Chances are you're seeing small scalers or 1vXers. We generally don't fight each other open world, as it is generally a waste of time and it won't be fair fights anyways due to the laggy nature of Cyrodiil and open world builds make of things considered unfair in duels. We already duel each other a lot in Wayrest so we leave open world for smashing pugs.
So if i get that right, if you came across myself fighting alongside one of your buddies, you'd focus me and leave your buddy alone? And then the buddy wouldnt rez me and be on their merry way.
Cause that scenario happens a lot.
So if i get that right, if you came across myself fighting alongside one of your buddies, you'd focus me and leave your buddy alone? And then the buddy wouldnt rez me and be on their merry way.
Cause that scenario happens a lot.
TequilaFire wrote: »The biggest joke is saying small scalers don't zerg a single player down.
I have yet to come across a small scale group of 4 that don't all attack me at once and won't 1v1.
TequilaFire wrote: »The biggest joke is saying small scalers don't zerg a single player down.
I have yet to come across a small scale group of 4 that don't all attack me at once and won't 1v1.
I can get the salt if you get "zerged" by the same smallscale groups consistently, but why the hell do you expect people that are grouped to waste their time to 1v1 you??
Most small scale groups I know/see usually ignores solo players, but if that solo players keeps engaging and wants to be the faction hero and do a 1v4 idk what they expect would happen.....
TequilaFire wrote: »The biggest joke is saying small scalers don't zerg a single player down.
I have yet to come across a small scale group of 4 that don't all attack me at once and won't 1v1.
well small scaler need to pile up defense / in defensive mode to be able 6 vs 20. to be able to kill they need to focus 1 enemy at the time cause low damage stats / offensive window.
that is funny to complain getting 'zerged' when you 20v6.
if you happen to see 4 enemy player when you completely alone and 'not dodging them', dont complain if they attack you since you alone that mean you searching for outnumbered fight.
The way I look at it is I tend to leave solo players/other small scalers alone, but if that particular player is actually an xv1 zergling that loves to pile on me/my group when he is outnumbering, I have 0 problems zerging him down 4v1. Fair game after all. The amount of people who act 'friendly' when they are alone while in turn zerging you down every chance they get is astonishing. The "y u zerg me" whispers are even better.TequilaFire wrote: »
It proves small scalers are hypocrites and cry when multiple people chase them but they also can't have a fair fight.
I don't PVP much now days and with PVP on life support who knows if its still a thing but back in the day yes there were definitely inner circles of cross faction players lost count of how many times I would get ganked by both DC and AD players at the same time and if they got lucky and killed me teabaged by my own alliance while they chill out next to each other or the fact I used to get hate whispers all the time when I was on my AD character telling me to stop attacking DC and vice versa or i would get reported.
Jabbs_Giggity wrote: »
Lol I remember those days too!! I remember there would be one guy, presumably solo, near one of my alliance's keeps that would bait players by "pretending" to fight someone from our alliance. When you would come up to help out they would stop fighting and two more players would pop out of stealth and you would get 1v3'd while your own alliance guy watched. Then they would all T-bag you.
Those two stories are absolutely horrid. It's why I loved Mass Effect 3's Multiplayer so much. Nothing but cooperative PvE Multiplayer horde mode. Only time you played with other people was when you worked together.
PvP is the only thing left in the game that wastes my time between new content updates, but even still every time I go into Cyrodiil there's ALWAYS something that frustrates me to no end. At least though there are rare moments like last night where I kept going after this AD Templar standing on a corner tower inside Chalman waiting for fights and on my second or third attempt my Zaan's procced and we both went down in a draw cause I couldn't heal in time to save myself from his DoT. When I saw that Xbox message pop up I was expecting insults but all I got was a laugh and GG.
don't get me wrong back around Wrothgar- One Tam I had some great fights I can't remember the name of this great Mag Sorc I fought him for 15 minutes until only one of us walked away going back an forth almost killing him. both of us trying to get that one mages fury proc to finally end it being on the verge of death countless times almost like fighting my reflection so many good memories like that time I 1v1 a overconfident AD VR 16 Emp only to get jumped by his group right before I can get the kill. those salty tears I will never forget. or all the times me and Hellion would gank poor souls and just for fun double Soul Assault people to death out of stealth was the most fun Ive ever had.