add ons for console or ui changes
  • randolphbenoit
    Can we steal and sell horses?
    the NeXus Guild (NA-DC-Crafters) contact @randolphbenoit - Currently Allies to Fairy Tail of Tamriel (Social) and Brave Kore (DC PvP). https://twitter.com/randolphbenoit

    Saltrice - (Salt tolerant rice) Saltrice, pronounced just like it looks is, in fact, a kind of rice that can grow in paddies of either fresh or brackish water.
  • Ace_of_Destiny

    Will ZOS release an Audio Settings File for the Sony Gold Headset Companion App?

    It really improves the audio quality of games that release them.


    ~MegaServer~>PS4 (NA) ~PSN~>Ace-of-Destiny
    I don't care what platform it is on...an MMORPG without Text Chat is NOT an MMORPG!
  • BigMac_Smiley
    Is it possible that console could get a submit bug feature in game like PC. I don't like having to summit a ticket for all my problems I may run into as some don't need a response.
  • Nuale
    I apologize for my ignorance but are the people from differing factions able to interact with each other in Craglorn or only with their own faction?

    If it is only with their own faction will we be able to have "neutral" zones in which to play with cross faction players in the future, including or not Craglorn?

    While thinking on this I believe this is one of the reasons Cyrodiil has separate campaigns. So as not to overcrowd the area and over tax the servers. Will cross faction players ever be able to play PVE collaboration in the future?

    Sadly it is only with your own faction. You will never see people from other factions unless in pvp, effectively cutting you off from 2/3 of the entire game population (and every one wonders why the LFG tool does not work... not enough people in each alliance que likely).

    I too am hoping for some cross over. I have way too much invested into my toons with max crafting vet 14 etc to just drop them so I can play on another alliance with other friends. At the minimum, I am hoping they will allow paid transfers. This divide also make leveling vet ranks 1 to level cap feel very empty. Particularly on PC. If they let some cross faction overlap perhaps it could alleviate some of this... and get that LFG tool working again! It is kinda sad that Mega Servers were supposed to fix that empty zones feeling, but when the population gets subdivided too much, into groups of people who will never see each other because of faction, well there's not much the mega server concept can do to fix the problem at that point.

    I doubt they will ever let cross faction be part of PVP be a thing (which is not really a problem for me), but you never know...
    Edited by Nuale on 1 July 2015 05:21
  • c.j.powers_ESO
    As a beta tester and fan of the Elder Scrolls series, I think the game is great. As a fan of MMO's however, I have to ask....

    1) Why are so many features found in other games not here such as housing, underwater swimming or boats? It seems like a new crew was used to build this (which is not the case) and no real innovations were attempted or made?

    2) Why is the pvp system nearly a copy of DAoC pvp? Scrolls instead of Relics, but essentially the same. The system saw very little upgrades in the time difference between the two. Should we expect a bard class next to mezz whole parties?

    3) Are the changes made to the original vision really a reflection of popular demand? Are there any ideas that are going to be stuck to regardless of feedback from those that may only play for a month or so? The free to play swap is a good example.
  • BuggeX
    As a beta tester and fan of the Elder Scrolls series, I think the game is great. As a fan of MMO's however, I have to ask....

    1) Why are so many features found in other games not here such as housing, underwater swimming or boats? It seems like a new crew was used to build this (which is not the case) and no real innovations were attempted or made?

    It takes time to implement this, later we will see some of this. I am sure Housing will come.
    2) Why is the pvp system nearly a copy of DAoC pvp? Scrolls instead of Relics, but essentially the same. The system saw very little upgrades in the time difference between the two. Should we expect a bard class next to mezz whole parties?

    Because Teso is set at the era of the "3 Banner war" The old Emperor were killed by the brotherhood and so all Allys want the
    to take this over. The "Elder Scrolls" are the core of Power and Knowledge.
    I dont guess a Bard will come, it simplay doesnt fit in the Lore.

  • TrapGodZayne
    How long are the servers going to be online for
  • redsteelb16_ESO
    Command pet on the Console,
    can that be added?

    If you can bind dodging to L2+X ....why not have a binding to command pet (ex L2+L3 or something)
    Without this it would really change how I would play on the console compared to the PC.
    Please add this.
  • Varicite
    BuggeX wrote: »
    Because Teso is set at the era of the "3 Banner war" The old Emperor were killed by the brotherhood and so all Allys want the
    to take this over. The "Elder Scrolls" are the core of Power and Knowledge.
    I dont guess a Bard will come, it simplay doesnt fit in the Lore.

    The correct answer would be that many of the devs who developed the PvP side of the game actually came from DAoC and Warhammer Online and many players asked for exactly that during the game's development, so that's what they delivered.
  • Greywolf_McGrowler
    When can we expect a fix for the mailing system in the Xbox. Saying that player is not found and can't be mailed too.
    Commander Greywolf34 PR of The Accursed Legion
  • Renaissance
    1) Should dunmer's flametalent increase physical fire damage of dk skill line ?
    2) Why dk ardent flame passives not scales from higher stat and all burning effects work with spell penetration instead of armour (i'm not about stamina morphs but about burning which them cause , burning increse damage and flames of oblivion morph).
    3) About molten whip, according to tooltip it increase damage by 110 , which affected by dmg multiplicators but dmg increase not depend on anything and its funny when my spam ability does 5900 fire damage and i have increase 1.7% ))) May be there should be % increase as that was before 1.6.
  • allyoudpsesarebad
    any word on text chat and or combat log for consoles?
  • Xi YouRGankeD
    Lots of questions in this post.

    1 - With mods now being added to the console versions of Fallout 4 will we see addons being added to ESOTU? If instead of addons, do you plan on updating the UI, which elements are you going to update? Its almost essential for things like buff trackers, floating combat text, and numbers/percentages on your bars if you want to be your best in pvp/pve. I mean, this IS an MMO right? Also will we see movable ui elements?

    2 - Are there plans for guild halls/housing?

    2 - Are there plans on adding your position in queue somewhere on screen, rather then needing to navigate the menus?

    3 - As a GM or member of a guild it's tiring when organizing a Guild PvP group needing to send individual mail/messages to anyone who wants to participate, will there be a "Add Player" button that links to the guild/friends or am I missing it? Also will a guild search feature be added in game?

    4 - A VERY common question. Are there plans on adding text chat? I'm sure there are thousands of people that will go out and buy usb keyboads to utilize this feature. Here's a potential cash grab, maybe you can make a special ESO only keyboard or make an app? Or you could allow the use of the consoles chat system which to honest would be a pain in the ass, but still helpful.

    5 - Will the guild bank history log be extended?

    6 - Where is dueling? Arenas?

    7 - Let me sit in a chair AND eat some mutton and drink some mead, I'm a Nord for Sovngarde sake!

    That's all for now.
    GM of <War Machine> a guild that specializes in kicking your ass in PvP. Send me a msg with your GT on Xbox and I'll shoot you an invite.
  • Fetaro
    Could you please consider adding an almanach, record, checklist or something like that for stolen items ? it would add a lot of fun to the justice system.

    EDIT : Here is an example I made in paint. Sorry for the quality ,I'm not a pro ^^' http://imgur.com/vrVqU0M
    Edited by Fetaro on 1 July 2015 22:07
  • JameswRalston
    will we see an increase to mount "SKILL" cap from 60 to 100
    -- where the maneuver skill only brings you up to 100 max if cast on anything over 60
    -lv 60+ in the crown store could be considered [Crown Lesson +] costing 2,000 for a set of 10

    Persuasion skill tree
    -persuasion & intimidation on the same passive
    -stun guards for 1-5 seconds when using flee option
    -have a % gain for selling items that dont have a % increase with shops already
    -have a minor % gain for selling items that do have a % increase
    -selling player crafted gear slightly reduces the wait time on enlightenment
    -fence daily limit

    if you could add the persuasion from oblivion (awsome)

    Sleep bonuses
    "soul-less slumber"
    using a tavern that has a locked door as a active press to pay a gold fee and undergo a soul-less sleep
    ideal lore "no time passes as a mage tends to your rejuvination with the essence of a soulgem in a private room as your soul-less body rests empty in a suspended animation"
    -5% bonus on attribute regen
    -5% bonus on skill line lv
    -5% increase effects from consumables
    -additional 5% soul capture on kill
    -additional 25 - 100 xp per kill based on player lv

    just throwing out some ideas -- just sayin
    Edited by JameswRalston on 1 July 2015 22:04
  • Djeriko
    Is anyone in the dev team going to take a look at the bugs that come with the Redguard heavy armor? The floating/clipping heavy girdle, the mislabeled dye areas on the greaves, and the fact that the dye areas are minimal on the helmet and greaves anyways are just a few of the problems. Those problems have been around since the new Redguard and Orc armors were released and it has not been fixed. I know you noticed it because every time you show any of your news stories with someone wearing all heavy Redguard armor, you chose to have it wearing some other belt or none at all. Stop ignoring the problem please.

    Also I want to control the exact color of the jewels/crystals that are on the Redguard heavy armor, the random color it picks sucks. Don't you think it would be logical for it to be part of the area that the tertiary (3rd) dye colors? Several months now, I've mentioned this in-game reports and forum posts.
    "When in doubt, kill it with fire."
  • Adryssa_Joneley
    Will there ever be cosmetic slots for mounts? It would be totally awesome if we could cosmetically put armor onto our mounts, like elven armor for a white horse, or even a daedric one for the black fiery horse. If so, being able to color the mount armor would add even MORE awesomeness to the game. So, what do ya say? It would be so totally cool to have our own unique styles for our mounts, instead of all that copy and pasted looking mounts.
  • AhPook_Is_Here
    Why do Argonian females have boobs? Do they breast feed their eggs or are they tormented into filling human beauty masks and have surgery at a young age for implants? Do they give their bodies over to plastic surgery so their shape will be more like what society expects from the female form after being saturated by Daggerfall fashion propaganda? I don't know any breast feeding reptiles so I can only assume Argonian females are exceptionally vulnerable to societies expectations. Or are they cheese sacks, given as a gift to the Argonians by the mighty lord, Uncle S?
    -Unknown American
  • Ravens-Sonata
    I would like to know why Items bought from the Crown Store, which are paid for thru Xbox Live, are server stored instead of Account??? Everything I bought thru the Crown Store is Only available on theNA server not EU server, shouldnt these items be saved by GT (Username) not server?
    If I paid for them thru Xox, then they should be tied to my Account, not just the server, just my thoughts
  • steventf141
    Soul Shriven
    Any ideas as to when the blood fiends are going to be about? Have wasted countless hours searching to no success even though the moon couldnt get any newer!!!
  • Slonekb05
    First off i do like this game very much, so it sucks there are such glaring problems. The way the game is now, LV 1-50 feels like a single player game with other players running around in it getting in your way. Either increase in the difficulty so other players are a welcomed site, or give us instance delvs/dungeons.

    1. PVE difficulty .
    This is a huge issue, while the story is good, the combat is no challenge at all, you should not be able to kill 3-4NPC's at a time that are 4-5 LV's higher than you. There is no reason to have to make tactical choices based on if your playing solo or in duo/group. You can slap any skills together with any base equipment and be a god. Either a change needs to be made to the overall difficulty or you need to be able to choose an option to level scale quests/dungeons/increase difficultly(this will allow players to customize there experience and make lower zones/quests worth while) (There is the occasional good fight, which is what i would love to see a lot more of)

    2. Adding Instance dungeons.
    Yes this is an MMO and you expect to see playing roaming the world. But what ends up happening is you walk into a random dungeon and are met with 4 players already inside who have cleared the enemy's and boss away. I cant tell you how often i am in a duo with my brother and i say this phrase" Lets give it 3-4min, 4players just ran through" My suggestion is add an option that each dungeon (All Dungeons) that requires you to zone, Can be played Public (default) or in a Instance (solo/group). When You go to zone in it should prompt you with a choice.

    Any chance of adding these option in future updates? Thank you for the read.
    Edited by Slonekb05 on 2 July 2015 17:57
  • BigM
    Slonekb05 wrote: »
    First off i do like this game very much, so it sucks there are such glaring problems. The way the game is now, LV 1-50 feels like a single player game with other players running around in it getting in your way. Either increase in the difficulty so other players are a welcomed site, or give us instance delvs/dungeons.

    1. PVE difficulty .
    This is a huge issue, while the story is good, the combat is no challenge at all, you should not be able to kill 3-4NPC's at a time that are 4-5 LV's higher than you. There is no reason to have to make tactical choices based on if your playing solo or in duo/group. You can slap any skills together with any base equipment and be a god. Either a change needs to be made to the overall difficulty or you need to be able to choose an option to level scale quests/dungeons/increase difficultly(this will allow players to customize there experience and make lower zones/quests worth while) (There is the occasional good fight, which is what i would love to see a lot more of)

    2. Adding Instance dungeons.
    Yes this is an MMO and you expect to see playing roaming the world. But what ends up happening is you walk into a random dungeon and are met with 4 players already inside who have cleared the enemy's and boss away. I cant tell you how often i am in a duo with my brother and i say this phrase" Lets give it 3-4min, 4players just ran through" My suggestion is add an option that each dungeon (All Dungeons) that requires you to zone, Can be played Public (default) or in a Instance (solo/group). When You go to zone in it should prompt you with a choice.

    Any chance of adding these option in future updates? Thank you for the read.

    Tell you the truth I just don't think they know how. But yes been asking for this for sometime now. We really need it.
    “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.”
    ― Stephen Hawking
  • Cyrus The Virus
    Cyrus The Virus
    Soul Shriven
    So I've been away from the game scene for a while now and was wondering how to buy a xbox One version of the game and how to transfer my awesome vampire (or was it a werewolf) character from PC to Xbox One?

    I've bought and played this game since day 1 of pc launch.
  • HeroOfNone
    Can we see some abilities that encourages players to weave more abilities into a skill rotation? A lot of the current high damage builds seem to require 1 or 2 abilities weaved in with medium attacks to do high end damage.

    When can we expect updates to the vampire skill lines as well as their weaknesses and strengths?

    While certain classes benefit from one type (stamina or magicka) of build over the other, are there plans to raise up the other half or lower dps requirements for certain dungeon and trial requirements? In particular stamina DKs andmagicka templars seem to both be the most under used and fall short on a lot of challenges. This is not a complaint on leaderboard minmaxers, but toward devs that require constant 15k dps to complete dungeons required to get gear to be viable enough to make that damage mark.

    What is the reason for the current skill point cap? As it is now it is difficult to do everything (dps, tank, heal) all on one character, but it seems like a small pool of skill points verses the large array of skills available. Will there be ways to gain additional skill points without PVP farming or waiting for new zone content in the future?
    Edited by HeroOfNone on 2 July 2015 18:53
    Herfi Driderkitty of the Aldmeri Dominion
    Find me on : Twitch | Youtube | Twitter | Reddit
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