Helltarget1 wrote: »I bought the imperial edition, but I do not have access to the any race in any alliance feature.
I Second this!In Pvp, Communication is a key factor to success for your faction
On the PC, while we all had to deal with the zone chat trolls, we could use it for faction wide communication and coordination
There is no such function on the console,
Area chat cannot even cover communication from the west side of a keep to the east side of the keep
This makes communicating with your faction members VERY difficult, It makes having organized faction pvp a pipe dream.
Its at the point where the guilds I've ran with lately, have been talking about using teamspeak and chat boards on other devices instead of your in game voice chat. Especially with how often the voice chat trips out and either wont let people see the group channel, or tells them the chat is down entirely, when the whole rest of the group is using it.
How do you plan on addressing this issue?
Will you consider a Zone chat text box?
Plenty of us have chat pads, Smart glass, or usb keyboards hooked up to be able to use such a function.
-Sincerely, TwilightPanther
SocialAssassin wrote: »I'm new to the forums, so bear with me.
So why can I only delete 3 characters ? It doesn't really make any sense? Other then characters are tied into other characters , I only have 8 slots total . Most MMO's allow unlimited characters , or is this a pay thing. Yep! I wish I knew before I started cranking out characters ? Or is this because of cybersquating.
I can't wait till I hear, this answer lol!
randolphbenoit wrote: »@SocialAssassin it is delete 3 characters max per day I believe.
It was done to combat the massive amount of goldsellers / bots that were present around the time of PC launch who would roll characters, spam chat, delete character and make another before you could try to report them. It was just one of many different measures that were taken by ZOS back then to curb that type of behavior.
There aren't really any goldseller spammers hanging about anymore (on PC), so it probably worked well enough. As I recall, it was pretty much right after they implemented this change that the vast majority of them disappeared.
chrystalwhite wrote: »is there a limited amount of skillpoints you can get or is it unlimited
Looking for some answers on what's going on with Prisoner Of Jathsogur for us Dominion people. When is a patch coming so we can actually move on with our questing?
Wheelhouse413 wrote: »Console - specific questions (PS4)
1 - Will text chat ever be implemented? If yes, when? If no, why not? Also if no, will the voice chat options be expanded to be more useful - like being able to be in BOTH guild AND party chat? I know 2-channel (2 listen, 1 talk) is possible as I'm auto-forced into area chat every time I zone (and area chat is mostly littered with noise pollution garbage that I generally never want to hear - please stop auto-adding me).
2 - Does the group finder work?
3 - Damage numbers, xp numbers, buff icons - basic MMO stuff - any of these things planned to be added? Console doesn't have the option to use addons to "fix" these missing things, so it would be nice if they were added.
4 - Alliance Campaign lag - any hope it gets better?
Thanks for reading.
Second, will there be an option to comprehensively remap the actions on the controller? The default layout is pretty cumbersome.
How would you improve over the two default layouts? I can assign any skills to any buttons other than the triggers. So what needs to be improved?
If you are Xbox One, you could just wait for the Elite Xbox Controller coming in October and map till the cows come home.
Will the crown store have more things to buy eventually