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Official Discussion Thread for "Presenting the Six-Month Loyalty Reward"

  • KriHavok
    Customer Support said that pets are given out on the 7th and/or 30th of each month if that's helpful to anyone. So I presume we get the Sphere pet on either the 7th of December or 30th of November.
    UESP Staffer & Wiki Editor
  • NeptuneTide
    KriHavok wrote: »
    Customer Support said that pets are given out on the 7th and/or 30th of each month if that's helpful to anyone. So I presume we get the Sphere pet on either the 7th of December or 30th of November.

    That's odd since they went out the week of Nov. 16.
    "It's always a delicious mystery, cracking open a book for the first time." ~ Valaste
  • NeptuneTide
    I went ahead and submitted a help ticket. Wasn't going to at first, but then thought why not. Better to let devs know that while they may think or have data to show the pet rolled out to everyone, it wasn't received by everyone. Will post what they say...if I get a reply.
    "It's always a delicious mystery, cracking open a book for the first time." ~ Valaste
  • KriHavok
    KriHavok wrote: »
    Customer Support said that pets are given out on the 7th and/or 30th of each month if that's helpful to anyone. So I presume we get the Sphere pet on either the 7th of December or 30th of November.

    That's odd since they went out the week of Nov. 16.

    Yes and no. They decided if you were applicable for the pet on the 7th of November, they then released it on November 16th.
    UESP Staffer & Wiki Editor
  • MercutioElessar
    @NeptuneTide: Just received two emails from ZOS. One being the respond to my question regarding the pet. Within the apologies for not having sent me one, yet.

    The second mal included the code for the sphere with the addendum, telling me that support now activated it.

    Edited by MercutioElessar on 23 November 2014 16:21
    If I've ever offended you,
    just know that from the bottom of my heart,
    I really don't give a ***.

  • imakescribbles
    I just submitted my own ticket. Hopefully I can get a code too.
  • NeptuneTide
    @MercutioElessar - I received the same two e-mails today as well.
    This paragraph provided the info I really needed on the roll out works...

    "I have inspected your account, and it appears that you had just missed our first check for eligibility of the Dwarven Sphere. There are a few things that could have caused this, the date you activated your subscription, if there was a lapse in your subscription, or if 6 months of subscription time was not completely consumed by November 7th, 2014. Some players may have received the pet earlier due to activating the game during Early Access or prior to the release of the game."

    I checked my checking acct history and my subscription is renewed btw the 12-14 of each month so the part of the letter about the subscription being consumed I agree with. Should that info have been clearly stated in their release? YES! Some of us like to have all the facts when playing the waiting game lol

    Hope this info and what's been previously posted provides more clarity to those still waiting! My advice, submit your help ticket!
    "It's always a delicious mystery, cracking open a book for the first time." ~ Valaste
  • MercutioElessar
    @MercutioElessar - I received the same two e-mails today as well.
    This paragraph provided the info I really needed on the roll out works...

    Yeah, I just received a "After checking your account I saw that ou actually have been playing long enough" - without further explanation. But hey, I got my sphere, finally ;)
    If I've ever offended you,
    just know that from the bottom of my heart,
    I really don't give a ***.

  • Arizona_Willie
    I can't believe there is so much angst over a worthless " pet " that does NOTHING.
    If I wanted a Signature I would have a Signature --- but i don't want one so I don't have one.
  • Volkodav
    ZOS_JasonLeavey wrote: »
    @WhiskeyRiver.AZub17_ESO, the Dwemer Sphere is exclusively for our loyal 6-month subscribers. Keep in mind that subscription time does not have to be consecutive in order to be eligible to receive the pet. One you hit the 6-month mark, you'll find the pet in your in-game mail. :)
    (Psst,..I've been here since the betas.Pre-ordered my game,and played every beta.That's a bit over 6 months now,isnt it?)
  • imakescribbles
    I'm just going to leave it alone until after the 30th. CS basically said I received my first pet late, so it makes sense I'll receive my second pet late, which doesn't make sense. My 6 months was up more than two weeks ago, and my account shows it, and I don't meet any of the requirements for a late pet (late activation, lapse, etc.)
  • Kyuumu
    Okay, this is becoming ridiculously confusing. One moment I see Dev's saying the initial month that came with the game does not count, then I see it given as a possible justification for people not receiving their loyalty pet....... Which one is it? Did it count or not? I'll tell you what, how about we go by how many times I have paid for my account instead of going by the day it was activated. I personally have paid for my account seven times as of this month, I know this because my chase account activity page says so. However, if you want to count it, then I have been playing since 5 day early access, with NO interruptions or bans period. NOW, can someone explain why I was not in the first batch of people to receive the loyalty reward? Not only did I NOT receive mine but I was told by customer service that I may have to wait till December..... really? No questions asked, no rationale given just, "sorry for the inconvenience". No I'm sorry it doesn't make sense, and as a paying customer I feel I deserve a valid explanation.
  • Arizona_Willie
    Kymuumu: why are you so irritated over a " pet " that does absolutely NOTHING?

    I wish they gave out Orehounds or Timberhounds that went out and pointed ore and timber to you like a hunting dog.

    Then it might be worth getting excited about.

    But all these " pets " do is take up an inventory slot --- TOTALLY WORTHLESS.
    If I wanted a Signature I would have a Signature --- but i don't want one so I don't have one.
  • Kyuumu
    Well, Arizona_Willie I think a lot of us 5 day early access players are feeling slighted to be honest. I have seen people say "oh it's just a pet, no big deal", wrong! To those of us who have subbed from the beginning it is a sign that Zeni appreciates our loyalty to this game. Now I personally don't care what it is (even though I AM partial to my pets!) that they give me, I only care that I stuck it out through the tough times and want to be recognized for that. It makes absolutely no sense for someone to look in my account see that I pre-ordered, played early access and still think I should have to wait because of when my account was billed. For goodness sake I had to link the payment to my bank account BEFORE I could even PLAY the game I just spent a hundred dollars on, so NO I don't care when I got billed! I also think it was a bad decision not to count the initial month, I paid for it didn't I? It came as part of the game itself and I know I paid for that! I was elated when I found out that there would be a reward for sticking around. I have personally been offended on more than one occasion by comments from others hating on the game, a game I love btw, so the loyalty reward was a little vindicating for me. Now I am told sorry you have to watch others get their reward before you because we billed you late? That is far from "REWARDING" in my book.
  • Arizona_Willie
    I boldfaced a couple of terms you used that are somewhat disturbing.

    Loyalty to this game & a game I love?

    It's a game for which you are charged money to play. It is a monetary transaction.

    You love people and your dogs --- not a game.
    You are loyal to people and your country --- not a game.

    This One thinks you are too deeply involved with this GAME < emotionally >.

    You might find it beneficial to get help.

    There is absolutely NO REASON to feel LOYALTY to a COMPANY that only wants your MONEY.

    If you DON'T PAY them --- they don't have any use for you.
    They will not send you a Christmas card or give you a birthday present.
    They will not tuck you in at night.
    They will not participate in your sex life.

    This company has NO LOYALTY to YOU whatsoever and this game does not LOVE YOU BACK.

    If you feel that you are not being properly recompensed for the money you have paid ---- STOP PAYING.

    THAT gets their attention --- NOTHING ELSE does.

    They don't make this game because they " like " you or because they " love " you ... they make it to get your MONEY.

    To see if you are too emotionally / psychologically attached to this game ( hey -- it happens -- games can be very addictive ) take a week off from playing.



    Kyuumu wrote: »
    Well, Arizona_Willie I think a lot of us 5 day early access players are feeling slighted to be honest. I have seen people say "oh it's just a pet, no big deal", wrong! To those of us who have subbed from the beginning it is a sign that Zeni appreciates our loyalty to this game. Now I personally don't care what it is (even though I AM partial to my pets!) that they give me, I only care that I stuck it out through the tough times and want to be recognized for that. It makes absolutely no sense for someone to look in my account see that I pre-ordered, played early access and still think I should have to wait because of when my account was billed. For goodness sake I had to link the payment to my bank account BEFORE I could even PLAY the game I just spent a hundred dollars on, so NO I don't care when I got billed! I also think it was a bad decision not to count the initial month, I paid for it didn't I? It came as part of the game itself and I know I paid for that! I was elated when I found out that there would be a reward for sticking around. I have personally been offended on more than one occasion by comments from others hating on the game, a game I love btw, so the loyalty reward was a little vindicating for me. Now I am told sorry you have to watch others get their reward before you because we billed you late? That is far from "REWARDING" in my book.

    Edited by Arizona_Willie on 26 November 2014 16:35
    If I wanted a Signature I would have a Signature --- but i don't want one so I don't have one.
  • UrODelA
    There is absolutely NO REASON to feel LOYALTY to a COMPANY that only wants your MONEY.
    They will not participate in your sex life.

    wait... what? lusty argonian maids ?!
    ~ schwanzlurch est UrODelA is the SalamandeR ist der ~
  • justinbarrett
    not that I want a pet, but I never got one....have not broken my payment plan since the three month reward so....keep it ZOS, just pointing out a fact.
  • imakescribbles
    Nov 30 came and went, and still no pet. I received the Wraith late, but not this late.
  • WhiskyBob
    This is sad how many people complain about getting free stuff.

    You know, Zenimax could possibly give you NOTHING at all and you wouldn't even notice.

    Give people anything and they will find 1001 reasons to complain about it.

    Imagine this: you are visiting your sister. She has an 11yo son. You bought him a big bar of chocolate. Upon receiving this small gift he throws it in your face and spits on your shoes cause it had no raisins in it, it had too much cocoa, it wasn't biggest version avialable and it had no golden ticket inside.

    Yes. You are that spoilt brat.
    Edited by WhiskyBob on 2 December 2014 00:54
  • imakescribbles
    WhiskyBob wrote: »
    This is sad how many people complain about getting free stuff.

    You know, Zenimax could possibly give you NOTHING at all and you wouldn't even notice.

    Give people anything and they will find 1001 reasons to complain about it.

    Imagine this: you are visiting your sister. She has an 11yo son. You bought him a big bar of chocolate. Upon receiving this small gift he throws it in your face and spits on your shoes cause it had no raisins in it, it had too much cocoa, it wasn't biggest version avialable and it had no golden ticket inside.

    Yes. You are that spoilt brat.

    I 100% agree with your point that when something isn't working as advertised that we should ignore the problem and be obedience little drones! Please post your list of things you've approved for discussion so we don't offend you again by talking.
  • WhiskyBob
    WhiskyBob wrote: »
    This is sad how many people complain about getting free stuff.

    You know, Zenimax could possibly give you NOTHING at all and you wouldn't even notice.

    Give people anything and they will find 1001 reasons to complain about it.

    Imagine this: you are visiting your sister. She has an 11yo son. You bought him a big bar of chocolate. Upon receiving this small gift he throws it in your face and spits on your shoes cause it had no raisins in it, it had too much cocoa, it wasn't biggest version avialable and it had no golden ticket inside.

    Yes. You are that spoilt brat.

    I 100% agree with your point that when something isn't working as advertised that we should ignore the problem and be obedience little drones! Please post your list of things you've approved for discussion so we don't offend you again by talking.

    Where did they advertise super awesome monthly loyalty rewards that'll pew pew, boost your stats or be a free mount? Cause thats what im talking about.
  • Sedare
    When can I expect this? I have not yet received my loyalty reward and I know I've been a member for 6 months.
  • Smaxx
    Probably some time next week as it seems that they check their data about once every two weeks.
  • Runhent
    Didn't receive my Dwarven Sphere till now :( Should I contact support or just wait for upcoming months ©?
    Edited by Runhent on 13 January 2015 12:09
    Gilryne Telvanni, at your service.
    EU | Ebonheart Pact | ElderScrolls.Net & RuESO
  • foty5dragoons
    Soul Shriven
    Umm i'm pretty sure I've been over the 6th month mark for a while now. so are they still handing this pet out or what?
  • ManwithBeard9
    Umm i'm pretty sure I've been over the 6th month mark for a while now. so are they still handing this pet out or what?

    This only applies to when the game first released and sub wss mandatory.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User]
    Soul Shriven
    Hello everyone,

    This post is to let you know that we've felt it necessary to put this thread down, as it seemed to have died some time ago. At this time we'd like to try and keep Draugr threads from roaming around front page, pushing down newer and more lively threads.

    Thank you for understanding!
    Staff Post
This discussion has been closed.