@Ibthang Outlaws Refuges are located in the main city of each zone, and look like this on the map:I have a bounty, im assuming you can pay it at the outlaw refugee.. but where are they located. All in all im trying to go to the stable to get my mount. Any help will be appreciated.
Suggestions: First off i love the game, having said that there are some things ..easy things that will drastically improve all player's exp.
1. PVE difficulty .
This is a huge issue, while the story is good, the combat is no challenge at all. There is no reason to have to make tactical choices based on if your playing solo or in duo/group. You can slap any skills together with any base equipment and be a god. Either a change needs to be made to the overall difficulty or you need to be able to choose an option to level scale quests/dungeons/increase difficultly(this will allow players to customize there own experience). (There is the occasional good fight, which is what i would love to see a lot more of)
2. Adding Instance dungeons.
Yes this is an MMO and you expect to see playing roaming the world. But what ends up happening is you walk into a random dungeon and are met with 4 players already inside who have cleared the enemy's and boss away. I cant tell you how often i am in a duo with my brother and i say this phrase" Lets give it 3-4min, 4players just ran through" My suggestion is add an option that each dungeon (All Dungeons) that requires you to zone, Can be played Public (default) or in a Instance (solo/group). When You go to zone in it should prompt you with a choice.
Any chance these could be additions in future updates?
Thank you for your time.
Not sure if this has been addressed yet, but is there any talk about bridging the player community, allowing friends of different alliances to actually play together without having to play several different characters. As it stands, i think the imperial addition would have addressed this, but its imo a console deal breaker for my dark elf friend, my high elf friend and my orc friend to be unable to play together because of their race, and i, as an imperial have to pick one..especially if later content has you doing missions in other regions. Alliance restrictions should stick to cyrodil pvp, but im curious if the devs have been looking into expanding/changing this system
That will never happen just because of PvP. You and your friends need to read up on MMO's and how PvP works. Good place to start where you get exactly how the PvP works in this game with a few changes would be Dark Age of Camelot. It would completely destroy the whole point of the game.
well explain please? the only other mmo i've actually played thats similar to this is guild wars, and they based everything on servers. pvp was server based, which made sense. to group you had to be invited or already on the hosts server. nothing in pvp needs to change for a pve tweak. you say it would "break" pvp but i dont see how. again, pvp should stay alliance centric, as thats the only place alliance even has true relevance. my mmo knowledge is dcuo and gw2 both of which i love, and both of which had vastly different, but universally accepted better grouping opportunities then offered here. on top of that, this is a console,if out of me and my friends (4) only 2 are actually pc mmo players, then, thats potentially a 50% split between people who expected this and people who are blindsided by not being able to play with their wife/family/friends.
recap: pvp is perfect. i love it. alliance and pvp go perfect together. pve restriction makes little sense, as you end up doing all alliance missions ANYWAY so why restrict grouping?
It has been addressed many times No its not happening. As for people being blindsided by that that is their problem as the game has been out for over a year. A tiny bit of research or fore thought before choosing an alliance/race and you would all be able to play together.
ZOS_JasonLeavey wrote: »@Gidorick - Eastmarch appears to be far too east on the world map. When considering the location of Skuldafn in Eastmarch, it appears that there is a bay directly to the north of Skuldafn. The issue is, Skuldafn doesn't have a bay directly to the north, it has mountains. Is there an explanation for this? Eastmarch seems to be too far east, but also too far north.
Phrastus of Elinhir says, “Our latter-day Nords are not well known for the scholarly attainments, and cartography is not one of their strongpoints. On their maps, sites of great importance—to Nords, that is—are often distorted and exaggerated. So it is with the eerie aerie of Skuldafn, which holds great significance for our superstitious northern brethren. They have never been comfortable with the fact that the Dark Elves hold the west coast of the Inner Sea all the way up to Blacklight; in some cases their maps elide that fact entirely. But it is there nonetheless.”
@Raynefr Do a forum search for Cross-Faction PvE. While they have said it wouldn't be happening soon, they haven't said they will never do it. There's lots of lore-appropriate reasons for cross-faction play being possible in the "Neutral" areas.lol you right. all the research i did for the game, i never stopped to question how did grouping work. mostly cared about mechanics and junk. if this has ben addressed many times, at least i know there are many who have asked so im not the only one. you are right however, as im the first one to get the game, i am informing my friends how the grouping works. its still a weird restriction, but i digress because you might lose your mind.
@Nighn_9 Those estates are expected to be part of the Thieves Guild content.There are strange inaccessible structures located in Grahtwood: to the right of the city Haven...Alikr Desert: Above Forsaken Hearts Cave... and Deshan: Northeast of Smuggler's Slip... Many players, including myself, are wondering what these structures are or will be? Any hints?
well explain please? the only other mmo i've actually played thats similar to this is guild wars, and they based everything on servers. pvp was server based, which made sense. to group you had to be invited or already on the hosts server. nothing in pvp needs to change for a pve tweak. you say it would "break" pvp but i dont see how. again, pvp should stay alliance centric, as thats the only place alliance even has true relevance. my mmo knowledge is dcuo and gw2 both of which i love, and both of which had vastly different, but universally accepted better grouping opportunities then offered here. on top of that, this is a console,if out of me and my friends (4) only 2 are actually pc mmo players, then, thats potentially a 50% split between people who expected this and people who are blindsided by not being able to play with their wife/family/friends.
recap: pvp is perfect. i love it. alliance and pvp go perfect together. pve restriction makes little sense, as you end up doing all alliance missions ANYWAY so why restrict grouping?