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So... Paid race changes and name changes?

When are we going to see these in the game? It was said in the past that these features would come to the game.

I know for me, I chose to be an orc at the beginning of the game and the massive changes to both racials and game mechanics has vastly changed my preference of race. For me, the choices I made are not representative of the class/race combo I had originally intended to play.

Price doesn't have to be low either I'd probably shell out about 50$ for this (its not like I'm going to do this all the time).
The Tomb of FPS Alteration Magic - Everything You Need to Know About FPS
Praise Malacath.
  • Akrasjel
    Yes :p
    [PC][EU][Daggerfall Covenant]
    Akrasjel Lanate - Imperial Nightblade | 50 | CP900+
    Born: 2E 551

    Member of: | Traders of the Covenant | Hammerfell Trading | Imperial Trading Company |
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  • His Crayness
    Yes please. Just racial change ability, not class. Passives should be able to change, but class changes would ruin the game with everyone flowing to the current OP class. Changes in passives on the other hand wouldn't be as dramatic.
  • AngryNord
    Races having their own quirks is such an ingrained part of TES lore, that it should only be removed the same time as Elder Scrolls is removed from the game's title.
  • Cathexis
    AngryNord wrote: »
    Races having their own quirks is such an ingrained part of TES lore, that it should only be removed the same time as Elder Scrolls is removed from the game's title.

    I don't think anyone wants to see them removed from the game.
    The Tomb of FPS Alteration Magic - Everything You Need to Know About FPS
    Praise Malacath.
  • Kwivur
    This is needed. I'd pay $50 for this too.
  • blur
    @ZOS_GinaBruno can we get some input here? This is a feature that is much needed and long overdue. Please drop this in via crown store or something during the Orsinium dlc.
  • ZOS_JessicaFolsom
    Community Manager
    We're working on both along with a full suit of character re-customization options (what people often refer to as the "barber shop") but we do not have an estimated timeframe for their release. They will not be in for Orsinium, but know that we are actively working on this feature.
    Jessica Folsom
    Associate Director of Community - ZeniMax Online Studios
    Facebook | Twitter | Twitch | Tumblr | Instagram | YouTube | Support
    Staff Post
  • Gilvoth
    We're working on both along with a full suit of character re-customization options (what people often refer to as the "barber shop") but we do not have an estimated timeframe for their release. They will not be in for Orsinium, but know that we are actively working on this feature.

    :) WOOHOO :)

    finally :)
  • GTech_1
    Cathexis wrote: »
    Price doesn't have to be low either I'd probably shell out about 50$ for this (its not like I'm going to do this all the time).
    Kwivur wrote: »
    This is needed. I'd pay $50 for this too.

    I certainly hope you two are kidding ... $50 for this feature would be absolutely appalling.
  • NewBlacksmurf
    The feature should be 100% in game gold only.

    If it has anything to do with the crowns for cosmetics that's crazy.
    Now race changes and gender is crown store eligible but looks, weight, etc should be gold or free cause ya know armor dye is free but unlocked through achievements.
    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • CtrlAltDlt
    Omg thank you!!
    PC NA - jeazzy

    stamblade outnumbered pvp vol 1.
    Stamblade outbumbered pvp vol 2. No cheese
  • Dedhed
    @ZOS_JessicaFolsom Will there be an option to shorten Khajiit tails? I keep wanting to make and making Khajiit characters, but the way the last foot or so of the tail flops around is sssooo off putting that I just can't play them :(
    "This is like talking to breakfast cereal" -- Fredericks in Otherland talking about Wicked Tribe. Also a great description of zone chat.
  • Cathexis
    GTech_1 wrote: »
    Cathexis wrote: »
    Price doesn't have to be low either I'd probably shell out about 50$ for this (its not like I'm going to do this all the time).
    Kwivur wrote: »
    This is needed. I'd pay $50 for this too.

    I certainly hope you two are kidding ... $50 for this feature would be absolutely appalling.
    We're working on both along with a full suit of character re-customization options (what people often refer to as the "barber shop") but we do not have an estimated timeframe for their release. They will not be in for Orsinium, but know that we are actively working on this feature.

    @ZOS_JessicaFolsom <3
    The Tomb of FPS Alteration Magic - Everything You Need to Know About FPS
    Praise Malacath.
  • Aquanova
    @ZOS_GinaBruno please include name change as well since some of our characters were named with the race we chose in mind :p
  • Legedric
    We're working on both along with a full suit of character re-customization options (what people often refer to as the "barber shop") but we do not have an estimated timeframe for their release. They will not be in for Orsinium, but know that we are actively working on this feature.

    Same old... same old...

    You keep telling this since march already. Sorry but my understanding on "actively working on this feature" may be something different.

    As it was already said quite often, just let us buy a scroll/token that enables us to use the character-creator to re-customize our character during the next login.

    I know you already got something similar in game right now as this is exactly how I got my name changed a while back.

    No, this isn't a barber shop you can actually walk into and have a nice, separate interface for but that would be the premium version which you may work on later. But please hurry up and work on a "right now" solution which you should have been since march...
    Edited by Legedric on October 7, 2015 5:27AM
    Legedric the Flamedancer ► - Redguard Dragon Knight
    Legedric the Stormdancer ► - Altmer Sorcerer
    Legedric the Sundancer ► - Altmer Templar

    EU | DRUCKWELLE - Retter des Kaiserreiches
  • Alucardo
    Legedric wrote: »
    No, this isn't a barber shop you can actually walk into and have a nice, separate interface for but that would be the premium version which you may work on later. But please hurry up and work on a "right now" solution which you should have been since march...
    Cut them some slack. Considering I hate the idea of race changes and appearance is not a showstopper, I'd prefer them to be looking at more important things like bug fixes, class abilities, DLCs. It's comments like this that make me hope they take their time.
  • Legedric
    Alucardo wrote: »
    Legedric wrote: »
    No, this isn't a barber shop you can actually walk into and have a nice, separate interface for but that would be the premium version which you may work on later. But please hurry up and work on a "right now" solution which you should have been since march...
    Cut them some slack. Considering I hate the idea of race changes and appearance is not a showstopper, I'd prefer them to be looking at more important things like bug fixes, class abilities, DLCs. It's comments like this that make me hope they take their time.

    Well, of course my comment comes from only me, assuming ther team that fixes bugs, is responsible for combat and class balancing are not the ones working on a barber shop...
    Legedric the Flamedancer ► - Redguard Dragon Knight
    Legedric the Stormdancer ► - Altmer Sorcerer
    Legedric the Sundancer ► - Altmer Templar

    EU | DRUCKWELLE - Retter des Kaiserreiches
  • Enodoc
    Legedric wrote: »
    We're working on both along with a full suit of character re-customization options (what people often refer to as the "barber shop") but we do not have an estimated timeframe for their release. They will not be in for Orsinium, but know that we are actively working on this feature.

    Same old... same old...

    You keep telling this since march already. Sorry but my understanding on "actively working on this feature" may be something different.

    As it was already said quite often, just let us buy a scroll/token that enables us to use the character-creator to re-customize our character during the next login.

    I know you already got something similar in game right now as this is exactly how I got my name changed a while back.

    No, this isn't a barber shop you can actually walk into and have a nice, separate interface for but that would be the premium version which you may work on later. But please hurry up and work on a "right now" solution which you should have been since march...
    I'm assuming that such a "barber shop" would be exactly and only something that redisplays the character creator.

    And I maintain my opinion that, since other character recustomizations (skills and attributes) are done by Shrines, any beautification recustomization options would be best suited by a "Shrine of Dibella".
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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  • NewBlacksmurf
    Legedric wrote: »
    We're working on both along with a full suit of character re-customization options (what people often refer to as the "barber shop") but we do not have an estimated timeframe for their release. They will not be in for Orsinium, but know that we are actively working on this feature.

    Same old... same old...

    You keep telling this since march already. Sorry but my understanding on "actively working on this feature" may be something different.

    As it was already said quite often, just let us buy a scroll/token that enables us to use the character-creator to re-customize our character during the next login.

    I know you already got something similar in game right now as this is exactly how I got my name changed a while back.

    No, this isn't a barber shop you can actually walk into and have a nice, separate interface for but that would be the premium version which you may work on later. But please hurry up and work on a "right now" solution which you should have been since march...

    It really should not be a paid change....if I can dye armor and shields for free why would I be subject to pay for cosmetic changes on my character elsewhere?

    Race, gender, faction and names are different but from the tone of all threads people keep saying I will pay XYZ for this feature.....just wanting to say for me its crazy to be charged for cosmetic changes on the character creation screen.

    Lastly...the issue with going back to the character creation screen is the lighting and such are not ideal and cause us to finalize characters who come out looking completely different in-game
    Edited by NewBlacksmurf on October 7, 2015 1:33PM
    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • Slurg
    The user base: Thanks so much for making rebalancing changes that made my racial passives completely useless Zeni! Oh please, I beg you, allow me the privilege of throwing more money at you to fix this mess!
    Zenimax: You're very welcome! We'll gladly take your money to give you a race chance so everyone in the game can be some kind of elf. Coming soon!
    The user base: Rejoices!

    Happy All the Holidays To You and Yours!
    Remembering better days of less RNG in all the things.
  • ADarklore
    Funny how so many players don't want to be held accountable for their own decisions/choices when creating new characters- instead they want to make it the game developers fault and therefore they should get something FREE.

    Nah, I made my choices, including character name, hair style, race, etc... and I'll take responsibility for those changes and will gladly pay to make changes due to my own original decisions. I also know that any changes to racial passives was due to them trying to improve the game and won't hold it against them for this effort.
    CP: 1965 ** ESO+ Gold Road ** ~~ Stamina Arcanist ~~ Magicka Warden ~~ Magicka Templar ~~ ***** Strictly a solo PvE quester *****
  • Teiji
    We're working on both along with a full suit of character re-customization options (what people often refer to as the "barber shop") but we do not have an estimated timeframe for their release. They will not be in for Orsinium, but know that we are actively working on this feature.

    Will there be an in-game character customization with what you and the development consider to be small character customization changes? Such as hair colour and hair type changes only?


    I completely understand how huge character customization changes such as cheek size, jaw size and so on would make sense in the Crown store. But simply changing your hair colour and hair type would be a nice quality of life change for people who like to play around with their characters often and on a whim; the same way we can dye stuff without going to the Crown store.
    "Serving Boethiah is Freedom, embracing heroism is Liberty, existing solely for noxiphilic sanguivoria is truth." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

    European megaserver Fallout 4

    Loyalist of Boethiah, heroism enthusiast, exposer of secrets, bless'ed of noxiphilic sanguivoria.

    Nerf one grind, two more take its place; hail Gryndra!

    I am a dank memer and satire enthusiast
  • ZOS_JessicaFolsom
    Community Manager
    The whole system is still very much in the development phase, so your suggestions, ideas, and comments are noted and appreciated. :) Please continue to let us know what you'd like to see in this system!
    Jessica Folsom
    Associate Director of Community - ZeniMax Online Studios
    Facebook | Twitter | Twitch | Tumblr | Instagram | YouTube | Support
    Staff Post
  • tinythinker
    The whole system is still very much in the development phase, so your suggestions, ideas, and comments are noted and appreciated. :) Please continue to let us know what you'd like to see in this system!
    Well, I'm partial to this...
    Experienced, new, returner? Help keep ESO's community strong ᕙ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ -- share what you love about the game, offer constructive feedback, and make friends.ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Who are you in Tamriel (whether it's just your character's attitude & style or a full backstory)? - Share your Character's Story! ◔ ⌣ ◔
    (And let us know 🔷What Kind of Roleplayer You Are🔷 - even if that only extends to choosing your race)

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  • Cously
    I believe we should be offered the change of appearance and race.

    Appearance -> In game gold, do I have to pay cash for you if I want to "shave" my in character beard? What if I want to wax his chest? Is that not an option? Why?! Anyways, I don't know about you but human beings change their appearance like knickers.

    Race -> Real life cash. Change a race is not a small deal. Much like class, you should be stuck with that decision. However, considering how the racials are being changed, I think people deserve a chance to change their races that they picked in the launch. I'm happy with my Breton and won't change him even if is not optimal to my build, but boy, I do pity our poor eggbrothers.
  • Prizax
    The whole system is still very much in the development phase, so your suggestions, ideas, and comments are noted and appreciated. :) Please continue to let us know what you'd like to see in this system!

    I would like to be able to change my racial passives but NOT my racial looks... ;)
  • Cously
    Was just commenting with my mates in TS. We totally forgot! GENDER CHANGE! Now that would be mind blowing! Can you wonder...
  • AngryNord
    Prizax wrote: »
    The whole system is still very much in the development phase, so your suggestions, ideas, and comments are noted and appreciated. :) Please continue to let us know what you'd like to see in this system!

    I would like to be able to change my racial passives but NOT my racial looks... ;)

    That should only ever happen they day after they've removed Elder Scrolls from the game's title.
  • Cathexis
    AngryNord wrote: »
    Prizax wrote: »
    The whole system is still very much in the development phase, so your suggestions, ideas, and comments are noted and appreciated. :) Please continue to let us know what you'd like to see in this system!

    I would like to be able to change my racial passives but NOT my racial looks... ;)

    That should only ever happen they day after they've removed Elder Scrolls from the game's title.

    I tend to agree that this doesn't make a lot of sense to me, there should be some integrity to selecting a specific race.

    That said I'm not against some sort of creative changes to the way races function. I have read on the forums interesting ideas about how to redistribute racials such that you have a maximum number of points you can put in among a larger pool of racial options. So there is that idea to consider.
    The Tomb of FPS Alteration Magic - Everything You Need to Know About FPS
    Praise Malacath.
  • Nasty_nate100
    Sounds stupid but I really would love to change the height of my character
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