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About the "Halls of Torment" quest and difficulty!

  • LadyLothi
    Go in with full ultimate, atronauch. Pet can get her occupied pretty well.

    This is how I did this without any problems at the recommended level.

    I went in with a full deadric skill set, resto staff and HP food. I took Abnur Tharn for no other reason than that I hate Lyris' incessant whining and love Abnur's snarkiness.

    I took my bound armor, threw an atronach in the face of the respective doppelgangers, shielded the pets with conjured ward and damaged the enemies with daedric curse, always making sure I had enough mana to recast the pets if necessary.

    Although I'm pretty sure I will have a hell of a time doing that with a melee character, with no pets as helpers and a useless NPC who doesn't tank.
    "It's easy, a child of five could do it. Unfortunately, we don't have a child of five, so I have to walk YOU through it." Abnur Tharn <3
  • martinb16_ESO80
    But, does this not show the problem with the fight? For a sorcerer with a tank pet and multiple AOE options it is easy, but a main specced healer with only single-target dps skills leveled it will be near impossible. Why? The fight tends to bug out with several orbs appearing (like six or eight instead of four) , or orbs not being targetable or the boss or you being stuck on furniture while you need to run into melee range to kill each orb.

    If you can stand back at range it is so much easier. Reading other comments this seems to be a build test that even later bosses, including the last boss, do not have.
    Edited by martinb16_ESO80 on May 13, 2014 11:22AM
  • snusmumriken71b16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    I'm also under the impression that they've gimped this one somewhat. Having already started this quest before reading here, I got "hesitant" to say the least whether to even try the Lyris fight as a lvl 31 DPS Templar (with only the ultimate as AOE). But the fight was tough but manageable; I made it on the third attempt, which I think is quite fair for main quest boss fight.

    The tactics were the same a with Doshia, except that the bigger room made it a little easier to handle the orbs and stay out of the way from her. I always took care of the orbs whenever they appeared, and tried to stay out of the way from Lyris as much as possible. When the latter failed, I was lucky to have a healing spell instantly available, but I think I could have managed with potions only as well. I tried to keep my stamina on a level to allow dodging all the time, and tried to keep it cool, eating her down slowly.
  • bootsnboards
    Soul Shriven
    Rad wrote: »
    I dunno if this is the way to go, or if I exploited the thing. Tharn never leaves the platform, so I kept shooting him with my Silver Bolt, and killing the skeletons who came after me in melee, making sure there never was two at the same time.

    This took me a good while since the bolts chew stamina but I don't have any other ranged ability. One time I got a bit to far and Tharn reset, but in the end it was doable. During all this Lyris stood in front of me and just watched with her weapon on the back.

    This was not a fun fight, nor did it feel right. I also feel sorry for the poor sod entering this with no ranged ability at all.

    *Edit: I'll preface this by saying that this wasn't directed at you, Rad... I quoted the wrong post... You are a clear example of what I AM talking about when it comes to ppl actually seeing whats happening and being able to figure out how to overcome it. *end edit

    This is directed at every melee heavy player out there who takes Lyris on this quest and then has trouble completing it... why would you pick Lyris? The fact that you don't have the sense to pick the ranged character to augment your melee speaks volumes... For God's sakes, you can't expect the game to play itself for you...

    Sorry guys... but this quest is perfectly doable. This is my 4th time through this quest (across characters of several diff classes)... I have yet to have any problem with it aside from some lagginess and bugginess. The difficulty of the quest is just fine. Some of ya'll need to stop overestimating your ability to play the game though and re-evaluate how you're going about what you are trying to do... Apparently dead giveaways like taking a melee comp vs ranged comp is too technical and difficult a decision to make correctly. If that's the case, it isn't the game. Its you.

    I do apologize for being insulting, but I'm sorry.... Sometimes someone needs to put a fire in your ass. You don't get a trophy just for trying, but some of ya'll still think you deserve one. You want the game adjusted to you, rather than you actually spending more time thinking about how to play the game. Even moreso for some of ya'll that clearly state you tried the quest at level 30, failed, came back at level 37 and STILL FAIL, yet made NO major changes to your skill loadout... For hell's sakes does that need to be spelled out any more clearly?

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Trolling & Baiting]
    Edited by ZOS_ShannonM on June 2, 2014 5:23AM
  • Ysne58
    Do stop being snarky to those of us who cannot beat harvesters. The devs need to fix them.

    Also Tharn Doppleganger does move from the platform. I find him easy to defeat but cannot beat Lyris the harvester.

    I also cannot beat the harvester in the level 43 quest, although I am able to survive long enough to see what is wrong with them so that I was actually able to file bug reports.

    The harvester is the only type I cannot beat in these solo quests. It's because she spams her attacks way more often than she should be able to and the bug that causes my attacks to never fire off.

    I still do not understand the reason for forcing any solo content that blocks off access to other parts of the game the way the main quest does. This is a truly stupid design choice. Please don't bother trying to tell me this is a skill check. I don't buy that argument.
    Edited by Ysne58 on June 1, 2014 8:04PM
  • bootsnboards
    Soul Shriven
    skill check in terms of ability to use skills? less so... more of a skill check in terms of ability to see things occur and turn that into a skill loadout that can overcome the situation? Yes... ppl being able to consistently succeed at these quests at the minimum level with all class types speaks for itself.

    That being said, there are certainly still plenty of bugs, balance issues, etc. In those cases filing the bug report is all you can do for the time being.

    The reason I'm here posting this is because I just ran the entire thing again on yet another character... this time a 31 sorc, and am, again, scratching my head as to what the problems can be for ppl. All I can assume is that ppl are married to a specific spec type and expecting he game to adjust to them, rather than the other way around (in most cases). In other cases there really are just some game mechanics issues that are bugging out, etc.
  • Whisper292
    I didn't have much trouble with Tharn, but my vampire Breton DK wasn't able to defeat the Lyris doppelganger until I was up to level 41 or 42. Silver Bolts was a big help, especially with the orbs, which were the key to the whole thing. If you can get rid of the orbs, she doesn't heal. Just keep in mind that Silver Bolts uses a lot of stamina, so eat something to boost stamina beforehand and quick slot some stamina potions.

    I did melee her with dual swords, used Drain Essence and fire attacks; plus I did a lot of roll dodges--not easy because of all the stuff sitting on the floor around her--and I finally just wore her down. I was giddy for about an hour and a half after that.

    Once she was dead, the final boss was so easy that I don't even remember what it was. Really weird.
    Love all, trust few, do wrong to no one. - William Shakespeare
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