This will do nothing because people will still cram into the first campaign and end up dealing with queue times just to play there. Also, 36 per faction is literally like a guild and a half so uh yeah, enjoy the dead campaigns even more.
36 per campaign is nine small man groups, each stealthed around a resources waiting (praying) for ANYBODY to come along and try and flip it back.
What's to address? Homing a new campaign is free as long as you select, home when campaign ends.
Joy_Division wrote: »
So basically I had to blow 700,000 AP just to play with my friends for a single night to see if the game was still fun or things have changed. That is BS and indefeasible incompetence.
Joy_Division wrote: »
There is plenty to address. The system sucks and the implementation of it was incompetent. I have not PvPed since August. That's about five months ago.
So two nights ago, I decide to play with my old guild just for nostalgia's sake. They play EP. When I played last I was AD. Well, four campaigns have come and gone since I last played, so homing the "new" campaign should be free right?
No, nope, not by a long shot. Just to play one night, I had to log onto every single AD toon I own and remove them from a campaign I never joined at 100,000 AP a pop. All of them. None of them were in Cyrodiil, none of them have been active, none of them have participated in any AD Alliance war stuff in months. Even one I'm pretty sure I haven't PvPed on in years.
So basically I had to blow 700,000 AP just to play with my friends for a single night to see if the game was still fun or things have changed. That is BS and indefeasible incompetence.
But you did join those campaigns and that is why those characters are still in them. Failing to understand the rules is on you.
Alienoutlaw wrote: »pretty sure after 5 months of not playing your toons would of been timed out of cyro long ago so this statement does not stack up for me
you only get charged for re-homing if you have abandoned a campaign after setting it as home and go back to it
You home campaign never goes away on its own unless the campaign is removed by ZOS. Simply timing out of Cyro is irrelevant. You will still have to play to switch on every single character to change factions. There is a way around it, but it has to be done well in advance.
The fact that you don't think "it stacks up" shows how poorly implemented and anti-player the system is.
Joy_Division wrote: »
Since you're not a white Knight who will defend ZOS no matter how incompetent they are - who can forget when locks were first introduced people were locked out after the campaign ended - maybe you can tell me why I did not get the opportunity to home a new campaign for free even though 4 of them ended since the last time I played?
You home campaign never goes away on its own unless the campaign is removed by ZOS. Simply timing out of Cyro is irrelevant. You will still have to pay to switch on every single character to change factions. There is a way around it, but it has to be done well in advance.
The fact that you don't think "it stacks up" shows how poorly implemented and anti-player the system is.
But you did join those campaigns and that is why those characters are still in them. Failing to understand the rules is on you.
Alienoutlaw wrote: »
i have to reset my home campaign after every campaign end so this is not true
Alienoutlaw wrote: »
i have to reset my home campaign after every campaign end so this is not true
Because you have to log in, home a new campaign and select, switch for free when campaign ends. It's not an automated function.
No, you don't. You (now) have 5 minutes to leave and not be locked on that faction. You switch factions you still have to pay unlock on the other faction.
Your home doesn't reset by itself.