About the "Halls of Torment" quest and difficulty!

  • CaffeinatedMayhem
    I finally beat Lyris, but on my husbands gaming PC (way more than "recommended" hardware). On my crappy computer ( "recommended" hardware ), the enemies move much faster than I do. On his PC, it's the opposite. Made all the difference in the world. Level 40 DK, Ardent Flame with level 40 armor and weapons.
  • Moraisu
    This is the quest that made me have my "*** this *** moment", I literally said that (in my native language, that is). Now, bear with me on this, for the reason that I had said moment is not only due to the difficulty of the quest itself, but how that quest has reinforced some notions that I had about the game, culminating in removing the game from my SSD to my HDD and giving room to Battlefield 4 and Final Fantasy XIV (I have small, 120GB, SSD).

    - The companion's brain dead AI, now, let me say on record that I understand how this is not a big deal, it's just for some quests (the rest of them were easy so the horrible AI didin't bother me at all), but... for that particular quest, that was infuriating!

    - The lag and lack of real response of your actions, maybe it's just me that had a bow at the time and other weapons and abilities don't seem that sluggish, but for me, with a bow equipped, it was so annoying (maybe for NA players on the NA servers that is not noticeable, but for EU players playing on the "EU" servers, that are located in NA the lag something that is very present);

    - Who the hell designed that quest? Seriously? A teleporting, self-healing, AOE boss? I bet that the same guy at Zenimax Online that had the brilliant idea to do maintenance at fridays on prime-time is the same on that created this quest, and that reminded me of how most of the quests are just dull, they are not bad and there are some great quests but most of them are dull;

    - The way the game "scrubbed" in your face that you are playing a single-player game first, a MMO second, it's a MMO and what do you do with your main quest-line? You make it single-player only! That's when it hit me, the bloody game was made a single-player game first and then they added extra stuff to market is as a MMO!

    That's the overall feel of this game for me, its a single-player RPG with some Co-OP elements in the form of Group Dungeons, because besides Group Dungeons and poorly made Daedra Anchors... what does this game have to make it worth be called a MMO?! (yes, I know about the PVP).

    And you know the "funny" part? Boring long voice-acted quests are worst that short, simple, kill quests, due to your "preception" of the quest, in the old "silent" MMO kill quests you know what to expect but when you add voice-acting to something you notice the NPC dialog, and that's great but if the NPC spouts terrible and poorly delivered dialog and you start to notice that most NPCs sound the same... it starts to ruin the experience.

    I love voice-acting in MMOs, but when done right, take The Old Republic for example, now that's some grade A writing and voice-acting!
    Edited by Moraisu on April 27, 2014 4:52PM
  • crislevin
    Soloeus wrote: »
    My problem is with Lyris Doppleganger, I am a level 37 Breton Sorc Vampire. I am not allowed to try Tharn because the game doesn't let you change your mind, and I don't think he would help anyway. My problems are associated with:

    1. dying in 1 hit, and losing all my armor.
    2. orbs not taking damage, taking too long to kill.
    3. being auto-stun no matter where on the screen I am in relation to her.
    4. her wave auto-hits me no matter where i am on the screen.
    5. ally lyris does nothing but twaddle her fingers and hair.
    6. resto/destro staff always miss, or hit wrong target. I try to hit the orb but my staff locks on to the boss instead.
    7. orbs appearing right next to the boss.

    Every thread and zone chat conversation I have seen says that non-sorcerers didn't have much trouble, and sorcerers had to wait until level 40+, took 45 mins at that, and still struggled hard.

    This is a serious balance issue.
    I was a Breton sorc, i died once too, then i decided to summon the pet, it works wonders.
    Go in with full ultimate, atronauch. Pet can get her occupied pretty well.
  • Robocles
    Stax wrote: »
    Just burned through this at level 32 on my Battle Mage! Destroyed Tharn in 45 seconds. Died once on the Lyris Doppelganger. Bulk of my gear was level 26 with one exception being a blue 32 greatsword.

    While I believe you beat it, you didn't kill Tharn in 45 seconds. Spec/method if you want to still claim you did.
  • Soriana
    Was able to complete this on my two handed dps/tank dragonknight although I did a ton of switching back and forth between my bow and my greatsword. It seems I got lucky and wasn't hit with the invisible Lyris attack bug. I did die once and spent three quarters of the time running away with less than half health. It is an incredibly hard fight that I had to come back to when I was level 35.
  • hauke
    tharn is easy once i understood the fight mechanics, 1. he does not move. 2nd he got an attack routine, call skeleton big aerea attack, do nothing aerea attack skeleton etc, you can simply stay out of aerea attack as he doesent move .

    so stay out of aerea kill skelleton then whittle at tharn, get out of aerea(or use distance attack like bow) and its rather easy, i have silver bolt which makes it very easy
  • Xithian
    I played a 1h/shield heavy armor nightblade all the way through the game. When I see threads like this I am thankful that I played as a tank. These fights weren't even notable to me and I did them at the level I got them. There was one main story quest that killed me, and even then it was only two deaths and only because I did not know the mechanics of the fight.

    I'm going to have to play through the game again as a squishy.
  • fried_funk
    Dear guys at ZOS, it seems you really need to fix this, I abandoned it on level (lvl 30NB), now I'm returning at level 40 but, from what I've read here, I think things won't change much... This is seriously unbalanced and, being a main line quest only doable in solo you need to make it...doable ! I know the quest is named "Halls of Torment" and you did want to torment us with this, but enough is enough... I'll try it one more time tomorrow but, if I won't be able to go through, I'll wait until news arrive that you have fixed this. At least, in the other MMO I was playing before this (and I still play, occasionally), there are main line quests you can so in solo or group, and difficulty scaled accordingly (giving you a buff if you chose to do them in the "solo" version). In this case I think you just need to nerf the bosses a bit (...well, a good deal !), it's not that difficult, you can do it with the next update.
  • Pchela
    What happens if we just choose to skip the main story quests? I'm a level 41 NB and STILL can't do this danged Lyris Doppleganger.
  • kasain
    I am rank 1 veteran. I tried this fight at 36, 42, 27, and V1. Even at 37, I could down Than in 45 seconds. I am a sor. I would crystal shard 3x, stampede uppercut 3x, use stamina potion, uppercut 2x, he would die.

    He wouldn't even get off skeletons due to the 4.5 sec stun of each uppercut.

    But I can't beat Lyris. I do know even on low settings my computer has issues with this game. I can run into areas and the enemies wont't show or npc/walls. This in turn makes it when walls do appear you must use stuck.

    This affects this fight. She not only has the balls that heal, but has that one move to bind you, and the other to take all your HP. And I am on the final assault, beat mages and fighters guild 100% storylines. Beat sigfud the giant duo with a one npc at 37, beat so many other bosses. But with her it's useless.

    Please fix this, and the final assault jump , light bug so I can enjoy the storyline quest.
  • Kendaric
    bees83 wrote: »
    What happens if we just choose to skip the main story quests? I'm a level 41 NB and STILL can't do this danged Lyris Doppleganger.

    You can't access the veteran zones, as they require to have cmpleted the main quest. You can still get veteran ranks by PvPing though as far as I know (even though it's probably a lot slower).

      PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!. Outfit slots not being accountwide is ridiculous given their price. PC EU/PC NA roleplayer and solo PvE quester
    • kasain
      Yes, once you lvl 50 you get V rank. I have beat this type of boss for the fighters guild last boss quest. Then in another spot in cold harbor. But Lyris in this quest zone is extremely tough. I really can't even say my dmg output goes higher from a lvl 37- VR1 rank weapon on her.

      I do think lag has an issue with me in game as I am in Asia and playing on NA server. Probably why loading towns and npcs takes forever. As well as delay in fights. But she is way overpowered.
    • hauke
      ok i got experience in hall of torments, it can be a real torment
      1st i did it with my wizard.. lightning and a winged twighlight matron 1st doppelganger was dificult, died 2 times before i killed him, 2nd doppelganger.. spamned aerea effect and got him real nice with my ultimate about 45 second fight. end game was a joke

      2nd character templer.. tried it 1st time at lvl 30 died
      tried it about every 2nd level until i was lvl 38 impossible
      then i got clues from the forum and managed to kill the ***
      but it was a hard fight.. at lvl 38

      3d character lvl 32 dragonknight
      .. i know the ***
      no problem
    • fried_funk
      Just retried this (40 NB) after 1.0.6 patch and it seems ZOS heard and they must have definitely done something (even if not declared in release notes, at least I didn't notice anything) and I breezed through it. Lyris was able to actually fight (until she had energy of course..), I did Tharn doppel ranged (swapping to 2H when Lyris was overwhelmed and they started coming at me), then hadn't many problems with the Harvester-morphed Lyris doppel, the first time balls popped, a couple of Steel Tornadoes were enough to blow all of 'em and leave her unhealed..a few more blows took her down. Duchess of Anguish fight is still as easy as it seemed to be before. Well I think I must thank ZOS this time for they seem to have heard the community.
      Edited by fried_funk on April 30, 2014 10:11AM
    • AngryNord
      fried_funk wrote: »
      Just retried this (40 NB) after 1.0.6 patch

      Quite interesting, given that that patch hasn't been Applied yet...

    • fried_funk
      I'm sorry, you are right, that happened this morning after maintenance and I thought they applied patch during that, instead it will happen tomorrow for EU server...
    • thkn777
      Soul Shriven
      I tried to beat Lyris Doppelganger a few times with me being lvl31/32 Templar and Lyris as my helper NPC.

      As long as you keep Lyris at good health, she will attack or at least "tank" the boss. The moment you grab aggro from the boss it's like that for me:

      - I can't outrun her after the first few dodges/blocks
      - If I am close to her, she stuns me frequently
      - I found no way to CC her, interrupting doesn't seem to work
      - silver bolts are useless
      - even if Lyris Titanborn gets heals from me she still just stands there
      - spheres needs several hits to kill and spawn very often. I tried to DoT them, used Puncturing strike, resto staff light and heavy attacks, 1h weapon... And my skill level with those is around my char level, I've got green gear mostly with a few blues mixed in
      - I can play hide and seek at pillars... But then she just spawns spheres and is at full health

      Will try to follow some advices in this post, but since I had the same problem with Doshia before I guess the only solution is wait 10 levels, go back and kill.

      I don't want to 1-shot that boss, I like the harder fights, I moved skills around and tried different tactics. Give a way to outplay her and I am in. I had problems with the 1st boss in the beginning until I realized, that this is a solo fight and Lyris won't help me. Adjusted to that and it's ok now.

      So I know already, that the 2nd boss fight is a solo fight for like 90%... So if you are a Templar and killed her - what skills worked for you and what tactics?
    • SootyTX
      The thing that got me through the Lyris fight was Silver Bolts morphed to hit multiple targets. As a medium armour, S&B dps DK, I'm able to unload some good burst damage, get a couple of dots ticking then kite a bit for dragon blood to heal me until she goes into aoe>healing orbs phase. 2 shots from silver bolts takes care of the orbs and its back to starting the damage cycle.

      One of the worst parts of this is the sheer number of stupid little chairs, stools and twigs you can get stuck on (that a real person would simply brush through or knock flying).

      Tharn had me yelling at the screen for a couple of minutes as I couldn't see what the hell was going on due to the starting position up on that platform and the way the camera hits things, so I ended up pulling him off into the wider area and it made it a lot easier to tell what was going on.
    • MortTholar
      I did this quest yesterday at Lvl 32 as a dualwielding medium armor wearing Nightblade.

      I would describe me as a mediocre player at best. I didn't die once, but the Lyris Doppelgänger was a pretty close encounter. I managed to AoE the orbs barely before they could hit home and killed her right after the first orb wave.

      I had Tharn with me and he was a pretty good help. He spammed spells at his Doppelganger at a pretty good frequency and he pulled the aggro from Lyris for the first half of the fight.

      So, I don't know if they patched the quest, but I don't understand how people can get stuck right now if they're a bit overleveled.

    • Heraclea
      Level 38 is apparently not high enough to kill the Lyris doppelganger; not as a tanking DK at any rate. You basically have one chance to take her down; if she respawns, she's at full health in the marilith/daedra form, and you will make no headway at all.
      Hircine loves me, this I know,
      Your intestines told me so.

      Quæ tam fera immanisque natura? - Cicero
    • Kilara
      wow, what a relief to hear i'm not the only one having trouble here!

      i'm a lvl 31 light armor templar, destro and restro staff. I just spent the last 20min failing at this quest - i can't even down tharn doppelganger.

      I chose tharn to come with me - he is useless. he fights for the first 20secs, and then just stands around, picking his nose. after first death, he was bugged and sat at 8% health, so i relogged. he had full health, but still no success... the skeletons only target me, and block all my attacks - i'm swarmed by 3 of them and die, and tharn doppelganger still has 35% health.

      and the lag and combat unresponsiveness make this an absolute nightmare - weapon switch takes forever, self-heals not popping, cc breaks not registering..., no wonder i'm getting creamed. they really need to sort out this stuff - it feels as if combat is MUCH more sluggish in this instance than anywhere else in open world/other dungeons...

      oh well, i guess i'll come back in a couple of levels - if I can't even get past him, no way will I manage Lyris! ;)
      Edited by Kilara on May 3, 2014 12:31PM
    • euphorb
      Soul Shriven
      I'm stuck on the Lyris doppelganger, and on another quest that has the same type of snake lady. I know about nuking the spheres, blah blah blah, but they don't always take damage when I hit them. I'm tired of dying endlessly and spending thousands on gear repair.
    • martinb16_ESO80
      In did this at lvl 33 sorc, and I did have issues with the Lyris doppleganger fight. I never died but the problem for me was to actually target the orbs. Also, the stupid chairs often stopped me from dodging out of the AOE. And the boss was immune to silver bolts, and yes, I also had Lyris who was not a great help.

      I finally saved mana for downing the orbs with Mage's Wrath, when she was at 50% I popped Atronach and went full out and killed her.

      Compared to the first and the last fight this was incredible hard, especially the last boss was down in second whereas with Lyris I ran around her in circles for several minutes.

      I still enjoyed the fight but I would not like to try that on a main-specced healer. The horror.
    • Svann
      Did no one use Tharn? He was fairly useful and worked, and he helped me a fair bit.

      So why is everybody using Lyris?

      Because I didnt know she would suck and the game doesnt allow me to change my mind. She grabs agro then stands right in the aoe till she cant fight anymore.
      Edited by Svann on May 8, 2014 5:26AM
    • Heraclea
      Finally managed to get past this at level 43. Tharn Doppelganger and the final boss went down in seconds; Lyris doppelganger as usual was the only issue. Having the purple anti-daedra sword probably helped, and I held off doing this until I could equip it.

      I don't have the option of attacking from range; never done much with bows or any of the caster staffs.
      Hircine loves me, this I know,
      Your intestines told me so.

      Quæ tam fera immanisque natura? - Cicero
    • KerinKor
      Totally ridiculous set of fights, the first two are insane as pretty much every post here says, while the final is completely anti-climactic.

      ZOS, I know you have stats showing just how horrible this quest is and how many people fail it 5+ levels over-level, you 'retuned' Doshia, time to do it again here.
    • chris.steingenb16_ESO
      The difficulty is ridiculous.
      I am lvl 35. FIVE levels over the suggested level. I got ZERO xp for any kills in there.

      My companion (Lyris) is NOT doing anything. Most of the times she is just standing there and got beat up. Great!

      After I barely managed the first fight after 10 tries. I found the follow Doppelganger boss totally mindless hard to survive the 2nd state. To a point were I frustrated left the game directly.

      This is absolutly super stupid Zenimax. Really really bad.
    • kasain
      This boss is in at least four more quest. This is the hardest one though. Even on the way to Molag bai there is one. In fighters guild is one, and I recall many of these in one zoe just walking around and agro you as you quest. Worst mob in game.

      Even the titans dragons are a joke. Molag bal would been so much harder if he summoned four or five of these instead of dragons. few people would of beat that.
    • Sakiri
      Well this quest cost me my game buddy.

      If hes done Im done.

    • serenatyangel
      I play a NB healer and thought the quest was challenging and fun. I was level 32 with only lvl 26 gear on at time. The Lyris fight was by far the longest one, I don't have much for AoE atm except my ultimate so the orbs were a challenge, I had to put restore staff shield up and pop each one as fast as can then refocus on boss. The Tharn boss was slightly annoying with the skeles, but no biggy and the last boss ended up being the easiest of the bunch for me. I brought Lyris with me thinking a tank would be useful, but I can't remember her being that way lol.

      They may have lowered the difficulty on it since you all did it, I don't know.
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