If you are interested in some of the details of the Champion System, be sure to listen to the audio recording of the
Champion System Portion of the ESO Guild Summit 2014.
"We envision it will take you about an hour to earn a champion point" - Paul Sage
First the math on the thread title:
There are 36 different passives that can be spec'ed into in the Champion System - nine constellations with four passives each. There is a maximum of
700 Champion Points that can be placed in each star (passive). The pacing for earning Champion Points is about one hour of play time. So . . .
700 points X 36 passives X 1 Hour = 25,200 HOURS OF PROGRESSION
A few more details on the Champion System as a whole (it turned out to be more than a few):
The first thing EVERYONE will notice when the Champion System releases is that all of their stat numbers will be multiplied by ten. That means 2,500 health becomes 25,000, or 400 frost resistance will become 4,000. This is to add "granularity" to the system. They want the player to be able to SEE the effects of their choices. So say if someone chooses a passive that increase frost resistance by 1%, it will be easier to see that change. Without the multiplier, some changes wouldn't be shown because of rounding and the player could become discouraged or feel like they wasted a point. This is gonna happen, so we should accept it.
There are three constellation groups in the Champion System one for each resource pool - The Warrior for Health, The Thief for Stamina and The Mage for Magicka.
Each constellation group has 3 sub-constellations accounting for a total of 9 constellations. That breakdown is as follows:
- Warrior (health)
- Thief (stamina)
- Mage (magicka)
- Ritual
- Atronach
- Apprentice
As mentioned, each sub-constellation has 4 passives that can be spec'ed into. In addition to these four passives each, each constellation also has four
additional passives that are unlocked and strengthened as more and more points are placed into a constellation. For example, after you place 10 Champion Points total in the Apprentice constellation you automatically unlock and get the benefits of a new passive called Extraction Boost which increases the likelihood to extract better material. Continuing to place Champion Points into the Apprentice will continue to strengthen this new passive automatically. You do not place Champion Points into this "second-tier" of passives. The second-tier is unlocked automatically as you place more Champion Points in a constellation. These second-tier passives are initially unlocked at 10, 30, 50 and 100 points in a constellation.
This brings the total amount of passives per constellation to 8 for each constellation - 4 that you spec into and four that unlock automatically. This means that a total of 72 new passives are being added by the Champion System.
A Champion Point is earned after a still-to-be-determined amount of XP has been received by the player. That Champion Point can then be placed into the Champion System constellations, but there are some rules as to how they get placed.
Let's dig into that statement a little more. The first Champion Point you earn MUST BE placed into the Warrior (health) constellation group. You can place it into either the Steed, Lady or Lord constellation. You choose. That gives you twelve options - four each. After you make your choice, the Warrior constellations will "rotate" and your next point must then be placed into the Thief (stamina) group. Your next point then obviously gets placed in the Mage (magicka) group. The rotation then continues in this manner in perpetuity.
There are two main reasons for this. First is to frankly slow the player's progression so they can't max any one stat too quickly. The second is to help with player diversification. Take it as you will, but that is how the system will work. This means that if you want to max out 700 points in Light Armor you will need to earn 2100 Champion Points because of the rotation system.
ZOS went out of their way to mention that each constellation group, Warrior-Thief-Mage, has passives that make sense for each play style (holy trinity). So there will be something for Tanks in the Warrior, Thief and Mage constellations. Same for each of the play styles so it's not as restrictive as it seems.
Another Champion System change has to do with helping player separation. We will cover "Enlightenment" in another post, but there is another mechanic in the Champion System designed to keep players together. That is the fact that placing points into the same passive over and over has diminishing returns. What does that mean? The example used was the first point you place into Light Armor may grant you a 1% increase in armor rating, but placing the 40th point into Light Armor might only grant you a 0.1% increase in armor (another reason for increasing all stats ten fold). This mechanic helps to keep players somewhat close in raw numbers but also means that diversifying your Champion Point allocation may yield the best overall results.
There will be a respec mechanism in place when the Champion System releases. It is quite robust and will not require you to click your mouse button 1,000 or more times to perform a respec. There is information on the respec process in the full audio above.
There is much more information on the Champion System that I wish to share. Look for posts in the coming days on exactly what Enlightenment is and how it works. And another post on how the Champion System is completely changing the fundamentals of how numbers and min/maxing in ESO will work going forward. I hope you enjoyed this post and learned something.
Wanna learn the future? -
12+ Hours of Audio from Guild Summit 2014