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Official Discussion Thread for "Presenting the Six-Month Loyalty Reward"

  • henrycupcakerwb17_ESO
    DarthDonut wrote: »
    Are we going to go through this every time there is a new subscriber reward? All this complaining and moaning over something that's FREE. Quit thinking you're entitled to ridiculous requests that would give you some ridiculous mount or an overpowered set of gear that would leave other players at a disadvantage. How about you all quit complaining and just be glad about the fact that you are getting something to show that you are appreciated.
    Sotha_Sil wrote: »
    I mean do you really expect players to keep subscribing with that reward ?

    No, they expect people to keep subscribing because they enjoy the game, not because of some entitlement issue that you think everyone has that isn't being fulfilled.

    this is pathetic! and they shouldn't had called it a loyalty reward then
    and at least make the pet interactive ( dealing 1 dmg and attacking etc ) and not some worthless stuff standstill while i am getting stabbed by a night blade
  • SlayerSyrena
    Ohhh, sweet! Gotta craft my Sorceror some Dwemer robes to match his new pet. :3
    PC/NA, Level 50 * Current Champion Points: 1600+
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  • kennylpj_ESO
    Pets are ok. I have too many of them right now, can't even remember what they are all for. That's the only problem with pets, if you can't remember why you got it then it doesn't really mean much. Is there any way we could add a tooltip that tells you why you have a particular pet, when you hover it in the inventory?
    IE: "Received for participating in open Beta!"

    Costumes would be nice, I do like a nice mechanism for changing up character appearance without needing to change gear.

    Don't like the idea of anything practical though, no inventory space or anything like that.
  • pinkempyreal
    I'm excited for it. Could it have been a better reward? Maybe. But I get the idea of the vanity pets being issued for subscriber loyalty rewards. I'm sure newer players will stop in their tracks to wonder at what is following me. And as always, I'm rewarded every day just by playing the game and having fun... Almost as rewarded as those on the forums who do nothing but bicker and complain, I'm sure.
  • kennylpj_ESO
    I'm excited for it. Could it have been a better reward? Maybe. But I get the idea of the vanity pets being issued for subscriber loyalty rewards. I'm sure newer players will stop in their tracks to wonder at what is following me. And as always, I'm rewarded every day just by playing the game and having fun... Almost as rewarded as those on the forums who do nothing but bicker and complain, I'm sure.
    I agree. But, to be fair:
    Just because someone is complaining on the forums doesn't mean that's all they do :P

  • FoxyKitten
    I have to assume that the lion's share of ESO players are children because these vanity pets are so infantile it's mind boggling that any adult would want this trash or come to its defense as a reward. First off, why not make these major annoyances turn off when the owner is at a crafting area or inside a building like the bank. This should apply to all Mage pets as well. Why not give us a choice between worthless garbage and something we can really benefit from like 10 extra bag or bank spaces, 10 extra spaces to feed our level 50 horses, or some other reward that actually IS a reward? These things are not a reward for loyalty, on the contrary, they are a royal insult to level-headed adults.
  • Lava_Croft
    One thing is for sure: Looking at the history of ESO updates and at the two loyalty rewards, it's clear where ZOS' priorities lie.
    Edited by Lava_Croft on 6 November 2014 03:14
  • Runkorko
    I already paid 6 month sub, but for pet- NO ty, you may keep it. Already drop all previous pets because of no space.
  • Runkorko
    DarthDonut wrote: »
    Are we going to go through this every time there is a new subscriber reward? All this complaining and moaning over something that's FREE. Quit thinking you're entitled to ridiculous requests that would give you some ridiculous mount or an overpowered set of gear that would leave other players at a disadvantage. How about you all quit complaining and just be glad about the fact that you are getting something to show that you are appreciated.
    Sotha_Sil wrote: »
    I mean do you really expect players to keep subscribing with that reward ?

    No, they expect people to keep subscribing because they enjoy the game, not because of some entitlement issue that you think everyone has that isn't being fulfilled.

    And sorry to all the people who are level headed about it, this is definitely not directed at you, just those people who are being unreasonable. Thank you for offering reasonable suggestions without getting whiny
    about it.

    nothing FREE here!
  • Cody
    will this one be able to keep up with me when I move fast? I want him next to me, making me look like I don't suck horribly, not lagging behind me like he is planning to gank me:)

    other than that, this looks cool. reminds me of the dwemer companions you could get in TES V dragonborn:)
    Edited by Cody on 6 November 2014 04:17
  • Cody
    Stravokov wrote: »
    LonePirate wrote: »
    Words cannot express how pathetic and underwhelming this reward is.

    My thought's exactly. talk about careless, unoriginal, and zero effort.

    Pets are pointless, i think some good ideas have been shared already (rare Armor motif, special/unique mounts etc). even costumes that can be dyed would be awesome.

    if ZOS starts handing out motifs and mounts for being subscribed for 6 months, it will make them look like a******; they already favor the elite of the game enough as it is. They don't need to be handing out rare stuff all because you played 3 months longer than someone. you want a rare motif? do what everyone else has to do... take the time to grind for it. you don't have to like it..... but it wont kill you to do it.

    careless???? be glad you are getting anything!!! they did not have to do this to begin with!!!! if anything, this reward SHOWS that they care!

    stop acting like a brat and be grateful you are getting anything to begin with
    Edited by Cody on 6 November 2014 04:23
  • xenowarrior92eb17_ESO
    Wyld wrote: »
    Can I suggest the 1 year reward be a Wammasu Mount? Now That would get some attention and a lot of use.

    hmm or a guar mount :D
  • Syntse
    Hmm not bad at all. Hope they manage to implement that pet bag or similar soon. Finally pets that one likes to show. Was not so keen on the monkeys and mudcrabs.
    Syntse Dominion Khajiit Dragonknight Stamina Tank [50]
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    Friar Tuktuk Daggerfall Brenton Templar Healer [50]
    Syntseyn Ebonheart Brenton Nightblade Magica DPS [50]
  • Orchish
    I don't want to be negative here, i mean it looks awesome and i will gladly have it. However, these loyalty rewards are not rewarding PvP players considering we cannot even have our pets out on display in Cyrodiil. What use are they to those of us who spend 90% of our time in Cyrodiil? Please in future consider rewards that benefit all loyal players.
  • DarthDonut
    DarthDonut wrote: »
    Are we going to go through this every time there is a new subscriber reward? All this complaining and moaning over something that's FREE. Quit thinking you're entitled to ridiculous requests that would give you some ridiculous mount or an overpowered set of gear that would leave other players at a disadvantage. How about you all quit complaining and just be glad about the fact that you are getting something to show that you are appreciated.
    Sotha_Sil wrote: »
    I mean do you really expect players to keep subscribing with that reward ?

    No, they expect people to keep subscribing because they enjoy the game, not because of some entitlement issue that you think everyone has that isn't being fulfilled.

    this is pathetic! and they shouldn't had called it a loyalty reward then
    and at least make the pet interactive ( dealing 1 dmg and attacking etc ) and not some worthless stuff standstill while i am getting stabbed by a night blade

    That would void the whole purpose of them being vanity items that don't affect the game. There you go making demands that don't even make sense. Plus they're not in Pvp anyways so I'm not sure why you're complaining about being stabbed by another player while your pet is with you. If It's an interactive pet you want, try the summoned ones, they're the ones that were put in for that purpose.
    "What is better - to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?"
  • DarthDonut
    DarthDonut wrote: »
    Are we going to go through this every time there is a new subscriber reward? All this complaining and moaning over something that's FREE. Quit thinking you're entitled to ridiculous requests that would give you some ridiculous mount or an overpowered set of gear that would leave other players at a disadvantage. How about you all quit complaining and just be glad about the fact that you are getting something to show that you are appreciated.
    Sotha_Sil wrote: »
    I mean do you really expect players to keep subscribing with that reward ?

    No, they expect people to keep subscribing because they enjoy the game, not because of some entitlement issue that you think everyone has that isn't being fulfilled.

    And sorry to all the people who are level headed about it, this is definitely not directed at you, just those people who are being unreasonable. Thank you for offering reasonable suggestions without getting whiny
    about it.

    nothing FREE here!

    By free I meant something that is not included with the game that they are giving to you. Unless you made a direct transaction with Zenimax to buy that specific pet, then it is a free item. An example of one you pay for to recieve in the game that is not included would be the Palmino horse. Sorry, I should have elaborated more on the meaning of "Free" in this context.
    "What is better - to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?"
  • DarthDonut
    FoxyKitten wrote: »
    I have to assume that the lion's share of ESO players are children because these vanity pets are so infantile it's mind boggling that any adult would want this trash or come to its defense as a reward. First off, why not make these major annoyances turn off when the owner is at a crafting area or inside a building like the bank. This should apply to all Mage pets as well. Why not give us a choice between worthless garbage and something we can really benefit from like 10 extra bag or bank spaces, 10 extra spaces to feed our level 50 horses, or some other reward that actually IS a reward? These things are not a reward for loyalty, on the contrary, they are a royal insult to level-headed adults.
    "Level headed" is a strong claim to make in your case sir. You certainly seem to be very adamant about whining about something that is free and doesn't affect the gameplay. What you're suggesting would void the entire concept of the Level Playing Field in this game. I would reconsider who is the kid in this scenario.
    "What is better - to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?"
  • DarthDonut
    Pets are ok. I have too many of them right now, can't even remember what they are all for. That's the only problem with pets, if you can't remember why you got it then it doesn't really mean much. Is there any way we could add a tooltip that tells you why you have a particular pet, when you hover it in the inventory?
    IE: "Received for participating in open Beta!"

    Costumes would be nice, I do like a nice mechanism for changing up character appearance without needing to change gear.

    Don't like the idea of anything practical though, no inventory space or anything like that.

    This guy knows what's up.

    "What is better - to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?"
  • Elf_Boy
    I dont care for the wraith.

    I'm looking forward to the sphere.
    ** Asus Crosshair VI Hero, Ryzen 1800x, 64GB DDR4 @ 3000, GTX 1080 ti, 4K Samsung 3d Display m.2 Sata 3 Boot Drive, m.2 x4 nvme Game Drive **
  • Volkodav
    I know that people want useful pets,like the battle pets in WoW,..but,I just hope that everyone getting on ZOS because the pets arent what they want them to be doesnt cause the Devs to stop rewarding people.I appreciate that they are even remembering those of us who came onboard at the beginning.Personally,I put my pets into the bank when I dont want to have them around.
  • SteveCampsOut
    Might I suggest a new separate inventory allotment for all non-vital rewards, costumes, disguises, pets & trophies? At least til we get housing where we can display them? Hurr Hurr Hurr....
    @ֆȶɛʋɛƈǟʍքֆօʊȶ ʀʋʟɨʄɛ⍟
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  • Lettigall
    Yay for playing from early access I'm rewarded with- nothing!!! Can't decide what to do when reward will be mailed- delete it on spot or place in bank to delete later.
    Some men just want to watch the world burn... I just want a cold beer!
  • QuadroTony
    i want this pet. hes more fun i think =)


  • Phantax
    OH Great... another piece of junk to take up bag/bank space that is already terrible !
    Why not do something like a one-use expansion scroll that can be used to upgrade a bag or the bank by 10 slots.
    @ZOS_MattFiror something like this would be more useful and much more appreciated by the players !

    "A little more substance and a little 'less' fluff please"

    High Elf Sorcerer VR12 - Destro / Resto Staff
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  • sebbe_orggb16_ESO
    Next one should be a kwama mount or something xD
    A mount would really make people sub :P Might feel a bit unfair though.
  • randolphbenoit
    I rather see Reward Tokens vs items I may or may not like and use tokens in a special shop costume, pet, extra space, etc....
    the NeXus Guild (NA-DC-Crafters) contact @randolphbenoit - Currently Allies to Fairy Tail of Tamriel (Social) and Brave Kore (DC PvP).

    Saltrice - (Salt tolerant rice) Saltrice, pronounced just like it looks is, in fact, a kind of rice that can grow in paddies of either fresh or brackish water.
  • ssfiit
    FTW! Elder Pets Online! =)
    ssfiit | VR14 | High Elf Vampire Pyro-Sorceress | Aldmeri Dominion | NA Server
  • Elsonso
    Lettigall wrote: »
    Yay for playing from early access I'm rewarded with- nothing!!! Can't decide what to do when reward will be mailed- delete it on spot or place in bank to delete later.

    For playing from Early Access you get the scuttler pet. Pre-orders came with the Explorer's Pack and included Early Access, maps, and the scuttler pet.

    In other news, these reward should never contribute to the game. No bonuses, no combat, nothing but fluff.

    People are complaining that the 6 month reward is another pet. Goodness sake, it is a SIX MONTH reward. Six months. Almost nothing at all. It seems like a lot now, but I don't think we get to start complaining about more reward pets until they hand out the 2 year rewards. I don't even want to see a 9 month reward, so I hope that is not in the planning. Next one should be a pet, or other cosmetic vanity item, at one year. Each year after that.
    @WhiskeyRiver.AZub17_ESO, the Dwemer Sphere is exclusively for our loyal 6-month subscribers. Keep in mind that subscription time does not have to be consecutive in order to be eligible to receive the pet. One you hit the 6-month mark, you'll find the pet in your in-game mail. :)

    Apparently the mudcrab vanity pet was not "exclusive" to the Imperial edition because an unnamed Zenimax employee retextured it and some producer named it Rufous and decided it should also go with the new plushie.

    I expect that the Wraith plushie will include an in-game vanity that is a slightly different color of white and be renamed to "Bonechill". The $200 3D plastic model of a Dwemer Sphere will include an off-gold recolor of the 6 month reward.

    Excuse me if I think that "exclusive" means "until we can find another reason to sell it".

    EDIT: Don't get me wrong. If Zenimax wants to sell 100 different recolors of mudcrabs along with an army of mudcrab plushies, that is fine. I just think they should stop considering each different retexture to be "exclusive" since most people won't be able to tell the difference in-game.
    Edited by Elsonso on 6 November 2014 13:57
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

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  • Wolfshead
    @WhiskeyRiver.AZub17_ESO, the Dwemer Sphere is exclusively for our loyal 6-month subscribers. Keep in mind that subscription time does not have to be consecutive in order to be eligible to receive the pet. One you hit the 6-month mark, you'll find the pet in your in-game mail. :)

    So i have been subscribe 6 month and yeasterday i renew my 6 month subscribe so when can i expect my reward then?

    One you hit the 6-month mark
    Do mean i have wait until i renew for other 6 month?

    Edited by Wolfshead on 6 November 2014 13:51
    If you find yourself alone, riding in green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled; for you are in Elysium, and you're already dead
    What we do in life, echoes in eternity
  • UrODelA
    This is the official discussion thread for the web article "Presenting the Six-Month Loyalty Reward." Learn about the Dwemer Sphere, coming exclusively to six-month subscribers starting this month!


    When can we see new mounts in this game? Give us RACIAL mounts or at least a mount specifically for each faction. ...

    great idea ^^, would love to pat my own Silt Strider ( hatchling) mount...
    ~ schwanzlurch est UrODelA is the SalamandeR ist der ~
This discussion has been closed.