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Official Discussion Thread for "Presenting the Six-Month Loyalty Reward"

  • Odditorium
    It would be REALLY cool if the sphere or other pets gave you some sort of stat boost OR actually did some sort of fighting in PVE.
    Aldmeri Dominion
    Dandy Warhol -|- Odditorium
    Oscillation Overthruster -|- Molag Trump
    Kira the Gelfling -|- Varag Ghoul-Chewer
    Buffy the Purple Slayer -|- Hostile Seventeen

    Ayrenn's Army
    AD Only
  • Lawieke
    Soul Shriven
    It would be more awesome to be able to interact with the pet. Just following you, it's fine, it's okay, but it would be awesome if you can pet it or actually do a special dance/emote witth them.

    In any case, can't wait to check it out :D
  • frethopper
    I'm one of those who has been playing since the beta.

    The pet awards do seem to divide the crowd don't they? Whilst I appreciate the gesture (thanks Zenimax :) ) I don't personally use the pets, and just leave them in the bank. I think there are a lot of better things that could be done without disadvantage to the newer players. Maybe we'll see some of those in the future, hope so.
  • AtriasNaradan
    DarthDonut wrote: »
    Are we going to go through this every time there is a new subscriber reward? All this complaining and moaning over something that's FREE. Quit thinking you're entitled to ridiculous requests that would give you some ridiculous mount or an overpowered set of gear that would leave other players at a disadvantage. How about you all quit complaining and just be glad about the fact that you are getting something to show that you are appreciated.
    Sotha_Sil wrote: »
    I mean do you really expect players to keep subscribing with that reward ?

    No, they expect people to keep subscribing because they enjoy the game, not because of some entitlement issue that you think everyone has that isn't being fulfilled.

    And sorry to all the people who are level headed about it, this is definitely not directed at you, just those people who are being unreasonable. Thank you for offering reasonable suggestions without getting whiny
    about it.

    Just saying, no one asking for overpowered set of gear. Costumes are not overpowered set of gears, they're just vanity items just like pets, but more players see it good to have than pets. Unique motif also not an overpowered sets of gears, it does nothing but additional style, and just like costumes people mostly like it better than pets. I hardly see those kind of loyalty rewards will justify any cry from newer players, since it does nothing but vanity and style, just like pets, while at the same time appease more players than pets.

    Secondly, something like loyalty rewards are actually implemented as a marketing strategy to motivate customers to reach a certain amount of purchases. It's something that cost times and most of the times also money to create...so, for business it's for strategic marketing purpose. There's almost nothing a business entity does for its customer that's not for strategic marketing purpose.

    So, yes they expect people to subscribe because they like and enjoy the game, but those loyalty rewards are meant to motivate people to enjoy the game more to keep subscribing for a certain amount of times. It's also to give players another temporary goal to reach by enduring the game, so that the devs team can have more time on developing new contents without higher amount of cries and quits in between each updates.
  • Arkthor
    Soul Shriven
    Still, I'd trade my monkey, 2 crabs, scutter, wraith and dwarven sphere for a dog like in the Bleakrock Isle quest. I just is more in line with the lore background of my main char.
  • Faunter
    I'm still waiting for a feature that allows you to have multiple pets out at once.
  • Eyepoke067
    So sad so many people here sound like ***.
    I, for one, am greatly appreciative of the hard work the people at Zenimax do for us. Without them, there would be no ESO. Didnt your parents teach you any respect?
    Thank you for the game, and the hard work that obviously went into producing it.
    Now, if you can provide a larger ignore list, that would be awesome. 100 slots is not enough to ignore all the ***-bags in zone chat in the starter zones.
    Bring on the pets! Cant wait for the sphere!
    As far as being pointless goes... not everyone agrees they are pointless. They are fun and cool to look at. What else does one want from a vanity pet?
    Edited by Eyepoke067 on 10 November 2014 01:26
  • Ysne58
    I'd have more bank space if I had each character pull a pet out of the bank. So far I've just been leaving them all in the bank.
  • Lettigall
    Eyepoke067 wrote: »
    So sad so many people here sound like ***.
    I, for one, am greatly appreciative of the hard work the people at Zenimax do for us. Without them, there would be no ESO. Didnt your parents teach you any respect?
    Thank you for the game, and the hard work that obviously went into producing it.
    Now, if you can provide a larger ignore list, that would be awesome. 100 slots is not enough to ignore all the ***-bags in zone chat in the starter zones.
    Bring on the pets! Cant wait for the sphere!
    As far as being pointless goes... not everyone agrees they are pointless. They are fun and cool to look at. What else does one want from a vanity pet?

    When waitress brings you half baked food and FREE spit on it be grateful too, cook did hard job make it.

    ESO isn't free game, you have to buy it and pay monthly to play it. So if I dislike something I have rights to complain. It's better to complain what you don't like about game so devs can change it rather then simply stop playing.

    About pets, read comments please! Many don't want them! For some of us it's like gift certificate to barber shop for bald person.

    Some men just want to watch the world burn... I just want a cold beer!
  • Goibot
    If this pet doesn't have saddle bags on him with 60 bag slots you can keep him.
  • Vlakna
    Pets....really. What i want a pet for? vanity? please come up with something better. I havent use any of the pets actually i have trash them already and will do the same with the next one and the one after.
  • Arizona_Willie
    Having pets that cannot help you in battle is unrealistic. If you have a dog and it sees someone attacking you --- it will come to your defense ... but not in THIS game ... it just sits there watching and doesn't give a *** if you live or die.

    Non-functional pets are a complete waste of time and resources and cpu cycles.

    If I wanted a Signature I would have a Signature --- but i don't want one so I don't have one.
  • Valen_Byte
    I would like my sphere now please :)
    ***Dixon Kay MagDK FORMER EMPEROR***Deca Dix MagDK FORMER EMPORER***Valonious MagPlar FORMER EMPEROR***
    GM of BYTE
    And alien tears will fill for him, Pity’s long-broken urn, For his mourners will be outcast men, And outcasts always mourn
  • Surragard
    Any time frame on when the pets will go out in the mail? Still haven't seen anything come in. I understand why vanity pets work as a reward but I do wish there was a little interactivity available with them outside of combat.

    E-mail went out today. Pets go into in-game Mail starting today. Should be arriving in the next few days at most!
    Edited by Surragard on 17 November 2014 21:07
    I don't always drink Skooma, but when I do I go to the Southwall Corner Club. May you walk on warm sands my friends.
  • James-Wayne
    Can't see that it has been asked yet but how do I get my pet to open up into construct pose like in the photo....

    Ah I worked it out, awesome!
    Edited by James-Wayne on 17 November 2014 23:13
    PERTH, AUSTRALIA | PC | NA | @Aussie-Elders

    TENTH ANNIVERSARY - Thanks for sticking with us for 10 years.
    James-Wayne you earned this badge 9:56AM on 4th of February 2024.
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  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    DarthDonut wrote: »
    Are we going to go through this every time there is a new subscriber reward? All this complaining and moaning over something that's FREE. Quit thinking you're entitled to ridiculous requests that would give you some ridiculous mount or an overpowered set of gear that would leave other players at a disadvantage. How about you all quit complaining and just be glad about the fact that you are getting something to show that you are appreciated.
    Sotha_Sil wrote: »
    I mean do you really expect players to keep subscribing with that reward ?

    No, they expect people to keep subscribing because they enjoy the game, not because of some entitlement issue that you think everyone has that isn't being fulfilled.

    this is pathetic! and they shouldn't had called it a loyalty reward then
    and at least make the pet interactive ( dealing 1 dmg and attacking etc ) and not some worthless stuff standstill while i am getting stabbed by a night blade
    I kind of agree. It follows you around armed to the teeth but just watches as you get pummeled? At least the followers in Skryim could at least hold your stuff, these things aren't even that useful and in fact take up inventory space.
    Edited by eventide03b14a_ESO on 17 November 2014 22:30
  • Arizona_Willie
    These pets are absolutely USELESS. More of a penalty than a reward since they take up inventory space and DO NOTHING.
    If I wanted a Signature I would have a Signature --- but i don't want one so I don't have one.
  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    Eyepoke067 wrote: »
    So sad so many people here sound like ***.
    I, for one, am greatly appreciative of the hard work the people at Zenimax do for us. Without them, there would be no ESO. Didnt your parents teach you any respect?
    Thank you for the game, and the hard work that obviously went into producing it.
    Now, if you can provide a larger ignore list, that would be awesome. 100 slots is not enough to ignore all the ***-bags in zone chat in the starter zones.
    Bring on the pets! Cant wait for the sphere!
    As far as being pointless goes... not everyone agrees they are pointless. They are fun and cool to look at. What else does one want from a vanity pet?
    We are paying customers and without our money there would be no ESO. Please don't act like they are doing us a favor by making this game. They are not doing it for free. Now that you're off your high horse you might be able to hear what we are saying. There are a lot of great posts in this thread that explain what marketing is. I suggest you take another look and maybe gain a new perspective before you criticize us. Your cat can keep bringing you dead mice but that doesn't mean you want them.
  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    Having pets that cannot help you in battle is unrealistic. If you have a dog and it sees someone attacking you --- it will come to your defense ... but not in THIS game ... it just sits there watching and doesn't give a *** if you live or die.

    Non-functional pets are a complete waste of time and resources and cpu cycles.

    Even poor Meeko would rush to his certain death in Skryim.
  • agegarton
    I like the pets - they're a bit of fun.

    But if you're listening Zenimax, how about a pet that can help in battle? Or that heals? A 12 month reward that actually has a use in the game beyond vanity would be exceedingly awesome! :)

    And on another note.....where's mine? I've been playing for 6 months and haven't got my email yet! Boo! :(
  • NoGrip
    Soul Shriven
    agegarton wrote: »
    And on another note.....where's mine? I've been playing for 6 months and haven't got my email yet! Boo! :(

    I agree. I've had an account with ESO/Zenimax since Alpha testing and I know that doesn't count but I also haven't ever ended my subscription since pre-release. Yes I know that the "free game time" periods don't count either.. whatever. So I've had a paid subscription for a long as you possibly can, so why am I seeing other players with their Loyal Dwarven Spheres and mine hasn't even hit my inbox yet?

    Maybe you ought to look into that "automated" process of getting one in the mail and soon as your paid sub hits the 6 month benchmark. Hopefully you get me mine soon. I don't really feel like having to go through the trouble of creating a support ticket.
    "Loyalty, Honesty, Bravery and Friendship above all else!"
  • Chillic
    I would like cyrodiil to not be a lagged out piece of *** for a reward rather than a pet. Before you ask...
    1: Where was I? - Thornblade NA
    2: Scenario? - Four of us stumbled on a ganker so five man fight but it was actually like a dance. Templars holding out their glowing spears, a nightblade holding his sword over his head and running all over the place and me holding my staff in the air like I was pointing out a damn plane.

    Back to drinking!
  • NeptuneTide
    Like @NoGrip and @agegarton, as of last night, I too have not yet received my 6 month loyalty pet. I've had a paid subscription since go. Everyone else I know has gotten their's but not I :( When can or should be expecting them??? I read they started going out this past Monday. Are they going out in waves? How long should this process take? I received my Ice Wraith very quickly so I was not expecting such a delay.

    **Received the Dwarven Sphere today** Will post what info I was given from Support.
    Edited by NeptuneTide on 23 November 2014 22:38
    "It's always a delicious mystery, cracking open a book for the first time." ~ Valaste
  • MercutioElessar
    NoGrip wrote: »
    I don't really feel like having to go through the trouble of creating a support ticket.

    I didn't either. But since I'm in the same place here, I created one. Playing since March 30 without interruption and no dwemer sphere yet.
    If I've ever offended you,
    just know that from the bottom of my heart,
    I really don't give a ***.

  • Ellix
    I've been subbed since early access, and I don't have mine yet, either. Don't worry, there are quite a few of us who are still waiting. I'm sure they'll come eventually :)
  • NeptuneTide
    @MercutioElessar, would you post what you find out if you get a response to your help ticket? Sucks not getting it yet, but also glad I'm not the only one! ;)
    "It's always a delicious mystery, cracking open a book for the first time." ~ Valaste
  • jwh1234
    Soul Shriven
    so when are we suppose to get the new pet?
  • NoGrip
    Soul Shriven
    jwh1234 wrote: »
    so when are we suppose to get the new pet?

    13 Days ago
    Edited by NoGrip on 22 November 2014 06:12
    "Loyalty, Honesty, Bravery and Friendship above all else!"
  • MercutioElessar
    @MercutioElessar, would you post what you find out if you get a response to your help ticket? Sucks not getting it yet, but also glad I'm not the only one! ;)

    If I've ever offended you,
    just know that from the bottom of my heart,
    I really don't give a ***.

  • UrODelA
    At yesterdays ESO Live it was nice to hear / see , that the devs pay attention to the stash related opinions in here. on the one hand i like this idea of a typecase solution for certain items, but on the other hand it's also a bummer for fastidious collectors to see irremediable empty spaces ( for instance, exclusive / discontinued pets ) in their repository...
    ~ schwanzlurch est UrODelA is the SalamandeR ist der ~
This discussion has been closed.