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Why IMO vet mode is dung

  • Xithian
    Another ignorant fanboy that cant handle the truth about his beloved child "that has no flaws".

    Nowhere in his post did he say that the game has no flaws. He implied, correctly, that there are plenty of threads about this exact subject already. As the forums are for communicating among players and not for developer feedback (that function is in game, under the same section as help), it is counter intuitive to make thread after thread with the exact same content.

    Also, people that do nothing but complain are just as annoying as people that do nothing but praise.
  • PBpsy
    Zazar wrote: »
    Just another thread about veteran levels. Please une search function and share your feedback on an already opened thread.

    Enjoy the game, take your time, accept the challenge.

    Another ignorant fanboy that cant handle the truth about his beloved child "that has no flaws".

    Accept reality. Your game is not "awsome" nor "enough". Some of us actually demand more than just these horribly designed Veteran ranks.

    Whoever decided at Zenimax to make the playerbase traverse through enemy land in a PvE world blottet from PvP should've had their eyes gouged.


    We are all mildly amused.
    ESO forums achievements
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  • Epsilon_Echo
    I agree that the structure of VR content heavily discourages rolling ALTS. I also agree that if your only goal is to get to VR10 then grinding through the rest of the zones is something of a tedium.
    However, having made my way to VR10 I see more positives than negatives looking back. First point is that the difference between VR10 and VR1 is nothing compared to for instance a level 30 and 50. Despite VR10 being essentially 80 non VR levels from VR1 the stat difference does not scale the same way. Firstly you get no Attribute points after level 50. So mana/stam/health pools for a VR10 are no larger than the pools for a VR1. Skill lines level independently from player level so that is not an issue. The only difference between the levels is the ability to use higher level gear. Most of my stats have changed about 10% from VR1 to 10 based on gear. My point with this is that in a PvP sense VR10 is not mandatory to be a powerful player.
    If PvP is not your thing then VR zones are more fun IMO and here is why. Every zone is one and only one VR level. At first this was daunting "Oh my, I have to grind through this ENTIRE zone just to get 1 level?" However, looking back, I had the wrong attitude about it. Have one level per zone means you are free to do whatever quest in whatever order, explore however you want without the fear of being out leveled, its a REAL Elderscrolls experience. It shocks me more people were not thrilled about this because, for the first time, it felt like the training wheels were completely off.
    In addition the longer levels of VR content made crafting more fun for me. It encouraged me to carefully craft a set of armor for each level. My gear was used longer (not thrown away at me next level which came about every 30 mins in lower levels). I took pride in my work and made impressive pieces. I learned more about crafting complete complimentary sets in VR than I did in the normal zones.

    But thats just IMO
  • hamon
    Azarul wrote: »
    wrlifeboil wrote: »
    Laura wrote: »
    hamon wrote: »
    KerinKor wrote: »
    Ah okay, as you say, I had got the impression it was kind of like a game like FFXI where once you'd hit the level cap you can continue 'progressing' by grinding points to spend on more character skills but they were only incrementally better than not having them whereas here it sounds like VR10 is a must-have going forward even if I don't want to do 'end-game'.

    It's worrying that VR10 is likely going to be the launching point for the first expansion if the VR levels are so painful.


    it is eaxtly that lvl 60 with the added insult that everything is made much harder and you have to do 2 thirds more content to get there than you did to get to 50

    and the true issue comes out. I was ready to drop the game until I started on vet content. The increase in difficulty really got me into the game.

    I'm guessing that most players don't feel the way you do about that. They will be dropping like flies in the VR ranks. ZOS devs are probably hoping that they don't get to VR ranks before paying a few months of subscriptions.

    Or maybe we will finally have a Dev with stones not willing to totally cater to bad players, forcing them to actually try and learn the game instead of being handed everything.

    see i have to question the intelligence of anyone who equates giving mobs a bit more health than before just to make you kill them the same way you been doing for weeks that bit more slowly as difficult. thats not difficulty so you can pat your self on the back for being leet , its just boring. if the mobs suddenly done different things than before making you adjust how you kill them that would be difficult and a challenge. but htey dont , they do the same things every time they just have way more health and hit a bit harder.
    whats more difficult about that? its just slower.. and for less xp

  • hamon
    Another "I'm not max level in 2 weeks, imma cry" thread...

    another i have nothing intelligent to add to the thread but i will add random cookie cutter forum reply anyway

  • Artemiisia
    Zazar wrote: »
    Just another thread about veteran levels. Please une search function and share your feedback on an already opened thread.

    Enjoy the game, take your time, accept the challenge.

    what about the 100 vampire threads.....even with the neft, people still aint satisfied, my guess they will never be until the "race" aint playable anymore, and their main is the fotm

    Veteran Content is bigger then normal lvl 1-50 levels, hence there will probably be lots more threads about them both today and in the future
  • hamon
    Xithian wrote: »
    hamon wrote: »
    On a completely random note, what language is your native language? I'm horribly confused as to the use of commas instead of apostrophes. I can't think of a way to accidentally do that.

    sorry if my incorrect use of grammer somehow made you unable to decypher what i might have wrote.. i'm horribly confused as to whether that indeed was the case or if you just as so many like to do, try to point out gramatical errors or typo's as a means to somehow demean the content of what was said.
    Edited by hamon on May 6, 2014 3:57PM
  • Xithian
    No, I was genuinely curious. Thus why that comment was at the end and kept neutral.
  • Samriel
    The thing that irritates me the most about veteran ranks is that I chose an alliance and a starting area that I was most interested in playing, now that I've hit 50 and finished the story I wanted to do, I have to go to the other zones of which I have little to no interest at all in the story, and spend twice the amount of time I spent in my chosen faction, fighting mobs that are much more difficult for less gain than when I started.... Brilliant idea!
  • doggie
    I really wish that all veteran levels where just lvl 50 content. Then those who wanted to quest on could do that, those who wanted to go to Craglorn could do that, pvp'ers could go pvp and so on.

    Everyone would be free to do exactly what they wanted. Noone would feel "forced" to quest or whatever.

    The dungeon Tiers would simply mean you needed more skills and gear to do them.
    Edited by doggie on May 6, 2014 4:09PM
  • Forztr
    mutharex wrote: »

    coz of course no one read it as it took away most reasons for their whines.
    Craglorn is V1+

    They also said that Craglorn is tuned for VR11-12 so good luck with your VR1 character in there. Just because a VR1 can visit the place doesn't mean he can do anything once there.
  • PBpsy
    hamon wrote: »
    see i have to question the intelligence of anyone who equates giving mobs a bit more health than before just to make you kill them the same way you been doing for weeks that bit more slowly as difficult. thats not difficulty so you can pat your self on the back for being leet , its just boring. if the mobs suddenly done different things than before making you adjust how you kill them that would be difficult and a challenge. but htey dont , they do the same things every time they just have way more health and hit a bit harder.
    whats more difficult about that? its just slower.. and for less xp

    The VR difficulty increase has very little to do with increased health since most mobs health remains pretty much constant as you increase rank. They hit much much harder though. You can certainly not use all the same strategies that you did at lower level and you can't play sloppy. Getting trough VR is more about finding a good way of approaching a fight and improving your timing for attacking, dodging and blocking as well as a well thought out build and equipment choices. I found that in VR my speed of killing mods has actually increased. VR difficulty is not about damage sponges.

    New move sets for enemies as an increase in difficulty are nice on paper but they would get old quick and considering that this is still a stat based rpg it wouldn't matter. No matter what new skills and moves you would give lvl 40-50 mobs they would still be easy as hell without a damage and health boost since you have gear to mitigate anything they throw at you.
    Edited by PBpsy on May 6, 2014 4:31PM
    ESO forums achievements
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    Fan of icontested(rainbow colors granted)
  • Armitas
    hamon wrote: »
    i would possibly be ok with it if they just called it lvl 60 or 100 or whatever and keep the mobs and dungeons at the same difficulty as they were. just scale them up the way they did from starters to coldharbour , not try to slow it all down by ramping up the hardness and cutting the xp and trying make us think its cos we're "vets " now

    How is a numeral one of your major complaints over the game. It's just mathematical semantics, it can mean what ever you chose it to mean.
    Edited by Armitas on May 6, 2014 4:52PM
    Nord mDK
  • mutharex
    Forztr wrote: »
    mutharex wrote: »

    coz of course no one read it as it took away most reasons for their whines.
    Craglorn is V1+

    They also said that Craglorn is tuned for VR11-12 so good luck with your VR1 character in there. Just because a VR1 can visit the place doesn't mean he can do anything once there.
    The Trials are tuned for VR10+, not sure about the rest of the zone
  • malais
    Xithian wrote: »
    hamon wrote: »
    i,m all for OFFERING players the choice to have elite dungeons etc.

    If you aren't interested in doing the other factions' content, and you aren't interested in doing the elite dungeons, why exactly do you feel you NEED to get the veteran ranks? Honest question.

    Pvp requires you to be vet 10 otherwise you are fodder. Pure and simple.
  • nerevarine1138
    malais wrote: »
    Xithian wrote: »
    hamon wrote: »
    i,m all for OFFERING players the choice to have elite dungeons etc.

    If you aren't interested in doing the other factions' content, and you aren't interested in doing the elite dungeons, why exactly do you feel you NEED to get the veteran ranks? Honest question.

    Pvp requires you to be vet 10 otherwise you are fodder. Pure and simple.

    Or you could group, like every other person who isn't VR10.
  • hamon
    PBpsy wrote: »
    hamon wrote: »
    see i have to question the intelligence of anyone who equates giving mobs a bit more health than before just to make you kill them the same way you been doing for weeks that bit more slowly as difficult. thats not difficulty so you can pat your self on the back for being leet , its just boring. if the mobs suddenly done different things than before making you adjust how you kill them that would be difficult and a challenge. but htey dont , they do the same things every time they just have way more health and hit a bit harder.
    whats more difficult about that? its just slower.. and for less xp

    The VR difficulty increase has very little to do with increased health since most mobs health remains pretty much constant as you increase rank. They hit much much harder though. You can certainly not use all the same strategies that you did at lower level and you can't play sloppy. Getting trough VR is more about finding a good way of approaching a fight and improving your timing for attacking, dodging and blocking as well as a well thought out build and equipment choices. I found that in VR my speed of killing mods has actually increased. VR difficulty is not about damage sponges.

    New move sets for enemies as an increase in difficulty are nice on paper but they would get old quick and considering that this is still a stat based rpg it wouldn't matter. No matter what new skills and moves you would give lvl 40-50 mobs they would still be easy as hell without a damage and health boost since you have gear to mitigate anything they throw at you.

    you seem to contradict yourself here first you say vet mode "difficulty" has nothing to do the damage and health buff, then you say that without it they wouldnt be hard... thats kinda what i,m saying it's not a new difficulty due to mechanics or new mobs etc. its just " buff the mobs make them slow down progress. " thats nothing to be advocating. Added to that a relative drop in the xp you get for killing said mobs again to artificially slow down progress.
    what you have is 2 thirds of the game content deliberately designed to be slower and more repetative than the first third. cos you have 2 do twice the quests and probably roughtly twice as many mobs to kill to get to vet 10 as you did from 1-50.

    What seems to be fooling folk about this is the fact they named it "veteran" which sounds cool , but just cos they call it something macho like veteran or heroic mode shouldn't fool anyone into thinking its simply more levelling. I'm ok with more levelling if they paced it at the same pace as it was from 1-50 but they havent they have paced it deliberately much slower.. possibly to buy them selves more time to get content ready before the masses hit vet 10...

    sorry but it's just not fooling me. i would be ok doing it, keep the mobs tough if you want but ramp up the xp so its meaningfull killing them or scale the mobs like normal and keep the xp the same , so i dont mind having to kill thousands of tougher mobs for less reward... only an idiot thinks its cool to be slowed down this much simply cos they add the name "veteran"
  • kieso
    The Vet rank thing is lazy, it's pure semantics; VET 10, level 150, level 9,000, whatever you want to call it it is considered max level and MMO players of all types will feel compelled to get to max level and sadly this "challenge" is a grind in such a way that people want to vent their frustration because it is such a repeatable task that the grind is much to obvious and tedious.

    Everyone enjoys a challenge Casual and Not so Casual players alike but what people don't like are mundane repeatable tasks that show little to no progress in areas players chose not to take part in initially because they felt the landscape or quests were dull which becomes even more so if someone decides to play alts on other factions.

    people want to feel engaged in story and think when they play and be given a reasonable reward for doing so and I don't think it's unreasonable to ask for such a thing.

  • PBpsy
    hamon wrote: »
    PBpsy wrote: »
    hamon wrote: »
    see i have to question the intelligence of anyone who equates giving mobs a bit more health than before just to make you kill them the same way you been doing for weeks that bit more slowly as difficult. thats not difficulty so you can pat your self on the back for being leet , its just boring. if the mobs suddenly done different things than before making you adjust how you kill them that would be difficult and a challenge. but htey dont , they do the same things every time they just have way more health and hit a bit harder.
    whats more difficult about that? its just slower.. and for less xp

    The VR difficulty increase has very little to do with increased health since most mobs health remains pretty much constant as you increase rank. They hit much much harder though. You can certainly not use all the same strategies that you did at lower level and you can't play sloppy. Getting trough VR is more about finding a good way of approaching a fight and improving your timing for attacking, dodging and blocking as well as a well thought out build and equipment choices. I found that in VR my speed of killing mods has actually increased. VR difficulty is not about damage sponges.

    New move sets for enemies as an increase in difficulty are nice on paper but they would get old quick and considering that this is still a stat based rpg it wouldn't matter. No matter what new skills and moves you would give lvl 40-50 mobs they would still be easy as hell without a damage and health boost since you have gear to mitigate anything they throw at you.

    you seem to contradict yourself here first you say vet mode "difficulty" has nothing to do the damage and health buff, then you say that without it they wouldnt be hard... thats kinda what i,m saying it's not a new difficulty due to mechanics or new mobs etc. its just " buff the mobs make them slow down progress. " thats nothing to be advocating. Added to that a relative drop in the xp you get for killing said mobs again to artificially slow down progress.
    what you have is 2 thirds of the game content deliberately designed to be slower and more repetative than the first third. cos you have 2 do twice the quests and probably roughtly twice as many mobs to kill to get to vet 10 as you did from 1-50.

    What seems to be fooling folk about this is the fact they named it "veteran" which sounds cool , but just cos they call it something macho like veteran or heroic mode shouldn't fool anyone into thinking its simply more levelling. I'm ok with more levelling if they paced it at the same pace as it was from 1-50 but they havent they have paced it deliberately much slower.. possibly to buy them selves more time to get content ready before the masses hit vet 10...

    sorry but it's just not fooling me. i would be ok doing it, keep the mobs tough if you want but ramp up the xp so its meaningfull killing them or scale the mobs like normal and keep the xp the same , so i dont mind having to kill thousands of tougher mobs for less reward... only an idiot thinks its cool to be slowed down this much simply cos they add the name "veteran"

    No I am not contradicting myself. In ESO the health pool of the VR monsters scales mostly with your increase in dps due to increasing rank stat boost and better gear. If it didn't increase at all it would become pretty easy to be able to just one shot all trash mobs. The health increase is not as considerable as you think and as I have seen in other game where you just get dps sponges. I am VR 6 now and I am still able to 1 shot some enemies from stealth. Most battles finish as quickly if not quicker than at level 50 since I do have to be as efficient as possible and more careful since I can die quite fast.

    The leveling in this game was never about killing mobs it is about questing,world bosses ,dolmens, delves it is still the same for VR. I do not see the increase in difficulty of mobs slowing me down in doing those things. And where exactly am I supposed to be rushing anyway that I would feel ''slowed down''. I prefer to have some form of difficulty progression so that getting ranks and gear actually has a purpose.

    As for the name VETERAN I do not really care . They had to name it something.Puts levels would do fine. They probably would have had a lot more success if they made a hundred meaningless VR levels so that numbers would have been jumping up every 10 minutes. But hey you can't please anyone.
    Edited by PBpsy on May 6, 2014 6:42PM
    ESO forums achievements
    Proud fanboi
    Elitist jerk
    Fan of icontested(rainbow colors granted)
  • hamon
    PBpsy wrote: »
    hamon wrote: »
    PBpsy wrote: »
    hamon wrote: »
    see i have to question the intelligence of anyone who equates giving mobs a bit more health than before just to make you kill them the same way you been doing for weeks that bit more slowly as difficult. thats not difficulty so you can pat your self on the back for being leet , its just boring. if the mobs suddenly done different things than before making you adjust how you kill them that would be difficult and a challenge. but htey dont , they do the same things every time they just have way more health and hit a bit harder.
    whats more difficult about that? its just slower.. and for less xp

    The VR difficulty increase has very little to do with increased health since most mobs health remains pretty much constant as you increase rank. They hit much much harder though. You can certainly not use all the same strategies that you did at lower level and you can't play sloppy. Getting trough VR is more about finding a good way of approaching a fight and improving your timing for attacking, dodging and blocking as well as a well thought out build and equipment choices. I found that in VR my speed of killing mods has actually increased. VR difficulty is not about damage sponges.

    New move sets for enemies as an increase in difficulty are nice on paper but they would get old quick and considering that this is still a stat based rpg it wouldn't matter. No matter what new skills and moves you would give lvl 40-50 mobs they would still be easy as hell without a damage and health boost since you have gear to mitigate anything they throw at you.

    you seem to contradict yourself here first you say vet mode "difficulty" has nothing to do the damage and health buff, then you say that without it they wouldnt be hard... thats kinda what i,m saying it's not a new difficulty due to mechanics or new mobs etc. its just " buff the mobs make them slow down progress. " thats nothing to be advocating. Added to that a relative drop in the xp you get for killing said mobs again to artificially slow down progress.
    what you have is 2 thirds of the game content deliberately designed to be slower and more repetative than the first third. cos you have 2 do twice the quests and probably roughtly twice as many mobs to kill to get to vet 10 as you did from 1-50.

    What seems to be fooling folk about this is the fact they named it "veteran" which sounds cool , but just cos they call it something macho like veteran or heroic mode shouldn't fool anyone into thinking its simply more levelling. I'm ok with more levelling if they paced it at the same pace as it was from 1-50 but they havent they have paced it deliberately much slower.. possibly to buy them selves more time to get content ready before the masses hit vet 10...

    sorry but it's just not fooling me. i would be ok doing it, keep the mobs tough if you want but ramp up the xp so its meaningfull killing them or scale the mobs like normal and keep the xp the same , so i dont mind having to kill thousands of tougher mobs for less reward... only an idiot thinks its cool to be slowed down this much simply cos they add the name "veteran"

    No I am not contradicting myself. In ESO the health pool of the VR monsters scales mostly with your increase in dps due to increasing rank stat boost and better gear. If it didn't increase at all it would become pretty easy to be able to just one shot all trash mobs. The health increase is not as considerable as you think and as I have seen in other game where you just get dps sponges. I am VR 6 now and I am still able to 1 shot some enemies from stealth. Most battles finish as quickly if not quicker than at level 50 since I do have to be as efficient as possible and more careful since I can die quite fast.

    The leveling in this game was never about killing mobs it is about questing,world bosses ,dolmens, delves it is still the same for VR. I do not see the increase in difficulty of mobs slowing me down in doing those things. And where exactly am I supposed to be rushing anyway that I would feel ''slowed down''. I prefer to have some form of difficulty progression so that getting ranks and gear actually has a purpose.

    As for the name VETERAN I do not really care . They had to name it something.Puts levels would do fine. They probably would have had a lot more success if they made a hundred meaningless VR levels so that numbers would have been jumping up every 10 minutes. But hey you can't please anyone.

    again you say the power increase is due to rank stat boost but this isn't the case cos surely by vet 1 any skill you use often in a rotation is at rank 4 and mutated long before. so it cant increase. you dont get any more level increase to magika or stam so those cant boost your power. most weapon or class lines will be at 50 so those cant add to power. All you have left is weapon damage which goes from like 112damage at vet 3 to 113 damage at vet 4. miniscule . again you can boost stam and magika by very tiny amounts each time with armour enchats but thats it. all you really end up doing with the extra skill points is unlock optional things and crafting or vamp lines etc.. ultimately you should know what works best on trash mobs by lvl 50 .

    i agree that the game isnt about grinding loads of mobs , its about questing. so why if you agree are you arguing that its cool to make you kill more more mobs and for less reward ? most quests involve cutting through a certain amount of trash on our way to click some random thing.. so why make it a a real chore and less rewarding to do so .. thats my point.

  • malais
    malais wrote: »
    Xithian wrote: »
    hamon wrote: »
    i,m all for OFFERING players the choice to have elite dungeons etc.

    If you aren't interested in doing the other factions' content, and you aren't interested in doing the elite dungeons, why exactly do you feel you NEED to get the veteran ranks? Honest question.

    Pvp requires you to be vet 10 otherwise you are fodder. Pure and simple.

    Or you could group, like every other person who isn't VR10.

    And wipe to a group of v10s.

    I am at legionary II right now. I know low rank but I have been running in pvp since day 1.

    I have seen a group of v10s hold a keep by themselves against 2 raids. I have seen 4 v10s survive inside a keep after it flipped.

    The power difference is insane.
  • PBpsy
    hamon wrote: »
    PBpsy wrote: »
    hamon wrote: »
    PBpsy wrote: »
    hamon wrote: »
    see i have to question the intelligence of anyone who equates giving mobs a bit more health than before just to make you kill them the same way you been doing for weeks that bit more slowly as difficult. thats not difficulty so you can pat your self on the back for being leet , its just boring. if the mobs suddenly done different things than before making you adjust how you kill them that would be difficult and a challenge. but htey dont , they do the same things every time they just have way more health and hit a bit harder.
    whats more difficult about that? its just slower.. and for less xp

    The VR difficulty increase has very little to do with increased health since most mobs health remains pretty much constant as you increase rank. They hit much much harder though. You can certainly not use all the same strategies that you did at lower level and you can't play sloppy. Getting trough VR is more about finding a good way of approaching a fight and improving your timing for attacking, dodging and blocking as well as a well thought out build and equipment choices. I found that in VR my speed of killing mods has actually increased. VR difficulty is not about damage sponges.

    New move sets for enemies as an increase in difficulty are nice on paper but they would get old quick and considering that this is still a stat based rpg it wouldn't matter. No matter what new skills and moves you would give lvl 40-50 mobs they would still be easy as hell without a damage and health boost since you have gear to mitigate anything they throw at you.

    you seem to contradict yourself here first you say vet mode "difficulty" has nothing to do the damage and health buff, then you say that without it they wouldnt be hard... thats kinda what i,m saying it's not a new difficulty due to mechanics or new mobs etc. its just " buff the mobs make them slow down progress. " thats nothing to be advocating. Added to that a relative drop in the xp you get for killing said mobs again to artificially slow down progress.
    what you have is 2 thirds of the game content deliberately designed to be slower and more repetative than the first third. cos you have 2 do twice the quests and probably roughtly twice as many mobs to kill to get to vet 10 as you did from 1-50.

    What seems to be fooling folk about this is the fact they named it "veteran" which sounds cool , but just cos they call it something macho like veteran or heroic mode shouldn't fool anyone into thinking its simply more levelling. I'm ok with more levelling if they paced it at the same pace as it was from 1-50 but they havent they have paced it deliberately much slower.. possibly to buy them selves more time to get content ready before the masses hit vet 10...

    sorry but it's just not fooling me. i would be ok doing it, keep the mobs tough if you want but ramp up the xp so its meaningfull killing them or scale the mobs like normal and keep the xp the same , so i dont mind having to kill thousands of tougher mobs for less reward... only an idiot thinks its cool to be slowed down this much simply cos they add the name "veteran"

    No I am not contradicting myself. In ESO the health pool of the VR monsters scales mostly with your increase in dps due to increasing rank stat boost and better gear. If it didn't increase at all it would become pretty easy to be able to just one shot all trash mobs. The health increase is not as considerable as you think and as I have seen in other game where you just get dps sponges. I am VR 6 now and I am still able to 1 shot some enemies from stealth. Most battles finish as quickly if not quicker than at level 50 since I do have to be as efficient as possible and more careful since I can die quite fast.

    The leveling in this game was never about killing mobs it is about questing,world bosses ,dolmens, delves it is still the same for VR. I do not see the increase in difficulty of mobs slowing me down in doing those things. And where exactly am I supposed to be rushing anyway that I would feel ''slowed down''. I prefer to have some form of difficulty progression so that getting ranks and gear actually has a purpose.

    As for the name VETERAN I do not really care . They had to name it something.Puts levels would do fine. They probably would have had a lot more success if they made a hundred meaningless VR levels so that numbers would have been jumping up every 10 minutes. But hey you can't please anyone.

    again you say the power increase is due to rank stat boost but this isn't the case cos surely by vet 1 any skill you use often in a rotation is at rank 4 and mutated long before. so it cant increase. you dont get any more level increase to magika or stam so those cant boost your power. most weapon or class lines will be at 50 so those cant add to power. All you have left is weapon damage which goes from like 112damage at vet 3 to 113 damage at vet 4. miniscule . again you can boost stam and magika by very tiny amounts each time with armour enchats but thats it. all you really end up doing with the extra skill points is unlock optional things and crafting or vamp lines etc.. ultimately you should know what works best on trash mobs by lvl 50 .

    i agree that the game isnt about grinding loads of mobs , its about questing. so why if you agree are you arguing that its cool to make you kill more more mobs and for less reward ? most quests involve cutting through a certain amount of trash on our way to click some random thing.. so why make it a a real chore and less rewarding to do so .. thats my point.
    This is Wrong.
    You do get a stat boost of 10 points in S/H/M for every rank which is more stats per rank than a normal level.
    The boost per in weapon damage at higher quality items is a bit higher also and if you stack them with the boosts from ranks, enchants, and vet consumables then can more than keep up with the mobs boost to health. I said it before the increase in mob health is not huge I would guess less than 5% per rank.

    Skill points are still useful since no I do not use the same 4 skill rotation If i want maximum efficiency. I have a skil set for normal mobs, a set for undead/daedra, a set for dungeons, a set for dolmens, a set for pvp and a set specifically for fighting those damned Harvesters. I use about 17 skills in different situation and I still wish I had some skill.

    When it comes to mob kill rewards it is the same as always, the drops. At this moment the best way to get loot for selling, deconstruction etc is from mobs. The rest was kind of nerfed. You can also bypass a lot of them with any class if you wish to. Let's face it ESO doesn't throw many kill 20 mobs quests at you very often.

    I am also talking as someone that does a lot of soloing. If you go in this game as a group the VR content is trivial. A group of +4 can do all delves, world bossess and dolmens in less than 2 hours that is about 1/2 of a rank and it is the thing that actually involves mandatory killing of stuff. Grouping for quest is a little more problematic but can be done. I think most people that got to VR10 after the first week did it with a fast group steamrolling everything.

    My point is not that VR is great or that it couldn't be done much better. (even though I enjoy it). What I want to say that it is a a manageable grind and It isn't as unrewarding as some people make it out to be.
    Edited by PBpsy on May 6, 2014 8:18PM
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  • Natjur
    I had a few alts, but after I got my main into the vet levels and my bank space to 170, I deleted them as I had done all the quests on my main that I was going to 'see' with them, so no need to have any alts.

    I found the vet levels hard but I still had fun.
    Edited by Natjur on May 7, 2014 3:38AM
  • Bhakura
    Everyone saying that fights are to hard or take to long ... you know you can group up right?
  • mutharex
    Bhakura wrote: »
    Everyone saying that fights are to hard or take to long ... you know you can group up right?

    And then they would have to come up with another reason to whine... nah
  • RangerChad
    I enjoy the challenge, it makes me think more and approach cautiously. I enjoy picking my fights, who to attack first, which one will give me the most problems, and how to open up. I know for a fact 3v1 or more is not a good idea in reality, no matter how skilled you are there is always a chance to lose. Just got to think more about your build and how to take on the threat.
  • cromica81_ESO
    Zazar wrote: »
    Just another thread about veteran levels. Please une search function and share your feedback on an already opened thread.

    Enjoy the game, take your time, accept the challenge.

    It has nothing to do with the challenge it has to do with having to do a factions quests that I never cared about or wanted to do and it's just lazy game extention.
  • Sabbatus
    Spoiled brats only concerned with how quickly they can consume something seem to be sowing their discontent on the forums. The fail to realize that the important part of the trip is the journey, not the destination.

    The game is great. I've found it to be consistently entertaining and engaging, even when I only have a short time to play. However, the rewards at veteran level do seem a bit lackluster, both experience and skill points trickle in too slowly. Mob difficulty seems inconsistent, and there seems to be little variation in the look of armor, as have been reported in other threads. But those are minor things, little tweaks that need to be made. As a whole, the game is stunning, a triumph.

    The only thing I've found really disappointing is that the veteran experience kills the replayability of the game. That is a major design flaw imo, and it begs for the creation of new content for leveling from 1-50.

    These people who claim the game is "boring" are hyperbolic. The worst they can claim is that they are disinterested. Those things aren't the same.
    Edited by Sabbatus on May 7, 2014 2:39PM
  • kieso
    perhaps they are disinterested because they find it boring?
  • Turial
    I honestly thought this thread was gonna be a rage post about vet levels but I fully see the point you were trying to make and you did it without bitching so kudos to you on that pal.

    I would like to offer my opinion that if you want to check out the other 2 factions without having elite mobs then I suggest making an alt, trying a new class and just go through without stressing yourself out about it.

    Veteran content like the other factions, Craglorn and further installments will be elite content for elite players, if you want to experience it then yes you will have to get a group together and get through the factions but if it really is too much for you there then you won't like the veteran content as it appears either.

    Remember you don't have to do the veteran content but if you do then you will just have to steel yourself, get some buddies and charge into battle.
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