The unlocked campaign doesn't solve any of those issues i mentioned. Nobody wants to play on an unlocked campaign just for the sake of having no locks.
Alienoutlaw wrote: »
but thats what was asked for, remove the lock so ppl could play with their friends/guilds and thats what has been delivered, either the reasons the faction lock being removed were false and as alot of us pro-faction lock suspected its just a case that players wanted to hop to the winning side on the busiest campaign.
its not ZOS's fault players refuse to populate a campaign they were asked for and provided...........thats on you!
My regular PVP group just changed alliances and with alliance lock I'm expected to pay over a million in gold or alliance points to be able to play with them. That's not okay. This isn't a high stakes e-sport. There is literally no defensible reason for alliance lock to exist or ever have. Play how you want my foot. I'm quite frustrated with this situation.
Alienoutlaw wrote: »
i would question the motives for the change personally, maybe they cant win in their current faction and they have jumped to the "winning" side
Alienoutlaw wrote: »
but thats what was asked for, remove the lock so ppl could play with their friends/guilds and thats what has been delivered, either the reasons the faction lock being removed were false and as alot of us pro-faction lock suspected its just a case that players wanted to hop to the winning side on the busiest campaign.
its not ZOS's fault players refuse to populate a campaign they were asked for and provided...........thats on you!
I don't see how pro-lockers don't see the very obvious problem
I have 3 AD and 3 EP. I want to play no-cp. There is only one no-cp campaign. So for 30 days, i am locked to playing with just 3 out of 6 characters.
That is the opposite of play-how-you-want, and is down right prohibitive.
Then we can discuss from here till doomsday wether the lock has an effect on the issues it was meant to, and / or wether or not one should migrate. Above remains. On PC-EU, there is only one (1) no-cp campaign. I have nowhere else to play, unless i go to IC (which is empty) or BG's (which can take 30 min to load a game).
Well you should maybe communicate with your buddies and all go to the same campaign for the duration. You literally have a non locked campaign. You have a choice atm, if you took away locks, we would not have a choice. Dont be selfish.
Alienoutlaw wrote: »this is hilarious, the excuses i've read on this thread as to why you "cant" do something are outrageous, its very very simple those that want to play non lock simply click on the campaign and enter IF all of the non lock players do the same it will be populated, the im not going 1st mentality is laughable, failing that simply admit that the majority of the player base is actually very happy with the faction lock grab a box of tissues and suck it up
Gatdangmayne wrote: »The one thing i haven't seen any pro-lock people address is the cost of homing/unhoming from a campaign.
Again ill say, if we absolutely must have locks then get rid of the asinine cost. It has literally stopped me (and likely others) from playing the game.
I say this as someone who, not counting base game or expansion purchases, has (im ashamed to admit) put somewhere around $1000 into this game, along with an even more embarrassing amount of time.
There are many things that are contributing to the overall negative attitude towards eso/zos, and besides lag and performance issues, this faction lock thing is probably the #1 reason why the pvp population struggles to fill even one campaign anytime besides 5est-midnight.
Alright im not going in circles on the forums over this anymore, not like it makes a difference anyway.
You are happy to have drama on the forum that you can eat popcorn to and stir the pot. Faction lock wouldn't affect you in any meaningful way if it went away tomorrow. For too many others it prevents them from playing the game. That's not good for Zenimax, that's not good for the players, and it's not good PVP.
Incorrect. The casual majority does not care either way. They just click on the first campaign on the list. Which happens to be the locked one. Put the unlocked one at the top of the first page and see locked become a ghost town. There isn't enough players to fill two campaigns. Unless it's PC EU and look how well it is running...
What's to address? Homing a new campaign is free as long as you select, home when campaign ends.
I'm not going to try and convince you anymore, hell I want even trying to convincing you in the first place, it's clear where you stand, and that's standing with the people who think that not being able to play the characters you want to play in the content you want to play in is somehow in anyway a good thing. Not only that judging by your comment history you just like being a troll. Do me a favor and put me on ignore and I'll do the same for you then we can both exist in our little bubbles.Alienoutlaw wrote: »*Troll noises*
Gatdangmayne wrote: »@Alienoutlaw @Ackwalan
So you guys wanna lend me 1mil ap/gold every time a campaign ends and i wanna swap over my characters?
How about just 500k so i can actually earn the end of campaign rewards for the current campaign that i can't even afford to home my characters in?
It is not free.
Every time you unhome, or ''abandon" as its called in game, it is 100k ap or gold, for every character.
Every time you select a campaign as your home campaign, it is 100k ap or gold.
Here I'll give you a literal example since this concept is apparently so hard to grasp.
When locks were first introduced, (as others pointed out) there was already a campaign in progress. The new campaigns coincided with a massive update (Elsweyr? IDR tbh).
There were no specific instructions on how the lock would function btw. Before i logged the last time, i had all of my characters (4 ep, 4 ad) in the 'main' campaign.
My crafter/max inventory character is ep. This means i log into him first, especially if it's been a few days since i played last (such as when an update needs downloaded).
After clearing my mail and whatnot, i attempted to go pvp on my ad characters, as those are my "main" pvp characters. However, when i attempted to do that, i was met with a message saying nope you can't do that while <ep character> is assigned to kaal.
"Well that's annoying," i thought to myself while logging back into my crafter, "but whatever. I'll just go abandon it real quick..."
Long story short, it cost me 400k ap just to be able to enter kaal on my ad characters, because i logged into my ep first. Then, in order to not just play in Kaal on my ad, but to actually get the transmute stones, it was another 100k ap, per character. So, that was another 400k.
Luckily i had that much ap saved up.
So my very first day dealing with this asinine faction lock cost me 800k ap, for literally nothing. I haven't been playing nearly as much lately, for various reasons, so as of today i probably have <250k ap on my whole account.
TL;DR:I had to spend literal days worth of AP because a few people swapped alliances to troll and a bunch of emotionally stunted adults couldn't deal so they whined until they got their way.
Idk how i can explain it any clearer than that. Again, i would prefer no lock at all, but at the very least the totally unnecessary cost to abandon and assign characters needs removed.
that hits the nail right on the head on Many issues that involve alliance swaping during campaigns, including Heavy cheating with scrolls and targetting and harrasing people they dont like with zone chat attacks and also pointing out stealthed players.It becomes evident during prime time, and sometimes other hours when you'll notice things like players ignoring rezzes, players not attacking certain others, groups of enemy players focusing down a single person while friendly players just watch etc. And you start to recognize the same gamertags involved. One high Alliance Rank player in my Campaign even admitted in chat that he only plays with the "OG Pact" and craps on everyone else.
This feels exactly like the Trading Guild conspiracy. Like PvP has a fight club.
Gatdangmayne wrote: »
So you guys wanna lend me 1mil ap/gold every time a campaign ends and i wanna swap over my characters?
How about just 500k so i can actually earn the end of campaign rewards for the current campaign that i can't even afford to home my characters in?
It is not free.
Solution to all problems (yea lag too).
Make more campaigns, a lot more, and limit the PLAYERS NUMBER of any campaign at 108 players (36 per faction) . You then can make alliance locked ones, free ones, cp ones, non-cp ones, people will be happy because they will play wherever they want with 0 lag and a campaign with the right number of people.