Aww, that means I'll have to start over againZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »We will also be copying all European megaserver characters again for this patch
One of two's not bad. Now we just need to get Stuga into all the cities (and not just Daggerfall/Davon's Watch/Vulkhel Guard), and anyone will be able to start the quest from anywhere.ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Quests
- Invitation to Orsinium: Anyone who enters Orsinium through Friendship Gate will now find the message from Alga to begin the quest. In addition, you can no longer attack the Winterborn that Bazrag throws from the tower.
We had to do some testing on our end in preparation for Monday's live publish.Aww, that means I'll have to start over again@ZOS_GinaBruno What was the reasoning behind this reset? Usually there's two weeks available per copy.
timidobserver wrote: »Seriously, you are nerfing Imperial Prison and WGT again? Didn't you already nerf it once? Why do you keep nerfing it?
timidobserver wrote: »Seriously, you are nerfing Imperial Prison and WGT again? Didn't you already nerf it once? Why do you keep nerfing it?
So more people can play not only the ones with Super OP gear...
timidobserver wrote: »Seriously, you are nerfing Imperial Prison and WGT again? Didn't you already nerf it once? Why do you keep nerfing it?
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »[*]Veteran Imperial City Prison
[*]Reduced the health of the Flesh Sculptor’s Flesh Atronachs.
[*]The Flesh Sculptor’s sprinting inmates now move slower.
[*]The Flesh Sculptor now summons fewer inmates.
We dont know how much they nerf it.
The Flesh Sculptor on ICP was ridiculously hard. We had an amazing group with strong DPS across the board, but that fight can be thrown off for a number of reasons. The uber-DPS crew (where people are doing 20-30K single target) just go "Burn the boss, ignore the adds". Which works great if you have the perfect DPS. But if you're just under it, the Flesh Atros enrage and wipe your group.You shouldn't need 20k dps players, perfect ping + fps and luck with unresponsive synergy interaction, to complete a boss on VR16.
The sword bonus no longer grants a percent bonus to Weapon Damage and Spell Damage (a change that was made for the Imperial City update). It once again modifies all damage as a direct bonus.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Using the following abilities will now cause your weapon to unsheathe:
- Conjured Ward
- Grim Focus
- Poison Mist
- Solar Prison
Personofsecrets wrote: »Issue 3: The Maelstrom tanking weapons are the only one that require it's user to do something extra (full heavy attack) in order to gain the altering effect. What the heck?
ThatNeonZebraAgain wrote: »
Anyone have an idea what this means for magicka builds that use dual wield?
The destruction staff altering effect requires you to place wall of elements, and then you have to use a light/heavy attack to gain the actual bonus damage of the effect.
The dual wield altering effect requires you to use flurry, and then cast a dot which will then receive a buff.
Flurry counts as a dot....
Spamming Flurry does around 10k+ DPS alone with two maelstrom weapons with like 2000 weapon damage....
The destruction staff altering effect requires you to place wall of elements, and then you have to use a light/heavy attack to gain the actual bonus damage of the effect.
The dual wield altering effect requires you to use flurry, and then cast a dot which will then receive a buff.
DisgracefulMind wrote: »I just really don't understand why the new dungeons are getting nerfed again. They were at a perfect spot. Many, many players were finally starting to get them down and complete them, and you nerf them again. It's unnecessary. This is why people have no clue how to play this game. Eck.
Personofsecrets wrote: »There is also a distinction between challenging in a good and in a bad way.