Maintenance for the week of June 3:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 3, 2:00AM EDT (6:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)

ESO Live - Ask Us Anything!

  • Kuroinu
    OmniDevil wrote: »
    uberkull wrote: »
    So you are asking to remove the leveling grind that all MMOs use to keep players playing and customers paying? Yea....good luck on that ever happening.

    Umm, Blizzard has a bone to pick with you.

    But, at the same time, I do agree. Unless they provide an option to pay for a max level toon, class changes will probably not be a thing.


    I don't think I made this clear. I'll probably have to make a separate thread on this later to help people understand more and realise there's a simple way to make this happen and it'd just make the game that much better. Nothing to do with WoWs systems at all.
  • OmniDevil

    I don't think I made this clear. I'll probably have to make a separate thread on this later to help people understand more and realise there's a simple way to make this happen and it'd just make the game that much better. Nothing to do with WoWs systems at all.


    No, I do believe I understand what you were trying to portray with your idea. My comment was, more or less, in regards to what he/she was saying that "no mmo has this", hence my Blizzard reference. For the record, I absolutely loathe that system and it's what made me never want to get back into that game. Being able to purchase a max level character is just...

    But, back to your idea, FFXI and FFXIV has this with the "Job" system. Being able to go from a Darknight to a Ninja whenever you so wished. Assuming I understood what you were suggesting, I believe that falls more in line with that. Don't get me wrong, I like the idea. In fact, I'd probably be all over this. However, my one and only disagreement with this is the lack of depth and absorbtion, on a player to character level. This system never made me feel invested into my character.

    There would be no reason to put any thought into what class you wanted to create from the start, especially knowing I could change laer on, whenever I wished. I enjoy MMOs that put you into a position of having to think about what you want to play, incorporating your playstyle or just what felt "fun" to you. Since any class can DPS or Heal, it came down to what skills appealed to me more. For me, it was a Dragonknight.
    Rogue's Gallery (EP)(NA)(XB1)

    Proud Member and Officer
    We’re recruiting for our ESO (Xbox One) Chapter
    ESO Application: Apply Here
    TF Guild Page:
    Character List
    "Varyn Wryn" cp427 Nord Templar (Magicka DPS/Healer)
    "Maelis Artorius" cp427 Redguard Dragonknight (Stamina DPS)
    "Arius the Shade" cp427 Khajiit Nightblade (Stamina DPS)
    "Astalor Bloodsworn" Level 7 Altmer Sorcerer (Magicka DPS)
  • Dylanator30
    Is there any rumors or talks of flying mounts? I think that would add a great depth even if flight cannot ascend too high. thanks!

    I'd rather fight and die on my feet, then live as slaves on our knees!
  • DrunkenDaedra
    When re-creation kit and hair kit ll be added to crown store? and is there any plan to balance height scale system?(Khajits are tall as Altmers if you dont balance it, atleast make dunmer taller as khajits :neutral: )
    Edited by DrunkenDaedra on August 13, 2015 8:51PM
  • Kuroinu
    OmniDevil wrote: »

    I don't think I made this clear. I'll probably have to make a separate thread on this later to help people understand more and realise there's a simple way to make this happen and it'd just make the game that much better. Nothing to do with WoWs systems at all.


    No, I do believe I understand what you were trying to portray with your idea. My comment was, more or less, in regards to what he/she was saying that "no mmo has this", hence my Blizzard reference. For the record, I absolutely loathe that system and it's what made me never want to get back into that game. Being able to purchase a max level character is just...

    But, back to your idea, FFXI and FFXIV has this with the "Job" system. Being able to go from a Darknight to a Ninja whenever you so wished. Assuming I understood what you were suggesting, I believe that falls more in line with that. Don't get me wrong, I like the idea. In fact, I'd probably be all over this. However, my one and only disagreement with this is the lack of depth and absorbtion, on a player to character level. This system never made me feel invested into my character.

    There would be no reason to put any thought into what class you wanted to create from the start, especially knowing I could change laer on, whenever I wished. I enjoy MMOs that put you into a position of having to think about what you want to play, incorporating your playstyle or just what felt "fun" to you. Since any class can DPS or Heal, it came down to what skills appealed to me more. For me, it was a Dragonknight.

    Yeah I played XI for a long time and XIV for around a year and a half. I'll probably still create some thread to discuss this further. Because all you really do in character creation is pick a skill set, it doesn't actually have any connection to your character level, it has levels of its own. This is why I think ESO has the potential to seriously offer us this diversity.
  • Sparky617
    Hey guys,
    Why don't all class skills scale with stamina OR Magicka just like Ultimates? It would be nice to use Velocius Curse, or Mages Fury on my stamina Sorcer and have it be affective.
  • JakelDK
    is there an ETA on the "feature change mechanic" for our characters?
    best regards
  • Darkheart
    What is the reason behind that we need 10 X as many materials to craft V16 armor then for V 15?
    Returning Home to Daggerfall.
  • Ajintse
    Question 1: Is there any chance in the future to add Permanent Weapon glows?
    Question 2: Will there be more Guild's or fractions available to Join?
    Question 3: Will the active skill bar remain always with 5 slots?

    "The moon is my sun, the night is my day, blood is my life and you are my prey."
    Ajintse - (Magicka Vampire Nightblade)
  • Naslu
    Q1: Any dates for introduction of the next step of justice system? Like earning the bounty for criminal players?

    Q2: Are we going to get new passive trees with Dark Brotherhood and Thieves guild like legermaine skills or are new active skills are coming in/ or mixed trees with active and passive skills?

    Q3: Is there a new 12-men trial coming in with Orsinium, maybe some hints about it, if yes?

    Q4: Any plans for an introduction of a new class? Maybe Necromoncer, fighting with summoned skelletons, flesh atronachs and alot of unholy deadric power?

    Q5: Any chance that skyreach tower instance (upper craglorn) will get a leaderbord? To raise its grade of difficulty and to make it more rewarding? Its a superfunny "mini arena" and has alot of unused potencial for quick entertaiment.

    rgds Naslu
    Guild Hodor
    • Marbella Ori / Temp Healer
    • Naslu / Stam Templer
    • Ordaril / Magicka Sorc
    • Allaine De Ladonia / Magicka DK
    • Gretel Witchhunter / Magicka NB
    • Lili Catani / Magicka Tank NB
    • Prince Adam of Eternia / Stam DK

  • gimpdrb14_ESO
    why scale dungeons to v16 and not trails?
  • Duragon_Darko
    OmniDevil wrote: »

    I don't think I made this clear. I'll probably have to make a separate thread on this later to help people understand more and realise there's a simple way to make this happen and it'd just make the game that much better. Nothing to do with WoWs systems at all.


    No, I do believe I understand what you were trying to portray with your idea. My comment was, more or less, in regards to what he/she was saying that "no mmo has this", hence my Blizzard reference. For the record, I absolutely loathe that system and it's what made me never want to get back into that game. Being able to purchase a max level character is just...

    But, back to your idea, FFXI and FFXIV has this with the "Job" system. Being able to go from a Darknight to a Ninja whenever you so wished. Assuming I understood what you were suggesting, I believe that falls more in line with that. Don't get me wrong, I like the idea. In fact, I'd probably be all over this. However, my one and only disagreement with this is the lack of depth and absorbtion, on a player to character level. This system never made me feel invested into my character.

    There would be no reason to put any thought into what class you wanted to create from the start, especially knowing I could change laer on, whenever I wished. I enjoy MMOs that put you into a position of having to think about what you want to play, incorporating your playstyle or just what felt "fun" to you. Since any class can DPS or Heal, it came down to what skills appealed to me more. For me, it was a Dragonknight.

    Yeah I played XI for a long time and XIV for around a year and a half. I'll probably still create some thread to discuss this further. Because all you really do in character creation is pick a skill set, it doesn't actually have any connection to your character level, it has levels of its own. This is why I think ESO has the potential to seriously offer us this diversity.

    I like the job system in FFXIV but ESO is FAR more diverse. A ninja in FFXIV can only dps. A warrior can only tank. But how about if you need your ninja to tank, or your warrior to dps? In ESO, a nightblade can be a ninja, straight dps, tank, heal, whatever you build your toon too. A dragon knight can tank or melee dps, or wizard dps, or heal even.... so although FFXIV gives you a ton of more jobs to be, all on one toon without alts, you are pigeon holed to being that job and limited to what that job provides. Very limited. ESO does not limit one job. In ESO, ALL jobs can do ALL things, just in DIFFERENT ways.
    .... I have to admit, the devs do listen to reason, if not to the forums. Thank you for "nameplates", a welcome addition to immersion, as well as the text chat box for PS4, which only comes on the screen when I need it too, and helps this gameplay SO MUCH MORE then without it. THANK YOU for the additions. Very much appreciated.
  • OmniDevil
    I like the job system in FFXIV but ESO is FAR more diverse. A ninja in FFXIV can only dps. A warrior can only tank. But how about if you need your ninja to tank, or your warrior to dps? In ESO, a nightblade can be a ninja, straight dps, tank, heal, whatever you build your toon too. A dragon knight can tank or melee dps, or wizard dps, or heal even.... so although FFXIV gives you a ton of more jobs to be, all on one toon without alts, you are pigeon holed to being that job and limited to what that job provides. Very limited. ESO does not limit one job. In ESO, ALL jobs can do ALL things, just in DIFFERENT ways.

    This guy.
    He gets it!
    Rogue's Gallery (EP)(NA)(XB1)

    Proud Member and Officer
    We’re recruiting for our ESO (Xbox One) Chapter
    ESO Application: Apply Here
    TF Guild Page:
    Character List
    "Varyn Wryn" cp427 Nord Templar (Magicka DPS/Healer)
    "Maelis Artorius" cp427 Redguard Dragonknight (Stamina DPS)
    "Arius the Shade" cp427 Khajiit Nightblade (Stamina DPS)
    "Astalor Bloodsworn" Level 7 Altmer Sorcerer (Magicka DPS)
  • Zanefold
    ESO Live's next episode -- 8/14 at 4:00PM EDT ESO Live's next episode -- 8/14 at 4:00PM EDT

    Get in on the chat to voice your oppinion about text chat for consoles!

  • RDMyers65b14_ESO
    With 2.1 dropping on 8/31 for PCs, the 30 day campaign on Azura's Star will not be completed. Will you end the campaign early to send out the campaign rewards or will the campaign wipe happen and the rewards won't happen?
  • Kuroinu
    OmniDevil wrote: »
    I like the job system in FFXIV but ESO is FAR more diverse. A ninja in FFXIV can only dps. A warrior can only tank. But how about if you need your ninja to tank, or your warrior to dps? In ESO, a nightblade can be a ninja, straight dps, tank, heal, whatever you build your toon too. A dragon knight can tank or melee dps, or wizard dps, or heal even.... so although FFXIV gives you a ton of more jobs to be, all on one toon without alts, you are pigeon holed to being that job and limited to what that job provides. Very limited. ESO does not limit one job. In ESO, ALL jobs can do ALL things, just in DIFFERENT ways.

    This guy.
    He gets it!

    I don't want to compare ESO to FFXIV, I don't like many of FFXIVs systems. Being a fan of Final Fantasy too, I was disappointed that their new MMO went down the WoW route with some systems. If I was to compare ESO with any other MMO it'd be FFXI, not XIV and I've never actually played WoW so I don't comment much on it.

    Even though I'm fanning the flames I don't think we should discuss this further here on the wrong thread, lol. I'll make a proper discussion/suggestion sometime in the character/class section.
  • NewBlacksmurf
    BigM wrote: »
    Maybe if you guys asked it like this! We know in beta there was text chat in consoles UI, is there any plans to unlock it so we can finally use it?

    There wasn't a text chat in console betA tho
    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • JBsnow404
    What is the meaning of Tel Var? I would really like to know what kind of stones I'm collecting.
  • twev
    Will the error notification when logging in since the last update/patch ever be addressed with a fix? The suggested workarounds didn't seem to do it for me.
    The problem with society these days is that no one drinks from the skulls of their enemies anymore.
  • Shader_Shibes
    Stuck in combat bug, will this ever get fixed?

  • Psychobunni
    Okay I missed the first part, did they answer whether or not PC players will be able to continue to use 3rd party controller programs or if they will be forced into the console model when "controller support" is added to PC?

    If not, it is still my question :D
    If options weren't necessary, and everyone played the same way, no one would use addons. Fix the UI!

  • Duragon_Darko
    OmniDevil wrote: »
    I like the job system in FFXIV but ESO is FAR more diverse. A ninja in FFXIV can only dps. A warrior can only tank. But how about if you need your ninja to tank, or your warrior to dps? In ESO, a nightblade can be a ninja, straight dps, tank, heal, whatever you build your toon too. A dragon knight can tank or melee dps, or wizard dps, or heal even.... so although FFXIV gives you a ton of more jobs to be, all on one toon without alts, you are pigeon holed to being that job and limited to what that job provides. Very limited. ESO does not limit one job. In ESO, ALL jobs can do ALL things, just in DIFFERENT ways.

    This guy.
    He gets it!

    I get it. Too bad I'm leaving ESO to go back. Without text chat, o can't take this game serious. It's obvious ZOS wants to treat us like 15 year olds on the sofa asking mommy permission to play. The Live episode was very disappointing. I'll keep in touch with the few friends I've made, have fun.
    .... I have to admit, the devs do listen to reason, if not to the forums. Thank you for "nameplates", a welcome addition to immersion, as well as the text chat box for PS4, which only comes on the screen when I need it too, and helps this gameplay SO MUCH MORE then without it. THANK YOU for the additions. Very much appreciated.
  • traigusb14_ESO2
    In early so I don't forget to ask... again ... because I forgot to ask for today... doh.


    "What does clicking on a pinion at a dark anchor actually do? Does it just heal you? Do you get a buff? People seem to think not clicking on them until everything dies gives you better loot... and/or a better chance at generals spawning... is that true?"

    I swear this was answered a very long time ago on PC, but can't find the answer. The rumors are swirling again as console players hit un-updated websites and hear rumors and voodoo from people. Had a guy on Xbox throw a tantrum about it last night because someone hit a pinion during a fight.

  • mrskinskull
    In early so I don't forget to ask... again ... because I forgot to ask for today... doh.


    "What does clicking on a pinion at a dark anchor actually do? Does it just heal you? Do you get a buff? People seem to think not clicking on them until everything dies gives you better loot... and/or a better chance at generals spawning... is that true?"

    I swear this was answered a very long time ago on PC, but can't find the answer. The rumors are swirling again as console players hit un-updated websites and hear rumors and voodoo from people. Had a guy on Xbox throw a tantrum about it last night because someone hit a pinion during a fight.

    There's a higher chance to fight a named boss if the pinions are left untouched.
  • TBois
    In the eso live episode on 8/14 @ZOS_RichLambert said that the reason there will not be raids larger than 12 people for PVE is because "... There is too much stuff going on..." In larger groups. Why didn't/don't they take this view with PVP, especially considering the current performance issues and pain train meta in cyrodiil? This type of gameplay seems to be discouraging to the majority of the pvp community. Is there a chance for at least one campaign to have a limited group size like 12 or 16 players in an upcoming patch?
    Edited by TBois on August 14, 2015 11:48PM
    T-Bois (Stam Sorc since 1.4) - AD
    An Unsettling Snowball (Templar) - AD
    Bosquecito (Stam Sorc) - DC
    Peti-T-Bois (Stamden) - AD

  • wraith808
    In early so I don't forget to ask... again ... because I forgot to ask for today... doh.


    "What does clicking on a pinion at a dark anchor actually do? Does it just heal you? Do you get a buff? People seem to think not clicking on them until everything dies gives you better loot... and/or a better chance at generals spawning... is that true?"

    I swear this was answered a very long time ago on PC, but can't find the answer. The rumors are swirling again as console players hit un-updated websites and hear rumors and voodoo from people. Had a guy on Xbox throw a tantrum about it last night because someone hit a pinion during a fight.

    There's a higher chance to fight a named boss if the pinions are left untouched.

    This has already been debunked.
    Quasim ibn-Muhammad - VR 12 Redguard Dragon Knight
    Taladriel Vanima - VR 5 Altmer Nightblade
    Ambalyo iyo Bogaadin - VR 1 Redguard Sorceror
  • Nighn_9
    Why doesn't the 5 piece armor set effect of "Necropotence" work with the Nightblade skill Summon Shade and it's morphs?
    NA / PC
    November Beta 2013
  • darienchibi
    Is there going to be an asian release of ESO on xbox one or at least something to make crowns and plus membership available is asian countries? I am currently living in Japan. I love playing ESO and would really like to have an ESO plus account and use the crown store but because the xbox store is region specific, I am not able to purchase them. Right now it's not a huge deal but when the imperial city is released, I will not be able to purchase from the xbox marketplace and play it.
  • petraeus1
    Why can't I loot any container nor interact with any prop in those prettily decorated Outlaws' Refuges? DansGame
  • Arato
    DanniBoi wrote: »
    Hey Zenimax I really will like to know this, and please, do answer it?

    Would the people that bought this game outside of steam, will they (us) get a steam key to redeem it so it can be part of our steam library?

    Note: Please make it so, I know I am not the only one that would love this to happen.

    They won't/can't do that It's been talked about before they just say add it as a non steam game.

    TBH the big reason I want the key added is so that steam stops trying to push the game on me since I already own it. It's always "next in queue" and I just want to wring someone's neck.
This discussion has been closed.