Collectible Achievement Guide (Spoiler Alert)

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  • Ilsabet
    I got my wraith shackle from Forgotten Crypts around 4-5 months ago, if that helps.

    As far as I know you can't get them from ghosts.
  • Vara123
    tx a bunch - been there (Forgotten Crypts) yesterday for 2 hrs.. nothing.. but.. this morning .. 10 min roundtripping.. DINNG ..

    Funny ways - 3 days farming .. nothing.. 1 complaint /call for help in the forum or guild and .. tadaa ..

    Recent drops:

    Confirmed drop for wraith shackle in Forgotten Crypts as well ;)

    Buzzing Sting / Alit Stone --> Grahtwood - southern part (5 Wamasus + 4 Alits with good respawn rate)

    Ectoplasmic thingy (ghosts) --> Eidolon´s Hollow

    Cruel Collar (jackals) Craglorn (the rocks between Zalgaz / wayshrine of Seekers Archive? not sure ´bout the english name)

    Crypt urn (mummies) - Tu´whaca´s Throne - Alik´r

    Stoneheart (gargyles) - Qharroa /Bangkorai

    (all last week)
  • kwaidan83
    Hey there
    I only miss the Hand of Glory collectible (from zombies) to complete all those achievements. But after many hours of farming in Vile Laboratory and Tava's Blessing, still no Hand... :disappointed:
    Do you know another farming place that I can try? Thx
  • kwaidan83
    Hey there !
    I finally get the Hand of Glory...

    fyi I get it in a spot in Glenumbra between the Lion Guard Redoubt Wayshrine and Gaudet Farm
  • Fontecc
    Just finished the collectibles achievement for about 17 trophies that I was missing after playing for a couple years, thought I'd let you know what worked for me. This has all been done in the latest 2-3 patches:

    -Crackling Lodestone - Storm Atronach - Reaper's March, Willowgrove (southwest zone)

    -Razor-Edged Mandible - Shalk, Thunderbug, Assassin Beetle - Stonefalls, Sulfur Pools

    -Gossamer Wingler - Wasp - Reaper's March, East of Willowgrove

    -Werewolf's Cameo - Werewolf - Glenumbra, North of Aldcroft

    -Nose Shackle - Ogrim - Coldharbour, Tower of Lies

    -Ogre Toe Ring - Ogre - Reaper's March, East of Willowgrove

    -Stony Heart - Gargoyle -Bangkorai, Qharroa Ruins

    -Brass Anklets - Nereid - Greenshade, Verant Morass, Nereid Cave

    -Icebound Vertebra - Ice Wraith - The Rift, Lion's Den Public Dungeon

    -Shimmering Alit Bezoar - Alit - Grahtwood, The Gray Mire

    -Magnificent Bat Pelt - Giant Bat - Greenshade, Shademist Moors

    -Cat's Claw - Senche-Tiger - Reaper's March, East of Willowgrove

    -Huge Mammoth's Tooth - Mammoth - Eastmarch, West of Hermit's Hideout

    -Buzzing Spine - Wamasu - Grahtwood, The Gray Mire

    -Bile Gilt - Netch - Bal Foyen

    -Hand of Glory - Zombie - Tava's Blessing

    -Crypt Jar - Mummy - Shadowfen, Loriasel
  • Saoirse_Siobhan
    FINALLY FINISHED all the collectibles achievements. I had 6 trophies missing after playing since 2015 and decided to try and finish them now. Here's where I found the last 6 to confirm where it drops :

    Shimmering Alit Bezoar - Alit : Kenarthi's Roost
    ^^ This was probably the most frustrating one ever to get. I remember attempting it a year or so ago with no success, then again a few months ago, and attempted again a week ago. I was about to abandon it again or submit a bug report but I finally got it after 3 days of farming.

    The RNG gods had had their fill of tormenting me it seems because I found all the last 5 today :

    Nose Shackle - Ogrim : Coldharbor (Outside Tower of Lies)

    Ogre Toe Ring - Ogre : Shinji's Scarp (Stormhaven)

    Stony Heart - Gargoyle : Qharroa Ruins (Bangkorai)

    Second Skin - Lamia : Lake south of The Moonless Walk (Coldharbor)

    Flawless Tail Feather - Harpy : Shrieking Scar (Glenumbra)

    A huge thank you to everyone in this thread! <3
    Edited by Saoirse_Siobhan on December 1, 2020 7:11PM
    PC/EU DC
  • Sergykid
    what a horrible grind it is. What was in their mind by putting so low rates?

    Cat's Claw - The Rift, north of Treva's Farm

    i killed over 3000 cats until it dropped, wiki says it's 0.2% chance. I tried zones with higher chance, but way fewer mobs over a spot. Here i had 7 cats, 4 spots, 1 minute and a half, so 28 cats over an hour is 28*40=1120 cats. I farmed for 3 hours.
    -PC EU- / battlegrounds on my youtube
  • elven.were_wolf
    Does anyone know a good place for Gargoyles besides qharroa ruins? I can’t seem to run a full circuit in qharroa without having to wait at least 5mins for them to respawn. Any confirmed DLC areas maybe?
    Achievement hunter and secret admirer of Naryu Virian.
  • Hippie4927

    There are Gargoyles in Craglorn between H. R. Citadel / Tombs of the Na-Totambu). That's where I got the stoney heart.
    PC/NA/EP ✌️
  • elven.were_wolf
    Hippie4927 wrote: »

    There are Gargoyles in Craglorn between H. R. Citadel / Tombs of the Na-Totambu). That's where I got the stoney heart.

    Thank you! I will try running a circuit there.
    Achievement hunter and secret admirer of Naryu Virian.
  • elven.were_wolf
    I just want to thank everyone on this post for all the help and useful information. ❤️

    After 7 years of grinding on and off I have finally completed all the monster trophy achievements!

    Edit: I want to shout out @16BitForestCat who posted a method on the following forum post that helped my nab my final 10 monster trophies. They helped me, so sharing this info might help you guys out too:
    Edited by elven.were_wolf on September 12, 2021 3:59PM
    Achievement hunter and secret admirer of Naryu Virian.
  • colossalvoids
    This is the 27th of Last Seed, the year of Akatosh, 583. Still looking for Alit Bezoar, cruel collar and a cat's claw. These are the closing years of the second era, and the final hours of my life.
  • Merenwen_812
    THANK YOU for this thread :)

    I am heading to Tu´whaca´s Throne - Alik´r to find the crypt jar. May the odds forever be in my favor :P
  • Sotha_Sil
    Best spot to farm Frost Atro for Everfrost was : Coldwind's Den in Wrothgar (cave to the east of Jehanna Docks). 4 atronachs spawning fast and you can have a nice farm ! Took me only 5 min whereas hours in other spots (Spellscar or Willowgrove).

    Thanks all for the thread ! I have completed trophies now :)
    Edited by Sotha_Sil on July 12, 2022 1:03PM
    Restoration is a perfectly valid school of magic, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise! - Spells and incantations for those with the talent to cast them!
  • Gandalf_72
    Qyrk wrote: »
    Has anyone found Buzzing Spine from Wamasu yet? RNG might not be in my favor, but have probably killed 1200 Wamasu (yes, I spent a week and countless hours, doing a circuit on lower half of the place!) and have received plenty of blue drops, but no collectibles.

    EDIT: 11/12 - finally found it Wamasu, south of Hatching Pools.
    Ourorboros wrote: »
    I got mine in the southern beach of Grahtwood. I wasn't farming, just killing critters as I passed through. Caldwell Silver for me, I'm DC. There are others, like Alits, of which I've killed a crapload without a collectible drop. RNG is a mean MotherF.

    Message #88 and #89


    I think, unfortunately for me, it will be impossible to get this Achievement:
    Tamriel Beast Collector


    In my case, RNG is really irreversibly stubborn against me.

    I've been trying in vain for years.



    Got today, finally !! :pB):)





    Edited by Gandalf_72 on April 28, 2023 7:34PM
    PC | EU
  • CGPsaint
    Gandalf_72 wrote: »

    In my case, RNG is really irreversibly stubborn against me.

    I've been trying in vain for years.

    Completionism has a limit.
    I reached for it and gave up.


    I spent hundreds of hours farming the Ayleid, Dwarven, and most recently the Druidic furnishing plans. In all of that time I've pulled 1 purple Dwarven plan, ZERO purple Ayleid plans, and 3-4 purple Druidic furnishing plans. I'm not saying that these things should just be handed to us, but they also shouldn't be this difficult to get. Why add something to the game that less than 1% of the people will ever have? It makes me think that they put an intern in charge of the drop rates, and that intern didn't understand decimals. Seems petty, but it's one of the major reasons that I stopped playing as much as I used to. I probably play 15-20 minutes per day now, and I'll never spend another dollar in the Crown Store.

  • Insomnist
    Brass Anklets was one of the few I still needed but I was delaying because I couldn't think of a good spot outside of DC zones (my characters are all DC)... Anyhow I found the best spot so far! Plenty of Nereid to kill non-stop, they are inside Nereid Temple Cave which is south-west of Dread Vullian (follow the road) in Greenshade.
    Excellent spot, just pick up the Right of Theft quest from Nara right outside Dread Vullian and it'll walk you straight into the cave (it'll be locked otherwise). You keep access after completing the quest as well.
  • Stinkyremy
    Probably a stupid question, but does anybody actually have any tips for getting trophies to drop?
    Or is it simply just kill X monster over and over until RNGesus blesses us?

    I did notice one thing that when I create a new toon, I often get a lot of trophies in the low levels, and now that achievements are shared I was thinking possibly there would be a way that a new toon has a higher drop rate and being able to farm the ones I need that way.
    Has anyone got any insight about this?
  • Gandalf_72
    CGPsaint wrote: »
    I'm not saying that these things should just be handed to us, but they also shouldn't be this difficult to get. Why add something to the game that less than 1% of the people will ever have? It makes me think that they put an intern in charge of the drop rates, and that intern didn't understand decimals. Seems petty, but it's one of the major reasons that I stopped playing as much as I used to. I probably play 15-20 minutes per day now, and I'll never spend another dollar in the Crown Store.

    I agree @CGPsaint



    Got today, finally !! :pB):)




    Edited by Gandalf_72 on April 28, 2023 7:35PM
    PC | EU
  • Gandalf_72
    Stinkyremy wrote: »
    Probably a stupid question, but does anybody actually have any tips for getting trophies to drop?
    Or is it simply just kill X monster over and over until RNGesus blesses us?

    RNG :D;)
    Stinkyremy wrote: »
    I did notice one thing that when I create a new toon, I often get a lot of trophies in the low levels, and now that achievements are shared I was thinking possibly there would be a way that a new toon has a higher drop rate and being able to farm the ones I need that way.
    Has anyone got any insight about this?

    Really interesting!
    I have to give it a try!



    Got today, finally !! :pB):)




    Edited by Gandalf_72 on April 28, 2023 7:34PM
    PC | EU
  • Jimbru
    Chitin Accumulator - Prized Barb - Reaper's March. The general northeast region around the Apprentice mundus, Dawnshadow house and werewolf shrine, has a lot of scorpion spawns that are kinda spread out but can be run in a circuit. That's where it dropped for me.
  • Jimbru
    Tamriel Beast Collector - Magnificent Bat Hide - Greenshade. Dropped from the Werebats at Shademist Moor. You basically can run a circle around the "tree" icon on the map and farm them continuously.

    Tamriel Beast Collector - Bile Gilt - Bal Foyen. Dropped from a Bull Netch. They have many spawn areas but are spread out over the map, so I spent about an hour and a half circling the map killing every netch I saw until it finally dropped. Note that the Bile Gilt ONLY drops from Bulls, but you also have to kill the Bettys because they occupy the same spawns as the Bulls.
  • RebornV3x
    FINAL GOT ALL OF THEM this really helped me finish I will add to this for anyone still trying to get these in 2024 this really helped me finish but ill add to this at the end.
    RANKK7 wrote: »
    • Luminous Blood Sac - Hoarvor in Xal Ithix (Shadowfen).
    • Polished Shell Shard - Mudcrab in the beach north of Harborage (Stonefalls) - may not be a good place, too few mudcrabs around but fortunately I found it almost immediately.
    • Multifaceted Eye - Nix-Hound in Greymist Falls (Stonefalls).
    • Primal Sproutling - Spriggan in Logging Camp (Eastmarch).
    • Brass Anklets - Nereid in Nereid Temple (Greenshade).
    • Imp's Effigy - Imps around Deleyn's Mill (Glenumbra).
    • Icebound Vertebra - Ice Wraiths in Frozen Fleet (Wrothgar) LOCATION NOT LISTED IN THE POST - this was a b***h to find (or better: the drop has been fast enough, the real problem was to find a good place with decent number of ice wraiths; around Frozen Fleet there are, kill some and do a little ride on the ice, you will find some more, then back).
    • Glowing Remnant - Wisp in south-west Corner of Crow's Wood (Stonefalls) - After that I've seen a ton of Wisps in Deep Graves (Shadowfen), may be a better spot to farm.
    • Knotted Heart - Lurcher near Chill House (Glenumbra).
    • Troll Skull - Troll in Logging Camp (Eastmarch).
    • Ogre Toe Ring - Ogre in Shinji's Scarp (Stormhaven) - and there I've seen another player got the Bear component too he was farming.
    • Stony Heart - Gargoyle in Qharroa Ruins (Bangkorai) - wasted hours out of Rahn'Za school of Warriors, never dropped for me there.
    • Hand of Glory - Zombie in Vile Laboratory (Coldharbour).
    • Chattering Skull - Skeletons in Forgotten Crypts (Deeshan) - while farming for another item.
    • Wraith Shackle - Wraith in Forgotten Crypts (Deeshan) - this is hard because there are not places with good number of wraiths, dropped for me from one the wraiths in a boss room after the skyshard (there are usually 2 wraiths in there and one ghost, I was always running from the dungeon entrance to that room and no further).
    • Crypt Jar aka Tomb Urn - The various Anka-Ra guys in Lost City of Na-Totambu (Alik'r Desert) - this was even fast, wasted time around Seeker's archive in Craglorn, never dropped for me there.
    • Ectoplasmic Discharge - Ghosts in Aphren's Hold (Stormhaven) - this took a lot for me to drop, the place is very good though for both number and spawning time. UPDATE - Found another one in Selfora (Deshaan) during a quest, dropped from a human ghost (those blue-violet spirits).
    • Shimmering Alit Bezoar - Alit in Khenarthi's Roost beach on the South (from Shattered Shoals to almost Sugar-Claws), very convenient area to farm, plenty of them and respawn is fast.
    • Wolf's Tooth Necklace - Wolf in Glister Vale (Auridon).
    • Malformed Kagouti Tusk - Kagouti in the swamps (SOUTH Shadowfen) all the swamps zone there is plenty of them and other creatures too for the achievements, so that's a worthy area to farm a lot.
    • Huge Mammoth's Tooth - Mammoths around Shatul Wayshrine (Wrothgar) LOCATION NOT LISTED IN THE POST - there is a fair number around (five or six) and the spawn time is very good.
    • Bile Gilt - Bull Netch between Dhalmora and Hidden Dagger Landing Site (Bal Foyen) - this one is hard if you don't get lucky, I've not found any place with a good number of them, always a couple in the best case and no more, I would like to know if one exists. UPDATE - Found 3 Bull Netches very close to each other between Ghost Snake Vale Wayshrine and Lagomere Dolmen (Deshaan), 3 is max I've seen.
    • Cruel Collar - Jackals in Ogre's Bluff (Alik'r Desert).
    • Buzzing Spine - Wamasu in the swamps (south Shadowfen area).

    That's all, these were the ones I was missing and farmed. Good hunting!


    Somethings to add and that helped me

    Gnarled Bear Claw - (Bear) Stormhaven North West of Weeping Giant Wayshrine, OUTSIDE of Bearclaw Mine lots of bears that respawn pretty quick people kept telling me south of Shinji's Scarp technically its South East if you just go south of Shinji's Scarp you not gonna find it.
    Cat's Claw - (Senche Tiger or Sabre Cats) The Rift north of Ragged Hills Wayshrine around and North of Treva's Farm
    Icebound Vertebra- (Ice Wraith) inside Zthenganaz Wrothgar SW of Two Rivers Wayshrine it may not be the best spot but worked for me
    Bile Gilt- (Bull Netch) Bal Foyen this image helped me 1bpbywhozniv.png
    Buzzing Spine- (Wamasu) Grahtwood around The Grey Mire there are 4 that respawn pretty fast did the Shadowfen swamp area south of Hatching Pools Wayshrine but never dropped for me this one took me soooo long
    Cruel Collar- (Jackals) Craglorn West of Belkarth around some rocks and hills SW of Seeker's Archive Wayshrine
    Crypt Jar- (Mummy) Shadowfen inside Loriasel and to the left area any enemies with "Ancient" in the name like Ancient Warrior, Vanguard etc drop it also there are some Wraiths I ended up getting Wraith Shackle and Ectoplasmic Discharge before I got 1 Crypt Jar this took me 10+ hours to get it was horrible I tried Tu´whaca´s Throne in Alik´r but I don't recommend.

    hope this helps good luck and let RNG be ever in your favor.

    Xbox One - NA GT: RebornV3x
    I also play on PC from time to time but I just wanna be left alone on there so sorry.
  • Jimbru
    Tamriel Beast Collector - Cruel Collar - Craglorn. West-southwest of the Seeker's Archive wayshrine, where the road dips into a U-shaped bend, that bend contains about half a dozen groups of jackals on and around the various hilltops.
  • averyfarmanb14_ESO
    If it helps, I can vouch (finally) that Everfrost does, indeed, drop from Frost Atronachs in the Willowgrove area of Reaper's March.

    All I have left to find now is Ectoplasmic Discharge, so off to Tanzewil I go...
  • laniakea_0
    If it helps, I can vouch (finally) that Everfrost does, indeed, drop from Frost Atronachs in the Willowgrove area of Reaper's March.

    All I have left to find now is Ectoplasmic Discharge, so off to Tanzewil I go...

    oh yes. all 3 Elemental Atronach trophies drop there. I found them all there before
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