One of the concerns with the Champion System is the eventual homogenization of players. As players apply more points, their skill-sets will begin to converge toward an eventual identical conclusion. Every player who reaches the 3600 CP cap will have the exact same CP benefits. This is a concern because it de-diversifies builds.
A more elegant way, I think, would be to add enough new perks to get a total pool of 7200 CP, of which 3600 may be spend.
That was pretty much what I was thinking of, with the possible option of playing a bit with the number of stars to be "mastered" - perhaps start as "one each in warrior/thief/mage" and then go to add some to that until you get "one each in every of the three sub-constellations" - or expand on how far thea can be mastered at a later date.Are you thinking that certain stars can be overloaded with... I dunno... 150 CPs? Limit that overload to one star per constellation and I like the idea.
nimander99 wrote: »Skyforge has a fairly elegant catch up mechanic for Sparks. Basically it takes the top <x> amount of players and gives everyone a form of enlightenment until they reach that top <x> position then they earn sparks at the normal rate. It allows players vastly far behind to catch up relatively quickly.
As far as your idea for diversifying builds, well, wont we still be as diverse as we were pre Champion System if everyone hits max? Or are you saying there was no build diversity pre CS?
TheShadowScout wrote: »Enlightment is a neat thing to have, for that quick c-point gain each day on average. Especially with the stacking for those people who can't play daily due to work, but have to put in their gaming time on the weekends (makes me wish riding training were like that too...).
And since enlightment isn't time-based, but XP-earned-based... I can take however much time I want to earn my enlighted c-point(s), and won't loose anything (unless I am not playing for longer then the stack limit, that's what, 12 days worth or something like that?)
Also, I see anlightment as option for a future catchup mechanic... when the gaps become larger, the PTB can give out more enlightment to lower CP players...
The annoyance I have with the c-system is how easily grinders seem to pull ahead of casual gamers like me, though I am salving that vexation with a reminder that the diminishing returns will mean it won't be that big a deal...
TheShadowScout wrote: »Enlightment is a neat thing to have, for that quick c-point gain each day on average. Especially with the stacking for those people who can't play daily due to work, but have to put in their gaming time on the weekends (makes me wish riding training were like that too...).
And since enlightment isn't time-based, but XP-earned-based... I can take however much time I want to earn my enlighted c-point(s), and won't loose anything (unless I am not playing for longer then the stack limit, that's what, 12 days worth or something like that?)
Also, I see anlightment as option for a future catchup mechanic... when the gaps become larger, the PTB can give out more enlightment to lower CP players...
The annoyance I have with the c-system is how easily grinders seem to pull ahead of casual gamers like me, though I am salving that vexation with a reminder that the diminishing returns will mean it won't be that big a deal...
Yep! That's my point @nimander99. Eventually we will reach a point where a good chunk of players will be at CP max. Those players, when comparing themselves to other players who have also reached max CP, will experience a negation effect. So at that point the entire Champion System is moot.
Well... not compared to those who are NOT at max. Up and coming players will be treated to a crazy power gap between them and I think that eventually ESO end game will pretty much just be the min/maxer community running trains of pain on anyone who isn't at max CPs and "casuals" will see CPs as this mountain that is too much of a chore to climb.
I think the champion system, at its core, is pretty flawed. This suggestion is a way to change the system to something that is more fair for everyone and creates a more diverse gaming landscape in the long term.
nimander99 wrote: »
See this is where I think you are mistaken, the CS isn't flawed... it freaking BRILLIANT! I mean for me, there is nothing that makes me quit an mmo faster than hitting level cap. Now I have mini levels to grind out for a long time... and eventually it will be rendered "moot" as you said, while giving some cool passives, its a pretty smart idea imho.
Edit: Plus it makes twinking fun
I think using the term "at it's core" was a mistake. I love the idea of mini-levels and continued progression, which is really the "core" of the champion system. I guess the best way to represent my feeling is that I think the champion system, at its resolution, is pretty flawed.
If they try to fix the homogenization by giving people more things to progress I think ZOS will just widen the power gap. Eventually ESO might get to a point where we have 2 groups of players.... those who have reached really high CP levels and players who have yet to reach level 50. Those who have yet to reach level 50 will likely get to level 50 and quit because the task of earning those CPS will simply be too daunting.