Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts


  • LariahHunding
    Vlaxitov wrote: Β»
    Vlaxitov wrote: Β»
    If the state of this game is still as unplayable when I get home from work today I'm going to grant this guy his wish.

    Unplayable? Sure there are some bugs, but I'm in vet levels just fine.

    What Vet levels? please share as it seems V1-V5 are just fine

    V3 in Greenshade isn't just fine for me but I tell you what if you have a V5 player you can come show me how its just fine for you tonight.

    I concur. V3 in Greenshade has OPed mobs.

    "Give a man a sweet roll, he only has one to steal. Give him a sweet roll recipe, he have bunches to steal."

  • Iceman_mat



  • SirJesto
    Vlaxitov wrote: Β»
    Vlaxitov wrote: Β»
    If the state of this game is still as unplayable when I get home from work today I'm going to grant this guy his wish.

    Unplayable? Sure there are some bugs, but I'm in vet levels just fine.

    What Vet levels? please share as it seems V1-V5 are just fine

    V3 in Greenshade isn't just fine for me but I tell you what if you have a V5 player you can come show me how its just fine for you tonight.

    Hey hey get a room ok, there are kids here!
  • georgeisbusting
    So OP, do you say this to your friends and family when they say things you don't agree with? You're not a very tolerant person. Are you married? What if your spouse said that to you? "You don't agree with me? Get out!" It's probably just what you deserve.
  • rynth
    me me me me I'm the original poster and let me tell you Iceman it filled up fast with people in shock that someone would post something like that as it was meant to.

    *sigh* just got tired of all the people not being understanding, who went way way far beyond criticizing (which there is nothing wrong with criticizing).

    So I gave something back that was loud and capture their attention and throw back some of the crap they've been crapping on pizza with according to esoone or something I guess they get pizza sent to them with crap on it.....um you might want to notify the health department about that and um also not order pizza from there again
    Edited by rynth on 23 May 2014 14:29
    When asked what he would do for a Klondike bar. Grand Moff Tarkin said "why I would blow up Alderaan."
  • Phantax
    rynth wrote: Β»
    all you people that are ripping your shirts and screaming, crying, those foretelling doom, the blamers, etc. etc. LEAVE GET OUT! YOU ARE NOT WANTED HERE!

    Seriously you are not wanted here, goodbye *waves*, see you later, don't let the door hit you where the good lord split you. You have no place here what so ever! Be an adult go back to your crappy little lives of hating and complaining about everything cause you will never be happy, you table top martyrs. Since day one you babies have been b*** and moaning crying about how ESO isn't TES, how Zen. Max is ruining this game etc. Just man the f***up and unsubscribe and go quietly into the good night.

    YOU PEOPLE ARE NOT WANTED HERE! you have no place here no patience I s*** at least wait until 6months to a year before you start spouting this crap. Your parents need to stop paying the money for your monthly subscription and slap themselves for raising such inpatient, none understanding, whiny, spoiled little brats, that are all about me me me me, I want it all and I want it now type attitude.

    all you people are, are a waste of forum and internet space. You are all worse then famers and boters. Hell I'd rather put up with them then to see your reaction to updates, your posts, whatever it is you type for this game. You people are a cancerous disease that is no good for this game and its continuation.

    AND for the rest of you out there well sorry for the post glad have you ingame and hope to see you all there :smiley:

    And here we have a picture of the OP on a happy day-

    The only thing more annoying than the things you are complaining about... is the way you are complaining about them. Quite pathetic really ! ! !
    High Elf Sorcerer VR12 - Destro / Resto Staff
    I'm a werewolf. If you vamps don't like it.... Bite me !
    We're not retreating... we're advancing in a different direction !
  • jambam817_ESO
    Take your meds...you lost it. Good gawd what a maroon you are.


    But i agree :smile:

    FYI, "Maroon" comes from old Bugs Bunny cartoons. Us old guys get the reference. :P

    Ohh... well now i feel so... young? You just made this 27 year old's day!

    Now if only work would end so i could get my dose of Talisman with friends and ESO afterwards :smiley:

  • tinythinker




    ❀Experienced, new, returner?❀ Help keep ESO's community strong α•™ΰΌΌΰΊˆΩ„ΝœΰΊˆΰΌ½α•— -- share what you love about the game, offer constructive feedback, and make friends.Κ•Β·α΄₯Β·Κ”

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Who are you in Tamriel (whether it's just your character's attitude & style or a full backstory)? - Share your Character's Story! β—” ⌣ β—”
    (And let us know πŸ”·What Kind of Roleplayer You AreπŸ”· - even if that only extends to choosing your race)

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Support Mudcrab Mode for ESO (\/)!_!(\/) - part joke, part serious, all glorious! You butter be ready for this
  • Sotha_Sil
    funny thread. haters gonna hate.

    I'm almost starting to think that the common belief that French people are whiners is completely false when I see what is going on here :)
    Edited by Sotha_Sil on 23 May 2014 14:31
    Restoration is a perfectly valid school of magic, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise! - Spells and incantations for those with the talent to cast them!
  • Vorkk8383




    I think the original post was bashing my cat or something! I'm ANGRY! He's not fat he's just big boned!
  • Swampster
    rynth wrote: Β»
    So I gave something back that was loud and capture their attention and throw back some of the crap they've been crapping on pizza with

    So you admit your post was simply to annoy those who've made complaints and you created your post to bait and goad them, so they might quit?

    Swampriel - Nightblade (Archer Build) - Ebonheart Pact - Veteran
    Swampess - DragonKnight - Eboheart Pact - Lowbie Faceroller
  • rynth
    lol tinythinker lol another good one would have been from Anchorman 2 when he and the lady are screaming at the other lady lol She has butterflies in her heart!
    When asked what he would do for a Klondike bar. Grand Moff Tarkin said "why I would blow up Alderaan."
  • Ojustaboo
    rynth wrote: Β»
    all you people that are ripping your shirts and screaming, crying, those foretelling doom, the blamers, etc. etc. LEAVE GET OUT! YOU ARE NOT WANTED HERE!

    Seriously you are not wanted here, goodbye *waves*, see you later, don't let the door hit you where the good lord split you. You have no place here what so ever! Be an adult go back to your crappy little lives of hating and complaining about everything cause you will never be happy, you table top martyrs. Since day one you babies have been b*** and moaning crying about how ESO isn't TES, how Zen. Max is ruining this game etc. Just man the f***up and unsubscribe and go quietly into the good night.

    YOU PEOPLE ARE NOT WANTED HERE! you have no place here no patience I s*** at least wait until 6months to a year before you start spouting this crap. Your parents need to stop paying the money for your monthly subscription and slap themselves for raising such inpatient, none understanding, whiny, spoiled little brats, that are all about me me me me, I want it all and I want it now type attitude.

    all you people are, are a waste of forum and internet space. You are all worse then famers and boters. Hell I'd rather put up with them then to see your reaction to updates, your posts, whatever it is you type for this game. You people are a cancerous disease that is no good for this game and its continuation.

    AND for the rest of you out there well sorry for the post glad have you ingame and hope to see you all there :smiley:

    Sorry, while I can sort of agree with you (will explain in a sec), the tone of your post is just as bad as the worst posters on here.

    People with valid concerns have a right to voice those valid concerns. People after an update that find things completely different, or in need of a hotfix, understandably get a little annoyed (especially with an extended Holiday weekend for many) .

    I do agree though that I am getting tired of a handful of posters that go onto almost every single thread and say it's doomed etc, it's starting to make me not want to read the forums as we cant have any proper debate without someone calling someone else a fanboy or someone calling someone a hater etc.

    Best way I can explain my feelings is to repost a long post I posted earlier in another thread saying that this game will fail, quoting Angry Joe (yet again) etc
    According to some of Angry Joes guildies, he hadn't got much past level 15 when he made that infamous review and had spent most of that time in Cyrodiil.

    I don't agree at all that this game is likely to fail, my kin is very active and we all love it.

    One member was asking if we were reserving the guild name for Wildstar (guild plays various other mmos too) and the vast vast majority of players said they had no intention of playing it and were more than happy being here for the long haul.

    Sure sometimes it feels like we're playing a beta (depending on what we are doing in game) but the sheer amount of pleasure we are all getting from this game, coupled with the fact that Zenimax is fixing numerous bugs on a very regular basis, for us the future looks very bright.

    I took an alt through the same areas I took my main, DC starter areas, Glenumbra etc, and it was like playing a different game, didn't have one issue (completed all areas), didn't have to relog once to finish a quest and when I did the dungeons on my alt, I didn't have one bot on any of them (sure there's numerous bots harvesting nodes that needs to be dealt with). My main did the whole of Rivenspire also with zero problems.

    If I compare that with when I started my main at early release, it's like playing an entirely different game (in a good way)

    I'm now level 42 and am loving PvP as well as PvE, I tend to play PvP with 4 or 5 other guild mates in a group, 2 vet level, the rest around my level and we have enormous fun. The only time we started not enjoying it is before the vamps were nerfed, that nerfing was the best thing for the overall balance of PvP in our opinion, yet thread after thread was raging about it.

    Of course I understand if you played a vamp, you would feel aggrieved, my point is that often we see just one side of things that can look bad for us, but for the majority its a good thing.

    When polls etc appear on this site saying things like "should Zenimax do a roll back......" they are more often than not started with someone who has a problem with an area of the game. And usually most players taking part in such a poll will be those having the biggest problems wth the game.

    Very few members of my guild ever read these forums, the vast majority are happily playing, and out of those few that do read it, I think I'm the only one that actively takes part here. So, I'll pick a couple of polls a day old,

    How long will you subscribe

    31% (59 votes) here until the end
    10% (20 votes) One year or more
    2% (5 votes) nine months to one year
    5% (10 votes) six months to nine months
    14% (28 votes) three months to six months
    15% (29 votes) one month to three months
    7% (15 votes) One month or less
    12% (23 votes) I'm already unsubbed

    That tells us absolutely nothing about what the average player feels, all it tells us is what the few people that frequent this forum feel.

    A total of 189 voted. Even if there was only 5000 actual players, 189 is a very small amount, less than 4% (and 23 aren't even playing the game).

    Are you happy with the current state of the game?

    23% (207 votes) Yes
    26% (234 votes) No
    42% (372 votes) Could be better
    7% (63 votes) unsubbed.

    63 people who have decided not to sub, voted that they are unhappy with the state of the game, wow, what a surprise, I thought they would have voted that they loved it :)

    207 players seem very happy with it, obviously playing in areas where quests are working, and bots not affecting them too much.

    372 players say could be better. That could mean anything. It could mean there's areas of game play they really dislike and would like changing. Or it could be that they absolutely love the way the games designed, but the bots and some of the bugs are getting in their ways hence could be better.

    The 234 that said no, could also fall into exactly the same category, they might not be happy due to the way certain things work, or it may simply be they are tired of broken quests, bots, long Cyrodiil load times etc.

    My point being, that doesn't really tell us anything about the future of the game, or in any way how much people like what has been designed. All it shows us is that things need improving, and with the release of the latest patch, it looks like many many many things have been improved.

    I've played a few MMOs, sometimes huge patches go smoothly, but sometimes they introduce more bugs. I'm a bit surprised they released this patch at the end of the week (holiday weekend in the UK), I would have thought it better at the beginning of the week, so that they had a few days of full staffing levels to fix any urgent stuff.

    I've read a few of the issues people are having with the new patch, And with it, people saying the game is finished etc.

    And there's more polls.

    Should patch 1.1.2 be rolled back?

    30% (81 votes) Yes
    24% (66 Votes) No
    26% (71 votes) Too much damage has been done regardless of resolution
    19% (52 votes) I have no issues with the latest patch.

    Again just 270 votes in total out of how many players?

    152 would like a roll back or say things are too damaged
    118 don't want a rollback (whether the 66 that voted no have any problems, the poll doesn't show this)

    Obviously something has gone wrong and a hotfix is urgently needed, but this does happen on huge games like this, and when people log in and find themselves faced with a problem in their area of the game, the natural thing to do is come on here and complain (I know I do when things are wrong)

    But once that's sorted, most people will calm down and be happy again.

    Any new mmo will get players joining and leaving in the first 3 months, due to the game not living up to what they believed it would be, that does not mean the game is failing at all.

    Some players will play unbalanced characters that spoil the game for everyone else, and will quit when the devs make their character work properly as they can no longer totally obliterate the other players (Vamps) yet most players are much happier with the nerf.

    Don't forget that while a few players who love the game like me, go to these forums when we can't get near the computer to play (at work etc ), most people come to these forums when there is something they dislike.

    Its the same for any forum, a product gets released, 10000 are happy using it, 200 aren't, those 200 go to the forum and it looks like the product is doomed.

    I honestly think that in the first 6 months, the negativity will continue a lot, many people will leave, and those like me that believe we have at last found something different that we really love, will be happily playing for years. In a few months, hopefully those no longer playing will have moved on to an mmo they like, and those actually still playing (or those that left due to bugs but really want to come back when they are fixed) can talk here and in other forums about what we love and what we loath in the game.

    At the moment, it often feels like (not aimed at all at the OP) almost any thread on here discussing anything, we get told the games doomed to failure etc and to be honest, it gets a little boring to keep reading the same thing by the same posters (many who are no longer playing) over and over again, and when people who are loving the game say so, we get told we are fanbois etc.

    I'm not saying the game doesn't need a lot of work, bots, balancing, bugs etc

    What I am saying is that the more I play, the more I progress through the PVE areas (and at the same time spend a few evenings a week having fun in Cyrodiil), the more awesome I find this game.

    Not going to give any spoilers, some of the quest chains I have done, the stories etc, the amount of work and great design I see, sometimes I wonder if I'm playing the same game as others (I do realise some people aren't interested in PvE) . I honestly find many of the quests simply jaw dropingly awesome, some of the best quests I've seen in an mmo.

    Sure this game has a lot of negative press, it had a fair amount before people even got their hands on any beta. A game of this size will have people giving strong opinions one way or another, and it's become trendy to diss heavily hyped games (not saying anyone on here is doing that, just saying that on other gaming sites, I doubt half the people complaining have actually even played further than the beta)

    Edited by Ojustaboo on 23 May 2014 14:39
  • ttwinklerub17_ESO
    Quite honestly everyone has a right to say stuff

    but when you start telling people to hit the road and "get out" ...quit playing a game they purchased because you can't stand their comments or post on these forums ...that's going too far

    now you have people trying to chase people away from the game based on what they post - that's not right or fair - and is harassment
    - how would you like it if someone kept tell you to leave a baseball stadium after you paid to see the game - imagine if the entire section did it just because your a yankee and he's from boston cheering the sox's - and you can't stand it or the entire section can't stand it

    what I was telling him to do is look at yourself first and consider your language ,tone and message before you post

    you can't complain about them without considering how your message will come off and how you will look to others
  • rynth
    no not really swampster I really do and would hope all the people that this thread is intended for (not those who just criticized but went beyond it....though of course they probably just see themselves as criticizing...hmm.......around and around around that thinking goes....) do leave I mean I really and truly would hate to see them waste their money on a game that is doomed from the start and has all these unfixable problems and that the game is ruined for life and will never change just waste their money.

    Some of what I just said may sound like sarcasm and I guess to a degree it is, but really and truly just leave don't stay somewhere, where you think is going no where or you are so unhappy. like I said before there is criticizing and being upset about something and then there is going too far.

    Edited by rynth on 23 May 2014 14:43
    When asked what he would do for a Klondike bar. Grand Moff Tarkin said "why I would blow up Alderaan."
  • KitLightning
    ... look at yourself first and consider your language ,tone and message before you post you can't complain about them without considering how your message will come off and how you will look to others

    Wow that means eternal censoring yourself... right uhm_brella__blizzard__by_kitlightning-d6zndod.gif

    "I'd rather be insane in a sane world, than sane in an insane world!" ~Me
    Warning - This is a spoiler and looking at it for too long may cause irrecoverable eyesight issues.

    MechWarrior: Living Legends – Total conversion modification for Crysis Wars.

  • Sotha_Sil
    *eating pop corn* come on guys, let's chill. The game is great as it is. It's not perfect but hopefully improvements will come out.
    Edited by Sotha_Sil on 23 May 2014 14:38
    Restoration is a perfectly valid school of magic, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise! - Spells and incantations for those with the talent to cast them!
  • Liquid_Time
    This is getting out of hand.
    3 drunk guys entered a taxi. The taxi driver knew that they were drunk so he started the engine & turned it off again. Then said, "We have reached your destination". The 1st guy gave him money & the 2nd guy said "Thank you". The 3rd guy slapped the driver. The driver was shocked thinking the 3rd drunk knew what he did. But then he asked "What was that for?". The 3rd guy replied, "Control your speed next time, you nearly killed us!"
    ΒΈ.‒´¸.β€’*´¨) ΒΈ.β€’*Β¨)
    (ΒΈ.β€’Β΄ (ΒΈ.β€’`
    Β Β  IGN: Liquid Past || Rank: V14 || Class: Nightblade || World Skill: Vampire
  • rynth
    unless of course the tone and message was intended to be and sound like that for a reason.

    lol liquid that was a good one, I'm going to have to remember that one
    Edited by rynth on 23 May 2014 14:39
    When asked what he would do for a Klondike bar. Grand Moff Tarkin said "why I would blow up Alderaan."
  • tinythinker
    This is getting out of hand.

    It kind of started out of hand. There are, you know, just no hands here.

    Edited by tinythinker on 23 May 2014 14:41
    ❀Experienced, new, returner?❀ Help keep ESO's community strong α•™ΰΌΌΰΊˆΩ„ΝœΰΊˆΰΌ½α•— -- share what you love about the game, offer constructive feedback, and make friends.Κ•Β·α΄₯Β·Κ”

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Who are you in Tamriel (whether it's just your character's attitude & style or a full backstory)? - Share your Character's Story! β—” ⌣ β—”
    (And let us know πŸ”·What Kind of Roleplayer You AreπŸ”· - even if that only extends to choosing your race)

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Support Mudcrab Mode for ESO (\/)!_!(\/) - part joke, part serious, all glorious! You butter be ready for this
  • Vorkk8383
    This is a troll thread btw guys. No need to respond seriously. OP is looking to create negative emotions. It's pretty obvious.

    But it's OK. I'm happy I came here. Now we're dating in ESO! I'm gonna lay an egg for him and care for it forever by wrapping my tail around it until out hatchling of love is born!
  • SirJesto
    rynth wrote: Β»
    So I gave something back that was loud and capture their attention and throw back some of the crap they've been crapping on pizza with

    So you admit your post was simply to annoy those who've made complaints and you created your post to bait and goad them, so they might quit?

    Nah you guys are already going to quit. Or so all the threats say. Personally I think it's a bunch of BS. I'm going to unsub!!! really I am!!! unless you listen to me!!!
    Is it so hard just to let the company know about the issues and be done with it. Do people have to rage to do it?
    Do you guys verbally abuse your wives too if dinner isn't on the table by 6:00?

    Honestly the $50 a month I pay for cable TV is so much more of a waste of $ than the $15 for this game. I can't believe I'm still paying for the cable.

    Guess I'm just a FANBOI according to most of the complainers....
    But I'd rather be a fanboi than just a BOI like all the whiners...
  • rynth
    lol everybody has no problem saying this game is going to F2P, Zenni is ruining the game, we are being lied to, etc. Its all part of the plan, but you add one little thread that is loud and colorful complaining about the complainers and everybody goes nuts.

    well its not a troll thread, but hey to each their own we all see things differently. And to be honest after starting this thread my responses have been sprinkled with sarcasm, but yet still have been genuinely nice that it isn't about hating others but just maybe just maybe using a negative to get a positive reaction (wish I still have my psychology book for the exact term) (and who the hell thought of spelling the word psychology like its spelled I mean come on! doesn't even spell like it sounds)
    Edited by rynth on 23 May 2014 14:51
    When asked what he would do for a Klondike bar. Grand Moff Tarkin said "why I would blow up Alderaan."
  • KitLightning
    rynth wrote: Β»
    lol everybody has no problem saying this game is going to F2P, Zenni is ruining the game, we are being lied to, etc. Its all part of the plan, but you add one little thread that is loud and colorful and everybody goes nuts.

    well its not a troll thread, but hey to each their own we all see things differently

    lol but I thought you wanted it LOUD and COLOURFULL!!! You knows, the replies that ees _pull___the_great_yarn__by_kitlightning-d6yb591.gif

    "I'd rather be insane in a sane world, than sane in an insane world!" ~Me
    Warning - This is a spoiler and looking at it for too long may cause irrecoverable eyesight issues.

    MechWarrior: Living Legends – Total conversion modification for Crysis Wars.

  • rynth
    was just meaning how shocked people are that someone could post something like this when so many other threads talking about opposite of what this one is
    When asked what he would do for a Klondike bar. Grand Moff Tarkin said "why I would blow up Alderaan."
  • SirJesto
    rynth wrote: Β»
    was just meaning how shocked people are that someone could post something like this when so many other threads talking about opposite of what this one is

    Totally agree. The blinders are on for sure...... (BTW I absolutely GET IT) ;)
  • LariahHunding
    This is getting out of hand.
    3 drunk guys entered a taxi. The taxi driver knew that they were drunk so he started the engine & turned it off again. Then said, "We have reached your destination". The 1st guy gave him money & the 2nd guy said "Thank you". The 3rd guy slapped the driver. The driver was shocked thinking the 3rd drunk knew what he did. But then he asked "What was that for?". The 3rd guy replied, "Control your speed next time, you nearly killed us!"

    Thanks, I needed a laugh.
    "Give a man a sweet roll, he only has one to steal. Give him a sweet roll recipe, he have bunches to steal."

  • srfrogg23
    rynth wrote: Β»
    all you people that are ripping your shirts and screaming, crying, those foretelling doom, the blamers, etc. etc. LEAVE GET OUT! YOU ARE NOT WANTED HERE!

    Seriously you are not wanted here, goodbye *waves*, see you later, don't let the door hit you where the good lord split you. You have no place here what so ever! Be an adult go back to your crappy little lives of hating and complaining about everything cause you will never be happy, you table top martyrs. Since day one you babies have been b*** and moaning crying about how ESO isn't TES, how Zen. Max is ruining this game etc. Just man the f***up and unsubscribe and go quietly into the good night.

    YOU PEOPLE ARE NOT WANTED HERE! you have no place here no patience I s*** at least wait until 6months to a year before you start spouting this crap. Your parents need to stop paying the money for your monthly subscription and slap themselves for raising such inpatient, none understanding, whiny, spoiled little brats, that are all about me me me me, I want it all and I want it now type attitude.

    all you people are, are a waste of forum and internet space. You are all worse then famers and boters. Hell I'd rather put up with them then to see your reaction to updates, your posts, whatever it is you type for this game. You people are a cancerous disease that is no good for this game and its continuation.

    AND for the rest of you out there well sorry for the post glad have you ingame and hope to see you all there :smiley:

    I understand that all the hate that people vomit on the internet is a bit frustrating, but is it really necessary to sink to that level yourself? You're just asking to be flamed, dude.
  • Liquid_Time
    Since I was enjoying the OP so much I wanted to share the enjoyment the best that I could.
    ΒΈ.‒´¸.β€’*´¨) ΒΈ.β€’*Β¨)
    (ΒΈ.β€’Β΄ (ΒΈ.β€’`
    Β Β  IGN: Liquid Past || Rank: V14 || Class: Nightblade || World Skill: Vampire
  • Crumpy
    'Didn't realise it was up to you OP.
    I lyke not this quill.
This discussion has been closed.