randolphbenoit wrote: »Now that there 'Superb Triune Alteration potion' in the crown store, when can we expect to be able to craft such potion(s) that not only gives you health, stamina and magica but also health, stamina and magica regeneration?
Since Beta, this is a simple tripot. Columbine, Mountainflower and i dont remember the last on.
Craftable is 40% better
kaorunandrak wrote: »I have a PvP based question for todays show.
My long winded question is "What other options were considered to keep the buffs affecting both pvp and pve? Did you guys play around with the idea of making the buff effect the alliance with the most resources over all campaigns? To be clear is it/would it be possible for the buffs to be given to the alliance with the most scrolls/emperors/keeps/outposts/highest total score across all campaigns rather then a by campaign basis?"
When will we be seeing Text Chat on consoles?
The current system is completely useless for anything but party play, but being that it's so loud and useless in area chat, most people just leave it immediately resulting in no one using it there either and this basically being a single player game with arbitrary limitations when the servers are down/full/laggy for most of us.
Kencan333ub17_ESO wrote: »Will there be any easier way of collecting skyshards/lorebooks in the console versions of ESO instead of having to switch back and forth between websites? This way we'll have everything in one place. I've read about a user suggesting something like being able to complete quests to gain maps for the various skyshard/lorebook locations.
CALLMEQUINCY wrote: »Really enjoying the game so far, best mmo experience i've played on console yet!
Few questions/observations:
• Any future plans for more ui/layout options? (ps4)
Thanks for listening to the community!