Maintenance for the week of June 3:
• [IN PROGRESS] PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 3, 2:00AM EDT (6:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
· Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
· PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)

Vet Maw of Lorkhaj - Broken on Xbox One AGAIN!!!!!

    Walties99 wrote: »
    Yoooooo stream that when you do the runs. Anyone in your guilds have a twitch account? I'd like to see what's going on and track if they make any progress with the fix.

    Yea Walties, no problem.
  • Shad0wfire99
    BTW, this is happening in Sanctum as well. I froze pulling ads during the Ozara fight. A couple of dps froze at the same time.

    XBox NA
  • Vezuls
    It is happening like this:

    Maw: Constant crashes on adds before first boss and first boss. Unplayable
    HRC: Nighttime, there are numerous DCs, day time it's random freezes/crashes/DC's, but if you're lucky you won't get one.
    AA: Sometimes fine, but sometimes random crashes (not connection based)
    SO: same as AA. Least amount of crashes noticed, but it still happens. Couple runs had tanks DC.

    We can't really go for scores at the moment with all the game crashes, so the leaderboards mean nothing but "Hey, we DC'd the least, yay."

    Sucks as many are losing interest in the game because of this.
    Edited by Vezuls on March 11, 2017 6:00AM
  • Dominik154

    and PS4-SERVER?

    Game crashes also on Adds before first boss and boss fight.
    Walties99 wrote: »
    Yoooooo stream that when you do the runs. Anyone in your guilds have a twitch account? I'd like to see what's going on and track if they make any progress with the fix.

    Ill message his gamertag to you on xbone.
  • DPShiro
    So excited for monday! Maybe we will be able to play Trials again before Vvardenfell expansion :)
    ~ Gryphon Heart ~
    ~ Immortal Redeemer ~
    ~ Grand Master Crafter ~
    ~ Master Angler ~
    ~ Former Emperor ~
  • DRXHarbinger
    DPShiro wrote: »
    So excited for monday! Maybe we will be able to play Trials again before Vvardenfell expansion :)

    Hopefully you get it sorted with them dude. Might be worth setting up a twitch and broadcasting it to them too so they get to see exactly what you're seeing as well.
    PC Master Race

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  • HelenaTroyania
    DPShiro wrote: »
    So excited for monday! Maybe we will be able to play Trials again before Vvardenfell expansion :)

    Me too :smiley: Can't wait!!
  • Vezuls
    If they fix Maw in 2/3 weeks, I could live with that.
  • Ihatenightblades
    After playing Xbox since launch and working up to the top trials guild to have vmol broken again. Today I broke down and started a pc account. On a below average pc I can now say it's an absolute slap in the face to console players to see how superior pc play is. I can't believe this game can be so smooth and playable therr yet so broken on console. An immediate fix is required. Console players are not receiving the services they have paid for.

    Thats something console players need to take to Microsoft lol .

    Vezuls wrote: »
    If they fix Maw in 2/3 weeks, I could live with that.

    Anything sooner than Morrowind, I can live with. I just want to raid. We ran vmol friday night, pushed thru the dcs to rakkhat but kept losing runners or me healing at pad 2 or 3 everytime. Then started losing offtank and said forget it.
    Hopefully, zos will gather some good data on Monday.
    Edited by TARAFRAKA on March 12, 2017 10:22AM
  • DPShiro
    So excited for today ^_^

    I really hope you can localize the problem and fix it soon, as half our team doesn't want to do daily Trials, since only Sanctum Ophidia is working (well it can be completed, still have many DCs though).

    ~ Gryphon Heart ~
    ~ Immortal Redeemer ~
    ~ Grand Master Crafter ~
    ~ Master Angler ~
    ~ Former Emperor ~
  • ThetaSigma
    PS4 also has the same problem, tell your boss he needs to put more people on this or at least another person to use a client on PS4. It's taken to long already to repair, your boss has his priorities wrong.
  • RapidUrsa
    Has this been fixed yet??
    About Me
    Xbox One - EU
    Gamertag - RapidUrsa
    Overall CP - 500
  • IwakuraLain42
    ThetaSigma wrote: »
    PS4 also has the same problem, tell your boss he needs to put more people on this or at least another person to use a client on PS4. It's taken to long already to repair, your boss has his priorities wrong.

    I'm assuming that they have chosen the XBox as the test vehicle as it's probably easier to get a custom build certified from Microsoft then from Sony ;-)
  • Azicah
    I feel like all Trials became worse with the Homestead patch, with the exception of Sanctum (and even Sanctum has some lag problems). I'm going to go ahead and post what problems I have faced during all Trials.

    Hel Ra Citadel : Many disconnects during night time, and is very laggy. During the day time the disconnects are noticeablely less and there's not as much lag. However, the Trial seems really buggy, too. We managed to pull Ra Kotu (the first boss) inside the gate at the right side. I've done Hard Mode, it's working as intended, but we get a few disconnects during the Warrior.

    Aetherian Archive : Laggy, but it is tolerable and you could definitely play with it. However, this trial has an insane amount of disconnects. Disconnects in this trial is especially frustrating because of the pads we have to stand on to progress further into the Trial. I have experienced (a) group member(s) lag out to all the boss fights. However, the Wispmother boss fight has the least disconnects. Normal Veteran Aetherian Archive is working as intended, but Hard Mode Aetherian Archive is broken. During execute phase my group members and I experienced Storm Atronachs and Reflections not dying after her slam. We have also seen ground effects not disappear during execute phase. These ground effects really hurt you and managed to kill a healer because it did not go away correctly.

    Sanctum Ophidia : Without a doubt, is the best Trial to play right now. Least amount of disconnects and lag. Mechanics work as intended. However, it has some infrequent bugs and there are noticeable lag spikes in certain areas and times. These certain areas are the room before the Ozara boss fight, and the first Worldshaper in the Serpent boss fight. During the add pull before Ozara, we have experienced a few disconnects, and many people say their screens freeze. During the first Worldshaper of the Serpent, it is extremely laggy, but has never caused any disconnects. We also had the most bugs in this room. We had a Lamia teleport on top of the Serpent and explode on us, effectively wiping our group, and we still have the bug with pull totems. The pull totems drag you, but you instantly "rubber band" back. It's very annoying and caused a death.

    Maw of Lorkhaj : There is only one way to describe this trial, and its to describe it as absolutely broken. There are so many disconnects, and it happens anywhere, and literally anytime. The only way to beat the trial is to just get lucky, and have some insane DPS. We have no idea what is causing so many disconnects. Some people say it's a data leak, a lighting error, or even maybe it's an error within the code. Some people (jokingly) say it's because we can sit in the chairs now.

    This is all on XB1 NA.

  • DRXHarbinger
    Stop referring to disconnects. We aren't disconnecting. Essentially it's freezing. Game chat still works fine and audio is present. It's literally a graphics freeze to no end.
    PC Master Race

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  • Vezuls
    Stop referring to disconnects. We aren't disconnecting. Essentially it's freezing. Game chat still works fine and audio is present. It's literally a graphics freeze to no end.

    That doesn't matter. What we refer to it as is irrelevant. What matters is that we have to reload our game on the console to log back in.
  • DRXHarbinger
    Vezuls wrote: »
    Stop referring to disconnects. We aren't disconnecting. Essentially it's freezing. Game chat still works fine and audio is present. It's literally a graphics freeze to no end.

    That doesn't matter. What we refer to it as is irrelevant. What matters is that we have to reload our game on the console to log back in.

    It matters for the sake of accurate reporting. ZOS can't look into the issue when you aren't giving them the correct information. It's like saying your car is not working and cuts out when in fact it's getting hot and you are killing the power. You can't do the right job without the right tools.
    PC Master Race

    8 Flawless Toons, all Classes.
    Master Angler
    Dro-M'artha Destroyer (at last)
    Tamriel Hero
    Grand Overlord
    Every Skyshard
    Down With BOP!
  • Azicah
    Stop referring to disconnects. We aren't disconnecting. Essentially it's freezing. Game chat still works fine and audio is present. It's literally a graphics freeze to no end.

    In the paragraph I wrote, I both referred to freezing and disconnects. When I refer to disconnects I meant the game completely kicked the user out to the log in screen, or completely closed the game out for them. Sorry for the confusion if I caused any.
  • Mortehl
    Just a quick update on this: We've built a special client that we can use on live that should allow us to capture some helpful data. We plan to use it in a run with some folks on the live Xbox One server who have been consistently running into this issue. (If there's an EU guild who would be willing to help us with this on Monday or an NA guild that can do a run early, please send me a PM.) We'll keep you updated on how that goes. Also, I'm going to ping a few of you in Private Messages to get some additional data.

    @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_GinaBruno

    Jessica, this is happening in PS4 too :(. Please don't forget about us.
  • ZOS_JessicaFolsom
    Community Manager
    Mortehl wrote: »
    Jessica, this is happening in PS4 too :(. Please don't forget about us.

    We won't! We're aware that this is also happening on PS4, though it looks like it's to a slightly lesser degree. We're doing a test run to pull data on Xbox One since the issue seems to be happening more frequently on that platform.

    Jessica Folsom
    Associate Director of Community - ZeniMax Online Studios
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    Staff Post
  • ThyMorningGlory
    If you need more volunteers many Twelve Deep members have expressed interest in showing you how broken trials are in their current state.
    Edited by ThyMorningGlory on March 13, 2017 9:13PM
    Butterflyy Wing
  • Orbital
    One of the devs joined our team for maw tonight he was really nice!! appalled at the frame rate we put up with, it's definitely not working as intended he actually froze / disconnected the most out of us. I just hope he got the information needed and we can see a fix soon!
    Edited by Orbital on March 14, 2017 2:46AM
    Proud Member Of Vitality
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  • Chronicburn
    Vuzion wrote: »
    At least we can sit in the chairs now, right?

    And we can roleplay in our beautiful 10,000 crown houses!

    Totally useless houses ...
  • Vezuls
    Hopefully they fix this soon and got the information they needed!!
  • Shad0wfire99
    Orbital wrote: »
    One of the devs joined our team for maw tonight he was really nice!! appalled at the frame rate we put up with, it's definitely not working as intended he actually froze / disconnected the most out of us. I just hope he got the information needed and we can see a fix soon!

    I've never been happier about hearing about a game crash. Encouraging, almost.

    XBox NA
    Orbital wrote: »
    One of the devs joined our team for maw tonight he was really nice!! appalled at the frame rate we put up with, it's definitely not working as intended he actually froze / disconnected the most out of us. I just hope he got the information needed and we can see a fix soon!

    I've never been happier about hearing about a game crash. Encouraging, almost.

  • Vezuls
    @ZOS_JessicaFolsom Did you all get enough information?
  • DPShiro
    From our run last night with a developer, he said he got enough information about the issues. So we can only hope for a quick hot fix so we can play again.

    It's so broken it's not even funny, when we started 2 people froze in vMoL lobby, 4 others at he first add pull and on the second Sun Eater 8 more froze. Even the developer froze and crashed a few times.
    ~ Gryphon Heart ~
    ~ Immortal Redeemer ~
    ~ Grand Master Crafter ~
    ~ Master Angler ~
    ~ Former Emperor ~
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