About the "Halls of Torment" quest and difficulty!

Hi all! I'm stuck with this quest, i can't beat the Abnur Tharn doppelganger. Anyone else know what tactics is best for this guy?

I'm a heavy armor dualwielding sorcerer! :)
Edited by Maotti on April 11, 2014 10:39PM
  • Rad
    Since I knew these stupid superman bosses can be hard I waited untill 35 before entering this 30 quest. My Heavy/Med armor an gear is 32+ and I've tried both shield/sword and 2-handed. I can barely scratch the guy.

    Either I focus on Tharn, and get chewed up byt skeletons as nothing seems to stop them from spawning. 3 chopping at you from the back hurts. Or you go for skeletons and get instagibbed by tharns spells (he killed me when I had half health)

    I'm no mage, I have the dragonheart ability but then it's all weapon, and I can't do this. Any tips and tricks on how to do this? Am I missing something?

    The difficulty of these forced solo quests and the armor rapair bill makes me a bit moody right now.
  • Rad
    I dunno if this is the way to go, or if I exploited the thing. Tharn never leaves the platform, so I kept shooting him with my Silver Bolt, and killing the skeletons who came after me in melee, making sure there never was two at the same time.

    This took me a good while since the bolts chew stamina but I don't have any other ranged ability. One time I got a bit to far and Tharn reset, but in the end it was doable. During all this Lyris stood in front of me and just watched with her weapon on the back.

    This was not a fun fight, nor did it feel right. I also feel sorry for the poor sod entering this with no ranged ability at all.
  • TheMoDiiFii3r
    effing quest made me hate Lyris from 0% to 110% in a second
  • Daggers
    This quest is ridiculous. I managed to kill Tharn as L32 NB (no thanks to Lyris who just stands there like a dumb bot), but then when it came to the doppleganger, it wiped the floor with me over and over - two of those times it didn't even have any attack animation or audio so you couldn't fight it effectively anyway. Lyris meanwhile was warming her hands by the campfire in the middle of the room.

    Shoddy workmanship, and removed all desire to play for the rest of the day, but it at least inspired me to go work on my Elric game instead.
    The best things in life make you sweaty.
  • SgtPepperUK
    Almost got carpal tunnel syndrome from trying to fight off the skeles and I've still failed the fight. Lyris, who I assume is meant to assist, just stands there, very occasionally doing something.

    Love this game but ZoS need to fix crap like this, npc helpers just don't help half the time :(
    Edited by SgtPepperUK on April 13, 2014 10:03AM
  • Maotti
    Ok, i've been stuck with this quest for a long time and Tharn and his skeletons are still eating me for dinner! I'm level 35 and this is still not doable! I also belivie this quest is highly bugged seeing as there are buttonlags over several seconds where i can't do anything at all!

    And Lyris is totally useless!

    @ZOS_JessicaFolsom‌: Is this quest meant to be like this? Or is it really bugged?

    Edited by Maotti on April 16, 2014 8:38PM
    PC EU
  • anthony_s_kingb14_ESO
    okay...Tharn dopleganger I didn't have too hard of a time...wittled him down slowly as I fought the skeles..I'm a 30 Templar all heavy...main heal/2H dps build...the Lyris dopleganger...<sigh> wipes me up everytime! a Doisha on steroids...really? c'mon ZOS, give us a break! at least fix the NPC help!! Lyris stands there like a bump on the log...help us out!!
  • LedHed
    Soul Shriven
    I'm a Level 35 Dragon Knight with all heavy armor currently at 43 and I use a sword and shield (ZELDA MOFOS) this is rated at 44. My Ardent Flame is at 39 with the Burning Breath III and I have custom made equipment. I still can't beat the final boss. This quest would really have pissed me off if I tried at LvL 30.... Oh wait, I DID

    My Attributes are as follows: 11 | 14 | 10 this is because I use a mixture of Burning Breath III and Pierece Armor IV, plus I have to double as a tank some times even though I am really a DPS setup.
    Edited by LedHed on April 16, 2014 11:09PM
  • Butchtaylor909
    tried this on my lvl 31 Temp (5 light 2 heavy destro and rest staff, 19 magicka and 11 health). i can normally chew through most lvl 30 "elite" (or what ever the one red dot before and after the name is) with little dificulty so initally thought this would be a fairly straight forward quest.

    I managed the Tharn doppleganger after 3 deaths got through to the Lyris one and having the same problems everyone else is one she morphed. Mob went from 20% health to 100% health whilst it had me immobile for a second. trying to run round dodging everything she casts at me whilst hitting the orbs and watching your helper do NOTHING is fun!!! died twice and rage quit the mission. i was going to try it again later but having seen this thread dont think i will bother for a good few lvls yet.
    Edited by Butchtaylor909 on April 17, 2014 9:48AM
  • ZiRM
    I was down to the last boss in the center (a big dragon looking thing)... and he glitched and fell through the map. He had a sliver of health left....
    Guess what support did, they abandoned the quest for me and that was there way of helping me and fixing the problem.
    Want to become Vampire? 5k @ZiRM in game.
    ESO Server Status. ( ^_^)o自自o(^_^ ) SkåL!!!!!
  • Iviene
    Soul Shriven
    I managed to finish the quest yesterday.
    It seems that Lyris went crazy and did nothing because of the torment of Sai Hadan. She did nothing than look at me the whole fights.

    The copy of tharn:
    He never leaves the platform. I fought the skeletons in a little distance and used the fireballs of the templar class to whittle Tharn down.

    The Lyris Doppelgänger was a little bit like the fighters guild start quest. Kill the orbs that come, and whittle her down.

    The rest was easy going. My templar is a tank with a load of healing abilities. I think that has made it for me.

  • xahn178
    Destroying the orbs before she (the Lyris doppleganger) can absorb them is the key to this fight. Using a bow will make this much easier and you can kite her around (it's a bit slow to kill her like this, but it works). The orbs also heal both ways (if you're close enough after destroying them, you get healed).
  • Captainkrunch96
    Did no one use Tharn? He was fairly useful and worked, and he helped me a fair bit.

    So why is everybody using Lyris?
    Edited by Captainkrunch96 on April 18, 2014 9:49PM
  • NetViperX
    Same trouble here, I just spent a full 30 minutes pounding on Lyris and it only took one heal orb getting through to undo five minutes worth of hammering. Some of the orbs also did not die when hit, only taking a tiny amount of damage and kept moving towards the doppleganger. The entire time my npc helper just stood there and did nothing.
  • Gwarok
    ZOS set this quest as a lvl 30 quest. Because of previous experiences getting these "The Prophet quests" and having my arse literally handed to me at "recommended level", I first attempted this at once 32 then at 4 times so far @ 34 as a DK.

    Well long story short I chose Lyris as my companion and, (sarcasm on) The Dev that thought it was funny to set this quest as a level 30 quest owes me 1843 gold in repair bills (sarcasm off). Lyris is WORTHLESS in this fight and it SUCKS the quest cant be abandoned and reacquired so we can switch to taking Tharn instead. *sigh* I guess I'll have to wait til 36 and maybe even as late as 38 to complete this one.

    (UPDATE): I was finally able to complete @ lvl 37 (including a respec and consolidating skill points...which cost me roughly 11 THOUSAND gold, I might add), still sucked though because you have to start it all over again BUT it doesn't give you the option of switching out the companion before leaving Harborage.
    Edited by Gwarok on April 28, 2014 12:31AM
    "Strive for balance of all things. When the scales tip to one side or the other, someone or somethings gets short-changed. When someone gets short-changed, unpredictability and strife unbalance the world around us...To achieve freedom from greed, from want, and from strife, all parties in any exchange MUST find balance." -House Hlaalu's Philosophy of Trade

    "I am ALWAYS very busy, so I KNOW what's best. You need to stay away from the waterfall. TRUST ME, you're better off keeping busy than playing in the stream....Do you know how to swim, Little Scrib?"

    "I am but a simple farmer". -Rags'nar LodesBroke


    ...it is nor hand, nor foot,
    Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part
    Belonging to a man.
    O, be some other name!
    What's in a name?
    That which we call a rose?
    By any other name would smell as sweet.
    Retain that dear perfection to which he owes...
    (Act II, Scene II -William Shakespeare's: Romeo & Juliet -1595 A.D.)

  • Zarec
    Gwarok wrote: »
    ZOS set this quest as a lvl 30 quest. Because of previous experiences getting these "The Prophet quests" and having my arse literally handed to me at "recommended level", I first attempted this at once 32 then at 4 times so far @ 34 as a DK.

    Well long story short I chose Lyris as my companion and, (sarcasm on) The Dev that thought it was funny to set this quest as a level 30 quest owes me 1843 gold in repair bills (sarcasm off). Lyris is WORTHLESS in this fight and it SUCKS the quest cant be abandoned and reaquired so we can switch to taking Tharn instead. *sigh* I guess I'll have to wait til 36 and maybe even as late as 38 to complete this one.

    Spoiler: as a lvl 38 NB I still get my ass handed to me. I've kind of just abandoned the main story line for the time being.
    Edited by Zarec on April 23, 2014 3:49PM
  • Pchela
    Same here ^^. I've respec'd and everything. I can take out world bosses my level, but not this boss.
  • CaffeinatedMayhem
    I agree with previous posters. Using a ranged attack on Abner Tharn is good, and works. I still have no idea on how to beat Lyris. Either weapon I use, she snares me in place so I can barely turn to defeat the health balls (bow, sword or silver bullets). If you miss even one she is fully healed. For me, the balls sometimes stop my health regeneration completely! When I beat Doshia for the fighters guild, she took a lot more damage from Silver bullets. I guess that was removed as part of "reducing" her powers?

    I can't throw off her snares with Shuffle, and since I can't run away, she just sits in front of me, whaling on me while I'm trying to destroy the orbs and die. Abner is my companion and while he initially does a bit, once his health is deleted (which is rather quickly) he just sits there. I'm level 38. This is a level 30 quest. Guess I'm not finishing the story, ever.
    Edited by CaffeinatedMayhem on April 23, 2014 10:02PM
  • alterfenixeb17_ESO
    Agreed that Lyris fight is way too much really but there is one thing that you can use in order to make it easier. Atleast for me it worked:

    1. Speed of balls is always the same regardless what player or Lyris does
    2. Lyris never charges player but always tends to go melee
    3. Little AOE helps - no need for much of it

    Basically balls spawn away from Lyris and not in one place. Lyris moves faster than balls so just move to any ball that spawns and kill it. This can buy up to several seconds (with some luck). Also try to avoid cc - it may be hard but definitely can be done. From what I have noticed your position when Lyris casts her spells matter (like in don't stand straight in front of her and also try to move away a bit).

    Still I think that this fight needs come attention from devs. It's, let's call it, overdesigned really
  • alterfenixeb17_ESO
    I can't throw off her snares with Shuffle, and since I can't run away, she just sits in front of me, whaling on me while I'm trying to destroy the orbs and die. Abner is my companion and while he initially does a bit, once his health is deleted (which is rather quickly) he just sits there. I'm level 38. This is a level 30 quest. Guess I'm not finishing the story, ever.
    It may be tough to avoid it but each time she casts it there is animation. When it starts just drop it and move away. If you stay in one place then you die. if you move before spell is casted then you should be able to dodge it.

  • Elember
    Ok after reading this thread I took the right companion and chose Tharn to go with me. The other day a sweet purple bow dropped for me which steals life and does magic damage so I think using the tactics of shooting at Tharn from a distance may just work to get past him however Lyris...gods above I don't know what I will do about her...I am a Nightblade dual wield spec'ed and the best damage I do is up close and personal though I do have silver bolts.
  • PointMaid

    What he said!

    "Still I think that this fight needs some attention from devs. It's, let's call it, overdesigned really"

    Mandatory SOLO quests should be SOLOable at the level where experience is granted. Those of us with primarily ranged attacks are pretty much always going to want to have a tank, and choose Lyris, who is as adept at this battle as a pet rock.

    Either Lyris needs to be more effective, or the quest needs to be adjusted.

  • Elember
    PointMaid wrote: »
    What he said!

    "Still I think that this fight needs some attention from devs. It's, let's call it, overdesigned really"

    Mandatory SOLO quests should be SOLOable at the level where experience is granted. Those of us with primarily ranged attacks are pretty much always going to want to have a tank, and choose Lyris, who is as adept at this battle as a pet rock.

    Either Lyris needs to be more effective, or the quest needs to be adjusted.

    Seriously, I do not understand MMO developers fascination with forced solo content in an MMO. All quests should allow people to bring some help if they want that AND if you are all at the same stage of the quest you should be able to complete it together.

    Anything less then that is lazy MMO game design and if they can only design the quest as single player then they are in the wrong genre and need to rethink their next project because they failed at multiplayer game design.

    Edited by Elember on April 24, 2014 1:28AM
  • Maotti
    Woops! Forgot about this thread. Managed to beat this quest after i posted my second post.

    Beat the main quest just a few hours ago and the Lyris/Tharn fight was definetly harder!

    Shouldn't be like that.
    PC EU
  • CaffeinatedMayhem
    Agreed that Lyris fight is way too much really but there is one thing that you can use in order to make it easier. Atleast for me it worked:

    1. Speed of balls is always the same regardless what player or Lyris does
    2. Lyris never charges player but always tends to go melee
    3. Little AOE helps - no need for much of it

    I guess the Mac version is different because all Lyris does is hunt me down. Even if I trigger Abner so he does fight her, she completely ignores him and comes after me. Also, the balls spawn right at her, if I'm on the wrong side I can barely reach the first ball. And they speed up as she sucks them into her. AOE is totally necessary but I've put all my points/time into Ardent Flame with medium armor. Great DPS, but I die fast if I can't move.
    Edited by CaffeinatedMayhem on April 24, 2014 4:21AM
  • Stax
    Just burned through this at level 32 on my Battle Mage! Destroyed Tharn in 45 seconds. Died once on the Lyris Doppelganger. Bulk of my gear was level 26 with one exception being a blue 32 greatsword.
  • Triss_Dovahkiin
    Same problem here.

    I'm a lvl 33 NB and took Abnur with me to help. He was quite okay with his own double, and I didn't have much trouble with that, concentrating on the skeletons and hitting the fake Abnur with a poison shot every once in a while inbetween. It was, actually, quite easy.

    But Lyris? Holy hell. Abnur helps out for all of 20 seconds and then just stands there gawking while Lyris wipes the floor with me. I don't even get to any orbs. Her health and armour are insanely hard to whittle down, especially since she catches up with me unless I use up all my stamina by running. Three hits, I'm out. I've also noticed that she can still knock my char off her feet and half across the room despite being way out of her range.

    Out in the 'world', I can easily handle three lvl 35 mobs at the same time. I cannot believe that a lvl 30 quest is pretty much unmanagable. It's incredibly frustrating. I've had a similar thing with one other quest before, and it held me up in progression in Rivenspire until I had run out of other quests there and sorted it out. The quest by then had gone green in my log because I pretty much outlevelled it (that's besides the fact that it was bugged so you had to abandon after dying once, hearth out, restart game client and teleport back, pick up the quest and walk through the whole prelude again to make it work).

    Balance on this one is way off.

    I'll be logging an in-game ticket some time later, but for the moment, I'm way too *** off to be opening the game again for at least a few hours.
    Edited by ZOS_LeroyW on April 26, 2014 11:48AM
    Don't corpse camp that idea. It won't rez. ~Bladezz
  • eddieskion1b16_ESO
    After reading the advice given went through this at Lvl37 with out too much trouble, died once when Lyris cornered me and I couldn't break free. Just try and keep your distance from the Lyris doppleganger and keep killing the balls and slowly whittle her down.
  • Apricot
    Did no one use Tharn? He was fairly useful and worked, and he helped me a fair bit.

    So why is everybody using Lyris?

    I used Tharn. He was totally useless on the Lyris Doppelganger.

  • Soloeus
    My problem is with Lyris Doppleganger, I am a level 37 Breton Sorc Vampire. I am not allowed to try Tharn because the game doesn't let you change your mind, and I don't think he would help anyway. My problems are associated with:

    1. dying in 1 hit, and losing all my armor.
    2. orbs not taking damage, taking too long to kill.
    3. being auto-stun no matter where on the screen I am in relation to her.
    4. her wave auto-hits me no matter where i am on the screen.
    5. ally lyris does nothing but twaddle her fingers and hair.
    6. resto/destro staff always miss, or hit wrong target. I try to hit the orb but my staff locks on to the boss instead.
    7. orbs appearing right next to the boss.

    Every thread and zone chat conversation I have seen says that non-sorcerers didn't have much trouble, and sorcerers had to wait until level 40+, took 45 mins at that, and still struggled hard.

    This is a serious balance issue.

    Within; Without.
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