Not receiving content from Imperial Edition or Explorer's Pack

I pre-ordered TESOTU Imperial Edition a few weeks ago, which also included the Explorer's Pack because it was pre-ordered. Though, upon logging into the game and getting to the character creation screen, I realized that I was not able to make an imperial or play as any race in any alliance. Luckily, my plan was already to play as a Dark Elf in the Ebonheart Pact. I was thinking that maybe it was a small bug, so I didn't mind it. But then when I got into the game, I checked my mail and I had not received the pets, treasure maps, or mount from the two add-ons. I have both installed on my Xbox One, and I also tried deleting and reinstalling them, though I'm still having this issue. Any ideas on how to fix this?
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    We don't currently have a fix, but we are actively investigating the issue.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • LaxWoW18
    have you tried to delete and reinstall it?
  • a0neknightstand
    Soul Shriven
    Same exact problem for me
  • Autonamus
    Soul Shriven
    Same problem for me too
  • LaxWoW18
    LaxWoW18 wrote: »
    have you tried to delete and reinstall it?

    ok i tried this and it still did not work.

  • Ultimecia
    Soul Shriven
    Same with me. I ended up just paying for the adventurer pack cuz I was so heated. Would be nice if I could actually get my crowns back or something
  • LaxWoW18
  • DoAxLegacyxx
    Soul Shriven
    Wow same exact problem but mine is kinda different I bought the imperial Version and I cant access the explores Pack and I can only access part of the imperial upgrade pack like I can be the imperial class and the craft the armor but no pet no horse no ring its like I have half access to the dlc if there is anything that will help let me know thanks
  • BadMeetEvlShady
    So I guess saying I have the same issue in here will get me some help but then reading everything I feel like the help I was looking for isn't up yet. Wonder if it has to do with the second account we had to make?
  • BloodNight
    Soul Shriven
    Same problem here
    I re-installed the game to see if that was the problem, but no luck there :(
  • chrisjames94
    Soul Shriven
    Yeah same problem I pre ordered the imperial edition and I can't access none of the content not even the exlplorer pack and I've made use to install all dlcs please help me out trying to make my imperial Templar and play with my friends on the same alliance my gamer tag is Pip Da Troll
  • m2ik2y051
    Soul Shriven
    From what it seems to me it's in the pause menu under social and mail, you click on the mail to accept attachments
  • chrisjames94
    Soul Shriven
    Nah I wish I can't make a imperial race at all of pick whichever alliance id like really annoying would love to get started with my buddies Already
  • zilfandel
    Soul Shriven
    Same issue here. Please advise
  • MiskyBoyy
    Yes I am also having the same problem. No Imperial DLC or Explorers pack DLC. Also, I purchased 1 month ESO Plus and have yet to receive my crowns & access to the DLC from that. ZOS told me on Reddit however that it could take up to 24 hours for my crowns etc. to come through and they're looking into it.
  • celtic_fc_kw93
    I am haveing the same problem on ps4 not getting any content from imperial or explorer pack :-(
  • BadMeetEvlShady
    So is deleting our account a possible fix for this issue if so can we be explained how to fully delete our account so we can try this all over to see if the elderscrollsonline account has to be the same as your gammertag or psn id?
  • Zerrox
    Soul Shriven
    Won't explorer pack work if a friend shared it on xbox one with you?
  • Wildthing206
    Soul Shriven
    I am having the same problem. I console share with a friend and he got everything but I got nothing. Explorer pack and imperial edition upgrade is installed tho. Please help.
  • BadMeetEvlShady
    Those dlc are unsharable by what Microsoft said earlier over the can we get some help for the people who bought the dlc and unable to get it to work?
  • dragonjeff69
    Soul Shriven
    I got the pet but I did get the mail when I tried to open it. I got disconnected and now nothing. I thought maybe if I make second character it will reappear and now.
  • doomtrigger
    On the ps4 pre order it said that the explorers pack gave a mount a pet maps and any race and any fraction et I did not get the mount or the maps after checking the mail
  • Roland.Krivda
    Soul Shriven
    The digital Imperial Edition for PS4 is much more expensive than the Standard edition + imperial upgrade. And if you buy it, your PS4 only downloads the standard edition + you will have the imperial edition upgrade through Crown store. IT DOESNT EVEN SAY IMPERIAL EDITION nowhere, not even the Game Icon.

    I made a huge mistake buying the imperial edition, I was deceived, please dont make the same mistake.

    Just buy the standard edition, buy 3000Crowns, then upgrade to imperial edition for 2100Crowns and it will be cheaper for you, plus you will still have those additional 900Crowns.

    This is a total nonsense. I have reported to the developer and noone even cares.
  • seejaythinks
    I am having the same issue on Xbox, along with many on Twitter.

    Xbox One, Installed both game and Explorer DLC (and reinstalled due to issue) pack. No explorer perks, had to be a Dark Elf instead of a Kahjiit for RP value as everyone in my social circle are of the EP alliance :(
    Think you're tough enough? Msg "Dr Pharmacology" for an invite to Tough Buttocks - a newbie friendly PvE Guild; Xbox One / EU / EP
  • cal_reedrwb17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Same kind of issue. Except I can't get my imperial horse!
    Looked through the mail, accepted all attachments, went to the collection tab, activated the imperial horse and I still can't buy it from the stable.

    Went to the crown store and bought another horse, activated in my collection tab and nothing?!?!?
    What's going on here?
    Is there something I'm not doing?
  • TwinStripeUK
    Firstly, I've got the Xbox One version, with both the Explorer pack and the Imperial Upgrade (which I purchased with Crowns from the initial purchase, my ESO plus allowance and an additional Crown pack). I only mention that because it's the most awkward way to get them all, and should therefore be the most problematic.

    I've got EVERYTHING that I've paid for.

    I had to get the Imperial Upgrade fro the Crown store (and then log out and back in again), so perhaps you may need to do the same. My mount and pets are in my collection already (no need to purchase the mount, you should already have it)

    The Explorer pack was attached in my mail.

    Everything else was in my inventory after opening all relevant mails.

    I did have another small issue with NPC voices not sounding, and did a cold boot in order to fix that, so not sure if that might help some of you having the problems, but the vast majority seem to be fixable by simply searching the menus (because it's not made very clear how these items are delivered) and then perhaps logging out to character select and then back in again.

    Hope that helps some of you.
  • ZeagaX13
    I'm having the same issue to an extent. Earlier today I bought the 100$ version on Xbox One.
    "Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited Premium Edition"
    It was practically the 80$ pre-order except it had 5,500 crowns added into the price making it 120$, but was cut down to 100$ for some marketing reason.

    Either way, I finished installing the game and the DLC content, everything says that it is installed. I start the game, finally get into character creation, and I can't make any race in any alliance. The game does not register that I have the explorer's pack, yet like I just said it is installed. I have tried reinstalling the DLC constantly, and it continues to not register that it is installed. I even went as far as to say "Alright, maybe the whole game needs to be reinstalled for some reason? Still does not work.

    Now, I can play the game and I do have access to the Imperial DLC, making an Imperial Character, The White Horse, The Mudcrab, and I'm sure everything else with the Imperial edition. However, I do not have access to the explorer's pack that is installed on my Xbox One that came with my 100$ purchase.

    Now, I'm not going to begin to start listing how upset I am or how badly the launch of this game, second launch mind you, has been totally jacked up... Either way you know we, your customers, are pretty pissed off about not getting what we paid for. Please do your best to fix this major issue ASAP. You wouldn't sell a water bottle with a quarter of the water missing would you? Anytime you promise content for a purchase, that's what your consumers should get. I, along with many others apparently, have not received what we paid for. You must know by now, but I'll say it anyways. This needs to be fixed now.

    Those who did the Xbox One license transfer, you can't get mad or upset for not getting the content. You didn't actually buy the game, thus it isn't even yours. It could be worse, you could be like me. I actually spent the 100$ today, (June 9, 2015, technically yesterday as I'm writing this), and I don't have some of what I paid for.
    Just bear in mind with license transfering, you never end up owning two copies of a game, you only bought one that is being shared between two consoles, not accounts. There's bound to be issues, and those are directly your fault for not purchasing the game in question.

    Thank you for your time, have a wonderful day.

    If I'm coming off as being "Salty", It's because I get a little pissed of when I don't get what I paid for. As you can see, it puts me in a bad mood.
  • huschka
    Soul Shriven
    Quick question: I preordered the Imperial Edition from Amazon and installed the game yesterday along with the Imperial DLC code from the package.

    The Imperial DLC does not appear to work (in so much as I can't create an Imperial, any way).

    I did NOT, as far as I can tell, get the Explorer's Pack, which was supposed to come with the preorder. Should that also be in the package? Is it part of the DLC?

    Even though it too is apparently not working for anyone, I'd like to know. Thanks in advance for the help!
  • LaxWoW18
    Any Update on this?
  • MzBertoni
    Soul Shriven
    same problem here, I hope that fix as fast as possible
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