olemanwinter wrote: »olemanwinter wrote: »I stand corrected, but stand by my original premise that NB needed no nerf.
I really appreciate you posting those videos. They go a long way in proving my statement:
"To them, "balance" SEEMS to mean each class has an equal opportunity to achieve the same play style."
I mean, had I not yet played this game, I wouldn't be able to tell a difference between a youtube video 1vX of a Templar, Dragonknight, or now NB.
But that's fine. I hope all the classes get much more similar. I hope that eventually this game has all the variety and surprises of a virtual arm wrestling match.
NB didn't get any nerfs, though.
Only stealth-focused players did, and that is every class. There are more stealth-focused NBs than other classes, of course, but they are not somehow hit harder by this nerf than a stealth-focused Sorc, DK, or Templar.
The bottom line is really: you should not be able to take the vast majority of somebody's health bar before they can even react. That is not compelling gameplay for anybody except those that enjoy winning w/out any real effort.
I'm not inclined to cater to that type of person, personally. : P
I say this from the perspective of somebody who has a stealth-focused NB, DK, and Sorc, btw.
What a joke. You can phrase things as facts rather than opinions, and you can qualify yourself because you have alts of different classes (who doesn't), but it's still just your opinion professor.
If we put an extra tax on banjos wouldn't that be a disproportionate tax on white people? If we put an extra tax on Tyler Perry movies wouldn't that disproportionately effect African Americans?
Yes, anyone can play stealth, and black people can play the banjo, and this white boy can go see Tyler Perry's latest movie, but you know what we call that:
If you've never heard the phrase, you should look into it.
And the point still stands that you shouldn't be able to take almost an entire health bar from a player before they can even react.
Yes, that's how an assassin would work in RL, but in a game where you play w/ other people, it's not really going to be fun for the guy who dies before they can do anything.
a game where you play w/ other people, it's not really going to be fun for the guys who die before they can do anything
..but, hey, I bet you think block casting is swell... and shield stacking too...
..really, all of those videos just highlight a hodgepodge of frequently abused, severely imbalanced game mechanics that just about any class can abuse.
"..if you don't play a light armour, resto staff, s+b NB... well, you're a *** idiot... l2p or get a new game"
Listen, rudeboy, how does your (poor) logic work in favour of nerfing "assassin" builds but not for nerfing extreme survivability builds?
..no one should be able to hold off and kill multiple people PERIOD... especially if the polar opposite, stam-builds designed to deal extremely high burst damage, aren't allowed equal opportunity to co-exist.
Jacques Berge wrote: »1. Block casting should not be written off as ok because everyone does it... To quote you from later in your post blockcasting "is lame gameplay". Block casting is next to impossible as a Stam build.
Jacques Berge wrote: »Not paying attention to your surroundings is the mistake you make when you get insta-killed... I did 4.2k in 1.6 secs yesterday to a NB... Why he thought he could just chill anywhere in Cyrodiil out of stealth, in his bag is beyond me. Point being... Mind your surroundings...
Jacques Berge wrote: »I'll say this... I think the broad change was a poor move... Bow attacks probably should have had their sneak damage adjusted. That would be in keeping with past TES titles.
Jacques Berge wrote: »I don't know... I think not being in stealth deserves insta-death hahahait's like a really big game of hide-and-go-kill to me... When I'm in Cyrodiil with friends I'm constantly going "f**king sneak!!!" And "stop f**king sprinting on your f**king horse!!!" Good assassins make for a "hard target" bad Jean-Claude Van Dam reference hahaha
Jacques Berge wrote: »I don't know... I think not being in stealth deserves insta-death hahahait's like a really big game of hide-and-go-kill to me... When I'm in Cyrodiil with friends I'm constantly going "f**king sneak!!!" And "stop f**king sprinting on your f**king horse!!!" Good assassins make for a "hard target" bad Jean-Claude Van Dam reference hahaha
Trying staying in sneak all the time as a non-vamp. You basically get no where.
Also, there is no counter to attacking someone 1vs1 when a stealther happens upon you and one shots you. Sure you can argue 2vs1 should be a assumed loss, but at least after the nerf the stealth burst will only take away 75% of your health instead of 100%.