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Official Discussion Thread for "Presenting the Six-Month Loyalty Reward"

This is the official discussion thread for the web article "Presenting the Six-Month Loyalty Reward." Learn about the Loyal Dwarven Sphere, coming exclusively to six-month subscribers starting this month!
Edited by ZOS_JessicaFolsom on 18 November 2014 17:53
Jason Leavey
Community Coordinator - The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited
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Staff Post
  • HippieTheGreat
    another pet? come on...
  • Anex
    Well I want it, and I really like these pets.. but we gotta come to a better solution on inventory space guys. These pets are supposed to be a REWARD, not an inventory space punishment. I've said it in the beta, and I will say it again, but pets need to not count in inventory space or be handled differently. (same for trophies FYI)

    If you're gonna keep giving us pets, then give us space for them. Also while they ARE cool, I hope other rewards will differ from just pets. Costumes would be nice... oh but lo and behold inventory space punishment again.

    EDIT: got a facebook reply, apparently they are working on the space thing. That is good news!
    Edited by Anex on 5 November 2014 20:15
    Assassination/ Dual Wield Specced Stamina-based Nightblade, because I like Hardmode apparently
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  • Volkodav
    I wonder if we who have been here all along will get it or if its only for those who joined 2 months after the trials.A Dwemer sphere would be a lot cooler than the Ice thingy. :}
    Edited by Volkodav on 5 November 2014 20:45
  • ZOS_JasonLeavey
    Yup, @Anex! We are working on making some improvements to the way pets are stored so they won't take up precious inventory space. We'll share more details in the future.

    @WhiskeyRiver.AZub17_ESO, the Dwemer Sphere is exclusively for our loyal 6-month subscribers. Keep in mind that subscription time does not have to be consecutive in order to be eligible to receive the pet. One you hit the 6-month mark, you'll find the pet in your in-game mail. :)
    Jason Leavey
    Community Coordinator - The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited
    Facebook | Twitter | Google+ | Tumblr | Instagram | YouTube
    Staff Post
  • linda912
    I don't care at all about pets. Haven't ever used the 3 month one, and not terribly excited about this one either. How about an inventory upgrade instead? Not to store more pets, but just a nice gift of space :-)
  • Thavie
    So, "soon", yeah?..
    "We grew under a bad sun"
  • radiostar
    lol, I gotta make an alt 4 mah pets!
    "Billions upon Billions of Stars"
  • Arugaf
    ZOS_JasonLeavey, what about trophies from public group dungeons? Will they further take the place in bags?
  • Whizzinglane
    A new Pet? Awesome! <3 As other players above stated, we need a better system to store pets... a separate inventory for them that is available to us at any time. Simply add a tab under inventory. That tab will not count against us as far as space is concerned. As we are discussing space, it will be cool if the inventory space is increased or decrease the cost we have to pay to buy an additional-10-slot. I'm sure many of us here will appreciate it. I'm a hoarder. I know I will appreciate it. =)

    And the previous pet we received for being a loyal three-month customer? It was a nice little present. The sound the Wraith makes is adorable rather than scary. I travel with him always while I am on my main character, lol. He keeps me company and I get a chuckle every time he makes that not so scary little noise. The downside to this is that I have to have him in the bank in order for my other characters to use. I wish it could be made an account wide pet... that each of my characters receives one of their own. Thanks ESO!
  • ZingyDevotee
    I was hoping for a new mount of some sorts. But this seems pretty neat.
  • thri11co11ector
    IMO they are unlikely to give anything but pets and costumes for these rewards.

    Inventory space or anything else of the like could be viewed as an unfair advantage by others. While I don’t see a problem myself with rewarding loyal customers, I’m sure the rage posts would spike here in the forums.
    "Personally I would not care for immortality in the least. There is nothing better than oblivion, since in oblivion there is no wish unfulfilled. We had it before we were born, yet did not complain. Shall we whine because we know it will return? It is Elysium enough for me, at any rate." - HP Lovecraft
  • LonePirate
    Words cannot express how pathetic and underwhelming this reward is.
  • SG_Celerrimus
    So, when will these pets start going to people? @ZOS_JasonLeavey
  • Bouvin
    I've been playing since Beta 2.

    Pre-ordered imperial edition.

    I'm not excited about another pet whatsoever.

    How about a MOTIF exclusive to those getting the loyalty reward? People might actually get excited about that.
  • Darklord_Tiberius
    This is the official discussion thread for the web article "Presenting the Six-Month Loyalty Reward." Learn about the Dwemer Sphere, coming exclusively to six-month subscribers starting this month!

    I know many people that could care less about pets. Is this loyalty thing going to be anything practical at some point or just pets?

    When can we see new mounts in this game? Give us RACIAL mounts or at least a mount specifically for each faction. For example, a Wamasu mount for Pact would seem fitting. I have heard rumors and read some forums about a Senche Tiger mount coming into the game? Well that is fine and dandy for the Dominion, but makes zero sense for any other faction using it. If you are going to add mounts, lets use some logic about what types and how to implement them.
  • Whizzinglane
    I think we can expect any type of mounts or other fanciful gifts during anniversaries celebrations. However, adding a rare mount in there that can be earned via a line of quests as a reward would be welcome.
    Edited by Whizzinglane on 5 November 2014 22:16
  • Vlorne
    Soul Shriven
    Gotta add my 2 cents. I really dislike the 3 month and 6 month rewards. Give us some fuzzy pets. Dogs, cats, wolves, tigers, etc.
  • Vlorne
    Soul Shriven
    While we are on the subject of inventory, its ridiculous how much time we have to spend shifting inventory. We've made it so difficult to sell things (no auction house) but yet so little inventory space. Maybe a fix is in order. Half my game time is sorting inventory. Makes for dull gameplay.
    Edited by Vlorne on 5 November 2014 22:28
  • MrGhosty
    I am digging this dwemer sphere, it'll be cool when I eventually get some dwemer armor. I was hoping this reward would be a bit more substantial like a mount or something a long those lines.

    My dream list for mounts: (i'm not being realistic here, just swinging for the fences.)

    Mammoth: Huge stamina pool with fairly slow speed

    Senche Tiger/Sabre Cat: Fast base speed, fast sprint, low stamina

    Guar: slow speed/low stamina/20 extra inventory slots

    Clannfear: Same basic stats as imperial horse, cannot have bag slots

    Titan: slow speed/medium stamina, rather than sprinting the titan can glide for short distances (only cosmetic, couldn't be used to bypass walls or anything like that)

    Wamasu: slow speed, super fast sprint (short duration)

    I'm also fine with some of these larger pets being unmountable in any area where they would not fit naturally. To be honest I just think charging a keep in Cyrodiil on my mammoth would be amazing.

    Additional Subscriber rewards:
    Main quest costume (the one at the end with the Molag Bal fight)

    Akaviri Costume (three styles)

    unique dye palette

    More unique costumes in general that aren't disguises or some ability to customize costumes.

    Again these are just my "pie in the sky" wants, while it is awesome to have different pets for characters their value diminishes when we are buried under pets. This also is not much of a reward for those who have no interest in pets, there are many cosmetic or quality of life gifts that can be made that will not negatively impact the gameplay of those who have not yet reached the mark, but still remain enough of a carrot that they will anticipate receiving them.

    "It is a time of strife and unrest. Armies of revenants and dark spirits manifest in every corner of Tamriel. Winters grow colder and crops fail. Mystics are plagued by nightmares and portents of doom."
  • Lava_Croft
    While the rewards' intentions are appreciated, why is there such a complete disregard for people who don't really care and/or play PvE? After more than half a year of new PvE stuff and two PvE loyalty rewards very little has changed for the better in Cyrodiil.
    Edited by Lava_Croft on 5 November 2014 22:40
  • Stravokov
    LonePirate wrote: »
    Words cannot express how pathetic and underwhelming this reward is.

    My thought's exactly. talk about careless, unoriginal, and zero effort.

    Pets are pointless, i think some good ideas have been shared already (rare Armor motif, special/unique mounts etc). even costumes that can be dyed would be awesome.

  • SG_Celerrimus
    In my opinion, I rather enjoy the pets as reward. Would a more exclusive feeling set of rewards be more fun, possibly, but lets not forget that this is the SECOND reward, and they will be doing many more. Also, this is neither something they are required to do, nor is gameplay crucially based off of these rewards, they are simple quality of life perks that ZOS is giving their player base because they care.
  • Sotha_Sil
    LonePirate wrote: »
    Words cannot express how pathetic and underwhelming this reward is.

    I completely agree, this is ridiculous. Many suggestions have already been made and they chose not to listen AGAIN. I am sorry but it's the reality. I mean do you really expect players to keep subscribing with that reward ? Even no rewards at all would have been better because at least we wouldn't have been treated like fools.

    Edited by Sotha_Sil on 5 November 2014 23:59
    Restoration is a perfectly valid school of magic, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise! - Spells and incantations for those with the talent to cast them!
  • Soulharvester
    Thank you very much for the pets, love them all!

    I think a dialogue from the pet could be fun! Maybe read the adventures of pacrooti at request, or recent adventuring exploits etc.

    It could give the owner of the pet the ability to shape/teach the pet, to the users likes and dislikes, since we all have different tastes more or less. Make for an interesting RP compilation.


  • TitusF
    How about add some combat functionality to these types of pets. While I think this new pet is pretty cool, it'd be even cooler if they could attack. Granted, the amount of damage done by them should obviously be low, but it'd be cooler and a bit realistic than just having a character like this just observing you possibly getting your butt kicked or not. It should vary too based on the type of pet.

    Edit: If they were to have health if such an idea is implemented, then have them be knocked unconscious and disappear if health reached 0 or something and then can be re-activated after a short cool down timer.
    Edited by TitusF on 6 November 2014 00:27
  • Palidon
    Hey ZOS did you ever think to ask what the players might like? Enough of these pets. At least give an option, take a pet or maybe get some skill points or something else for that matter a set of Armor as an example.
  • AshySamurai
    This! Is! Awesome! Dwemer pet! Nice work, ZOS!
    Make sweetrolls, not nerfs!
  • hellkrasher
    Another pet :S
    Aldmeri Dominion Characters: Hellkrasher, Hellcrasher, Hell Krasher, Hell Crasher, Hellcrash.

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  • DarthDonut
    Are we going to go through this every time there is a new subscriber reward? All this complaining and moaning over something that's FREE. Quit thinking you're entitled to ridiculous requests that would give you some ridiculous mount or an overpowered set of gear that would leave other players at a disadvantage. How about you all quit complaining and just be glad about the fact that you are getting something to show that you are appreciated.
    Sotha_Sil wrote: »
    I mean do you really expect players to keep subscribing with that reward ?

    No, they expect people to keep subscribing because they enjoy the game, not because of some entitlement issue that you think everyone has that isn't being fulfilled.

    And sorry to all the people who are level headed about it, this is definitely not directed at you, just those people who are being unreasonable. Thank you for offering reasonable suggestions without getting whiny
    about it.
    Edited by DarthDonut on 6 November 2014 01:28
    "What is better - to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?"
  • Wyld
    Can I suggest the 1 year reward be a Wammasu Mount? Now That would get some attention and a lot of use.
This discussion has been closed.