EscapeLadder wrote: »Just an observation... You can't use the word "Mega", if the server can't accommodate everyone /Also in the history of gaming has anyone said "Wow we got too many servers and not enough players For Once we overshot this !!" & finally :How Secure Would my connection of been,if I was in the $15 a month club!!?? I know,it's mostly not constructed and negative(two adjectives your bound to hear on a failed opening weekend) you want to change peoples opinions on your job ? Start giving away Crowns /Cause your servers are Down.. What !! "Give them something back!!?, you're fired get out of this meeting !!
randolphbenoit wrote: »
I believe RIFT and SWTOR both added to many servers and then ended up having a lot of low pop/ghost town servers. Its not about adding servers for ESO, its about increasing the capacity of the one server they have. As far as the people complaining about this game having lag and what not, also going to come down to internet/server issues. This is not your regular single player experience. Maybe do research before you buy the game, and try to understand how an MMO works before you trash ZOS. This happens with literally every MMO launch ive been a part of. Stop whining, let them work it out and deal with queues. Is it frustrating you cant play a game you just bought and have been waiting for? Sure. You have to give them time to work out the server issues and in a week or 2 you will forget all about it.
A week or two? [snip] Rift and SWTOR came out FIVE YEARS AGO ON PC! We shouldn't be dealing with these problems on PS4 or XB1. The game is broken, we spent a lot of money on it, we are upset. I think that's reasonable. What's not reasonable is having to defend our opinions against passive-aggressive clowns in the help forum. BTW, if you're alright with the server problems in this game, why are you even here looking at people's posts. It's a help forum. You obviously did your research and knew before all us idiots that the game wouldn't work. [snip]
mobyjohnson wrote: »Where are the werewolves on the console version?
I have 3 characters one in each spawn zone since launch day still haven't ran across a single one
Are you seriously asking this question? Have you been hitting the skooma or are you a Sheogorath worshiper?randolphbenoit wrote: »Where did 'Sir' Cadwell get the pot on his head? And when did he start wearing it, before or after he went 'Mad'?
@Golgoleth The queue is there because there are too many people logging in at once, and the login server can't cope. ZOS are working to increase server capacity, but the queue is the only solution in the short term to ensure people can actually get in the game.
OregonRipCity wrote: »Why haven't I got my pre order bonus treasure maps yet
@Varicite Apparently the moon phases are actually completely irrelevant.
You need to wait until Full Moon to find the WW mobs in their respective areas. A moon cycle in ESO takes 8 days.
It's been 5 since launch.
@zdarma ZOS have stated that the numbers are bugged. Apparently (according to players, not ZOS), the biggest number is total players on the server, and the smaller number is your actual queue position.
The queue being the only solution would make sense if you didn't pass from 1098056 in the queue to 1 back to 7847, back to 1, back to 109087, until you just give up and go do something else. IMO, those numbers are as useful as a screen door on a submarine.
@Varicite Apparently the moon phases are actually completely irrelevant.
There's a question for you guys ZOS - are werewolf and vampire spawns tied to the moons, or not?
@zdarma ZOS have stated that the numbers are bugged. Apparently (according to players, not ZOS), the biggest number is total players on the server, and the smaller number is your actual queue position.
@Varicite Apparently the moon phases are actually completely irrelevant.
There's a question for you guys ZOS - are werewolf and vampire spawns actually tied to the moons, or not?
@zdarma ZOS have stated that the numbers are bugged. Apparently (according to players, not ZOS), the biggest number is total players on the server, and the smaller number is your actual queue position.
QUESTION 1@ZOS) wrote:[–]ZOS_ChrisStraszZeniMax - Lead Gameplay Designer 12 points 22 hours ago
hey Tasteh, glad to hear you're enjoying the game! We have begun exploring ways to integrate floating combat text and buff/debuffs within the HUD in a way that still keeps the spirit of the UI minimal. There's several challenges with both of these. We'd like to make sure that the combat text feels satisfying and there's some effort involved there when it comes to the aesthetics of it, the accuracy/data setup, and overall iteration on it. With the buff/debuff feedback, many of our effects are not as long term as other games so we're looking into ways to give this feedback while also not making the HUD appear like a blinking casino machine. But both of these are things we have been exploring internally.
I have a couple questions about this post from the Xbox forums:
IF you make these changes to the Console version, will this also carry over the PC/Mac version?
Because having the option to display ACCURATE BUFF/DEBUFF TIMERS are big deal to quite a few players on the PC/Mac side of the ESO world.
You already have accurate Buff/Debuff timers(and Target Dummies) available for internal testing. I know this for fact since i was told in person by a ZOS staffer this was the case, so why not dress them up make them available for players since there is clearly a demand?
Thank you for your time.
Wow, the spawns NOT being tied to moon phases is certainly news to me...
@zdarma not that number, the 7847 or whatever, ie the smallest number that's not 1.@Enodoc When it says I am number 1 in the queue and my wait time is 1 second, you think I should actually believe that? Ahhhhhhhhhhh hahahahahah. Thanks for the best laugh of the day.